新编电子商务英语期终复习资料新编电子商务英语期终复习参考资料 Unit 1 E-Business Basics I. Questions: p.2 1. What is the difference between e-Commerce and e-Business? Electronic commerce, B2C, or e-Commerce refers to online sales. Electronic business or e-Business, on the other hand, refers to more than just selling online. 2. What can you do by using the Internet? Collect vital business information related to your costumers and competitors; Increase awareness about your company; Streamline communication and improve customer service; . Improve productivity and reduce costs; and Sell your products on line. 3. What are the common ways to get started using e-Business? Make your mark on the web; Leverage email; Embrace e-procurement; and Investigate e-Commerce. II. Exercises: p.2 l Translate the following into Chinese: 1. When searching information on line, the user can then either start browsing the website listed, or can narrow the results further by searching within those results for another keyword. 使用者在线搜索信息时,可先开始浏览经初步搜索后罗列出的网站,也可再用一个关键词将此结果进一步搜索以缩小浏览范围。 2. Out-of-pocket costs can be reduced further by implementing a readily updatable website, instead of printed materials that have a short shelf-life, to relay pertinent information to your customer base. 建设一个便于更新的网站来取代使用周期短暂的印刷型资料,以便将相关信息持续不断地传送给您的客房群,则成本费用可进一步减少。 3. Todays Internet is a powerful way for business to communicate with their - 1 - customers and clients, including e-mail, instant messaging, and developing the websites of the company. 当今的互联网,包括电子邮件、即时讯息和公司网站,乃是公司同顾客和客户间强有力的联系方式。 l Translate the following into English: p.2 1. 作为一个网站,搜索引擎的最初目的是为收集和发布互联网上可用的信息提供一种搜索功能。 A search engine is a website whose primary purpose is to provide a search function for gathering and reporting information available online. 2. 互联网使小企业能够利用过去只有大公司才能获得的信息、专门知识和资金的全球储备库。 The Internet makes it possible for small businesses to utilize the global repertory in terms of information, expertise and funds that was acquired only by large enterprises. 3. 通过在线采购,企业可以省时、省钱地寻找到供应商。 Purchasing online makes it possible for businesses to save time and money in seeking out suppliers. E-procurement allows businesses to seek out suppliers with less time and money. 4. 网上调查高效、便捷、经济,它对于提高企业效力有关不可低估的作用。 Online investigation is of high efficiency, ready accessibility, cost-effectiveness, which can never be underestimated to improve the performance of businesses. - 2 - Unit 3 E-Business Basics I. Questions: What are the six principles to guide the development of global E-commerce? They are to: a) Take a cautious approach to regulation; b) Increase global market access; c) Do not use regulations for protectionism; d) Enforce regulations domestically; e) Limit restrictions on social, cultural and political content; and Take advantage of technology. - 3 - Unit 5 What is E-Marketing Planning I. Questions: p.40 1. Why is e-business model so important? A business model identifies the value chain elements of the business such as inbound logistics, operation , outbound logistics, marketing, service, and support activities. 2. What is a business model? A business model describes your architecture for product, service, and information delivery and a description of sources of revenues (revenue streams). 3. What does the marketing mix refer to? It refers to product, price, place, and promotion. 4. What are the business models mentioned in the text? They are: merchant model, auction model, manufacturer model, affiliate model, advertising model, informediary (information + intermediary ) model, subscription model, brokerage model, virtual communities model, and logistics model. 5. What are the obstacles of planning an e-marketing plan? For starters, procrastination is a problem; busy executives put off writing a plan. Another obstacle is time. The process of developing an e-Marketing plan is time-consuming. Other issues relating to the writing process such as writers block and the labor-intensive circuitous nature of writing are also major barriers. Other difficulties include the challenge of identifying the right analysis, the tricky nature of developing revenue stream forecasts, and question of which expense budge to develop. 6. According to the author, how to define an e-marketing plan? E-marketing plan is more centered on the marketing opportunities, threats, objectives and strategies of the Internet. II. Translate the following into Chinese: p.40-41 1. Any time you need to prepare a multi-page report, like an e-marketing plan, writers block can be a problem. 无论何时你要起草一份诸如电子营销计划这样的多页报告,你都有可能遇到作者中断的问题。 2. Products like e-marketing Suite by Embellix can help you overcome writers - 4 - block by providing you with an effective template and writing outline to follow. 由EMBELLIX开发的电子营销套装产品,可以为人们提供可资效仿的实用写作模板及大纲,从而有助于人们克服作者中断的障碍。 