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    小学英语鲁科五下五六单元Unit 5 Country Life 教学目标 1、知识目标:能听懂会说规范书写单词river,bird,any,duck,house,baby,sheep,plant,cow 能听懂会说认读单词和短语village,happily,yard,goat,cucumber,field,soil,orchard,grade,pick,cherry,pick cherries,in the soil,in the field等,并能结合句型灵活运用。 2、技能目标:能运用所学单词和句型谈论乡村生活。 3、情感目标:培养学生敢于乐于张口说英语,形成良好的学习策略。 教学重点: 能运用“Are there?”进行提问及回答。 教学难点: There be句型的正确运用。 教学中应注意的问题:There be句型的正确运用。 教学措施:通过多媒体课件,给学生直观形象地呈现,激发学生兴趣,采用多种方式使学生熟练掌握对话。 课时分配 每课一课时,共计四课时。 Unit 5 lesson 1: Are there any fish in the river? 一、教学目标: 知识:能听懂、会说并认读句型: Are there any fish in the river? Yes,they are./No,they arent.来询问某地是否有某物并回答。 能力: 能听懂、会说并认读单词village house bird happily river any duck catch. 情感:热爱乡村生活,保护自己家乡的 环境。 二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:能熟练运用句型Are there any fish in the river? Yes,they are./No,they arent.来询问某地是否有某物并回答。 2.教学难点:句型的灵活运用及any在句型中的运用。 三 教学方法:情景教学法 四 教具:PPT,卡片等 五、教学过程 Step 1. Warm up 1. Greetings. 2. 出示课文的第一幅图,让同学运用上一单元所学的句型There is(are)/Is there?来描述。 Step 2. Presentation 1.师:This is Guo Yangs grandparents village. 学习单词village,并用多种方式操练。接着同学们对于第一幅图的描述,教师:There are many new houses and birds . 学习单词house bird 并强调复数的读音。 2.出示课文第二幅图,师指着小河,问:Whats this? 师: There is a river near the village. 学习单词river并操练。 师:Ok,children,are there any fish in the river? 学习单词any并讲解any与some都表示一些的意思,分别存在的句子及区别,引导同学做出回答。领读句子,男女生大小生读。 3.同桌之间运用所学的句型询问第二幅图的内容,请同学展示。 4打开课本,同学们自主学习第三段内容并圈出新单词。教师通过单词卡学习单词duck catch ,教师提出问题:Are there any ducks in the river? What are they doing?并引导学生回答。 5用单词卡巩固一下本课所学的新单词。 6听音感知课文,教授单词happily。 7. 跟读课文 8.分角色朗读对话。 Step 3. Practise 1. 出示Lets talk图片,让同学仔细观看一分钟后,同学凭着自己的记忆小组用Are there ?句型来猜测回答并展示。 Step 4. Lets do. 教师先用There is/are 介绍自己的家乡,城市或自己的小房间等,然后请同学做小记者运用本节课所学句型进行采访询问,为学生做示范。然后请同学根据自己的示范,进行小组间的练习并展示。 Step 6. Summary and Homework. 小结:齐读板书单词和句型。 作业: listen to the tape and read the dialogue. Unit 5 lesson 2:How many ducks do you have? 一、教学目标: 知识:能听懂、会说并认读句型: How many ducks do you have?来询问物品的数量并回答。 能力:能听懂、会说并认读单词yard baby sheep goat cucumber tomato potato plant soil 情感:热爱自己的家乡,热爱乡村生活。 二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:能熟练运用句型How many ducks do you have?来询问物品的数量并准确回答。 2.教学难点:部分词的单复数形式及读音。 教学方法:情景教学法 教具:卡片,cd 三、教学过程 Step 1. Warm up 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk. There is/are Are there? (设计意图:在与学生交流的过程中复习了第一节课所学句型,为本课新句型的学习作好准备。) Step 2. Presentation 1. 出示课文图片一 师:Our friends Danny and Jenny go to Grandmas house,lets have a look. The yard is beautiful.学习单词yard,师:There are some trees. :There is a duck. There are some baby ducks.学习单词baby,并操练。师:Look, How many ducks does Grangma have?板书,请同学们猜测一下意思,并引导回答。大小声,男女生读,强调How many 后面跟复数名词。 2出示Lets talk 的图片练习重点句型,并学习单词sheep goat tomato potato,采用多种方式操练单词,同学区分sheep goat,并强调sheep单复数是相同的。小组间练习图片,并起来展示。 3教师出示自己的菜园图片,请同学们运用今学的知识向老师提问问题,How many tomatoes do you have?教师板书,并回答。小组讨论,多请几位学生向教师提问。 4师:Lets look Grandpas vegetable garden.