新世纪高职英语Book2 第三学生用书.docx
新世纪高职英语Book2 第三学生用书1.我发现书整齐的摆放在书桌上。 I found that the books were laid out neatly on the desk . 2.我们谨向所有参与过这个项目的人表示感谢。 We would like to thank all who had a share in this project . 3.他们的延误是由于坏天气造成的。 They delay was due to bad weather . 4.影响人们的不是过去而是现在和未来。 What influences people is not the past but the present and the future. 5.总体而言,人们经常把政治和战争联系起来。 Generally speaking ,people often associate politics with wars. 6.汤姆曾受过一流的教育,因而,他比未受过很好教育的孩子们更有优势 Tom had a first-rate education ,so he had an advantage over those children who Were not as well educated as he. 7.许多学生抱怨食物一点也不令人满意。 Many students complain that the food is by no means satisfactory. 8. 他们兴奋的叫声几乎淹没了音乐。 Their screams of excitement all but drowned out the music . 1.一个乞丐走近我们,向我们要钱。 A beggar came up to us and asked for money. 2. 约翰年纪渐大,开始迷恋赚钱。 As john grew older ,he became obsessed with making money . 3.你跟我说调查此事白费功夫,同时却又希望我去调查。 You told me in the same breath that it was useless to investigate the matter and that You wanted me to do it . 4.他赚了一大笔钱,从此过着富足的生活。 He earned a great sum of money and has live well off of it since. 5.她把衣服收好放在衣橱里。 She put away her clothes in the dresser. 6.他的行为给人留下恶劣的印象。 His behavior created a bad impression. 7.这里先前的居民以铜换玉米。 The early settlers here traded copper for corn. 8.他试图让全家都服从他的意志。 He tried to subject the whole family to his will. 1.他一会儿就完成了工作,但经理并不满意。 He finished the work in an instant ,but the manager wasn't satisfied. 2.主席代表公司签署了那份文件。 The chairman signed the document on behalf of the company . 3.那女孩不愿意离家去大学。 The girl is reluctant to leave home for college. 4.做你觉得对的事。 Do what is right in your eyes . 5.大使向总理转达了总统的问候。 The ambassador conveyed the president's message to the premier. 6.我认为污渍不会脱落。 I don't think the stains will come off. 7.那种气氛总会唤起我对母校的回忆。 That kind of atmosphere always evokes memories of my almamatar 8.法律的目的就是保护个人的权利。 The purpose of the law is to protect the rights of individuals. 1.他说汤姆肯定意识到了他正在做的事情是非法的。 He said that tom must be aware that he is doing is illegal. 2.这会议虽然不长,但的产生了很多好建议。 It wasn't a long meeting, but it did throw up many good suggestions. 3.你相信科学能实现我们所有的梦想吗? Do you believe that science can bring all our dreams to reality? 4.随着购车量的增加,油的需求量很大。 Oil is hot demand with the increase of car purchases. 5.我应该使试验计划取得教授同意。 I should try to get the professor's consent to my plan for the experiment. 6.一场调查正在全国范围内展开。 A survey is being carried out throughout the country . 7.此计划对公司的未来意义重大。 This plan has great implications for the future of the company. 8.生物技术最近的发展引出了一些道德问题。 Resent advances in biological technology have thrown up some ethical questions. 1.他的工作注定失败。 He was destined to fail in his work. 2.他们未能球的解决问题的共同基础。 They couldn't find common ground to solve the problem. 3.他们竭力证明这项计划是未来公众的利益。 They tried their best to prove that this plan was in the interest of the public. 4.得知儿子通过了考试时,她松了一口气。 When she leaned that her son had passed the exam ,she breathed a sigh of relief. 5.天色暗下来了, 是开灯的时候了。 It's getting darktime to light up. 6.听到有人敲门,他跳下床,迅速地披上衣服。 On hearing a knock on the door ,he jumped off the bed and threw on his clothes. 7.当他踏上祖国的土地时,泪水盈满了眼眶。 When he hit the soil of his motherland ,he burst into tears. 8.园地需要马上浇水。 The garden is crying out to be watered.