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    年级上册英语译林牛津期中复习年 级 内容标题 编稿老师 初二 刘明芳 学 科 英语 版 本 译林出版社 期中复习 一、教学内容: 复习8A Unit 1-3 重点语言点 Language points 二、教学目标: 掌握课文中的重点语言点及用法 Unit 1 1. She is as slim as I am. as +形容词、副词原形 as与一样,not asas 与不一样 e.g. 1)我们的教室和他们的一样明亮。 Our classroom is _ _ _ theirs. 2)Kitty跟Millie跑得一样快。 Kitty runs_ _ _ Millie. 3) 他姐姐没有他高。 His sister is _ _ _ _ him. He is _ _ his sister. His sister is _ _ he. 2. be willing to do be ready to do e.g. 1)她很大方,总愿意跟别人分享她自己的东西。 She is very _. She _ _ _ _ share her own things with others. 2) 小刘很乐于助人,他乐于帮我解决难题。 Xiao Liu is very _ and he _ _ _ help me with difficult questions. 3. because + 句子 because of +名词 e.g. 1)他没上学,因为病了。 He didnt go to school _ _ _ _. =He didnt go to school _ _ _ . 2) 他喜欢戴眼镜,因为眼镜使他看起来非常酷。 He likes wearing glasses _ they can make him look very cool. 4. make/let sb. do sth. e.g. 1)她很幽默,经常让我们发笑。 She is quite humorous and often _ _ _. 5. She helps me with my homework. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人,与help sb. (to) do sth.同义,可转换 e.g. 这个女孩经常帮同学学英语。 The girl often _ her classmates _ their English. The girl often _ her classmates _ English. 第1页 版权所有 不得复制 6. She always gives seats to people in need. give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. e.g. 请把这辆自行车给你的老师。 Please _ the bike _ your teacher. Please _ _ _ the bike. 典型例题 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空. 1. Theres only one cake left. Lets _ (share) it! 2. David often comes to talk to me when something _ (worry) him. 3. What Simon says always makes us _ (laugh). 4. I have a friend _ (call) Amy. 5. Help_ (you) to some fish, boys and girls. 6. Max is good at _ (write). 7. Sometimes, I dont know what _ (do) next. 8. The boy looked _(happy) because he didnt pass the exam. 9. I would like _ (vote) for the plan. 10. Jin Yong has lots of true _ (read). 1. share 5. yourselves 9. to vote Unit 2 1. I like learning how to cook and sew. how to cook and sew 如何做饭和缝缝补补 e.g. I wonder when to go to school. 我想知道什么时候去上学。 艾迪不知道晚饭吃什么。 Eddie doesnt know _ for supper. 2. The reading is always too short because we want to read all our friends books as well. 区分as well / too / also / either并能正确使用和相互转换 e.g. 1) Judy 也是舞蹈俱乐部的成员。 Judy is a member of Dancing Club _. Judy is a member of Dancing Club, _. Judy is_ a member of Dancing Club. 2) Sandy明天也不会回来。 Sandy will not come back tomorrow, _. 3. I spend a lot of time practicing. 区分spend / take / cost / pay e.g. 1)Bob每天花两个小时的时间看电视。 It _ Bob two hours _TV every day. 第2页 版权所有 不得复制 2. worries 6. writing 10. readers 3. laugh 7. to do 4. called 8. unhappy Bob _ two hours _ TV every day. 2)昨天他们花50块钱买这些书。 They _ fifty yuan _ the books yesterday. The books _ them fifty yuan yesterday. 4. any adj. 任何的,任何一个的。 We can read any books from the school library. e.g. Any student should obey schools rules. You can use any computer in this office . (public use) Give me a pen_ pen will do. any pron. 无论哪一个。 They are all free. So take any you like. any time 随便什么时候 5. 我们甚至能把家里的书和杂志带进去。 We can even bring in books and magazines from home. bring in 把带来,引入,赚钱,请来 Eg. Id like to bring my friends in to help me. Can I bring in my new magazines here. 6. Near the end of the reading week. near prep. 接近,靠近(time or place) My family lives near the bus stop. So it is convenient. 不要坐在门口。 Dont sit near the door. He came back home near the end of Spring Festival. nearby adj./adv. a nearby town/ nearby river live nearby 7. Now, he drives me to school every day. drive sb. to sp. 开车送某人去 我希望我父母每周日开车送我去学校。 I hope that my parents can drive me to school every Sunday. 8. She is a senior in 12th grade. 她是一个高三学生。 senior high school 高中 junior high school 初中 He is two years older than me. = He is my senior by two years. 9. We always have a great time talking to each other. have fun (in) doing sth. have a good/great time (in) doing sth. have difficulty (in) doing sth. have a hard time (in) doing sth. have problems (in) doing sth./ with sth. have trouble (in) doing sth. 