3. Writing an e-marketing plan is partly an exercise in answering a series of critical questions. 写作一份电子营销计划,某种程度上就是做一次有关一系列至关重要问题的答题练习。 4. Not only e-marketing experts but also professionals who know how to apply professional styles and formatting to create great looking reports have designed products like e-marketing Suite by Embllix. 不仅电子营销专家而且还有熟知应用专业风格与格式来写作引人注目的营销报告的专业人员,均已设计出类似Embllix开发的电子营销套装产品。 5. Your e-marketing plan content is critical but almost as critical is the look and “feel” of your reports. Management may interpret poor looking e-marketing plans as less credible. Be sure to polish your e-marketing plan document. 你的电子营销计划内容固然重要,然而该计划报告的给人的观“感”也几乎同等重要。管理人员或许可能将一些让人观感糟糕的电子营销计划解读成缺少可信度。所以,务必将你的营销计划文件加以润色。 - 5 - Unit 8 Global Development of Internet Banking Questions: p.69 1. What is the Internet banking? Internet banking refers to the development over the Internet of retail and wholesale banking services. 2. How do you understand the “click and mortar” model? The “click and mortar” model a strategy combining physical and Internet presence has become a dominant model. 3. Do you think whether the online bank will take the dominant place in the future? The prevailing model of Internet banking today is the one that is thoroughly integrated within the existing banking infrastructure, which combines click and mortar system. And there remain many things for banks to do, such as security, willingness to take responsibility and the offer of financial incentives, before the online bank will be able to take the dominant place in the future. - 6 - Unit 10 How SMBs Can Profit from the Internet Questions: P.86 4. What is the relationship between Internet and e-Business in terms of SMBs? Businesses of every shape and size have moved to the Internet at an unprecedented rate. 5. What role does the Stage 1 play in the whole process? Employees can more readily gather information on customers, partners, and competitors, and communicate with customers via e-mail. The connection also serves as the foundation for further e-Business steps. 6. What factors are necessary in delivering interactive and personalized services via the Web? Delivering interactive and personalized services via the Web requires investment in database, CRM, and ecommerce software, as well as in network and server solutions to ensure reliability and redundancy. 7. What does the third stage call for? It calls for providing new, interactive and personalized services, such as online customer service, order-tracking, reservation, product enhancements and promotions, and commerce for customers and partners. 8. Can partners Web sites help SMBs? And how to help? Yes, they can. SMBs benefit by leveraging their partners sites as new channels for delivering products and services, while customers benefit from the additional value-added services that become available. In addition, leveraging partners sites allows SMBs to concentrate their investment in core area of business. Exercises: P.87 Translate the following into Chinese: 1. E-Business is here to stay because it can accelerate your business success by enabling you to do the things that youve always done, but better, faster, and often at lower cost. 电子商务将在这里生存发展,因为它能帮你多快好省地完成您所从事的业务,加快你的业务成就。 2. Strengthen the ties between you and your customers by letting you connect with them 24 hours a day. 电子商务一天24小时将您与您的客户联系在一块,强化您与客户间的纽带关系。 - 7 - 3. When it comes to job creation and wealth creation, these are the firms that make it happen. 至于创造就业与财富,这些公司就是身体力行的实例。 4. Relationships are the most important assets of virtually all small and medium-sized companies. 实际上,维系与客户的关系乃是所有中小企业最重要的财产。 5. Identifying what information your customers truly want and delivering it quickly, with minimal flash, is a practical, focused response to an e-Business requirement, and one that can transform business obstacle into business opportunity. 确定客户所真正需要的信息并以最快的速度迅速传递该信息,是对电子商务要求的一种最现实、最明确的反应,同时也可能是把业务障碍转化成机遇的一种反应。 Translate the following into English: P.87 1. 大多数的中小企业都能够访问互联网。 Almost all small and medium-sized firms have access to the Internet. 2. 电子商务商务的应用并没有想象的那么迅速,只有约1/3的企业真正实现在线销售。 The adoption of e-Business has not been so fast as expected, with only one third of the firms virtually selling online. 3. 访问互联网是中小企业迈向电子商务的第一步。 Obtaining access to the Internet is the first step for SMBs to take toward e=Business. 4. 通过电子商务,员工能够更容易地与客户沟通并收集关于客户、合作伙伴和竞争对手的信息。 With e-Business, employees can more readily communicate with customers, and gather information on customers, partners and competitors. 5. 有效地实现销售、采购和获取资源是中小企业日常业务的核心。 Efficiently selling, buying and accessing resources are critical processes that lie at the heart of SMBs daily business efforts. - 8 - Unit 11 Usages Patterns of E-Business for SMEs Questions: p.90-91 1. How do patterns of Internet usage follow a typical course of development? It often begins with e-mail and later leads to the development of websites and the use of Internet for research and IT development. 