听音,整体感知课文,圈出新单词,学习单词cucumber plant soil,missing复习这节课所学的单词。 5Listen and answer :How many potatoes does Granpa have? 6. Listen,point and say. Step 3. Practise. 出示课文图片,填空。 Grandma: Hello,children! Welcome to my house. Children: Thanks,grandma. Danny: Your _ is beautiful. The _ducks are so lovely. Jenny:_ do you have? Gramma:_. Step 4. Production 大多数孩子都玩过偷菜那个游戏,课前把自己菜园的菜画出来,请同学小组之间介绍自己的菜园,其它同学提出问题,然后请小组上台展示。 Step 5. Summary and Homework. 齐读单词和句型。 作业:1.听音,读熟课文。 2与全班同学交流一下自己的小菜园。 板书设计:Lesson 2 How many ducks do you have: Six Tomato-tomatoes Potato-potatoes Unit 5 Lesson 3 He goes to school By school bus. 一 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 能听说并认读:grade live field cow orchard pick cherry。 2. 能听说、认读:How does go to ? He/She go to by bus. What does he/she often do after schoolat the weekend? He/She often after school/at the weekend. 能力目标: 能运用How does go to ? What does he/she often do after schoolat the weekend?之类的语句询问他人经常所做的事情。 情感目标 热爱乡村生活,享受大自然的乐趣。 二 教学重难点 教学重点:句型How does go to ? what does he/she often do after schoolat the weekend? 问答句的认读及运用。 教学难点: 一般现在时中动词变换的运用。 三 教学方法:情境教学法 四 教具:卡片,PPT课件 五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming- up 1 Greetings: 2 Review: go do play like read watch dance. 3. Free talk: Do you like watch TV? Does your mother like watch TV? Do you like dance? Does your sister like dance? 师生问答 4.课件出示人物活动图片用 What does Jenny/Danny/Li Ming do? 师生问答,生生问答。 复习已学的动词第三人称单数形式,师生问答复习句子为新授打下基础。 Step2、 Presentation .课件出示课文郭亮喂牛图片,引入课文,师问:What does he often do after school? 引导生听音初步感知课文问答,He often helps his parents feed the cows. 板书句子,教师出示单词卡学习生词cow。 之后教师领读学生跟读,男女生问答 开火车问答 同位间问答等形式操练句型。 教师出示另外另个问题:How does Guo Liang go to school? What does he usually do at the weekend?请学生自己读出这两个句子后,并说出汉语意思。听课文找出答案,1.学习答语种的生词 orchard pick. 多种形式学习操练单词;2.请学生做小老师领读这两组问答句后,男女生问答,开火车同位间问答操练。3.齐读板书的三组问答句。 .学习单词:再次听课文圈出其中的生词。grade live field cherry. (四).听音跟读课文。 .自读课文,并完成短文填空。 1.请学生填空朗读,教师出示答案。 2.全体学生朗读短文内容。 Step3Practice 1. 课件出示图片,首先在小组内讨论用什么句型来问答,然后同位间问答展示。 2.Lets write 学生齐读所给词组,之后完成短文内容。 请学生朗读完成后的短文,最后齐读。 S tep4Summary 齐读板书内容。 Homework: 1.听读课文 2.用所学句子在朋友间询问平日经常所做的事情。 板书: Unit5 Lesson3 He goes to school by school bus. What does he often do after school? He often helps his parents feed the cows. How does Guo Liang go to school? He goes to school by school bus. He usually goes to his fathers orchard. What does he usually do at the weekend? He often helps his father pick fruit. Lesson 4 Again, Please. 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 能听说并认读:river village house bird happily any duck catch yard baby sheep goat cucumber tomato potato plant soil grade live field cow orchard pick cherry 2. 能听说、认读:Are there any in the village? How many do you have? How does go to ? What does he/she often do after schoolat the weekend? He/She often after school/at the weekend. 3.句末升降调的掌握。 能力目标: 1.能用Are there any in the village? How many do you have?