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    新目初一英语上册教案Unit one My name is Gina. 教材分析 1话 题: Making new friends 2功能目标: 1)使学生学会用英语介绍自己。 3文化目标: 1)让学生初步体会用英语和别人交流的感受,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 2)通过对英文名字的介绍,对比中西方表达名字的不同,了解中西方文化的差异。 3)通过对西方一些成功人士英文名字的介绍,使学生了解成功是由不懈的努力和艰苦的奋斗得来的。 4认知目标: 1)词 汇: clock, hello, hi, and, question, answer, look, first name, last name 2) 语法项目:一般现在时be的用法 以特殊疑问词what开头的问句 形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her Whats=What is Im=I am My names=My name is 1 3) 语言目标: Whats your name? My name is Gina. Im Gina. Nice to meet you. Period one Language topic: Whats your name? My name is Gina. Language strategies: Talk about the names Main vocabulary: name is, meet, his, first name, last name, answer, boy , girl. II.语言结构: present tense to be, what questions, Possessive adj. my, your, his, her. 。 III.语言功能:询问姓名及怎样回答. IV.活动设计: 采访调查 Whats your first name? V. Teaching steps: Step 1:Greetings. Step 2: Words: Learn the new words A: first, listen to the recorder, the students read after the recorder. B: read the new words after the teacher. Step 3: 1a Write English words for the things in the picture. How many things do you know? 2 Step 4: 1b Listen and number the conversations . three times. Step 5: 2a Listen to the four conversations and number the conversations (1-4) Step 6: 2b Listen and circle the names you hear. . Step 7: 3a. read the names. Write the first names and the last names. Step 8: Lets sum what we have learned this class. Words: Sentences: Something else: Step 9: Homework Period 2 I.教材分析:这是课本的第二部分,活动内容比较多,学生对教材很有兴趣,例如做学生证,用英语填写自己的名字。 Language topic: Whats your name? My name is Gina. Whats your first name? My first is -. Whats your last name? My last name is -. Language strategies: Talk about the names 3 Main vocabulary: nine, number, phone, card, family name, first name. II.语言结构: present tense to be, what questions, Possessive adj. my, your, his, her. 。 III.语言功能:询问姓名(分别问姓和名)及怎样回答,要求学生分清姓和名. IV.活动设计: 采访调查 Whats your first name? V. Teaching steps: Step 1:Greetings. Step 2: Sing an English song: Step 3: Look at the picture. Find the last names and write the below. 1. Karen _. 2. Peter _ 3. David _ 4. Jim _ 5. Maria _ Step 4: 3b Look at the ID card and answer the questions. Name: Tanya Last name: Olpez Whats her telephone number? Telephone number 535-2375 Whats her family name? Whats her first name? Step 5: 3c Make an ID card for yourself 4 Name: _ Last name: _ Telephone number _ Step 6: Lets sum what we have learned this class. Words: Sentences: Something else: Step 8: Homework Period 3 Self check 1. Give the full forms of the following. 写出下面的非缩略形式。 1)Whats your name? _? 2) His names Jim. _. 3) Im Jenny. _. Photo Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 教学目的和要求 (Teaching aims and demands) Excuse me but these they good those boat hill tree their much very much all right all right mum friend brother nice to meet child children welcome 5 our come come in oh 日常交际用语 Is this your/my/his/her pencil-box? Yes,it is./No, it isnt. Here you are.Wheres my? What are these/those? Theyre ,etc.Its very good. Are these/those/they English books? Yes,they are./No,they arent. period 1 Step 1 Revision 1.Revise Is everyone here today? Find out :who is present/absent. 2.Use flashcards to revise the new words in Unit 5. (girl, boy, man, woman,sister,father,mother,Mr,Mrs,etc.) 3.Check homework. Step 2 Prsentation Pick up a girls pen and ask Excuse me.Is this your pen?Help her to answer Yes,it is. Say to the class This is her pen.Give the pen to her and say Here you are.Help the student to answer Thank you. Repeat with a boy, saying This is his pen. Repeat several times with different objects,including a bag,a pencil-box,a pencil,an eraser,a cup,etc. Get all the students to raise their pens.Point to a boys pen and help the class say his pen. Then point to a girls pen and say her pen. Repeat this several times at a quicker speed. Step 3 Practice Get this chain drill going. In each case a student should pick up an object belonging to the person behind or beside him or her,and ask A:Is this your book? B:Yes, it is. A:Here you are . B:Thank you. (Pick up an item from another student and ask C) Is that your eraser? C:Yes,it is. B:Here you are!(Give the eraser to the owner.) C.Thank you.(To D) Is this her? Etc. Explain that it is polite to say Excuse me!to get someones attention. 6 Get them to repeat several times. Then repeat the chain drill adding Excuse me! Step 4 Presentation Pick up a bag belonging to a girl, point to a boy and say Is that his bag?(No, it isnt. I think its her bag.). Give extra emphasis to the word her.Pick up a pen that belongs to a boy,point to a girl, and ask Is this her pen?