新视界大学英语综合教程1第5单元答案 1 新视界大学英语综合教程 第五单元课文翻译及练习答案 Active Reading 心计商家 你有没有想过,为什么世界各地的商场看上去都差不多?这是因为他们已经进行了大量研究来分析购物者的行为。 商店入口处通常有一个转换地带,也就是进门五米处,购物者在这里逐渐意识到:他们已经不在街上,而是要开始购物了。 过了转换地带,你一般会向右走,所以很多特价商品都摆在这里。 在一层,你会发现很多美容产品、手表和珠宝,因为这些奢侈品设计精美、包装华丽、摆放美观,能够吸引顾客来到店里。它们通常比服装昂贵,所以购物者冲动购买的可能性较小。如果把它们摆放在服装区的楼上,那么很多顾客根本不会费力上去光顾。 二层一般卖女士服装,也许其他楼层也有卖的。“顾客是上帝”应该改为“顾客是女王”,因为女性消费者是时尚市场的核心所在。因此,所有的最佳楼层都是为她们预留的。 男士服装在女士服装的上面,因为研究表明,男士是目标明确的购买者。他们一般将购物视为无聊但不得不做的事,在去之前就已经有了目标。女士所享受的逛街购物的愉悦,对男士来说没有任何吸引力。 运动装要么在男士服装的上层,要么在地下室。它们的目标市场是一个特殊群体。尽管这些购物者在数量及关注点上有局限性,但他们是忠实的顾客,要么认准某种服装款式,要么认准某个品牌。所以,将运动装放在商店里最不起眼的地方对它们的销售不会产生太大影响。 地下室也是卖日用百货的地方,尤其是厨房用品。同样,大部分人知道自己在这家百货商店要买什么,并不需要用心理战术吸引他们到店里来。 大部分商场的主要通道都被设计成环形,联结着不同的商铺。各种品牌的商品沿着这个环形而摆放,大部分顾客顺时针或逆时针而行。这样摆放商品的目的是让顾客看到所有的商品。商品之间也讲究配搭,比如西服和领带放在一起,电子产品和电池在一块儿,这些商品通常放在一起售卖,这样会有利于两种商品的销售。 有的商场每年更换一次或者两次商铺的位置,从而使商场看起来焕然一新,而顾客按原来的陈设找东西的过程中,就会买下新的商品。但是,如果商家过于频繁地使用该招术,顾客就会失去方向感,觉得秩序混乱。 颜色也很重要。蓝色和绿色这些清爽的颜色使顾客在炎热的夏天感到放松、清新。橙色和红色这些温暖的颜色在冬季会刺激顾客冲动购物。最后,研究表明,让顾客最愿意花钱的颜色是淡紫色。 现在,越来越多的商场设立了娱乐专区,比如电影院,这样就可以把东西卖给原本来商场看电影而不是买东西的人。此外还有休息区,人们可以喝上一杯咖啡。一旦他们恢复活力,就可以继续花钱了。有的商店还设有特别区域,男士可以在那里读报纸、看足球比赛,这样他们就不会催促女同伴结束购物、离开商场了。 以前,打折能够使销量增加。但是如今,这已经不是最聪明的促销方式了。有的商场已经开始发放会员卡,以保证顾客的回头率。在中国,还有另外一种办法,就是顾客购物每满100元,就返若干元。这会促使顾客购买稍微多于99元的东西,从而让他们额外消费。 心计商家实际上就是要让购物者和他们的钱说再见。所以,研究表明,商场的选址有最差地段一说。你认为是哪里呢?显然是银行隔壁! Dealing with Unfamiliar Words 2 Matching the words with their meanings in the context of the passage. b, b, a, a, b, a, a Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1. behave 2. We spend a lot of money on electronic equipment. 3. packaged 4. entertainment 5. Where can I find all the kitchen and other household goods? Are they in the basement? 6. relax 7. I wont buy my children video games as I think they have a negative psychological effect. 8. disorder Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box. 1. location 2. objectives 3. displaying 4. sheer 5. purchases 6. discounts 7. impulse Reading and Interpreting 1. a 2. b Language in Use Underline the correct expressions in the sentences. 1. used to spend 2. Im used to talking 3. used to pay 4. get used to 5. is used to shopping Write sentences using the idea that, reacting to the following statements. 1. The idea that shops spend large sums of money on research is strange. 2. The idea that men need to rest in shops is funny. 3. The idea that you can buy anything with a credit card is frightening. 4. The idea that purple makes people spend more money is surprising. 5. The idea that some people queue all night to get into Harrods sale is crazy. Collocation Choose the correct preposition or adverb to complete the sentences. C, a, b, c, a, b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in Activity 3. 1. on impulse 2. loyal to 3. goes with 4. appeal for 5. carried on 6. set up Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible. 1. sheer pleasure/sheer delight 2. made an effort / made an attempt 3. target children 4. set objectives; impulse buying 5. promotes sales. Translation Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1. At the entrance of the store, theres usually whats called a transition zone, which is the first five metres, where shoppers get used to the idea that theyre no longer on the street, but about to start shopping. 商店入口处通常有一个转换地带,也就是进门五米处,购物者在这里逐渐意识到他们已经不 3 在街上,而是要开始购物了。 2. On the ground floor you can find beauty products, watches and jewellery because these are luxuries which are beautifully designed, packaged and displayed, and which attract customers into the store. 在一层,你会发现很多美容产品、手表和珠宝,因为这些奢侈品设计精美、包装华丽、摆放美观,能够吸引顾客来到店里。 3. Once again, most people have an idea of what theyre looking for in this department, and dont need to be attracted into the store by psychological tricks. 同样,大部分人知道自己在这家百货商店要买什么,并不需要用心理战术吸引他们到店里来。 Language in Use 4. More and more department stores now include places for entertainment, like cinemas, to sell things to people who come into the store for the film and not for the shopping. 现在,越来越多的商场设立了娱乐专区,比如电影院,这样就可以把东西卖给原本来商场看电影而不是买东西的人。 5. Some department stores set up special areas for men to read newspapers or to watch a football match, so they wont make their partners stop shopping and leave the store. 有的商店还设有特别区域,男士可以在那里读报纸、看足球比赛,这样他们就不会催促女同伴结束购物、离开商场了。 Translate the sentences into English. 1 每到节假日,商场都会打折以吸引消费者。(discount) Stores offer discounts to attract customers during festivals and holidays. 2 越来越多的人开始习惯网上购物,因为网购方便快捷,又省时省钱。 (get used to; convenient) More and more people are getting used to shopping online, because it is not only convenient, but also saves time and money. 3 一种常见的促销手段是,商场给消费者返还一定数量的现金。(promote sales) A commonly seen way to promote sales is for stores to return a certain amount of money to consumers. 4 几乎所有的百货商场和超市都给消费者办会员卡,以确保他们成为回头客。(guarantee) Almost all department stores and supermarkets issue loyalty cards to consumers to guarantee that they come back as regular shoppers. 5 研究表明,相当一部分购买都是冲动购买。 (significant; on impulse) Studies suggest that a significant number of purchases are made on impulse.