询问物品的有无及数量。 2.能用How does go to What does he/she often do after schoolat the weekend? He/She often after school/at the weekend.对第三人称进行平日经常所做事情的问答。 情感目标:了解不同国家的乡村生活。 教学重点:能正确合理的运用本单元的重点句型来交流。 教学难点: 1.一般疑问句中any的使用,及how many后名词复数的变化。 2.能准确掌握动词第三人称变化形式及并能在句子中合理运用。 3.掌握句末语调变化。 教法:情景教学法 教具:光盘,卡片等 教学过程 : 一 、 Review 1.课件出示单词卡复习单词。 2.课件出示单词复习动词的第三人称的变化形式。 二. Free Talk: 1.教师问生:Are there any books on the desk? 生答: How many books do you have? 生答 让学生根据老师的演示来两两问答。 2.课件出示图片,教师指图问一生:What does he usually do after school?学生回答,之后找生根据图片两两问答。 三、 Practice 师:There are four pictures in the book,Lets go and see together. (一)Lets listen. 1.听音连线 放录音学生根据所听内容连线,并给出答案,教师订正。 2.谈论图片 男女生分角色朗读句子后,同位间运用句型谈论图片并展示。 (二)Listen and repeat: 1. 播放录音学生感知句子。 2. 再播放录音,学生在句末标上升降调。 3. 教师纠正,学生试着自己读句子。 4. 教师领读句子。 (三)Lets read: 1.学生自读,找出生单词。 2.学生完成题目要求。 3. 师领读讲解注释的生词,带领学生翻译并了解材料内容。 4.检查答案,朗读阅读材料。 四Fun Time: Read and enjoy. (播放光盘)。 五Summary and homework: Unit 6 Plan for the Summer 单元备课 教学目标 1、知识目标:能听懂会说规范书写单词umbrell, map能听懂会说认读单词和短语plan,painting,sound,camp,must,had better,stay,during,the British Museum,Big Ben,the London Eye,camera,get ready,middle school life, trip, term, miss, more等,并能结合句型灵活运用。 2、技能目标:能运用所学语言谈论有关暑假计划的话题。 3、情感目标:了解牛顿发现地球引力的故事,并客观地对自己进行评价。培养学生热爱同学和老师的情感,并为初中生活做好充分的思想准备。 教学重点: 能听懂谁说并认读句子,能与他人讨论暑假计划这一话题。 教学难点: 用英语交流对暑假的安排。 教学中应注意的问题:句子一般将来时时态的运用和回答。 教学措施:通过多媒体课件,给学生直观形象地呈现,激发学生兴趣,采用多种方式使学生熟练掌握对话。 课时分配 每课一课时,共计四课时。 L1 What are you going to do this summer holiday? 一、教学目标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:plan,painting,sound,camp,must,travel 2.能听懂会说并认读词组read some Chinese storybooks,take Chinese painting classes, summer camp,visit some fomous places,travel around China,go back to,come back, 3.学生能听懂会说并认读句子What are you going to do this summer holiday?及Im going to take Chinese painting classes./travel/go to a summer camp.等进行回答。 能力目标 1.学生能在真实语言情景中用What are you going to do this summer holiday?及Im going to take Chinese painting classes./travel/go to a summer camp.等进行回答。,让学生在真实语言情景中体味英语,运用英语. 情感目标 1.学生敢于乐于张口说英语,形成良好的学习策略。 2.学生树立起合理分配时间,劳逸结合的观念,培养热爱生活的情感。 二、教学重难点 教学重点 1.单词plan,painting,sound,camp,must,travel的认读。 2.运用句型What are you going to do this summer holiday?Im going to 进行提问以及回答。 教学难点 1.单词sound的发音。 2. 句型What are you going to do this summer holiday?Im going to 的灵活运用。 三 教学方法:情境教学法 四 教具:卡片,PPT课件 五、教学过程 Step 1. Warming-up. 1. Greetings. 2.Enjoy a song 3. Free talk. 教师利用课件展示几张暑假活动的照片,并对学生说“Children,our summer holiday is coming.In this holiday.lm going to travel.D o you have any plans for the summer?”此处学习单词plan.然后教师询问一生:”How about you?”学生利用Im going to 进行回答。教师肯定语气说:“It sounds good!”学习单词sound.最后教师点名询问一学生:”xxx,what are you going to do this summer holiday?板书句子并领读操练,并引导该生利用Im going to .进行回答。 Step 2. Presentation. 1. 听音整体感知课文。 2. 听课文第一自然,回答问题:Whats jennys plan for the summer holiday?引导学生利用课文中的话进行回答,并操练词组read some Chinese storybooks,take Chinese painting classes。 