怎样写英文读书报告How to Write a Book/Reading Report? Teachers love to assign book reports. Did you ever wonder why? Sure, you could think of it as a cruel attempt to force you to read. But it might be a little more than that! Your teacher's goal is to broaden your understanding of the course. That is what Reading Report do! What Is Included in a Book Report? Book report content will vary according to learning level. Middle grade-level book reports will provide the basic details about a book, a summary of the plot, and some comments regarding the student's opinions and impressions. As students advance, the book reports should include more contents, and the focus will vary according to specific study fields, which usually are grouped into sciences and humanities. Your Book Report Introduction The introduction segment of your book report provides an opportunity to make a good first impression. You should try to write a strong section of introductory paragraphs that can grab your reader's attention. Somewhere in the introductory part, you should state the book's title (italicized), the topic, the author's name, and the publication information. Also the introductory section should include brief statements about the book's thesis, the main ideas, the theme, and, if possible, a brief introduction about the writer. Body Before you get started on the body of the report, spend a few minutes considering the following points. · Can you identify the writer's thesis? · What are the major points in the book? (major parts, chapters, etc.) · What are the authors major arguments? · What are the authors supporting ideas and materials? · What conclusions has the author drawn? In the body of your book report, you will use your notes to guide you through an extended summary of the book. You will weave your own thoughts and impressions into the summary. Conclusion As you lead to your final part, consider some additional impressions and opinions: · Was the authors thesis supported by strong evidence? · What interesting or notable information have you obtained from reading the book? · What impressions have you got from reading the book? · Would you recommend this book for other readers? Before you hand in your book report, dont forget to proofread what you have written and polish it when necessary. Many college teachers require the book report typed and printed. 怎样写读书报告 一、读书报告有没有一定的格式 对初学写读书报告的同学来说,老师会介绍一般的格式给他们,让他们有所遵循。只要有书名、有作者,其它可集中读后感来写。最花费笔墨的是内容概要,其作用是让别人知道你看过这本书。至于写读后感的方式却是多种多样,没有任何规范。可以写成很抒情的散文,很尖锐的评论,很精辟的分析,很周详的比较要看书的性质,也要看你感想的性质。 二、写读书报告的第一步 写读书报告的第一步是一面看书一面写,不论有什么感想,疑问和见解,都随即把它们写下来。如果书是自己的,可以直接写在书上;如果书不是自己的,就要准备一本读书札记簿,写在本子上。书看完了,把自己写下来的那些感受浏览一次,就会发现几个重要可以发挥的。把这几个重点列出来,有时间的话,把书有选择地再看一遍,以便你想论述的重点,找寻更多的资料或例证。有需要时,还可以再找其它有关的书籍来补充你的论点。这样,你阅读的收获会丰富得多,你写的读书报告也会有分量得多。 三、不要只读一本书 要把一本书的读书报告写好,除了对这本书要有较透彻的了解之外,还要对作者、对作者所处的时代,对这本书写作的背景有所了解。如果有条件的话,最好能同时找到其它有关的书来看,包括:1、作者的传记;2、作者其它作品;3、别人对这本书的研究;4、其它作者的回顾或有关著作。当然不是每一个人都有条件或需要这样做,但能够这样做,写出来的读书报告一定扎实得多,丰厚得多。 四、赞扬与批评 初学写读书报告,大多拜倒在作品之前,大大夸奖一番。可是赞扬与批评都需要见地,公式化的赞美之词:内容丰富,描写细腻,刻画入微,感人肺腑,文章清丽全是废话。赞要赞到作品的节骨眼上,最好是这本书独有的、最突出的优点。批评当然比赞扬更难,因为写读书报告的人学养往往逊于作者,要能指出一本书的缺点,而又能言之成理,使人信服,实在并非易事。但不容易并不表示不可以这样做,如果做得到,这篇读书报告会更容易受到欣赏。既指出优点又指出缺点,当然是常用的做法,可是很容易变成一种公式,四平八稳的结果是不汤不水。因此赞扬不容易,批评难,又赞扬又批评也不简单。 五、点与面 读书报告可对一本书全面论述,全面的结果很容易流于浮面,样样都谈到了,但只是泛泛之论,倒不如抓住你最有感受、最有心得的几点来谈。因为你谈得集中、深入,自然能给读者比较深刻的印象。 六、不要引用太多 好的读书报告应以写报告人自己的意见为主要内容,原文可以作为举例加以引述,但不宜太多。引述其它人对这本书的看法也要适可而止,不要连篇累牍的抄。否则看过之后,只觉得大部分是别的唾余,写读书报告的只是一个人云亦云的抄录者。 七、读书报告的内容可包括:1、作者简介、内容概要 2、本书在表达、处理等方面的特别之处; 3、书中叫人深刻难忘的部分; 4、作者在书中传递的讯息; 5、个人最喜爱的部分; 6、对本书的评价和观感; 7、读后感:书中情节引起的联想 书中内容引起的疑问 本书令你有何提醒、启发及反思 本书引起的思想上的转变 本书令你引发的期望 8、从本书有何收获; 9、引用本书或其它书籍的内容,或日常用语。 八、读书报告的撰写步骤: 写版本阅读:为了比较准确理解原著精髓,推荐阅读“全本”; 确立论题:每人根据阅读感受,自由选取一个自己最感兴趣的角度确立一个论题;选择的角度要小,挖掘要深; 收集资料:1、摘记原文:根据论题,摘录原著中的相关内容,制成摘记卡; 2、查书籍杂志到校图书馆,区图书馆或市图书馆,依据目录检索相关书籍。同时也使学生更清楚了图书馆信息资源的利用; 3、上网搜索:如选用专业搜索网站 报告的内容:选题理由、确立观点、论述观点 注意点:语言的流畅、观点与论述的一致。