小学二年级 英语和中文评语.docx
小学二年级 英语和中文评语Prachi, Prachi has been superb this entire semester. Shes always prepared to learn and improves each day at a spectacular rate. Im very pleased with her work. Nonetheless, she can improve in writing. She tends to write too quickly and thus her writing is a little messy. She does not excel in P.E class but she always tries her best which is really positive. Her personality is gentle and kind. She is a great contribution to any class. She is always one of the top students in English. Lindsay, Lindsay had a hard time at the beginning of the semester. She was often fighting with her peers and she didnt listen to her teachers. She has made tremendous progress in this aspect. She is much more respectful and well behaved. Still, she has room to improve. Her schoolwork is not bad. She is clever and writes carefully. She still needs to improve in class; she is too easily distracted. She plays with anything she can find on her desk and often disrupts the class with noises or loud outbursts. Nonetheless, her English has improved. She is beginning to recognize basic words and starting to use some English sentences in and outside of class. All in all, Im very happy with her progress but I look forward to see her improve even more.你是一个天赋异禀的孩子,非常聪明,接受能力也很强。如果你跟同学交往时声音可以再温柔一点,解决问题的时候尽量多用恰当的语言而非小手来沟通的话,老师相信大家一定会更加喜欢你、愿意成为你的好朋友的。加油哦! Tassnim, Tassnim did very well this semester. She has again reach a new level in comprehension and communication. She is no longer trying to catch up with the rest of the class. She is now fully able take to part in all of our class activities. She is reading with more confidence and she understands how to use basic grammar rules. She can improve most in reading but Im nonetheless pleased with her progress this semester. I suggest encouraging her to read some fun children stories at home. It will help her with reading and spelling. Alex, Alex is once again one the top students of the class. He is always prepared and rarely disappoints his teachers. His peers really appreciate him and teachers enjoy his presence in and out of the classroom. Academically he is above average in all aspects. I would like for him to talk more in class discussions and in front of the entire school. Lets encourage him to speak openly in front of bigger crowds. I will help him to gain more confidence in public speaking. Fatih, Fatih has done well this semester. He is improving everyday. What is most amazing is his ability to communicate what he feels. He is incredibly creative. He tells stories to the entire class and draws very unique and creative pictures that really tell a story. Academically he is one of the top students. He can and will continue to improve in reading and writing but Im confident he will reach yet another level by the end of this school year. Keep encouraging him to love school and his schoolwork. He is also a good dancer, thats also something to consider. Susan, Susan is still a very quiet student during class but she has improved tremendously these last few months. She is participating more than she was and she really enjoys being at school. She is now able to read some basic sentences and she can recognize most of the vocabulary that we studied this semester. That is very encouraging! She excels in P.E lessons. She is the fastest runner of our class and was able to win several races during sports day. I am very happy with Susan I would like her to continue in the same direction. Eva Eva did well this semester. She is a serious and diligent student. She is one of my best pupils. Her schoolwork is above average and her contribution to our class is significant. I believe she has improved greatly in participation and public speaking but she still fears to speak in front of a large crowd. I would like her to be a host or give a speech in front of the school. It would be great to boost her confidence. Lets work together to make Eva perform even better than she is now. Dylan Dylan has not performed well these last few months. He is a very intelligent boy but he is also very lazy in class and rarely completes his homework. He is able to read but it is still not enough. This can only be improved with practice and hard work. He is having trouble speaking which is a concern for me. He is quite fluent in Chinese but only rarely uses English to communicate. We should have a meeting to discuss how to best help Dylan for the coming semester. Jerry Jerry has done well. He is communicating and understanding well. However, he is still behind in reading and writing. He has not been doing his homework and rarely reads any English books. He needs to focus more in class and ask more questions if he is unsure of my instructions. Jerry is not very confident when he answers questions in class even though his spoken English is far from terrible. I would like us to cooperate to help him read more fluently. 你是一个很聪明的孩子,古灵精怪,活泼可爱。入学以来,不管是学习上还是行为习惯上你都在不断地进步,老师看在眼里,喜在心里,从心底为你感到高兴。如果你上课能够更认真一点,注意力集中,按时完成老师们布置的作业,那就更好了。