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    小学英语课堂教学规范用语小学英语课堂教学规范用语 一、打招呼 Good morning/afternoon, class/ everybody/ everyone/ boys and girls/ children. How are you all today? Are you all well this morning? 打招呼之后,可以增加一两句(Beginning a chat) Well, did you have a good weekend? Well, did you enjoy the holiday? Well, what did you do yesterday evening? Tell me what you did at the weekend. 谈谈学生衣着发型也可以: Oh, youve got a new dress on. Its very nice. Oh, youve got a new hair style. 二、考勤(Checking attendance) 1点名(Calling the roll) Right! Im going to call the roll. OK! Listen while I call your names. Quiet now, please. Listen while I see if youre all here. Whos on duty today? Dont be late next time. Go back to your seat, please. 2问缺席情况(Asking about absence) Now! Lets see whos absent. Right! Lets see if anyones away. Is anybody absent/away? Whos absent/away? Is everybody here? 3. 谈缺勤原因(Talking about absence) Wheres Wang Hai? Does anyone know where Li Lei is? Can anyone tell me where Liu Tao has gone? Who knows when he will be back? Han Mei is ill today, isnt she? 4. 关照病愈者(Looking after patients) You were absent for three lessons last week. Did you catch a cold? Oh, Im sorry. Dont worry. Youll catch up, wont you? Youve been absent for days, havent you? You were away last lesson, werent you? What was the matter? Why were you away? Are you a little better? How are you feeling now? Do you feel better? Well, Jane, ask your friends to help you. OK, youd better ask your neighbor to tell you what weve done. Come and see me after the lesson, OK? 5. 关照新生(Looking after new students) Oh, are you new? You have just come to this class (school), havent you? Where do you come from? Whats your name? Do you like the school? Welcome to our class. 三、介绍(Introductions) Now, let me introduce myself. Ill just tell you a bit about myself. Ive been teaching in the school for 10 years. I come from Shanghai. I worked for a newspaper until last year. And what about you? Will you introduce yourself? 四、开始谈话(Talk beginning) T: I went to the Summer Palace (引出话题) Yesterday. Did any of you go? No?. (无人回答,问某一学生)Well, What did you do, . er. Zhang Hong. Zhang:. er. I-. - er. -. in home. (学生响应断断续续) T: Oh, you stayed at home. (“搭救“说话的学生 ) Zhang: Yes, I stay at home. T: OK, you stayed at home. (暗中纠正时态) What did you do then? Zhang:. TV. T: Oh, you watched television, didnt you? (继续问下去困难,可就此打住 ) Which program? 有关用语还有: Tell me what you did 1ast night. Will you tell me a bit about your weekend? Could you tell us more about the program? How did you like yesterdays party? 五、建议 (Suggesting) Lets go through the text. Could you open your textbook and find Ex. 5 on page 45? Could you take out the cards? Will you all think of some questions to ask each other? Will you get together in groups and discuss the idea? Try to think it out for yourself.(争取自己想出来) Lets work out how you could plan your piece of writing. Now youve answered all the questions in full. You need to say a bit more about that. 六、提起注意 (Directing students attention) Quiet now, please. Lets work in pairs. Will you face the people in front of you? Fine. Look again carefully. Are you ready to listen? Are you all listening? OK. That was quite good, lets do it once more. Ready?/Understand? Did you get that? Is that clear? Any volunteers? 七、请求(Making polite requests) Will you go and fetch some chalk? Will you find the wall charts? Could you put it up here, please? Would you mind cleaning the board, please? 八、指导 (Giving instructions) 1. 纠正语音(Correcting pronunciation) Youd better listen again. Will you listen carefully? Now listen to the sound a:. Not a , like this - you try. Dont forget its a: not a . Now listen. Theres something different, whats different? Listen. 2. 启发思路(Inspiration) Suppose a friend needs advice on the subject. You could agree with the other person and say something else. You may ask the reason. What do you think the author will say next? Let me give you some help. 3. 介绍方法(Introducing methods) Youd better put them together. Ask each other questions to find out what is different. Look at the sentence before and see if you can guess. You sort out these sentences, then copy them, taking care with capital letters. You fill the blanks in these sentences, and then write them neatly. 4. 示范动作(Standard action) Look at what Im doing. You may do as I do. Please look at my mouth, like this 九、解释 (Explaining) Listen to me and Ill explain the meaning of the word. Let me use the picture to show its meaning. The word ends in tion, so it is a noun. Lets see if you can guess. Ill give you an example. We can use this sentence to express . What does it mean in the context? Its clear that 十、禁止 (Forbidding) T: OK, everybody. Quiet now please! No more talking. Wang Hai, stop chatting now. And you, Li Guang! Whose turn is it? S: Its my turn. (教学继续进行.) No talking! No chatting! Stop making a noise. No more shouting! Without disturbing the others! 客气一些(More polite): Please will you stop interrupting the others ? Would you mind not whispering? 严厉一些(Serious): Therell be trouble if you go on disturbing the others. You shouldnt behave like that! You cant copy! Do it on your own! 训练中禁止(Prohibiting in pratice) No writing while Im talking. Dont make any sounds while(youre)reading. No, Wang Hai, thats not the way to learn English properly. No, Han Mei, its not good to do pair practice like that. Youre doing it the wrong way. 十一、警告(Warning) Careful. This is a hard sentence. Dont forget to write neatly. Make sure your spaces between words are clear. See that your “u”s are different from “v”s. Copy them, taking care with spelling. Watch your punctuation. 十二、指令 (Issuing a command) By yourself. This is practice for the exam. Books closed, please. You work in twos with two pictures. Silent, please. Quiet please. Stop now. Watch how I write it. Watch how to do it. Now, turn round, face the back without looking at the board. 