少儿英语入门 问候语.docx
少儿英语入门 问候语B is for ball, A is for apple, æ, æ, apple. Hello! b, b, ball. Aaæ Bbb Hi! My name is A. Whats your name? My name is B. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. How are you? Im fine. Thank you. And you? Im fine, too. Thank you. A: Whats this?这是什么? B: Its an apple/ant/ankle/ax. 这是···· B: Its a bed/box/banana/book.这是··· Who is number one? 谁最棒? We are! 我们! 请认真完成作业,下节课我们将学习Cc Dd,大家可以先预习哦!争取下次拿到最棒的一队!