(No,it isnt.I think its his pen).Put special emphasis on his. Repeat this several times with different students and different objects. Step 5 Look, listen and say. SB Page 26, Pictures 1, 2and 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 21. Say Open your books to page 26. Look and listen. Play the tape through once. Rewind and divide the class in two A and B. Say Listen and repeat. Replay the tape, using the pause button. Students listen and repeat. Repeat changing roles. Notice the special emphasis on the word my in the last line. But wheres my cup? Step 6 Pair practice Divide the class into groups of three. Get them to practise the dialogues with Pictures 2 and 3. After they have practised once or twice, get them to repeat the dialogue using other items and their own names. Step 7 Acting Call out four students, each with four different objects. Collect the objects from them, and have a similar dialogue. The teacher begins to say Excuse me. Is this your eraser? (Yes/No.)etc. Continue until the items are returned to the correct owners. Then call out five more students. Let one of them collect the objects and begin again. Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises. Write Exx. 1 and 2 in the exercise book. Note:When teaching new words, e.g. me,these,tree, meet,please,very, welcome. Period 2 Step 1 Revision 7 1. Ask a group to act out the dialogues from Page 26 with books. If desired, ask another group to act without books. 2. Check hoework. Get some students to read and act Ex. 3 in Wb Lesson 21. Step 2 Presentation Hold up a bag and ask Whats this? It s a bag.Hold up two bags and say What are these ? Theyre bags. Repeat with a pen/ pens, a book/ books,a box/boxes,etc. Now get the class to ask and answer both questions -Whats this ? Whatre these? Make sure that they pronounce the plural forms correctly. Add /z/for banana, bag and pen,/s/for book and /iz/for box and bus. Also they should pronounce the ds in birds as one sound/dz/ not /d+z/. Step 3 Practice Chain drill . Call out several students to demonstrate. A:What are these ?(Holding up two pens. ) B:Theyre pens. What are these?(Holding up two books.) C:Theyre books. Whatre these? (Holding up two boxes. )etc. Organise a chain drill around the class in the same way. Step 4 Presentation Draw a banana on the Bb. Ask Whats this? Its a banana. Draw two bananas and ask What are these? Theyre bananas. Write one under the single banana and two under the two bananas. Repeat up to ten. Step 5. Read and say. SB Page 27, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 22. Say Turn to Page 27, Part 1. Look at Picture 1. Whats this? Help them to answer Its a banana. Ask How many can you see? One, two or three? (One.) Look at Picture 2. What are these? (They/Theyre bananas.)Notice that the short form for They are is Theyre. Ask How many can you see, two, three or four?(Two.) Repeat with the other pictures.Then ask What can you see in Picture 2? Ss:Two bananas. Do the same for the other pictures in random order. Step 6 Presentation SB Page 27, Part 2. Books closed. Use flashcards or draw a quick sketch of a car on the Bb. Step away from it and using a pointer ask Whats that? (Its a car.) Repeat with a bird, a cat, an egg and a cake. Teach a tree and a boat. 8 Now draw a second car, and, pointing to it ask What are those? (Theyre cars.) Repeat with birds, eggs, cakes, boats and trees. Be sure to stand back and point when you ask,so students arent confused by these and those. Teach hills, boats and pictures in the same way. Get the students to read the dialogue in Part 2 in pairs. Step 7 Ask and answer SB Page 27, Part 2. Call out a student and ask What can you see in the picture? What are those? Point to the birds in the picture. Theyre birds. Get him or her to ask you a similar question.Ask the students to work in pairs to ask and answer similar questions using the picture. Step 8 Workbook SB Page 112, WB Lesson 22. Do Exx. 1-3Ex.1 contains the numbers from one to thirteen.Help the students to spell fourteen and fifteen.Tell them the numbers from thirteen to nineteen all end in teen. They are all formed by the number plus teen,except for thirteen and fifteen which are slightly different. Homework Period 3 Step 1 Revision 1 Revise Whats this? /What are these?(Theyre) like this: Hold up a bag and ask Whats this? (Its a bag.) Hold up two bags and ask What are these?(Theyre bags.) Repeat. Help the class to answer. Repeat with pens, books,etc.Get the class to ask questions and give answers. Check for the use of plur 3. Revise Whats that?/What are those?in a similar way.This time use pictures from magazines, pictures on the wall or Bb drawing to emphasize that that and those refer to items that are not near. Chain drill. Call out several students to demonstrate. A:What are these? (Holding up three pens.) B:Theyre pens. What are those?