听课文第二段录音,回答问题:“If you are jenny, what are You going to do this summer holiday?”学生回答.summer camp学生理解可能不会太难。教师可以利用多媒体课件呈现图片帮助学生理解,并学习单词camp.并带领学生操练词组summer camp,visit some fomous places。教师说:It must be fun.学习must. 3. 听课文第三段。听音回答问题“What is peter going todo this summer holiday?”引导学生回答。并带领学生学习单词travel及词组travel around China。 4. 听课文最后一段,让学生自主理解并翻译。 5. 学生跟读课文并自主练习。 Step 4. Application. 学生两人以小组仿照Lets talk 部分进行操练,让学生上台展示。 Make a survey .将学生分组,每组发一张关于暑假活动的调查表,每张调查表上呈现不同形式的暑假娱乐活动,请学生以小组为单位调查采访不同国家如何过暑假,请每组选一个代表采访小组内的成员:“What are you going to do yhis summer holiday?”其它学生回答: “Im going to .”然后请每组的代表向全班进行总结交流。 Step 5. Summary. 让学生看板书,跟老师重复本堂课的重点内容。 Step 6. Assignments 1. READ THE TEXT. 2. 利用今天所学询问身边的朋友要在圣诞节都进行什么活动。 U6L2 Youd better take an umbrella 一、教学目标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:during,weekday,camera,umbrella 2.能听懂会说并认读词组:the summer camp,the British Museum,Hyde Park,the London Eye,had better 3.学生能听懂会说并认读句子What are you going to do this summer holiday?Im going to等进行回答及运用Youd better take进行合理性的建议。 能力目标 1.学生能在真实语言情景中用What are you going to do this summer holiday?Im going to等进行回答及运用Youd better take进行合理性的建议。让学生在真实语言情景中体味英语,运用英语. 情感目标 1.学生敢于乐于张口说英语,形成良好的学习策略。 2.学生树立起合理分配时间,劳逸结合的观念,培养热爱生活的情感。 二、教学重难点 教学重点 1.单词during,weekday,camera,umbrella的认读。运用句型What are you going to do this summer holiday?Im going to 进行提问以及回答。 教学难点 1.单词umbrella的发音。 2. 句型What are you going to do this summer holiday?Im going to等进行回答及运用Youd better take进行合理性的建议。 三 教学方法:情境教学法 四 教具:卡片,PPT课件 五、教学过程 Step 1. Warming-up. . Free talk. 此处教师可以利用上节课学习的句型What are you going to do this summer holiday?Im going to等进行回答。让学生及复习巩固了上一节课所学的知识,有为本节课的学习做了有效的铺垫。可采取多个学生进行问答的形式来进行,当进行到最后一个学生的时候,教师有意的你让学生来询问自己What are you going to do this summer holiday?教师可以回答I am going to stay for the summmer camp.从而引导学生来学习词组the summmer camp。从而也为课文的开展做了铺垫。 Step 2. Presentation. 导入:在学习完词组the summmer camp之后,教师顺其自然的利用一个问题导入课文的学习。师:“Children.,I am going to stay for the summmer camp.Our friend Danny and LiMing are going to stay for the summmer camp,too.They will go to London.What happened about them?Les see! 1. 听音整体感知课文。 2. 听课文第一自然,回答问题:What will they do during the weedends?此处教师可以利用单词卡带领学生学习单词during 和weekend.然后引导学生回答问题:“Theyll have English classes during the weekends.” 3.完课文第一段之后,教师对学生提问:“What about the weekends?之后让学生回答:“They will visit some famous places.”教师接着提问;:What are the places?”让学生再次听音找出答案,从而引出名胜的学习the British Museum,Hyde Park,the London Eye本课的几处名胜都是非常有代表性的,教师可以利用多媒体课件找衣服图片辅助教学,让学生边学边看,加深他们的的理解。 3. 课文第三段的处理教师可以提问学生:“What will they take for the camp?”学生听音回答”camera。Clothes,map”细心的学生可能会回答:“umbrella“教师肯定学生的回答,然后询问学生:”What does Jenny say”从而引出bad better 的学习,教师在此处可以给学生讲解一下:当你想给朋友提出一些合理性的建议的时候,可以用had better来表达。 4. 学生跟读课文并自主练习。 Step 4. Application. 学生两人以小组仿照Lets talk 部分进行操练,让学生上台展示。 Make a survey .将学生分组,每组发一张关于暑假活动的调查表,每张调查表上呈现不同形式的暑假娱乐活动,请学生以小组为单位调查采访不同国家如何过暑假,请每组选一个代表采访小组内的成员:“What are you going to do yhis summer holiday?”其它学生回答: “Im going to .”