我相信你一定可以做到的,不是吗?加油,加油,加油! Justin Justin has really amazed me this semester. He is an exemplary student. He is always ready for class with his homework completed and an open mind to learn. It is easy for him to understand new concepts and he remembers difficult language patterns with ease. I am very satisfied with his schoolwork and his involvement during class. He is also a terrific athlete. He is quick and his hand-eye coordination make him a very good goal keeper. Im very happy with Justin I would like him to continue in this way next semester.你是个特别积极向上,又充满活力与阳光气息的孩子,不管是同学还是老师都非常喜欢你。担任班干部时,你尽职尽责,一切以班集体利益为先,做到了让我们班级更好;学习上你非常自觉,认真听讲,积极发言,按时完成作业。这一切老师都看在眼里,喜在心里,由衷地为你感到骄傲!希望你再接再厉,成为更加出色的自己! Binta Academically, Binta is a great student. She speaks with ease and her reading level is well above average. My only concern is her behavior outside of class. She is really sweet and kind but she can also be a little cruel to her classmates and teachers. She knows how to hurt peoples feelings which is a concern for me. She also tends to quit too easily if she is not the best at an activity or game. I have already talked with her about this. I hope its just a phase for her. Either way I think we should monitor her behavior and see how we can help her improve. Yasti Yasti has done very well in English. Reading and writing is still a little difficult for him but he is improving each day. He quickly memorizes and understands basic grammar concepts. He is very active in class and can sometimes go overboard. Nonetheless, I really enjoy having him in class. My main concern is his behavior outside of class. He had some problems in his Chinese lessons. The teacher didnt know how to deal with Yastis constant lack of disrespect and self-control. Id like to help him become a more behaved student. Lets work together to fix a few problems. Yasti is intelligent and good-natured; I know he can do better. Sunny Sunny has done well this semester. She is a quiet student but she is not scared to take part in class discussions or to answer difficult questions. She can read and write well and she communicates without much trouble. She could improve in intonation. She is quiet and at times I have trouble deciphering what she says. I have been encouraging her to speak more loudly and more freely. I want her to believe in her ability to speak English. She is a clever child who rarely misbehaves. She is always ready to learn and is not afraid to take on new challenges. Lets help her improve in public speaking. Kaidi Kaidi has done well this semester. She communicates and writes with ease and is always well behaved in class. She is naturally quiet and thus her participation during lessons is minimal. I would like her to work on speaking more freely and with more confidence. Spelling is one of her strengths but she could improve her penmanship. Lets work together to bring her up to an even higher level this coming semester. 你是个特别乖巧可爱又特别文静的小女孩,上课非常认真,按时完成老师布置的作业,虽然你来的时间比较短,但却是后来居上,学业成绩非常棒!如果你能够再外向一点,多与同学们和老师交流,更多地参与班级体活动,那就更好了。还有哦,你一定要记得多吃饭,长胖一点,有强壮的身体,才能有更加充沛的精力。新的学期,老师相信一定可以看到更加优秀的你。恺笛,加油哦! Lisa Lisa has improved this semester. She was having a hard time communicating at the beginning of the term. Now, she is able to explain and answer difficult questions during class. Her class participation is also very promising. However, she has been having troubles listening in class. She is very easily distracted. She is also easily offended and tends to use violence instead of words to solve problems with her classmates. I would like for Lisa to become more mature in the way she behaves during and after class. 你是一个活泼、可爱又特别聪明的孩子,既是同学们的好伙伴,又是老师的得力小助手,课堂课外常常都能看到你助人为乐的小身影,老师很喜欢这样的你。如果在上课的时候你能够更专心一点,与同学相处时再多一些包容与理解,那就更好了。我相信你一定可以做到的,努力成为最优秀的你,加油! Danish Danish had a good semester. He has really changed his approach in his schoolwork. He is always ready for class and completes all homework assignments in a timely manner. His main problem is confidence. He is worried that he will make mistakes, which really impairs him to ever try. I think this is a serious problem that should be fixed as soon as possible. Making mistakes is part of life. He needs to make mistakes to be able to improve. I need him to try more, to allow himself to make mistakes. Danish is clever but he isnt performing to the best of his abilities because of his self-confidence level. Let us find a way to help him defeat his fears and conquer new challenges. Hamza Hamza has done well. He can of course do much better. He has tremendously improved in reading and writing. He tested well on our quizzes and always contributes to our class discussions. I would like him to do more. He doesnt always do his homework and rarely reads any books outside of class. I know you have a great love for education and I know you also treasure the love for books. Please encourage him to find joy in reading. The Scholastics books you have are wonderful stories for him. Lets work together to make him an even better student!