(Pointing to trees outside.) C:Theyre trees. What are these?etc. Then get the class to continue this chain drill. Step 2 Pronunciation pratice 9 Write these lists on the Bb one at a time and get the students to practise reading and pronouncing them correctly. Write the phonetic symbols if you think they will help the students. 1./s/ 2./z/ 3./iz/ desks birds/dz/ buses books trees boxes cats/ts/ girls oranges bikes boys After writing each list,underline the endings and explain These words have the sound. Do Ex. 2 in Wb Lesson 23. Step 3 Presentation Take out a bag with some oranges or pears in it. Hold it up and let several students feel the bag, Ask Are these apples? Some students will say Yes, they are.Others may say No,theyre not.Still others may say I think theyre Smile and say You dont know! Open the bag and say Look!These are (pears). Teach Are those? For example , put a small picture with two cars in the corner of the room,and ask Are those Chinese/Japanese cars? The students try to guess. They may answer Yes,they are./ No, Theyre not. Then bring the picture closer so that they can confirm that they are/are not Chinese/ Japanese cars. Step 4 Read and say SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 23. Play the tape. Students listen, and then listen and repeat. Get two or three pairs to read aloud the dialogue. Then get the students to read in pairs.Later, get some students to read and act. Step 5 Look, listen and say SB Page 2, part 2,Speech Cassette Lesson 23. Let the students listen to the tape and then get them to practise the same way as in Step 4. Put the students in groups of three (A,Band C). Later ,call out several groups to read the dialogue and act in front of the class. Step 6 Workbook SB Page 113, Wb Lesson 23. Do Exx.1-3 in pairs orally. Then check the answers with the whole class. Wx. 4 is optional. Do this exercise if you think your students are ready. Point to the picture and draw the students attention to the difference between written English and Chinese, including the word order and the use of the verb to be. Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises. Revise the new language items in 10 Lessons 21, 22 and 23. Do Ex.2 in the exercise book. Period 4 Step 1 Revision 1. Call the register. Get the students to talk about who is not at school today,etc. 2. Revise the nubmers 1-28 and teach 29 and 30. 3. Using flashcards, revise the plural words taught in this unit: hills,boats,birds,etc. Do Ex.2 in the Wb Lesson 23. 4. Use the same cards to practise What are these? Are these? And further away,What are those? Are those? Step 2 Read, listen and say SB Page 29, Part 1,Speech Cassette Lesson 24(Phonic Reading Work). Follow the same steps as in Lesson 20. Step 2. (Please see Pages 148-167 of the TB.) As in Lesson 20, use flashcards rather than going straight to the book. 1. Books closed. Say Listen and play the tape. 2. Play the tape again. Say Listen and repeat.Write the letter O on the Bb, and next to it write no,hello, those,home,zero and go. 3. Students read aloud each word in turn as you point to it. 4. Explain that in Chinese these words all have the letter O and the /eu/ sound. 5. Repeat the above procedure with the words: 6.Get the students to read and say the above words from the Bb in random order. Then ask them to read aloud the words in SB Lesson 24, Part 1. 7. Do Ex. 1 in Wb Lesson 24. Step 3. Presentation Draw a picture on the Bb. There should be six children- three boys and three girls. Point to the first boy and say This is Jim Green.Write Jim Green under the picture. Point to the first girl and say This is Kate Green. Write Kate Green under the picture. Say Kate is Jims sister. Write Jims sister under Kate. Point to Jim and say Jim is kates brother. Repeat. Have students repeat brother several times. Now point to the next picture of a boy and say Who is this? Hes Tom Read. Then, pointing to the girl Who is this? She is Ann Read. Write the names below the pictures. Point to Ann again and ask Who is she? Help a student to answer Shes Toms 11 sister. Point to Tom and say This is Tom Read. Step 4 Presentation Call out four students two boys and two girls. Point to each one and give him or her a name. Say Kate, Jim, Ann and Tom. Ask them to leave the room and to come in two at a time, brother and sister together. When the first two come in say Hello, Jim .Hello,Kate. Welcome to our class! When the next two students come in say Look! There are your friends, Ann and Tom. Hello, Ann. Hello,Tom. Welcome to our class! Get the students to repeat Welcome to our class. Step 5 Drill Start a chain drill like this. Tell students to remember the name as you go around the rows pointing to each student in turn. Say 1-Jim, 2-Kate, 3-Ann,4-Tom,5-Joy,6-David, 7-Jim, etc.(Number the pictures on the Bb in the same way to help). Help S1 to say Hello, Im Jim. S2:Hello Jim.Im Kate.(K


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