小蜗牛送信小蜗牛送信 小蜗牛看见兔子邮递员给大家,小蜗牛,蜗牛妈妈花了一晚上,给小蜗牛做了一个,小蜗牛背上上路了,小蜗牛想帮送信,小松鼠说,小蜗牛想帮送信,河马说,有一份要送给朋友,小蜗牛想帮助他,大公鸡说,摘了一筐,要给送去,小蜗牛说我帮你,小老鼠,但是看到小蜗牛都快,就答应了他。小蜗牛想,我一定要送得。小蜗牛拖着草莓,不怕头顶,小蜗牛,不怕和,风,雨,(太阳出来了),小蜗牛看着草莓要被太阳,心里。这时候来了,他说,我有一个,嘟嘟熊送了小蜗牛一辆,小蜗牛把放进,小蜗牛开着小汽车,很快超过了,大家都说小蜗牛跑得。小蜗牛很快把送到了,鼠奶奶说,从此以后,大家都来找,小蜗牛开着送快递,心里 云 帽 子 A Hat of Cloud 1.天,好热好热。小草热得趴在了地上,小花热得低下了头,小树热得弯了腰。 It is very, very hot. It is so hot that the little grass has to lie down on the ground, the little flower has to lower its head, and the little tree has to bow. 2. 这时候,蓝蓝的天空飘来了一顶云帽子。 Then there is a hat of cloud in the blue sky floating over their heads. 3. 小草说:“我戴!我戴!戴上云帽子,我就不热了。” The little grass says: "Let me put it on. If I put on the hat of cloud, I won't feel hot." 4. 小花说:“我戴!我戴!戴上云帽子,我就不渴了。” The little flower says: "Let me put it on. If I put on the hat of cloud, I won't feel thirsty." 5. 小树说:“我戴!我戴!戴上云帽子,我就不出汗了。” The little tree says: "Let me put it on. If I put on the hat of cloud, I won't sweat." 6. 云帽子说:"太阳公公年纪最大、最热,这顶帽子还是给他戴吧!" The hat of cloud says: "Grandfather Sun is oldest, and he feels hottest. Let him put on this hat." 7.太阳公公戴上了云帽子,天一下子变得凉快了。小花、小草、小树都抬起头,看着天空,笑啦! When Grandfather Sun put on the hat of cloud, it suddenly becomes cool. The little grass, the little flower and the little tree all smile when they look up at the sky.