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    新外研社九年级上M2U2课文Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is an American festival. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a ? for a special dinner among family and friends. People make ? and give thanks for their food. We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century. While they were ? the Atlantic, many people died, and after they landed , their first winter was worst than any English winter. The local people, the Native Americans, taught the pioneers how to grow corn. The following year they celebrated together by eating dinner of the new food. We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional dinner. The kitchen is always the most crowded room in our house because we all help prepare the food. We lay the table, and then before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food, so we remember why we celebrate the festival. We usually eat too much, but it is only once a year! We often talk a lot and tell stories after dinner as well. When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes. The festival is a very busy time for travel when friends and families come together to celebrate. During the festival there are plenty of other things to see and do. We live in New York City, and we go to watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade. The parade goes along several streets and finishes at the famous Macys store. Thanksgiving is the start of the Christmas season, and we start of the Christmas season, and we start shopping for presents. Football is also important at Thanksgiving, with many teams playing games. Like many Americans, we usually watch the games on television and enjoy ourselves very much. Complete the table . Facts about Thanksgiving Date Meaning History 1 2 for their food Celebrate since 3 from England arrived in America. Learnt from the Native Americans how to 4 and celebrated together by 5 of the new food Celebrate Celebrated with 6 7 before dinner celebrated by watching 8 in New York City and 9 on television Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box . among corn dish lay pioneer plenty The first _ _ crossed the Atlantic and arrived in America in the seventeenth century. At the beginning, they did not have enough food. The Native Americans taught them how to grow _ _. They soon had_ _ to eat. Today, people living in the US remember the Native Americans and the pioneers at Thanksgiving. This festival is celebrated with a meal _ _ family and friends. Everyone helps prepare the food and_ _ the table . after the meal, they help wash the _


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