新英语一起二年级上册Module1 Unit1教案.docx
新英语一起二年级上册Module1 Unit1教案 课时教案 课题 Module 1 Unit 1 课型 New lesson 教学 1. Learn to say the alphabet. 目标 2. To grasp the drills: I like the ABC song. Its my favourite song. 3. Learn to sing the ABC song. 4. Learn to write the letters: Aa, Bb, Cc. 重点 Learn to say the alphabet. Sing the ABC song. 难点 Learn to say the alphabet. 教学时间、时数 one class 教具 Recorder, pictures, cards, head ornaments 教学手段、方法 Task-based teaching method, TPR teaching method, Situational teaching method, Train game, sing, chant. 1. Greetings: T: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you? Pleased to meet you. 实施 Welcome back to our school. 修改 What day is today? Today is 今天星期几? Lets talk about our favourite things. Whats your favourite toy / colour / food / sport? Ss: Answer the questions. Lets sing an English song. 教 2. Presentation: 学 T: Whats your favourite song? 歌曲 过 Learn to say: song 程 Ss: Practise. T: Weve learned many songs. Do you like singing? Whats your favourite song? S123: My favourite song is T: Can you sing for us? S123: Sing songs. T: Daming likes singing. Whats his favourite song? Do you know? Ss: Its the ABC song. T: Open your books. Page 2. Listen to the recording. Whats the song about? Ss: Its about letters. 字母 T: ( Show the alphabet ) Listen, point and read the song. How many letters? Lets count. Ss: 26 letters. T: Can you read the letters? Ss: Yes. T: Follow me or follow the recording. Read the letters one by one. Ss: Do pairworks. Practise the alphabet. T: Point to the big letters and the small letters. Theyre big. Theyre big letters. And theyre small. And theyre small letters. 英语的每个字母都有大写和小写,写法不一样,但读音一样,是同一个字母。 T: ( CAI ) Sing the ABC song. Sing and point to the letters. Task: Practise the letters: Page 3. abcd, efg, hijk, lmnop, qarstuv, wxyz First read and then play a game about the letters: Listen and point to eh letters. Lets see whos the fastest. Ss: Practise and play the game. T: Whats your favourite letter? ( 板书) S1: I like A T: ( To the other Ss ) What do you like? ( 板书) 你喜欢什么? Ss: I like Its my favoutie letter. T: You read the letters very well. Now lets learn how to write the letters. 看课本英语字母表,讲解印刷体和书写体 Page 9. Listen, repeat and trace the letters. ( Show cards: Aa, Bb, Cc ) Aa is for Art. Bb is for bird. Cc is for cap. T: Whats for Aa, Bb, Cc else? Ss: Aa is for apple Bb is for bag Cc is for cat Read and write: Aa, Bb, Cc. ( 4 times ) Check the Ss works. 3. Consolidation: T: You write the letters very well. Lets watch the caroon. OK? Its a song about ABC. ( Watch the flash song: ABC song ) Sing the song. Do exercises. Workbook. Module 1 Unit 1. Sing the ABC song and join the letters in the correct order. What is it? Its a kite. 4. Homework: T: Copy the letters: Aa, Bb, Cc. Read Module 1 Unit1. Sing the ABC song. Read the alphabet. Talk about sth you like. I like Its my favourite letter Make alphabet cards. 5. Blackboard Design: Module 1 Unit 1 I like the ABC song. Its my favouite song. I like Its my favourite toy / animal / song / sport / food / letter Alphabet Aa, Bb, Cc 自 我评价 领 导 审 阅