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    小学英语人教PEP五年级下册新Unit 1 My day A. Lets talk. Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? Pedro: We finish class at 1 oclock. Then we eat lunch at home. Zhang Peng: Wow! When do you go back to school after lunch? Pedro: At 2:30. Classes start at 3 oclock. Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock. Zhang Peng: Wow! Thats too late! B. Lets talk. Shopkeeper: Why are you shopping today? Sarah: My mum worked last night. So Im shopping today. Shopkeeper: Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend? Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. Sarah: Yes, but Im also hard-working. I usually wash clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner. Shopkeeper: Youre so busy! You need a robot to help you! Robins play Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him. My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins. C. Story time Zip: Its Saturday now. Zoom, Im always very busy. Zoom: Why? Zip: Let me see. From Monday to Wednesday, I usually collect nuts in the afternoon. Zoom: What else? Zip: On Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun. Zip: On Friday, I eat nuts with my friends. Zoom: What do you usually do on the weekend? Zip: I often watch TV, but this weekend I have a show. Ill play the pipa. Zoom: When? Zip: Saturday, at 12 oclock. Oh, no! Words in unit 1 eat breakfast 吃早饭 have class上课 play sports 进行体育运动 exercise 活动;运动 do morning exercises 早锻炼 eat dinner 吃晚饭 clean my room 打扫我的房间 go for a walk 散步 go shopping 去买东西;购物 take 学习;上 dancing 跳舞;舞蹈 take a dancing class 上舞蹈课 when 什么时候;何时 after 在后 start 开始 usually 通常地;惯常地 Spain西班牙 late晚;迟 a.m. 午前;上午 p.m. 午后;下午 why 为什么 shop 去买东西;购物 work 工作 last 上一个的;刚过去的 sound 听起来好像 also 还;也 busy忙的 need 需要 play 戏剧;剧本 letter 信 for 表示接受某事物的人 live 居住 island 岛 always 总是,一直 cave 山洞;洞穴 go swimming 去游泳 win 获胜 Unit 2 My favourite season A. Lets talk Mr Jones: Do you like the music, children? Mike: Yes. Its very beautiful. What is it? Mr Jones: The Four Seasons. Today well draw the seasons. Which season do you like best, Mike? Mike: Winter. I like snow. Mr Jones: I like snow, too. Which season do you like best, Wu Yifan? Wu Yifan: Spring. Its pretty. Mr Jones: Yes, it is. B. Lets talk Amy: Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. Miss White: Good job! I like the trees. The colours are very pretty. Amy: Yes. I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! Which season do you like beat, Miss White? Miss White: Summer. Amy: Why? Miss White: Because I like summer vacation! Robin likes them all! Look at the green trees and pink flowers. I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. The weather is hot, hot, hot! I like summer, but I cant swim. What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall! Wow! I want to paint a picture, too! There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere. I like winter because I can play in the snow. Story time Zip Zoom: Welcome! Koala: Thank you. Merry Christmas! Zip Zoom: Merry Christmas! Zoom: What do you usually do on Christmas Day? Koala: I usually go to the beach and swim in the sea! Zoom: You swim in winter? Koala: Christmas is in summer in Australia, so we never have snow for Christmas. Zoom: Which season do you like best? Koala: Summer. I like sunny days. Koala: Wow! A white Christmas! Zoom: Lets make a snowman. Zip Koala: Great! Zip: Say “cheese”! Koala: Cheese! Words in unit 2 spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 season 季节 picnic 野餐 go on a picnic 去野餐 pick 摘;采集 pick apples 摘苹果 snowman 雪人 make a snowman 堆雪人 go swimming 去游泳 which 哪一个 best 最好地 snow 雪 good job做得好 because 因为 vacation 假期 all 全,完全 pink 粉色;粉色的 lovely 可爱的;美丽的 leaf 叶子 fall 落下;秋天 paint 用颜料绘画 Unit 3 My school calendar A Lets talk. Mike: We have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet, we have an Easter party. Zhang Peng: When is the party? Mike: Its in April. We have a school trip, too. Zhang Peng: When