心若向阳,无谓悲伤心若向阳,无谓悲伤 莱芜市第一中学 56级1级部7班 李帅 微风拂晓,晨曦方定,漫山风雨青初泛,游霞满寂霜晨叶,我心向阳,无谓悲伤。题记 夜幕空灵的挂下帷幕,恒星依旧在流浪,尘埃落定,在空中划下一个绝美的半弧;偶有昏鸦飞过,几声嘶哑,几声怅然,千年的古树氤氲而生。 古老的钟声在风中涤荡了一日又一日,参天的古树充斥着漫漫历程。 从最初的开始,当树开始举首而望,四目见方之时,树也不知何谓参天,他只是醉心于雨后微醺的阳光,满坡芳华使他流连,耳边的童谣使他迷蒙,繁花若雾的美景氤氲在他身边,世界竟如此淡然美好。 “树欲静而风不止。”岁月的长风款款袭来,山坡绿了青苔,林间生了枯叶,浑身是毛刺的藤蔓遮掩缠绕,压抑而黏腻的空气只令他感到窒息,纵横交错的枝干无情的将本已昏暗的天空分割得支离破碎,雨夜中的抽噎,狂风怒号间的战栗,一切的一切早已在风起云涌之际化身苍茫。 这是树的开始,也是树的终结;这是幻想的终结,亦作成熟的开始。 他竭力让自己的根深于地下,厚实的土壤使他的根难以蜿蜒千里。凄风苦雨的日子里,他逆来顺受,努力致使自己不会早夭而亡。每日苦陷于昏暗的他有了冲破天空致身青云的梦想。总有这么一天,他要将这里的山光水色收入胸臆,总有那么一天,他要洗尽铅华,栖身洗濯在晴朗的天空。 我看到了林间无数飞鸟惊跃而起,那是大树许下的如隼的誓言。 他不断的从土壤中汲取养分,使根变得粗壮,向四面八方延伸构成了土地的经络图。他的腰身愈来愈挺直,外来藤蔓的针刺萦绕在他身旁刺出了一道道疤痕,可他依旧向着阳光的方向开枝散叶,当呼啸的风来回摩挲他隐隐作痛的躯体时,却听到了铁骨铮铮之声。当身边的树木被残酷的竞争夺去了苟延残喘的生命,当整个林间散发着朽木的恶臭气息时,树泛着悲伤依旧追随他心之所向的一缕太阳。 树在愈刮愈烈的狂风中坚韧着,然而,满天阴霾也会偶尔散开,林间也吟唱着树的悲歌。 古老的钟声穿过一千多年的岁月隐隐传来,林间的天空碧蓝如海。树正攀过远处的山峰直冲云天,千年的古树已经参天,傲娇地望着天边的一轮红日,太阳依旧滋润着枝繁叶茂的大树。为了心底的那缕暖阳,为了致身青云的梦想,他无畏伤痛,坚忍着,挺拔着,洗尽铅华化身成为了这片土地上的无冕之王。 我怀着崇敬的心情从树上摘下一片叶子,紧紧地握在手心里,就好象这叶子上承载了他的艰辛岁月,那永不凋零的心,他化身为蝶畅游在属于自己的天空。 狂风骤雨过后,总会有不期而遇的一轮晴日,树是如此,人当亦如此。在晴朗的一角蓝空下,心自向阳,无畏悲伤! Under the same environment, the smaller boat will run faster. But the strange thing is that the man often put something in the bottom of the boats called “ballast”,only the boats which are put in “ballast”are able to remain stable in the tempestuous waves. However, this so-called “ballast”is always regarded as a spiritual force ,isnt it? The youth is a short dream .when we wake up ,it has already disappeared without a trace ,only those who persistent pursuit and get happiness will be successful. Patience and perseverance are always painful, but it can gradually bring something good for you. This kind of power are more or less exists in everyones heart . As Xiao Chunv said ,“Life should be like a candle burning from the top to the end ,is always bright.” As far as Im concerned, persistence and perseverance seem to play an important part in my life. learning is like a long journey, at the beginning of the journey, were all full of spirit and energy, Then we will gradually unload baggage. But the fact is that once you put it down, its hard to pick up again. When we stroll in the campus, we can feel the strong academic atmosphere. We usually have no time to attend to anything else. Due to we have the same dream is our hearts, it seems that an invisible hand urge us to be hard-working incessantly. For example, when we recite the articles, we will devote ourselves to the textbooks rather than feel dizzy .This can make us maintain a tight state. No mental function can be more self-deepening than persistence. Dreams are always the pep talk of those who are successful. Before we succeed, thats all impracticable .“wed better have a dream ,in case it comes true someday”Perhaps sometimes our dreams will be broken, but were supposed to realize that our life still goes on, persistent progress is often more important than the meaning of results, The period of hard struggle can moved us as well. Like lots of journeys in life, a decision affects another decision. If you have come to a decision, just do it!