并结合had better合理性的建议进行小组合作。 Step 5. Summary. 让学生看板书,跟老师重复本堂课的重点内容。 Step 6. Assignments,作业 1 READ THE TEXT. 2 给要旅行的朋友一些建议 Unit 6 lesson 3:Get ready for a new school life. 一 教学目标 1知识目标 ( 1).Learn and understand the new words: get ready ,life ,trip ,middle school ,term ,miss ,more ,exciting . (2).learn and understand the new sentences: Get ready for a new school life . 2能力目标 (1). Ss can read the text fluently and understand the meaning of it. (2).Ss can talk sth about their primary school and new middle school life . 3 情感目标 Cultivate the Ss interest in English and the consciousness of cooperation. 二 教学重难点 Main points: learn the new words and sentences Difficult points: Students can use the sentences to describe their primary school life and middle school life in real situation. 三 教学方法:情境教学法 四 教具:卡片,PPT课件 五、教学过程 Step 1 warming up T:Learn the chant P61 A;Listen and enjoy it B: Follow and read Step2 presentation 1. leading-in T:Oh, class! summer is coming ,we also can say our summer holiday is coming .I think it will great for you ,are you ready for it ? S1:. T: Youll ready for for your holiday ,after it ,youll go to Liuge middle school next term ,(teach the new words : “middle school” and “term” ),are you ready for your new school life ? S2: T:Do you have any ideas ? if not ,lets look at these three friends ,maybe they can give you some suggestions . 2 Text 1 Learn the text . 1T:The first paragraph is talking about Guoyang . A:listen and tick or × Guoyang will take English classes ( × ) swimming B: Read it together . 2The second paragraph is talking about Jenny: A: listen and follow then teach the new words. miss : Im Miss song (女士) I miss you .(想念) B:listen again and fill the blanks : Jenny is getting ready for her middle school life , shell go to different school next term . She love her school ,teachers and friends ,she says “I will miss them ” C: read this paragraph with their partners 3The third paragraph is about Liming: A;listen and find the new word “more” B: Make the sentences full: Liming;I will go to middle school next term . Have new subjects . Make new friends . Have more teachers . I really exciting (teach the new word “exciting” excited) 2 .listen and imitate the text A: read and follow S by S B:practice to imitate the text in their groups C:show it out . Step 3 practice practice part 2 Lets discuss. A:Read these three sentences by S1 S2 S3 B:Try to find the answers in their groups . C: Show their results . Step 4 consolidation 1 2 3 4 5 Read the four options together Fill in the blanks by themselves . Check up their answers . Role play the text with their deskmates . Step 5 Summary Summarize the new words and sentences together Step 6homework 1. Listen and imitate the text. 2 Write down a short essay according to the text . Blackboard design Lesson 4 Again, Please! 教学目标: 知识目标: 1.


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