is that? Mike: Its in May. Zhang Peng: Cool! B Lets talk. Oliver: Autumn is my favourite season. I really like the colours. Chen Jie: I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn. Oliver: Great! When is the trip this year? Chen Jie: Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall. Oliver: Cool! I love the Great Wall! B Easter Party WHEN: April 12th, 7 p.m. WHY: Easter holiday WHERE: Wu Yifans home WHAT: We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter Bunny! RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email by March 23rd. Robin. C Story time Zoom: Look at my summer vacation plan! Zip: Its April now. The summer vacation is still three months away. Zoom: Early planning is always good. Zoom: In July Ill visit my grandparents. They live in Xinjiang. Zip: What will you do there? Zoom: Well go to the Grape Valley. The grapes there are very sweet! Grapes are my favourite fruit! Zoom: In August, Ill go to Huangshan Moutain. The trees there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful. Zip: Sounds great! Zip: You have a great plan, but what will you do this weekend? Zoom: This weekend? Zip: There is a maths test next Monday. So please study hard. Zoom: Oh my! I forgot! Words in unit 3 January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 plant 种植 contest 比赛;竞赛 year 年 few 一些 a few 一些 thing 事情 meet 集会;开会 sports meet运动会 Easter 复活节 trip 旅行 national 国家的 National Day 国庆日 American 美国的 Thanksgiving 感恩节 Christmas 圣诞节 Great Wall 长城 holiday 假日;节日 game 游戏 roll 滚动 look for 寻找 chocolate 巧克力 bunny 兔子 RSVP请赐复 by 在之前 Recycle 1-1 Sarah will visit Sydney in April. She asks Stella, a friend there, about the weather. Here is Stellas reply. Hi, Sarah! It is autumn in April here in Sydney. Autumn is my favourite season! It is warm in the day and cool at night. Many people visit us in autumn because they like the weather. When you come, you can visit the Sydney Royal Easter Show. It is the largesse event in Australia. What is the weather like in April in you city? What do you often do? All best, Stella Recycle 1-2 Sarah often reads to Sam. This is a poem that Sarah will read today. Bed in Summer By Robert Louis Stevenson In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candlelight. In summer, quite the other way, I have to go bed by day. I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up peoples feet Still going past me in the street. And does it seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play. To have to go to bed by day? Unit 4 When is Easter? A Lets talk. Mr Jones: There are some special days in April. Zhang Peng: What are they? Mr Jones: April Fools Day and Easter. Zhang Peng: When is April Fools Day? Mr Jones: Its on April 1st. Zhang Peng: And Easter? Mr Jones: Its on April 5th this year. Zhang Peng: Wow! I love April. BLets talk Chen Jie: When is your birthday? Mike: My birthday is on April 4th. Chen Jie: Thats my mothers birthday, too! Mike: Cool! What will you do your mum? Chen Jie: Ill cook noodles for her. Mike: Chinese noodles are delicious! Chen Jie: Please come then. We can have a birthday party for both of you! Two new kittens Sarahs cat has two kittens. Read Sarahs diary. April 15th My cat has two new kittens. They are pink, because they are very young. They still cant see. April 21st The kittens are six days old. They make noises when they are hungry. They have white fur now. They are cute. April 26th Their eyes are open! They are blue. May 3rd The kittens can walk now. They can play with Robin! CStory time April 30th Music teacher: The singing test will be on May 4th. Zoom: I cant sing well. Zip: Dont worry. Practice makes perfect. May 1st Zip: Will you come to the party? Today is Rabbits birthday. Zoom: Sorry, I cant. I want to practise my song. May 2nd Rabbit: Will you play football with me after school? Zoom: Sorry, I cant. I want to practise the song. May 3rd Cat: Lets watch TV together. Zoom: Sorry. I need more practice. May 4th Music teacher: Good job, Zoom. Zoom: Thank you, Miss Bird. Cat: Ill go swimming tonight. Will you go? Zoom: Of course! Words in unit 4 first 第一的 second 第二的 third 第三的 fourth 第四的 fifth 第五的 twelfth 第十二的 twentieth 第二十的 twenty-first 第二十一的 twenty-third 第二十三的 thirtieth 第三十的 fool 蠢人;傻瓜 special 特别的;特殊的 kitten 小猫 diary 日记 still 仍然;依旧;还是 noise 声音;响声噪音 fur 浓密的软毛 open 开着的 walk 行走 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? ALets talk Chen Jie: The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Mike: Yes, they are. Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Mike: Its Zhang Pengs. Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Mike: Its Yifans. Chen Jie: Oh, yes! Its his. BLets talk (Sam is at Chen Jies home.) Sam: Where is Fido now? Chen Jie: Hes in the kitchen. Sam: Is he drinking water? Chen Jie: No, he isnt. Hes eating. Sam: Can I play with him now? Chen Jie: Yes. Can you take him to the park? Sam: Woof, woof! Robin at the zoo Sarah and Robin are at the zoo. Robin is excited! Im looking at a bear. Im dancing like a bear. Im looking at the rabbits. Im eating like a rabbit. Im looking at a tiger. Im running like a tiger. Im looking at an elephant. Im walking like an elephant. Im looking at a monkey. Im climbing like him. Im looking at a bird. I like flying. I want to be a bird. Robin, do you want to swim like a fish? No! No! I dont want to be a fish! CStory time Zip: Here comes a tiger. Zoom: Where is it? Zip: Shh. Be quiet. Zoom: Ah-choo! Zip: Whose tail is that? Its running so fast. Zoom: Is it the tiger? Zip: Yes, it is. Zip: I see two monkeys. Zoom: Where are they? Zip: Shh. Theyre climbing. Zoom: Wow! Theyre fast, too. Zoom: What are they doing? Zip: Why are they looking at us? Zoom: I dont know. Zip: Look! Theyre taking pictures, too. Zoom: Thats cute. Theyre copying us! Words in unit 5 mine 我的 yours 你的 his 他的 hers 她的 theirs 他们的;她们的;它们的 ours 我们的 climbing 攀登;攀爬 eating吃 playing玩耍 jumping跳 drinking喝 sleeping睡觉 each 每一;各个 other 其他的 each other 相互 excited 兴奋的;激动的 like 像那样 Unit 6 Work quietly! ALets talk Chen Jie: Look at the pandas. Mike: What are they doing? Chen Jie: Haha. Theyre eating lunch! Theyre so cute. Mike: Oh, yes! They like bamboo. Chen Jie: Whats the little monkey doing? Mike: its playing with its mother! Chen Jie: Do you see any elephants? Mike: Yes! Look there! The elephant is drinking water. BLets talk Tom: My name is Tom. Whats your name? John: Shh. Talk quietly. Im John. I can show you the English books. Tom: Thanks. John: Here they are. Tom: OK. Can I read the books here? John: Yes. Of course. Tom: Anything else? John: Yes. Keep your desk clean. Tom: OK, I will. Thanks. The world robot exhibition Ni hao. Ni zai gan shen me ne? Sorry. What are you saying? Im speaking Chinese. Oh, hello. What are you doing? Im drawing a picture. Have a look. Its lovely. Are you cooking? Yes. Im cooking rice. Asako is making sushi. Can we play music with you? Sure. Please take turns. Are you from China? Yes, I am. Youre so cool! Can you teach me? Sure! Are you doing kung fu? Yes, I am. Ill show you. CStory time Zip: I love the film. Zoom: Yes. The gorilla is great! Zip: Wow! The gorilla is eating bananas. Zoom: Its so big and strong. Zip: Whats that noise? Zoom: Im eating popcorn. Zip: Its so exciting! Zoom: Yes, it is! Tiger: Shh! Talk quietly! Zoom: Sorry! Zip: Look at the sign. Zoom: Oh, no! Words in unit 6 doing morning exercises早锻炼 having class上课 eating lunch吃午饭 reading a book看书 listening to music听音乐 keep保持某种状态 keep to the right靠右 keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌整洁 talk quietly 小声讲话 turn 顺序 take turns 按顺序来 bamboo 竹子 its它的;他的 show 引导;指引 anything 任何事物 else 另外;其他 exhibition 展览 say 说;讲 have a look 看一看 sushi 寿司 teach 教 Canadian 加拿大的 Spanish 西班牙的 Recycle 2 Thirty days has September, April, June and November; February has twenty-eight alone. All the rest have thirty-one Except in leap year. Thats the time When Februarys days are twenty-nine.


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