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    心理学英文术语 感觉记忆sensory memory 短期记忆short-term M. 长期记忆long-term memory 复诵rehearsal 预示priming 童年失忆症childhood amnesia 视觉编码visual code 听觉编码acoustic code 运作记忆working memory 语意性知识semantic knowledge 记忆扫瞄程序memory scanning procedure 竭尽式扫瞄程序-exhaustive S.P. 自我终止式扫瞄self-terminated S. 程序性知识procedural knowledge 命题性知识propositionalknowledge 情节性知识episodic K. 讯息处理深度depth of processing 精致化处理elaboration 登录特殊性coding specificity 记忆术mnemonic 位置记忆法method of loci 字钩法peg word 探索字prime 关键词key word 命题思考propositional thought 心像思考imaginal thought 行动思考motoric thought 概念concept 原型prototype 属性property 特征feature 范例策略exemplar strategy 语言相对性linguistic relativity th. 音素phoneme 词素morpheme 外延与内涵意义denotative & connotative meaning 表层与深层结构surface & deep structure 语意分析法semantic differential 全句语言holophrastic speech 过度延伸over-extension 电报式语言telegraphic speech 关键期critical period 差异减缩法difference reduction 方法目的分析means-ends analysis 倒推working backward 动机motive 自由意志free will 决定论determinism 本能instinct 种属特有行为species specific 驱力drive 诱因incentive 驱力减低说drive reduction th. 恒定状态homeostasis 原级与次级动机primary & secondary M. 功能独立functional autonomy 下视丘侧部lateral hypothalamus 脂肪细胞说fat-cell theory. 下视丘腹中部ventromedial H 定点论set point th. CCK胆囊调节激素 第一性征primary sex characteristic 第二性征secondary sex characteristic 自我效能期望self-efficiency expectancy 内在动机intrinsic motive 外在动机extrinsic motive 成就需求N. achievement 需求层级hierarchy of needs 自我实现self actualization 冲突conflict 多项仪polygraph 肤电反应GSR 评估 脸部回馈假说facial feedback hypothesis 激发arousal 挫折-攻击假说frustration-aggression hy. 替代学习vicarious learning 短期记忆short-term M. 长期记忆long-term memory 复诵rehearsal 预示priming 童年失忆症childhood amnesia 视觉编码visual code 听觉编码acoustic code 运作记忆working memory 语意性知识semantic knowledge 记忆扫瞄程序memory scanning procedure 竭尽式扫瞄程序-exhaustive S.P. 自我终止式扫瞄self-terminated S. 程序性知识procedural knowledge 命题性知识propositionalknowledge 情节性知识episodic K. 讯息处理深度depth of processing 精致化处理elaboration 登录特殊性coding specificity 记忆术mnemonic 位置记忆法method of loci 字钩法peg word 探索字prime 关键词key word 命题思考propositional thought 心像思考imaginal thought 行动思考motoric thought 概念concept 原型prototype 属性property 特征feature 范例策略exemplar strategy 语言相对性linguistic relativity th. 音素phoneme 词素morpheme 外延与内涵意义denotative & connotative meaning 表层与深层结构surface & deep structure 语意分析法semantic differential 全句语言holophrastic speech 过度延伸over-extension 电报式语言telegraphic speech 关键期critical period 差异减缩法difference reduction 方法目的分析means-ends analysis 倒推working backward 动机motive 自由意志free will 决定论determinism 本能instinct 种属特有行为species specific 驱力drive 诱因incentive 驱力减低说drive reduction th. 恒定状态homeostasis 原级与次级动机primary & secondary M. 功能独立functional autonomy 下视丘侧部lateral hypothalamus 脂肪细胞说fat-cell theory. 下视丘腹中部ventromedial H 定点论set point th. CCK胆囊调节激素 第一性征primary sex characteristic 第二性征secondary sex characteristic 自我效能期望self-efficiency expectancy 内在动机intrinsic motive 外在动机extrinsic motive 成就需求N. achievement 需求层级hierarchy of needs 自我实现self actualization 冲突conflict 多项仪polygraph 肤电反应GSR 评估 脸部回馈假说facial feedback hypothesis 激发arousal 挫折-攻击假说frustration-aggression hy. 替代学习vicarious learning 发展development 先天nature 后天nurture 成熟maturation 偏好法preferential method 习惯法habituation 视觉悬崖visual cliff 剥夺或丰富deprivation or enrichment of env. 基模schema 同化assimilation 调适accommodation 平衡equilibrium 感觉动作期sensorimotor stage 物体永久性objective permanence 运思前期preoperational st. 保留概念conservation 道德现实主义moral realism 具体运思期concrete operational 形式运思期formal operational st. 前俗例道德pre-conventional moral 俗例道德conventional moral 超俗例道德post-conventional moral 气质temperament 依附attachment 性别认定gender identity 性别配合sex typing 性蕾期phallic stage 恋亲冲突Oedipal conflict 认同identification 社会学习social learning 情结complex 性别恒定gender constancy 青年期adolescence 青春期 -puberty 第二性征secondary sex characteristics 认同危机identity crisis 定向统合identity achievement 早闭型统合foreclosure 未定型统合moratorium 迷失型统合identity diffusion 传承generativity 心理动力psycho-dynamics 心理分析psychoanalysis 行为论behaviorism 心理生物观psycho-biological perspective 认知cognition 临床心理学家-clinical psychologist 谘商counseling 人因工程human factor engineering 组织organization 潜意识unconsciousness 完形心理学Gestalt psychology 感觉sensation 知觉perception 实验法experimental method 独变项independent variable 依变项dependent V. 