心理学毕业论文范文心理学毕业论文范文 论罪犯教育改造模式的创新 教育改造是一项区别于社会普通教育的特殊教育,是有中国特色的行刑方式的一种体现。新的时期以来,罪犯教育改造工作面临着挑战和困境。笔者在对这些问题的研究中,发现了教育改造模式存在的问题, 并试图从理论上和实践中给予解答。因此,本文首先从考察罪犯教育改造的涵义和其教育学、社会学理论依据出发,介绍当代世界罪犯教育的社会化、个别化、技术化、国际化发展趋向;然后,总结了我国教育改造的以“三课教育”为主要内容、以“安全稳定”为工作重心和教育改造的方法、手段多样化的三个特点;并着力于厘清教育改造的基本问题,从社会学角度探究了再社会化是罪犯教育改造的实质,大胆引入了半成人素质教育这一概念,作为罪犯教育改造的同义理论术语,丰富对罪犯教育改造的理解和认识;分别用教育学理论、社会学理论、犯罪学理论论证生活教育应成为罪犯教育的主要内容;用控制论观点证明了动态的稳定性才是科学的安全观。在此基础上,分析了创 立情境化教育改造模式的背景:教育改造面临挑战和教育改造理论研究方兴未艾,提出并定义情境化改造的概念,讲解了情境化教育改造的程序要求;分别从教育学、哲学、犯罪学、社会心理学、罪犯改造心理学层面论述了情境化教育是罪犯教育改造模式创新的必然选择; 紧接着,从克服自由刑弊端的角度说明了情境化教育改造模式的对一切为了回归的行刑理念的遵循性特征;从教育学角度重点论述情境化教育的对罪犯主体作用的注重性特征,明晰其与传统教育改造模式下罪犯被动型接受教育的差异;从体系结构的角度阐明情境化教育相对传统模式的颠倒性特征,并且用系统论观点解释了该特征将产生巨大的功能;从内容组成角度指出情境化教育对传统教育改造内容的兼容性特征,界定了二者在继承和发展中的性质关系;之后,提供了本人在情境化教育改造模式创新实践中宝贵的经验。最后,在结论中逻辑的提出了稳步推进教育改造模式创新的建议,以期增色有中国特色的行刑方式。 Education reform is a special form of education which differentiates from ordinary social education. It shows the method of executing criminal punishment with Chinese characteristics. In the new era, the work on inmateseducation reform faces challenges and difficulties. In this authors research regarding these questions, problems existing in the education reform model have been discovered and attempts have been made to provide answers through theory and practice. Therefore, this passage starts first from the meaning of education reform and its theories on the basis of education studies and sociology, introducing the social, individual, technical and international development trend of world contemporary inmateseducation. I then summarize our nations education reform into three special features which regard“Three Studies”as the main content, security and stability as the core of our work and a variety of method and means in education reform; I also emphasize on clarifying the basic questions of education reform. From the perspective of sociology, I look into re-socialization which is the essence of education reform. I boldly introduce the concept of education on half-adults quality and make it the theoretical term synonymous to inmateseducation reform, and so to enrich our understanding and knowledge regarding inmateseducation reform; by using the theories on education studies, sociology and criminology theories to demonstrate that life education should be the chief content of inmateseducation; from the perspective of the theory of control I prove that the stability of development and trend is the scientific concept of security. On this foundation, I analyze the background on which the emotion and environment education reform model is built upon. For example, the challenges education reform is facing and the growing but immature studies and theories of it. I suggest and define the concept of emotion and environment reform and explain the requirements of this program. From the levels of education studies, philosophy, criminology, social psychology and inmatesreform psychology, I discuss about emotion and environment education becoming the inevitable option with respect to the innovation of inmateseducation reform; following that, from the viewpoint of overcoming the disadvantages of flexible criminal punishment, it indicates that emotion and environment education model is in conformity to“everything for return to society”in the concept of executing criminal punishment. I discuss mainly on the emphasis of the effects of emotion and environment education on the inmate subject from the stand of education studies, clearly indicating its difference from passive education in the traditional education reform model. From the perspective of system structure, I elaborate the reversal feature which emotion and environment education has on traditional reform model, and from the stand its reforms content pointing out the compatibility of it with traditional education reform model, outlining the nature of relationship of the two in inheritance and development. Also, by applying the theory of system we explain the enormous function this reversal feature creates. After that, I provide my precious practical experience and it serves as a reference for the innovation on the emotion and environment reform model. Lastly, in my conclusion I logically suggest the stable promotion of the education reform model so as to add colors to the method of criminal punishment with Chinese characteristics. 由于篇幅所限,以上题目对应的毕业论文范文请到查阅,另外,你可以根据自身需求定制毕业论文写作服务,在线咨询何老师qq