小学英语作文Exercise in Our Daily Life 日常生活中的体育锻炼.docx
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小学英语作文Exercise in Our Daily Life 日常生活中的体育锻炼.docx
小学英语作文Exercise in Our Daily Life 日常生活中的体育锻炼小学英语作文:Exercise in Our Daily Life 日常生活中的体育锻炼 Exercise plays a very important role in daily life. Everyone, no matter what age, needs exercise every day. Exercise can help you keep fit, full of energy, work hard and you call do strenuous work persistently. There are many kinds of exercise that help people keep physically fit. There are set ting up exercises that anyone can perform for a few minutes each day. For a young person football is one of the best games. If people keep doing exercise, they will find thpmselves better all the time. However, modern life may prevent people from getting the daily exercise. they need. Television and other modern inventions could possibly be a factor that produces physical unfitness. Television can be very educational, but mostly it is just waste of time. With the automobile, another modern invention, some people no longer walk any place. If people sit for hours in hront of their TV sets and ride in their cars everywhere, their health will be hurt badly. Therefore, they need to get exercise by doing setting up or playing football. 日常生活中的体育锻炼 锻炼在日常生活中发挥着很大作用。不管年龄大小,任何人都需要锻炼。锻炼有助于身体健康,精力充沛,工作努力,并且使你能够做艰苦持久的工作。 有多种锻炼方法可以使人们身体健康。有一些不需器械的健身操可供人们每天作上几分钟。对年轻人来说,足球是最好的运动项目之一。如果人们坚持锻炼,他们将会发现他们自己一直精力旺盛。 然而,现代生活可能妨碍人们每天所需的锻炼。电视和其它现代娱乐形式可能有损健康。看电视固然是有教育意义的,但常常是浪费时间。随着汽车另一种现代发明的出现,有些人不再步行了。如果在电视机前一坐就是几个小时并且外出时都要坐车,那么他们的健康就会受到很大损害。因此,他们需要做健身操或者踢踢足球。