怎样才能在短时间内快速提高英语口语 怎样才能在短时间内快速提高英语口语 Q: How do I improve my English speaking skills in a very short time? 问:如何在短时间内提高英语口语? 1) I am not good at speaking English. I tend to stammer when I do not have the exact answer framed in mind. 我英语口语不是很好。如果我没有想好具体要怎么回答,就很容易结结巴巴的。 2) I live in an isolated area. So, I do not have friends to interact with so that I could practice speaking English. 我住的地方很偏僻,所以没有朋友可以一起练口语。 3) I need a quick remedy of sorts because I have got a job interview in the next 20 days or even less. What is the maximum that I can do about it? 最多还有20天的时间,我就要去参加工作面试了,所以需要迅速补救一下。有什么我可以尽最大努力去做的吗? Answered by Kaicheng Liang Kaicheng Liang的回复: This is a technique known as 'shadowing' that I learnt in Japanese class, which I find tremendously helpful for short-term oral fluency improvement. 我在上日语课的时候学过一种叫“影子跟读”的方法,感觉对短时间内提高口语流利程度非常有帮助。 Watch your favorite English language TV show or movie, and as the characters speak, repeat loudly the exact words they are saying the moment you hear them. In other words, 'shadow' their dialog in real-time. Don't worry about getting every word or sound right - focus on listening carefully, moving along quickly and keeping pace. After the movie ends, repeat the exact same movie and do it again. And again. 看你最喜欢的英语电视节目或电影,在听到里面人物说话的同时,大声重复他们所说的每一个单词。换句话说,就是要实时“追踪”他们的对话。不要担心能不能听懂或读对每个单词集中注意力认真听,快速跟读并保持节奏。电影结束以后,再一遍一遍重播跟读。 By forcing yourself to speak at native speed, your brain becomes hyper-receptive to what you are hearing, and you will find yourself not only picking up the words quicker and quicker, but also unconsciously mimicking the inflections and vocal nuances that are usually difficult to learn for a non-native. It will also fix the stammer that comes with uncertainty or lack of confidence. In this way, the actors in the movie become your speaking partners. 通过强迫自己跟上母语者的语速,你的大脑会变得更容易接收你所听到的内容,而且你会发现自己不仅识别单词越来越快,还无意中模仿了语音和语调,而这些通常是非母语者很难学会的。这也有助于纠正你因为不确定或缺乏自信而导致的口吃。通过这种方法,影片中的演员也可以成为你的口语搭档。想学习更多英语知识,请关注口袋英语aikoudaiyy 文章来源: This will be perfect practice just before your interview. Look for some interview practice videos on YouTube, then shadow the entire conversation. Practice the same dialogs again and again. You will be amazed how that will improve not only your speaking, but also your ability to actively listen and react. Best of luck. 这个方法最适合在你面试前进行练习。在YouTube上搜一些面试练习的视频,影子跟读整个对话。反复练习同一个对话。你会惊讶地发现,这样做不仅会提高你的口语,还会提高你主动倾听和反应的能力。 文章来源: