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    新PEP四上Unit4 My home A Talk教学设计.docx

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    新PEP四上Unit4 My home A Talk教学设计.docx

    新PEP四上Unit4 My home A Talk教学设计Unit 4 My Home A Lets talk Let's Play C Good to know A Lets talk Let's Play C Good to know 本课内容是在前几个单元的学习之上继续强化学习指示代词引导的陈述句及其一般疑问句形式,重点练习一般疑问句及其回答。如:Is she in the study? No, she isnt. 四年级学生已有一定语言输入和输出的能力,爱好新奇的事物,活泼好动,乐于表现自己。且要学习的内容学生也有一定基础,在学习了简单的疑问句:Is this a ?后,继续学习Is this your ? Is she in the ? 采用适当的方法帮助学生学习能起到积极的作用。 一、能力目标: 1. 能用Is it/she ?询问物品所在。 2. 能准确选择合适的语言表达自己的意愿,并能作出准确地回答。 二、知识目标: 1. 能熟练朗读并模仿本节课对话。 2、能表演本节课对话。 3、能在实际生活中运用本节课对话,能听懂会说Is she in the bed room?Yes, she is . No, she isnt. Is it ?Yes,it is/No,it isn't. I have . Where's? 4、了解知识点: Is she in the study? No, she isnt. w ww.Xk b1 .coM 三、情感目标:热爱自己的家,积极参与劳动,做家务。 教学重点:句型Is she in/on/under/? Yes, she is./ No, she isnt. 词汇:isnt 教学难点:发音it is 连读,isnt .图片study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen;.教材相配套的教学课件Unit 4 Lets talk;教材相配套的教学录音带,教学光盘。 1. 我行我秀 2.演讲 My home. 一、热身 说唱玩赛,激情引趣 1. Let's do播放上一课时的Let't do,让学生边听边做动作. 2.单词风暴 大屏幕快速闪现上节课单词,让学生快速说,达到巩固单词的目的。 PPT出示 我的家 T:Hello,everyone.This is my home.Welcome to my home. Oh, Where are my rooms? Lets go and have a look. 营造轻松愉快的英语氛围,通过交流,熟悉学生,了解学生已有知识结构;复习巩固上节课的内容,引出话题,为后面新句型的新授做好铺垫。 3.Free talk T: My home is nice. I have a living room, a bath room , a study and two bedrooms. What about you? Can you tell me about your home? 4. Make groups: Make the student intotwo groups: sheep home and Woof home(把学生分为 喜羊羊之家和灰太狼之家,如果做的好,你可以为本组获得房间一个,比一比说的home 又大又好。) 二、呈现 话题交流,导入新课 学习cute 1.T: I have a nice home ,You have a nice home. I think School is our home too, right? Look ,Who is coming? Ss: He is Liu Qian. T: Yes , He is a magician。He take our a magic show. ( monkey, mouse , duck , cat) 2. 魔术停留在出现的“cat”上,T: I have a cat. Shes cute. What about you? (板书:I have _. Shes cute.) 引导学生介绍自己的宠物, I have a . Shes cute. 情景创设,理解语意 教学 Is she in .? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. 1.在魔术中,最后出现的 dog ,最后变没了。 T: Oh, Wheres my dog? Lets guess: Where is she? T: Use this : Is she in the bedroom/study/living room/kitchen/bathroom? (ppt 播放,一组猜,一组答,集体操练) 2. 学习 Yes, she is. No, she isnt. 找学生猜的时候,点击图片,学习这两个句子。 让学生利用身边的事物及实物学习和巩固句型. 交际练习,板式呈现 1 教师把宠物猫拿出来放到门外,询问:Where is she ? Is she in the classroom ? 引导学生回答:No,she isn't.并解释。然后询问Is she in the school?引导回答 Yes,she is.把猫拿进来,询问Is she in the classroom ? Yes,she is.答对有奖励。 板书 Where is.? Is she in.? Yes, she is. No, She isnt. 问题视听,整体感知 T:I find my cat. But Amys cat missing. Lets go and find. Where is Amys cat ? 借助图片帮助学生理解文本: (听录音之前先猜测 Is she in the?) Is she in the bedroom? Is she in the. ? Is she in the.? 三、练习 跟读模仿,歌谣强化 模仿中正音塑语速成语感 播放对话录音,学生模仿朗读。 分角色模仿朗读。 分组练习模仿,个别模仿朗读。 歌谣巩固,表演生成 1Lets chant I have a cat. It is cute. Where is she? Where is she? Is she in the bedroom? No,No, she isnt. Is she in the study? No.No, she isnt. Look ,Look , Shes in the kitchen. 3. 对话表演 让学生练习对话,分组表演对话,并给予鼓励。 四、运用 活动运用,任务落实 1.Game1: 拯救美羊羊 谁先猜到美羊羊被灰太狼关在哪里,谁就赢了。 Is she in.? 拯救懒羊羊 Is he in.? 运用拯救羊羊的游戏,促使学生积极主动的练习语言,并培养了孩子竞争意识和责任感。 2练习任务中落实随堂检测 随堂检测:Read and choose I can choose. 1.-Is _in the study? -Yes, she is . A. he B. she 2.-Is she in the desk? - No, she _. A. is B. isnt 3. -Is he in the bedroom? - No, _. A. he isnt B. she isnt 4. - _is your mother ? - Shes in the living room. A. What B. Where 5. -Is it in your bedroom? -Yes, _. A. it is B. she is 3.组成一段完整的对话. I can do. 1.Yes,sheis. 2.No, she isnt. 3.Wheres my cat? 4. Is she in the livingroom? 4.Lets play 玩一玩,创编新对话。 总结赏析,情感升华 奖励优胜小组,模仿优胜组。 让学生知道家是温暖幸福的,身为家庭的一员应该为家庭做点力所能及的事情。家人之间应该相互尊重,相互理解,相互帮助热爱生活,热爱我们的家。 作业分层,自主拓展 Unit4 My home A. Lets talk I have a cat. Shes cute. Is she in the living room? bathroom bedroom study kitchen Yes,she is. No,she isn't. Is it in the bedroom/ bathroom? Yes,it is. No,it isn't.


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