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广东省阳江市阳东广雅中学中考英语书面表达之遣词造句练习人教新目精书面表达之遣词造句 Part 1: Choosing words and expressions Activity one: Complete the following sentences. 1.She likes _jobs. 2. We used to do_ work. 3. Mike donated one of his kidneys to his colleague. His _act inspired others a lot. 4. we_(在农场四处看看) 5.We gave rides to others when riding our bikes, so the policeman_(让) us catch the next offender(违章者) 遣词原则1:_ Activity two:translate the following sentence by using as many expressions as possible. 户外活动有益于健康 _ _ 我想到了一个好主意 _ _ 遣词原则2 : _ Part 2: Making sentences Activity three: fill in the blanks 1) More and more people drive to work. This place much pressure on the traffic.(V-ing 做结果状语) More and more people drive to work, _ _ _ on the traffic. 2)2,200 people were killed in the earthquake, and thousands more were injured.( 改成含with 复合结构) 2,200 people were killed in the earthquake_ _ _. 3) To write the paper took him a month. (改写成it 句型的句子) _ _ _ a month_ write the paper. 4)The moment I entered the room, the phone rang. (改成以否定词开头的固定倒装) _ _ _ I entered the room _ my phone rang. 5)与其他老师相比,摩尔先生更注重教学方法。(-ed 分词做状语) _ _ _ _, Mr. Moore pays more attention to his way of teaching Activity four: translate the following sentences. 1. 听到这个消息,她放声大哭。 a._ b. (非谓语结构做状语)_ c. (简单句,含表时间的介词短语)_ 1 2. 他去英国已有三年。 a._ b._ c. (it 句型)_ _ 3. 这项任务花了我们两个星期才完成 a._ b_ 4. 由于没有公共汽车,我们只有走路回家 a._ b._ 5. 我们必须采取有效措施来阻止环境变得更糟。 a._ b. (被动句)_ 我们可以通过_ 丰富句式。 Activity five 1. 尽管在上次考试中我在班级排第二,但我仍然不满意。 2. 老师指出我可以在各科取得更大的进步。 3. 我没法达到他的期望。 4. 有时候我沮丧到大哭。 5. 我意识到是我背负太大的压力,导致我的努力白费。 6. 我将尽力学会通过多参加课外活动来放松自己,远离压力。 7. 我坚信,通过自我调节,我会在考试中取得更好地成绩,并且实现我的梦想。 2