小学英语常用同音词近义词反义词归纳小学英语常用同音词、近义词、反义词归纳 一、同音词 Bbeebe noknow Cseesea hihigh Ieye forfour Rare sonsun Ttea ourhour Uyou pairpear Ywhy herehear totwotoo theretheir bybyebuy rightwrite redread arentaunt newknew fatherfarther blueblew whos-whose c-see-sea b-be-bee y-why for-four hi-high no-know by-bye son-sun hear-here there-their dear-deer pear-pair father-farther weight-wait it's-its who's-whose they're-their 二、近义词 toilet WC listen hear class lesson everyone everybody glass cup large big glad happy like love little small photo picture purse wallet start begin homehouse learnstudy beautifulpretty usually often look see cycle bike near beside hi hello quick fast garden park desk table speak say talk river lake go home come home a moment ago just now a lot of lots of many be good at do well in of course sure be from come from take a walk go for a walk take a bus by bus would like want look for find 三、反义词 big- small bad- good bright- dark black- white beautiful- ugly cold- hot cool- warm come- go cry- laugh clever- stupid different- same difficult- easy dirty- clean day- night early- late fast- slow glad- sad inside- outside in- out large- little left- right quiet- noisy new- old loose- tight like- hate open- close quick- slow stand- sit short- tall short- long thick- thin thin- fat up- down wrong- right weak- strong young- old grandparentsgrandpa / grandfather,grandma / grandmothergrandchildren parentsfather / dad, mother / mum uncle aunt son daughter brother sister cousin 四、数字 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty- two 23 twenty- three 24 twenty- four 25 twenty- five 26 twenty- six 27 twenty- seven 28 twenty- eight 29 twenty- nine 30 thirty 31 thirty- one 32 thirty- two 33 thirty- three 34 thirty- four 35 thirty- five 36 thirty- six 37 thirty- seven 38 thirty- eight 39 thirty- nine 40 forty 41 forty- one 42 forty- two 43 forty- three 44 forty- four 45 forty- five 46 forty- six 47 forty- seven 48 forty- eight 49 forty- nine 50 fifty 51 fifty- one 52 fifty- two 53 fifty- three 54 fifty- four 55 fifty- five 56 fifty- six 57 fifty- seven 58 fifty- eight 59 fifty- nine 60 sixty 61 sixty- one 62 sixty- two 63 sixty- three 64 sixty- four 65 sixty- five 66 sixty- six 67 sixty- seven 68 sixty- eight 69 sixty- nine 70 seventy 71 seventy- one 72 seventy- two 73 seventy- three 74 seventy- four 75 seventy- five 76 seventy- six 77 seventy- seven 78 seventy- eight 79 seventy- nine 80 eighty 81 eighty- one 82 eighty- two 83 eighty- three 84 eighty- four 85 eighty- five 86 eighty- six 87 eighty- seven 88 eighty- eight 89 eighty- nine 90 ninety 91 ninety-one 92 ninety- two 93 ninety- three 94 ninety- four 95 ninety- five 96 ninety- six 97 ninety- seven 98 ninety- eight 99 ninety- nine 100 one hundred 五、职业名词( jobs ) teacher pupil doctor nurse worker farmer driver dancer pilot writer singer waiter actor librarian player policeman fairman 六、身体部位 ( body ) head hair eye ear nose face mouth tooth (teeth 复)arm hand leg foot (feet 复) (shoulder, knee, toe, finger, stomach) 七、运动名词(sports) football basketball table tennis baseball running swimming skating high jump long jump skippingmorning exercises winner 八、四季( seasons) spring summer autumn / fall winter 九、月份( months) January February March April May June July August September October November December 十、一周七天( seven days of a week) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 十一、交通方式( transportation) on foot / walk by bike by bus by car by taxi by train by ship /boat by plane 十二、动物( animals) dog cat chick / hen / cock duck horse cow sheep pig monkey tiger lion elephant panda bear fish bird rabbit frog dragon 十三、天气 ( weather) sunny /fine cloudy windy rainy snowy cold hot warm cool 十四、学习用品 ( school things ) classroom blackboard desk chair schoolbag book pen pencil ruler eraser pencil-box dictionary exercise book newspaper timetable card picture library card 十五、衣物名词( clothes ) hat /cap coat dress shirt T-shirt blouse trousers skirt sock(s) shoe(s) sweater raincoat 十六、公共场所( public places) school playground park zoo hospital factory library farm cinema shop supermarket airport station house restaurant square 十七、感觉形容词(feeling) cold hot cool warm hungry thirsty tired bored happy sad angry excited sick terrible 十九、时间名词 ( time ) hour morning afternoon evening night day week weekend month season year yesterday today tomorrow tonight/this evening this morning/ afternoon this year one day some day 二十、家居用品 room bedroom bed bathroom desk chair clock light / lamp photo lantern umbrella doorbell fridge line box bottle pocket knife bowl plate chopsticks fork shopping list stamp toothbrush TV (television) computer telephone/phone radio CD-ROM camera 二十二、学科 Chinese maths English science music PE music 二十三、节日(festivals) Spring Festival Mid-autumn Festival New Years Day Dragon Boat Festival Childrens Day Teachers Day Chritmas 二十四、特殊疑问词 what what colour what time what day how how many how much how old how long how tall where when who whose why which