2. What are the two types of e-Commerce sites operating in Indonesia? They are: (1) internationally- or domestically-based sites which promote products manufactured in Indonesia, and (2) internationally- or domestically-based travel and tour sites whish promote Indonesian hotels and travel packages. - 9 - Unit 14 Retail “E-Procurement”: Minimizing Costs And Improving Productivity Questions: p.120 3. According to the author, why should we focus on e-Procurement in retail?. Electronic procurement can be a primary source of competitive advantage for retailers in: a) reducing and/or avoiding costs and improving productivity; b) enforcing on-contract buying; c) developing reporting capabilities; d) reducing purchasing cycle time and effort. 4. What are the e-Procurement models introduced in this article? Introduced in this article are private models, public models and third-party procurement service models. 5. What can we expect from e-Procurement? Online procurement can completely transform the way retailers purchase goods, making process efficiencies and permanently lower costs not only possible but affordable to achieve. Translate the following into Chinese: p.121 1. Participation in a public system is also a fairly low-risk alternative; however, functionality has been slow to develop, and in many cases participants have had to manually update their internal system. 2. “e-Procurement” capabilities privately or publicly are to determine whether your current procurement processes are better than those of the public exchanges. 电子采购,无论是私营还是公共模式,都将确定您当下的采购程序是否优于公共交换的模式。 3. One of the key advantages of the private system is that many Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendors are already adding this capability to their systems, which may greatly reduce the difficulty and expense of integrating those functions. 私营体系的关键优势之一便是众多的“企业资源规划”商人已经动手将该项规划功能纳入其系统中,从而可能大大减少整合那些功能的难度和费用。 - 10 - 4. We believe retailers will eventually participate in an amalgamation of these models. 我们相信零售商终将参与融合这些采购模式。 5. Smaller retailers may learn to rely on public models and third-party procurement service; 小零售商将学会立足于公共采购模式与第三方采购服务模式。 Translate the following into English: 1. 网络时代的泡沫经济以及相对萧条的经济氛围,迫使零售商不得不调整其经营战略。 The inflation and subsequent deflation of the dot-com era and a tougher economic climate are forcing retailers to readjust their business strategies. 2. 制造商可以通过对购买程序实施流线化改进以缩短购买周期。 Manufacturers may reduce purchasing cycle times and effort by streamlining their procurement processes. 3. 在线采购能够完全改变零售商的采购方式,从而降低成本,提高效率。 Online procurement may completely change retailers purchasing process, thus reducing cost and improving efficiency. 4. 电子拍卖作为在线交易的组成部分,主要是通过论坛形式提供在线、实时的商品交易。 Electronic auctions, which are a subset (component part) of online trading exchanges, provide online, real-time exchange of goods through a forum. 5. 对所有商品的有效采购是所有零售业的基石。 It is a foundation stone for retailing businesses to effectively procure all the goods and services. - 11 - Unit 17 Scan of E-Business in Higher Education Questions: p.146 1. What are the three principal industry processes on which E-Business has the potential to impact?. They are a) material flows; b) information flows; and c) financial flows. 2. What are the three different parts of the supply chain in which E-Business has the potential to improve efficiencies?. They are a) upstream activities; b) internal activities; and c) downstream activities. 3. What does HES refer to? HES refers to Higher Education Systems in Australia. 4. What does ROI refer to? ROI refers to return of investment - 12 - Unit 18 Case Study of CRM: Securities Institute of Australia Exercises p.158 II. Translate the following into English: 1. 澳大利亚证券学院既是金融行业中的教育实体, 也是一个基于会员化管理的组织。 The Securities Institute of Australia is both an educational body and a membership-based organization in the finance industry. 2. 缺乏集中的信息,信息系统缺乏弹性以及信息分析不充分,都对证券学院的客户关系管理能力构成挑战。 The lack of centralized information, lack of flexibility in the information systems and inadequate information analysis constitute a challenge to the CRM capabilities of the SIA. 3. 证券学院希望给学生和会员们提供更大范围的一对一服务,而不是给一大批学生提供一个范围严格限定的服务。 The SIA wants to provide an enhanced range of one-to-one services to its students and members, rather than offer a restricted range of services for cohorts of students. III. Translate the following into Chinese: 1) Apart from providing fee-for-service, customized and continuing professional development activities, the SIA offers a range of accredited courses ranging from Associate Diploma level to Masters level, in programs such as the Diploma of Financial Advising and the Gradua