幼少儿英语游戏1 skip to my loo Loo loo ,skip to my loo ,loo loo , skip to my loo Loo loo ,skip to my loo , skip to my loo my loo loo Round in a circle ,round and round Touch your toes and reach to the sky Flap your wings and fly like a bird Paint with a paint brush ch-ch-ch Bang your drums with a boom boom boom Come to the middle , all join hands. 2 注意事项: 1. 突出主题, 例如:这个游戏是专门为圣诞出题所设的,题目是where is Santa?突出的是Santa,和not here.所以图中方格只有一个画的是圣诞老人的,大部分都是not here, 至于其他空白格,老师可以根据孩子年龄段自行创作好玩的图画,增加游戏乐趣。 2. 游戏扩展 游戏主题还可以设定为where is alligator/present等有难度的词 Rules: lets find out santa. If you cannot see santa, please say “not here” and do the right action as the cards show. 3 运输队 准备:闪卡或实物 玩法:2名幼儿分别将闪卡放在头顶上, 并将闪卡运至指定地点,最快运到并说出单词的获胜。 注意事项:若闪卡不小心掉到地板上必须回到起点继续。不可用手扶住闪卡 游戏延伸:设定为2名幼儿用肚子顶着卡片方式运输。或者将闪卡夹在腿上,跳着运输。用屁股夹 用脸贴着 Rules: Ill choose 3 groups come here, every group has two students. When I say *,you should find out the right card and carry it with your head or hips qickly. And if you drop the card, please run back to the beginning and do it one more time. The first group which can get to the destination and say the word out is the winner. 4 空中拦截folding game 玩法:将一张一开大纸铺在地上,请数名幼儿站在纸上,教师出示卡片或做动作,幼儿回答,最慢及说错教师发出指令的幼儿罚下,将纸对折,剩余幼儿站在纸上,继续回答,最慢及说错的幼儿罚下,再将纸对折,剩余幼儿站在纸上继续回答,直至纸剩地只能站一名幼儿为止,该幼儿为胜者 Rules: Ill divide you into 3 groups. Every 5 students stand on your paper and answer my question. If you are wrong, you should fold your paper. And if the paper cannot hold all your group members, your group will lose. The last one is the owner. 5 上上下下 up and down 游戏规则:给幼儿分组,3-4个一组,每组分配单词,比如 将幼儿分为四组apple banana pear lemon ,所有的apple一组的幼儿一起说“apple down, apple down ,apple down(教师指向lemon)and lemon down,”然后是lemon组的幼儿继续说”lemon down, lemon down, lemon down (教师指向banana)and banana down.” 依次进行游戏。 Rules : Ill divide you into 4 groups. Apple , banana , pear and lemon group. When I point to apple, apple group should say “apple down, apple down, apple down (and then I point to lemon) and lemon down,” and its lemon groups turn to say “lemon down, lemon down, lemon down (and I point to banana) and banana down.” If you are wrong , youll lose. The last group is the winner.