典型例题 单项选择 第3页 版权所有 不得复制 ( ) 1. Why _ he join the school reading club last term? A. dont B. doesnt C. didnt D. not ( ) 2. What _ your new school like? A. are B. is C. does D. was ( ) 3. Our school is a _ school. A. mix B. mixed C. mixing D. mixes ( ) 4. I didnt know how _ care of myself before. A. take B. to take C. taking D. could I ( ) 5. Whats the British English word for “fall”? _. A. Fell B. Feel C. Felt D. Autumn ( ) 6. He spends a lot of time _ English every day. A. practice B. practicing C. to practice D. in practice ( ) 7. _does Mary usually go to the bubby club? Once a week. A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much ( ) 8. My cousin is in_ in Shanghai No.11 Middle School. A. 3th Grade B. 3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd ( ) 9. He always looks_. Now hes looking _at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy ( ) 10. Lucys sports shoes are_ yours. A. like B. alike C. the same D. different ( ) 11. Simon looks _ in his new coat. A. pretty B. beautiful C. handsome D. lovely ( ) 12. Lucy and Lily are twins. They are _ . A. like B. alike C. look like D. same ( ) 13. I didnt have a good time during the last holiday because after eating, drinking, I had _ to do. A. nothing else B. else nothing C. something else D. anything else ( ) 14. He is looking forward to _ a superman. A. become B. becomes C. becoming D. became ( ) 15. I cant do the job _ you. A. so bad as B. as badly as C. as worse as D. so worst as CBBBD BACAA CBACB Unit 3 1. You need to exercise and keep fit. 你需要运动并保持健康。 动词need后接不定式时,不定式动词是主语的另一动作。 I need to think about this before I make a decision 在作出决定之前我需要想一下。 You need to work harder if youre going to pass those exams 如果你想通过那些考试,你需要再努力些。 如果need的主语为事物,则用need doing或need to be done,不能接不定式的主动式。 这些土豆需要多烧一会儿。 第4页 版权所有 不得复制 These potatoes need cooking a little longer These potatoes need to be cooked a little longer need作为情态动词通常用于否定句及疑问句中,无时态、人称变化,后面直接跟动词原形。 You neednt worry. 你不必着急。 “Need we buy any new computers?” “No, we neednt. /Yes, we must.” “我们需要买些新电脑吗?”“不,不需要。是的,很需要。” 考场连线 (1) These shoes are dirty and need _. A. to wash B. to be washed C. to washing D. washed (2) All of us need_ English so that we can improve it quickly A. to keep speaking B. keeping to speak C. keeps speaking D. to keep to speak 2. It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 这是一幢带有一个大花园和许多树木的漂亮的建筑。 在这一句中介词with的短语作定语,修饰building。介词with在这里表示“具有”的含义,定语、表语也可作状语。 请学习并掌握下面例句中with的意思。 His sister is a nice girl with big eyes. 他的姐姐是一个长着大眼睛的漂亮姑娘。 Dont write with a pencil. Please write with a pen. 请不要用铅笔写,请用钢笔写。 She wants to go with us. 她想要和我们一起去。 Please take the book with you. 请把这本书带上。 What will you do with these old machines? 这些旧机器你们怎么处理? Are you with us? 你支持我们吗? 注 with和in都有“用”的含义,with强调使用具体的工具,如句write with a pencilpen;in表示所用的材料的颜色,如write in pencilink尽管也表示“用铅笔钢笔写”,但具有不用别的笔之含义,这里强调所用的笔在纸上书写的颜色,不指具体的工具。另外,“用英语说或写”应说speak or write in English,这里的in不能用with代替。 考场连线 (1) He lives in a big house_ a small garden around it A. have B. has C with D. to have (2) Our house has a small garden _many beautiful flowers A. of B. with C. have D. has 3. It was a great day but we did not enjoy it at the beginning. 这是一个开心的日子,但一开始我们玩得并不愉快。 (1) at the beginning常常跟of短语连用,表示“在开始时”,与at the end of相对应,表示“在结束时”。 例:at the beginning of the tripthe meetingthe filmthe play at the end of the tripthe meetingthe filmthe play 注 at the beginning后如果没有跟of短语,其所含意思也可以从上下文中看出来,如课文中的at the beginning后实际上省略了of the day。 第5页 版权所有 不得复制 (2) in the beginning意为“起初”(=at first) 其反义词为in the end (= at last),意为“最终”。 例:I found Chinese hard to learn_. 起初我发现汉语难学。 注当有of短语时,beginning和end前一般只用at不用in。 考场连线 It was a great day but we did not enjoy it_ the beginning A. on B. for C. with D. at 4. It was boring. 旅程很乏味。 