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    新视野大学英语视听说教程3答案1. What do you think are things that contribute to a successful marriage? 你认为什么是婚姻成功的因素? I think many factors contribute to a successful marriage。First of all, belief is the most important elements in a successful marriage. The couple must believe that their marriage life will last longer, of which love is obviously the most important . Secondly, care is very important too. People in marriage are easy to ignore each other after a long time of living together. Thirdly, fun can make life more interesting. Besides, understanding and the appreciation of two people make the couple getting along easily. Last, The pair find common taste in funny things which will make their life more successful. 我认为婚姻的成功是由于多方面因素的影响,首先,信仰是一个成功的婚姻中最重要的内容。这对夫妻必须相信彼此的婚姻生活将持续较长时间,其中爱显然是最重要的。其次,护理是非常重要的的。在婚姻中的人们的生活在一起的时间长后容易忽略对方。然后,乐趣可以使生活更有趣。理解和欣赏的两个人是很容易相处。两人找到共同领略有趣的事情,这将使他们的生活更加成功。 2. why do people get divorced ?Can you guess some of the reasons? 人为什么会离婚?你能猜出一些原因吗? The husband and wife come from different families. The environment, family background of each is not the same,making each other's very different character and personality。Secondly, marital conflict is unavoidable . Love is easy and getting along is difficult. In the family, marital conflict is inevitable. If the parties continue to adapt, mutual tolerance, can be gradually resolved. But if miscommunication, conflict increases, eventually leading to breakdown of marital relations . Domestic violence is the most dangerous. The damage of marriage is often fatal. In addition, the affair is a marriage killer. So after marriage also pay attention to each other's relationship. 丈夫和妻子来自不同的家庭。对方的环境,家庭背景是不一样的,彼此非常不同的性格和个性。家庭暴力是导致离婚的一个因素。爱是很容易的,相处是困难的。在家庭,婚姻的冲突是不可避免的的。如果双方继续适应,相互宽容,可以逐步解决。但是,如果沟通不畅,冲突增加,最终导致婚姻关系破裂。家庭暴力是最危险的.婚姻的伤害往往是致命的。此外,外遇是婚姻的杀手。所以婚后更要注意彼此的关系。 3.what do you think people will choose : a low- paid job one like,or a boring well-paid job ? 你认为人们会怎么选择,一个低工资自己喜欢的工作,或者无聊的高薪工作。 I think many people prefer to find a job that they really like. After all, most people want to enjoy themselves rather than have plenty of money without a sense of achievement and happiness. On the other hand, some people may choose a well-paid job instead of a job close to their heart to earn more money. If one is in serious financial difficulty, one can hardly afford the luxury of a dream job. Money is the top priority. Some people like a boring well-paid job, some people like to do the work they like。Anyway, as long as they can feel happiness。 我想很多人都喜欢找他们真的喜欢的工作。毕竟,大多数人想享受自己,而不是有很多钱,没有成就感和幸福。另一方面,一些人可能会选择一个高薪的工作而工作接近他们的心赚更多的钱。如果一个严重的财政困难,很难负担得起的奢侈梦想的工作。最重要的是金钱。有些人喜欢高薪的工作,有些人喜欢做自己喜欢的工作,总之,只要人们能感到快乐。 4. Do you think one's character is important in finding a job? Why or why not? 你认为一个人的性格在找到工作中是很重要的吗?为什么或为什么不? I think it is. Although many employers lay emphasis on candidates' educational background and work experience, some believe that candidates' character is equally important for a successful career. In contemporary society, many projects are so large that they require the coordination of a group of people rather than a single person's effort. Therefore, a good team player is often welcomed. Professionally skilled people may not be able to accomplish a large project if they are easily angered and cannot get along with their colleagues. If you want to assume a leading position, you should be firm on important issues while allowing your subordinates plenty of freedom. In fact, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to test candidates' EQ (emotional quotient) before they decide to hire them. 我认为这是。虽然许多雇主注重应聘者的教育背景和工作经验,有些人认为,候选人的性格是同样重要的成功的职业生涯。在现代社会,许多项目是如此之大,他们需要协调的一群人,而不是单个人的努力。因此,一个好的团队球员往往是欢迎。专业技能的人可能无法完成一个大项目,如果他们容易被激怒了,不能与他们的同事。如果你想担任领导职务,你应该坚定的重要问题,同时让你的下属足够的自由。事实上,这是越来越常见的公司测试考生的智商之前,他们决定雇佣他们。 5. Why do you think some people smoke? What are the disadvantages of smoking? 你认为人们为什么要吸烟?冒烟的不利之处是什么? Some people think smoking makes them relax. Some believe that by passing cigarettes around, it will be easier for them to start a friendship. But I think those reasons, if we can call them reasons, are insignificant compared with the harm smoking brings. Smoking is harmful to one's health. It can lead to many diseases. Long-term smoking may result in lung disease. Also, some heavy smokers may suffer from breathing difficulty, high blood pressure, amongst other diseases. Moreover, cigarettes cost money. Some chain smokers consume two packs of cigarettes a day. This can be an unnecessary financial burden on a family that is not rich. 一些人认为吸烟可以使他们放松。有些人认为,通过香烟,他们会很快开始一段友谊。但我觉是得这些原因,如果我们可以称他们是微不足道的原因,与吸烟的危害带来。吸烟有害健康。它能导致很多疾病。长期吸烟可能导致肺部疾病。