控制变项control V. 生理physiology 条件化conditioning 学习learning 比较心理学comparative psy. 发展development 社会心理学social psy. 人格personality 心理计量学psychometrics受试subject 实验者预期效应experimenter expectancy effect 双盲法doubleblind 实地实验field experiment 相关correlation 调查survey 访谈interview 个案研究case study 观察observation 心理测验psychological test 纹理递变度texture gradient 注意attention 物体的组群grouping of object 型态辨识pattern recognition 形象-背景figure-ground 接近律proximity 相似律similarity 闭合律closure 连续律continuity 对称律symmetry 错觉illusion 幻觉delusion 恒常性constancy 大小size 形状shape 位置 location 单眼线索monocular cue 线性透视linear- perspective 双眼线索binocular cue 深度depth 调节作用accommodation 重迭superposition 双眼融合binocular fusion 辐辏作用convergence 双眼像差binocular disparity 向度 dimension 自动效应autokinetic effect 运动视差 motion parallax 诱发运动 induced motion 闪光运动 stroboscopic motion 上下文、脉络-context 人工智能artificial intelligence A.I. 脉络关系作用-context effect 模板匹配template matching 整合分析法analysis-by-synthesis 丰富性redundancy 选择性selective 无意识的推论-unconscious inferences 运动后效motion aftereffect 特征侦测器feature detector 激发性excitatory 抑制性inhibitory 几何子geons 由上而下处理up-down process 由下而上处理bottom-up process 连结者模式connectionist model 联结失识症associative agnosia 脸孔辨识困难症prosopagnosia 意识conscious 意识改变状态altered states of consciousness 无意识unconsciousness 前意识preconsciousness 内省法introspection 边缘注意peripheral attention 多重人格multiple personality 午餐排队效应lunch line effect 自动化历程automatic process 解离dissociate 解离认同失常dissociative identity disorder 快速眼动睡眠REM dream 非快速眼动睡眠NREM dream 失眠insomnia 显性与隐性梦manifest & latern content 心理活动性psychoactive 冥想meditation 抗药性tolerance 戒断withdrawal 感觉剥夺sensory deprivation 物质滥用substance abuse 成瘾physical addiction 物质依赖sub. dependence 戒断症状withdrawal symptom 兴奋剂stimulant 幻觉剂hallucinogen 镇定剂sedative 抑制剂depressant 酒精中毒引起谵妄delirium tremens 麻醉剂narcotic 催眠hypnosis 催眠后暗示posthypnotic suggestion 催眠后失忆posthypnotic amnesia 超心理学parapsychology 超感知觉extrasensory perception ESP 心电感应telepathy 超感视clairvoyance 预知precognition 心理动力psycokinesis PK 受纳器receptor 绝对阈absolute threshold 差异阈difference threshold 恰辨差-JND 韦伯律Weber''s law 心理物理psychophysical 费雪纳定律Fechner''s law 频率frequency 振幅amplitude 音频pitch 基音fundamental tone 倍音overtone 和谐音harmonic 音色timbre 白色噪音white noise 鼓膜eardrum 耳蜗cochlea 卵形窗oval window 圆形窗round window 前庭vestibular sacs 半规管semicircular canals 角膜cornea 水晶体lens 虹膜iris 瞳孔pupil 网膜retina 睫状肌ciliary muscle 调节作用accommodation 脊髓spinal cord 反射弧reflex arc 脑干brain stem 计算机轴性线断层扫描CAT或CT PET正子放射断层摄影 MRI磁共振显影 延脑medulla 桥脑pons 小脑cerebellum 网状结构reticular formation RAS网状活化系统 视丘thalamus 下视丘hypothalamus 大脑cerebrum 脑垂体pituitary gland 脑半球cerebral hemisphere 皮质cortex 胼胝体corpus callosum 边缘系统limbic system 海马体hippocampus 杏仁核amygdala 中央沟central fissure 侧沟lateral fissure 脑叶lobe 同卵双生子identical twins 异卵双生子fraternal twins 古典制约classical conditioning 操作制约operant conditioning 非制约刺激unconditioned R. 制约刺激conditioned S. 制约反应conditioned R. 习得acquisition 增强作用reinforcement 消除extinction 自然恢复spontaneous recovery 前行制约forward conditioning 同时制约simultaneous conditioning 回溯制约backward cond. 痕迹制约trace conditioning 延宕制约delay conditioning 类化generalization 区辨discrimination 增强物reinforcer 嫌恶刺激aversive stimulus 试误学习trial and error learning 效果率law of effect 正性增强物positiverei. 行为塑造behavior shaping 循序渐进successive approximation 自行塑造autoshaping 部分增强partialR 定比时制fixed ratioschedule FR或FI 变化比率时制variable ratioschedule VR或VI 逃离反应escape R. 回避反应avoidance response 习得无助learned helplessness 顿悟insight 学习心向learning set 隐内学习latent learning 认知地图cognitive map 生理回馈biofeedback 敏感递减法-systematic desensitization 普里迈克原则Premack''s principle 洪水法flooding 观察学习observational learning 动物行为学ethology 敏感化sensitization 习惯化habituation 联结association 认知学习cognitional L. 观察学习observational L. 登录、编码encoding 保留、储存retention 提取retrieval 回忆tip of tongue 再认recognition 再学习relearning 节省分数savings 外显与内隐记忆explicit & implicit memory 记忆广度memory span 组集chunk 序列位置效应serial position effect 起始效应primacy effect 新近效应recency effect 心境依赖学习state-dependent L. 无意义音节nonsense syllable 顺向干扰proactive interference 逆向干扰retroactive interference 闪光灯记忆flashbulb memory 动机性遗忘motivated forgetting 器质性失忆症organic amnesia 阿兹海默症Alzheimer''s disease 近事失忆症anterograde amnesia 旧事失忆retrograde A. 高沙可夫症候群korsakoff''s syndrome 凝固理论consolidation 自闭症-autism


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