句中的boring为形容词作表语,表示主语的性质,意为“令人讨厌的”“乏味的” 例:They had a boring evening. 他们度过了一个乏味的晚上。 That man is really boring. 那个人真无聊。 形容词bored表示所处的状态,通常由人作主语,意为“感到讨厌的”感到乏味的”。 例:I was bored to death. 我觉得烦死了。 I hope that you are not getting bored of listening to me 我希望听我说话没使你觉得太厌烦。 考场连线 I feel _ when I read the _ books.(bore) The interview lasted too long. We all felt_. A. boring B. bored C. exciting D. excited 5. Finally, we arrived at the World Park. 最后,我们终于来到了世界公园。 在英语中表示到达某地可用如下结构: arrive at+小地方,arrive in+大地方,get to+名词,reach+名词 home,here,there连用时都不用介词;当无宾语时应用arrive。 例:When did the plane _? 飞机什么时候到达? It takes three hours to get toarrive inreach Beijing by air. 乘飞机去北京需要三个小时。 考场连线 Who was the first one_ ? A. to reach B. to arrive C. to get to D. to arrive at 典型例题 A. 根据提示完成句子 1. At the _(开始) of the plane trip, I was a little afraid. 2. The students would like _(邀请) their teacher to the World Park. 3. Mum is _(准备) dinner while Dad is reading newspaper. 4. It was getting dark, so he _(决定) to go home by bus. 5. Did you enjoy _ (you) today, boys and girls ? 6. Amy is planning _ (learn) another foreign language. 7. It is _ (interest) to see many places of _ (interest). 8. His brother is one of the best _ (climb). 9. He fell down from the tree, but _ (luck) he didnt get hurt. 10. It is not right to think PE is a (use) subject. 第6页 版权所有 不得复制 B. 句子改写 1. They will go to see the Statue of Liberty by boat. They will _ a boat _ to see the Statue of Liberty. 2. The trip from school took Kitty about 2 hours by coach. It _ Kitty about 2 hours _ get there from school by coach. 3. We had a wonderful time on National Day. We _ _ on National Day. 4. Id like to travel around the world when I grow up. Id like to travel _ _ the world when I grow up. 5. Lets play hide-and-seek in the garden. _ _ playing hide-and-seek in the garden ? A: 1. beginning 5. yourselves 9. luckily B: 1. take, trip 4. all over 2. to invite 3. preparing 6. to learn 7. interesting, interest 10. useless 2. took, to 3. enjoyed ourselves 5. What/How about 4. decided 8.climbers A:根据句子填写合适的单词 1. I like going to the cinema to watch m_. 2. She can speak three foreign l_ well. 3. He often falls asleep in this class because its b_. 4. Mille likes to s_ problems for others. 5. Peter is a top student in school and he is good at all the subjects. His classmates a_ him very much. 6. Mr. Brown doesnt believe a_ on TV or in newspapers. 7. Can you guess the h_ of this tall building? 8. He never tells a lie. He is h_. 9. Max is very h_. He can make you laugh any time. 10. He is a smart boy. None of these math problems is d_ to him. B:用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Beijing Duck is _. (taste) 2. Its nice to see these _ (cheer) teenagers every day. 3. There are many _ (different) between the two schools. 4. Next year, Amy will become a student in a _ (mix) school. 5. This hair chip is _ (pretty) than that one. 6. In spring and summer, light colour is _ (popular) than dark colour. 7. As a famous fashion magazine, “Vogue” has many _ (read) around the world. 8. Who is the _ (slim) girl in your class? 9. Helens _ (smile) eyes make her beautiful. 10. Last Sunday, I had a great time _ (climb) Mount Zijin with my friends. 11. We are good friends. We are _ (will) to share things with each other. 第7页 版权所有 不得复制 12. You should try your best _ (study). 13. After a few minutes preparation (准备), everybody is ready _ (dive) now. 14. Nobody can mend this broken TV. Its _ (use) now. 15. Who knows the _ (long) of Yangtze River? 第8页 版权所有 不得复制 A:1. movies 2. languages 3. boring 4. solve 5. admire 6. advertisements 7. height 8. honest 9. humourous 10. difficult B:1. tasty 2. cheerful 3. differences 4. mixed 5. prettier 6. more popular 7. readers 8. slimmest 9. smiling 10. climbing 11. willing 12. to study 13. to dive 14. useless 15. length 第9页 版权所有 不得复制


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