摩登家庭S1E1笔记制作人杨秋萍1. (1)-Why are you guys yelling at us when were way upstairs? -Just text me. (2) Its way too short. ADV You can use way to emphasize, for example, that something is a great distance away or is very much below or above a particular level or amount. 大大地; 远远地 ADV adv/prep 强调 Way down in the valley to the west is the town of Freiburg.远远的西边山谷中坐落着弗赖堡镇。 You've waited way too long. 你们已经等了太久了。 2. Luke got his head stuck in the banister again. Why do you keep getting stuck like this? 3. I got it. 4. beside table 4. I was out of control growing up. 5. He tripped him, Jay. Where's the penalty? I slipped in the baby oil. 6. I've wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks. 7. So, we had initially asked one of lesbian friends to be a surrogate, but then we figured, they're already mean enough. 一开始,我们想找一个女同性恋朋友做代孕母亲后来又想 她们平时就够刻薄了。 8. ick : an English slang term for something distasteful. 03:20-04:05 9. fawn over: try to please 10. motorized tie rack电动领带架-motorized/automatic drying rack自动晾衣架 11. You're gonna be stuck with these people for the next five hours. 你还得和他们一起呆上小时呢。 12. cream Puffs 意为泡芙或者娘娘腔 -Look at that baby with those cream puffs. -Okay. Excuse me. This baby would have grown up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us "Cream puffs." And you know what? Note to all of you who judge. Hear this. Love knows no race, creed or gender. And shame on you, you small-minded, ignorant few 这宝宝原本可能会在人满为患的孤儿院里成长。多亏我们这些娘娘腔收养呢!你们这些搞歧视的人给我听好了:爱不分种族、 信仰,不分性别。你们这些狭隘愚昧的 13. headset 14. There. Be free. 好了,终于出来了。 15. I'm just gonna say it. 我就直说了吧! 16. Excalibur eks'kælib (in Arthurian legend) the magic sword of King Arthur 16. Easy!Easy! 别激动! 17. I better charge the camcorder. 我最好给摄像机充上电。 18. That's my thing. 那是我的风格! 19. I didnt mean to. 06:48-07:43 20. blowup n. blast blow up=blow ones top=lose ones temper 21. You don't have to be so emotional all the time. That's all I'm saying. 22. Youre with me on this, right? 23. Not to be the evil stepdad, but if you put on a puffy white shirt and declare your love for a 16-year-old, you're gonna be swinging from the flagpole in your puffy white underpants. 不是我要当恶毒的后爹,可你要真穿着那臃肿的白衬衣去向16岁的姑娘告白,你会被扒得只剩条白内裤,然后被吊在旗杆上。 If a part of someone's body, especially their face, is puffy, it has a round, swollen appearance. 圆肿的 Her cheeks were puffy with crying. He noticed some slight puffiness beneath her eyes. 他注意到,她眼睛下方有一些轻微的眼袋。 08:07-08:55 24. She barely slept on the plane and she's still wide awake. 25. gain a few extra pounds 26. But apparently your body does a nesting, very maternal, primal thing where it retains nutrients some sort of molecular physiology thing. 但显然你的身体会产生一些母性的本能反应来储存养分,像是分子生理学那类的。 Primal is used to describe something that relates to the origins of things or that is very basic. 原始的 09:29-10:16 27. They say something judgmental. 28. avoider have avoidance issues 29. I could defeat you if it came to a physical confrontation. 30. I just need to get flipped right on my back, and we should be fine. 31. So stop being a gloomy goose and stop being so hard on Manny. 32. an old-time sheriff 警长 33. We ask that all mall-walkers stay to the right. 14:28-15:08 34. frosting糖霜a sweet substance made from powdered sugar that is used to cover and decorate cakes. 35. a coin-op car wash 自主洗车站 18:08 36. He was a bit of a drama queen. =He is kind of /sort of dramatic. 37. Jay: Okay, I-I-I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea. But, uh, what do I know? I mean, it's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood. Been trying all my life to get it right. I'm still screwing up. And, uh, you should know that, uh, I'm not here to spit in your face, I'm here to. blow at your back. 38.Manny: We're from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda-To let you know my heart is yours.