十三、评价 (Evaluating)和鼓励(Encouraging) Can you try? Try, please. Try/Do your best. Think it over and try again. Dont be afraid/shy. Come on! Your English is very well! Wonderful! / Good!/ Very good!/ That was good./ Not bad./ Well done. That was a little better, but. Thats much better, but you forgot something when you pronounced. Dont you think you have made a little progress? Nearly right, but youd better. That doesnt sound very good. Not really! /Not quite! /Watch me and Ill show you. A good answer. Nice work. Thats interesting! I dont think so. 课堂过程用语 一、开始课堂教学(Beginning the lesson) Now, who can remember what we did last lesson? Well, can any of you tell me what we practised last time? OK, I want a student to tell us what we learned/read about/ last lesson. Remember? Do you remember these pictures? We used the pictures and the cards, didnt we? We practised a talk about sports, right? Lets go over it again. Lets read the sentences once more. What about having another practice? How about revising them once more? 二、组织课堂教学(Getting organized) Will you both move your table this way please? Would you mind straightening the chairs please? Do you mind moving back a bit? Will you make a bigger space here? Could you possibly arrange yourselves to make a group of 3 (4,6,8, etc. ) ? Would you find the handouts we were using last week please? Lets find the passage we were reading last lesson. Put your other books away, please. No others! Thats all. We dont need these pictures. Will you put them away? Not that book. The other one. Yes, the red one. Ready? Now we can start. Havent you brought yours? Well, you'll have to share with your neighbor. Have you lost yours? Well, you may share with Li Lei. Havent you got yours? Forgotten? Well, you should use mine, but dont forget next time. I have some papers to give out now. I have some new books to give out today. Will you please give these sheets out, Han Mei? Thanks. Please pass these papers back (round, along), please. Take one and (then) pass them on. I want the materials back please. Theyre for you to keep. I want them back at the end of the lesson. You must give them in again, so please dont write on them. OK? Please can you clean the blackboard/the whiteboard/the board? Would you mind cleaning the board, please? Just clean this half. Leave that section. We still need this part. Just clean that bit. Dont clean that side. Not this part. Only that part. Just that section. Thank you very much. Please rub off the yellow words on the left/right at the top/bottom. Rub everything off, please. Leave this on, please. 三、宣布教学计划 (Announcing the teaching plan) First/First of all/And then/Later (on)/After that/Finally/By the end of Practise a dialogue. Learn something new now. Do some reading / writing/ role play./note taking. Have some conversation practice. In a few minutes/Half way through the lesson/When weve finished. /Near the end of the lesson/At the end of the lesson If we have enough time/If time permits/If theres time, perhaps we may spend a few minutes on doing it again. By the end of the lesson youll be able to talk about agreements and disagreements. Youll have leant how to give people advice. 四、谈论课堂环境 (taking about physical conditions) Dont you think its too hot here? Please can you turn the fan on? Would you mind turning the air condition on? Then well be able to keep cool. Im afraid its too dark here. Can you see all right? Dont we need the light(s) on? Oh, its much too untidy for us to study in. Please tidy up, will you? 五、使用教学辅助工具与设备 (Using aids and instruments) Will you fetch the wall charts of Lesson 65? Please could you stick the picture up here? Is that all right?/ Straight? /High enough?/ Can you all see it? Will you take them down? Im going to collect the cards in now and put them away. 六、使用电教设备(Using electrical equipment) Will you possibly plug the tape recorder in for me? I cant get it to work. Im afraid its not loud enough. Youd better turn it up a bit. Did you catch that? That seemed to be a bit fast. Wel1 go back and listen again, Ready? Now, wait a minute. Shall we go back and play it again? 七、进行分组活动(Dividing the class up) (1 ) Choral (2) Individuals (3) Teams (4) Pairs I want all of you to answer the questions. (Choral) Id like just one person to continue the sentence. (Individual) I want this part to correct the sentence. (Team) Now lets play the dialogue out in pairs. (Pair) Now Ill divide you in half. Well score on the board and well see which team wins. I want you to work in groups./In fours. /In groups of four. Turn round and face your neighbour. You havent anyone to work with, have you? What about joining in with them? 八、布置作业 (Setting homework) At home tonight, practise the exercise on page 9. At home this evening, not now, revise this dialogue. You are going to compose a piece of writing about todays topic in your notebooks and give it in tomorrow morning. For homework, I want you to finish this piece of work. Before next lesson you must go over what weve just learnt from unit12. It must be done by next lesson. The piece of writing must be completed by next time I see you this time next week. 九、结束课堂教学(Ending the lesson) One more minutes, just complete the task youre doing and then well call it a day. Now time is up. Well stop now. Youve done enough of that. Most of you have done that better than last time. I want to collect your papers now please. Please will you pass it up to the end of the row? Put your work on my desk as you leave. Thank you, everyone. Well done. Li Ming, its your job today to clean the board/collect the readers in/ and make sure its all tidy for the next class. I have some announcements to make before you go. Could you listen, please?


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