此外,一些重型吸烟者可能患有呼吸困难,血压高,除其他疾病。此外,香烟的成本钱。一些吸烟者一天消耗2包烟。这可是一个并不富裕的家庭的不必要财政负担。 6. What do you think can be done to improve older people's lives if their children do not live with them? 如果他们的孩子不和他们一起住,你认为怎样才能提高老年人的生活? First of all, children should visit their parents from time to time. This is a sign al of concern, which can be a great comfort to them. Even if people are terribly busy under the pressure of work, they can at least call their parents to say hello. Furthermore, children should provide their parents with what they need. If elder older people can get money or other supplies on a regular basis, they may get a sense of security. Children should give parents provide a good living environment。If some elder older people prefer to live at home, they should hire caregivers. 首先,孩子应该经常去看望他们的父母。这是一个关注的信号,可以给他们一个巨大的安慰。即使是非常繁忙的工作压力下,他们至少可以打电话给父母打个招呼。此外,儿童应该为其父母提供所需要的东西。如果老年人可以得到金钱或其他用品上定期的基础上,他们可以获得安全感。子女应该给父母提供良好的生活环境。如果一些老年纪的人喜欢住在家里,他们应该聘请护理人员。 7. Why do some people become alcoholics? How can they solve their drinking problems? 为什么有些人成为酗酒者?他们怎么解决他们的饮酒问题? Some people pick up the habit of drinking because they feel lonely or bored, others drink when they are sad or angry, and still others drink to celebrate happy occasions. Gradually, they drink more and more until they are hooked on alcohol. To solve drinking problems, people should be informed about the dangers of too much alcohol consumption, such as high blood pressure, liver trouble, and so on. Under the influence of alcohol, one can hardly concentrate or think deeply, so their work efficiency drops. Worse still, drunks often cause traffic accidents or resort to physical violence. Moreover, one must have strong willpower to give up drinking. But unfortunately, few people are strong-willed enough to defeat alcoholism on their own. 有的人就有饮酒的习惯,因为他们感到寂寞或无聊,别人喝是当他们难过或生气时,还有人喝酒庆祝喜庆场合。渐渐地,他们喝着越来越多,直到他们沉迷于酒精。解决了喝酒的问题,人们应该更多的了解酒精的危害,如血压高,肝病,等等。在酒精的影响下,很难集中思考,因此他们的工作效率下降。更糟的是,醉鬼往往造成交通意外,或者是打架事件。此外,一个人必须有坚强的毅力戒酒。但不幸的是,很少有人意志坚强足以击败酗酒对自己的。 8. According to your experience, what damages are being done to the environment? 根据你的经验说说什么可以对环境造成很大的危害? Some people throw away paper, cigarette butts, empty cans or even batteries in public places 。When households and factories dump sewerage and harmful substances into rivers and lakes, water pollution can be serious. Air pollution may worsen as the economy develops. If the smoke from factory chimneys does not meet environmental standards, it pollutes the air. Also, the increasing number of cars brings further deterioration to the quality of the air. The cigarettes people smoke also contribute to the pollution. When we discard air-conditioners and refrigerators, we release poisonous substances like CFCs(氟氯化碳), which deplete the ozone layer(臭氧层) or create a hole in the ozone layer. 有些人扔掉纸,烟头,空罐或电池即使在公共场所。当家庭和工厂倾倒的污水和有害物质排入河流和湖泊,水体污染会严重。随着经济的发展,空气污染可能进一步恶化。从工厂的烟囱冒烟,如果不符合环保标准,污染空气。此外,越来越多的汽车带来的空气质量进一步恶化。香烟烟雾也为污染作出贡献。当我们打开冷气机和冰箱,就会释放有毒物质,如氟氯化碳,其中消耗臭氧层,或创建一个臭氧层空洞。 9. Can you think of some measures to protect forests? 你能想到的一些措施用以保护森林? I think the most important thing to do is to create a law to forbid the cutting of trees in certain areas. Even when timber is needed for construction, logging should be well planned. In addition to the law, we also need law enforcement personnel who will fine those who fell trees illegally. It is not enough to protect the existing forests. We must also plant trees to make new forests. We should also grow various types of trees to ensure bio-diversity. To make the afforestation program successful, the government should award those units and individuals that have made outstanding contributions. 我认为最重要的事情要做的是创造了一项法律,禁止在一些地方切割树木。即使建设需要木材的时候,砍伐应精心计划的。除了法律,我们还需要执法人员将罚款砍下树木是非法的。以保护现有森林它是不够的。我们还必须种树建造新的森林。我们还应该种植各类树木,以确保生物多样性。为了使造林计划的成功,*应奖励那些做出了突出贡献的单位和个人。 10. What advantages and disadvantages does the stock market offer? 股市报价有什么优点和缺点? The stock market has its advantages. When a company is listed on the stock market, it can raise funds, which can be used to promote its development. When many promising companies offer their shares to the public, a huge amount of money can be collected, which will boost the growth of the national economy. However, in a bear market most stocks depreciate (贬值) in value, and many investors lose money. Worse still, some companies make false financial reports to cheat the public. They claim to have made a profit though they have actually lost money. An unhealthy stock market is harmful to the country. 股市有其优势。当一家公司上市,可以筹集资金,可以用来推动其发展。当许多有前途的公司向公众提供其股份,可以收集大量的金钱,这将促进国民经济的增长。然而,大多数股票贬值的价值,许多投资者在熊市赔钱。更糟的是,一些公司虚假财务报告欺骗市民。他们声称已经实现了盈利,尽管他们实际上已经赔了钱。不健康的股市对国家是有害的。


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