2839.B 安踏集团连锁经营品牌化策略 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc
本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1诱惑的体育营销蛋糕.11.1黄金时间.11.2诱惑的蛋糕 .11.3Really understanding sports marketing真正理解体育营.21.4Giving satisfying answers to the test paper of sports marketing给予满意的答复试纸的运动行销.21.5案例:耐克32年的营销情感22 Temptation of the sports marketing cake.72.1 Golden time.72.2 Temptation of the cake.72.3 Really understanding sports marketing82.4 Giving satisfying answers to the test paper of sports marketing.92.5 EXAMPLE :Nike 32 confined Emotional Marketing.91诱惑的体育营销蛋糕2006年世界杯足球赛和2008年是奥运会,首次举办的同类型有史以来举办的中国。 Because of these chances, sports marketing has attracted more and more concerns and favors from Chinese enterprises, becoming a big cake that large numbers of enterprises are eager to taste.因为这些机会,体育营销已经吸引了越来越多的关注,主张从中国企业来说,成为一个大蛋糕,大批的企业争相来品尝。 Meanwhile, it is also a test paper that enterprises have to confront.同时,它也是一个测试文件,企业必须正视这个问题。1.1黄金时间 With the popularity of TV and the improvement of the transmission technology, sports games have broken through the limits of time and space, and the impact of sports has been greatly reinforced.与受欢迎的电视和改进传播技术,运动会已突破限制的时间和空间,和影响的运动已大大增强。 Smart businessmen have long realized the infinite business chances incubated in sports.精明的商人早就认识无限的商业机会,培养体育. The equity and fairness worshipped by physical activities will further improve manufacturers' publicity effects and brand values to a higher level.公正性和公平性崇拜的体力活动,将进一步改善厂商的宣传效果和品牌价值提升到更高水平. While between 2006 and 2008, China will certainly enjoy exceptional advantages in the sports marketing.而在2006年至2008年,中国一定能有独到的优势,在运动行销。 According to the International Olympic Committee, a series of testing matches are required to be held before 2008 Beijing Olympic Games so as to examine the functions of gymnasiums and stadiums, determine contest organizations, adjust operational plans and integrate sports teams.根据国际奥林匹克委员会一系列测试赛,须召开之前,2008年北京奥运会,以审查功能场馆,确定比赛的组织建设,调整作战计划,并把体育队。 Generally speaking, top-level athletes of various sports events are normally willing to take part in these testing matches in order to adapt themselves well to sports fields and environment.一般来说,高水平运动员的各项体育赛事通常都愿意参加这些测试赛,以适应良好的体育领域和环境. Consequently, this has provided wider space than ever before for the enterprises that are willing to engage in sports marketing.因此,这提供了广阔的空间,比以往任何企业都愿意从事体育营销。1.2Temptation of the cake诱惑的蛋糕 Being an alluring cake, sports marketing appears extraordinarily attractive.作为一个向往的蛋糕,体育营销,似乎非常有吸引力. An experiential investigation from the United States shows that 64 percent of the respondents are relatively willing to purchase products of sports sponsors.实证调查从美国显示,64%的受访者比较愿意购买产品。体育赞助,38 percent of the Coca Cola consumers across the world buy the product mainly because it is the designated drink by the Olympic Games.38%的可口可乐消费者在世界各地买到的产品,主要是因为它是指定饮料由奥运会. An internationally authoritative investigation company estimates that with the same investment, the returns from sports support to enterprises are three times of that from regular advertisements.一项国际权威调查公司估计,用同样的投资,报税从体育支援企业的3倍,从普通的广告. At present sports support has accounted for 88 percent of the total support in the world (generally reported to be 71 percent), becoming the "absolute authority" in the support field.目前体育赞助占了88个,占总数的支持,在世界上(一般报为71%),成为"绝对权力"的支持领域. It is estimated that by the year 2010 over USD50 billion will be spent to sponsor sports events by enterprises all over the world.据估计,到2010年超过美金50亿美元将用于赞助体育比赛的企业世界各地。What returns will such tremendous investments bring about to enterprises?什么回报会产生如此巨大的投资带来的企业? Surely the brand value.一定的品牌价值。 Anyone who is familiar with sports marketing cases will firstly think of Samsung.任何人都熟悉体育营销个案会首先想到三星。 Since the 1986 Asian Games, Samsung appears wherever a large-scale sports event is held.自1986年亚洲运动会,三星似乎哪里一个大型的体育盛会的召开。 It has taken sports marketing as its key marketing strategy.它已采取体育营销作为其主要营销策略. The brand value of Samsung achieved USD14.9 billion by 2005, ranking the twentieth in the world and being evaluated as one of the fastest developing brands all over the world.的品牌价值,达到三星usd14.9亿元,到2005年,排名第二十的世界和被评为发展最快的一个品牌,在世界各地。 Sports marketing contributes a great deal to the achievements.体育营销助长了很大的成就. An investigation from the Athens Olympic Games showed that after the games consumers' favorability toward Samsung improved by 7 percent, the firstly-mentioned popularity by six percent, the non-mentioned popularity by five percent, and purchasing desire by 7%. 调查从雅典奥运会表明,奥运会后消费者有利,对三星提高了7%,在首先提及的声望由6%,非流行提到了5%,而购买欲望了7%。Is there anyone who doesn't aspire for such great success?没有谁不渴望这么大的成功? 1.3Really understanding sports marketing真正理解体育营销 If one wants to make profits from sports marketing, one must have a thorough understanding of it- in the ways of sports support, titling, inviting sports star as the spokesman of the product, customizing the product design to the sports culture and purchasing advertisements, etc. to combine the sports culture and enterprise brand culture.如果你想赚钱的体育市场营销,其中必须有一个全面的了解,但在如何对体育的支持,titling,邀请体育明星为代言人的产品,定制产品设计的体育文化和购买广告等把体育文化与企业品牌文化。These are the complete requirements of sports marketing.这些都是完整的规定,体育市场营销。 However some enterprises tend to limit sports marketing to sports support.但是,一些企业往往限制了体育市场对体育的支持. They are not hesitant to spend large amount of money on sports support while failing to carry out other corresponding jobs.他们没有犹豫,花费大量金钱对体育的支持,而未能进行其他相应职位。As a result, the functions of sports marketing are not able to perform well, resulting in great waste of resources.由于提供的功能,体育营销不能干不好,造成巨大的资源浪费。 Take the Olympic Games as the example, the International Olympic Committee has enacted a variety of restrictions and disciplines on sponsoring, forbidding any advertising on the sports ground of the Games as well as direct titling sponsoring.以奥运会为榜样,国际奥林匹克委员会还制定了各种限制和学科的办学,禁止任何广告,在操场上的游戏,以及直接授予的赞助. Consequently, sponsors have to find new ways to carry out advertising, public relations and sales promotion, and popularize their brands in the public welfare activities, sports culture activities, on-scene reception, image expression, and the development of Olympic Games intellectual property rights.因此,提案必须找到新的方法来进行广告宣传,公共关系和促销活动,和推广自己的品牌,在公益活动,体育文化活动,在现场接待,形象表达,与奥林匹克运动发展的知识产权。Only in this way can the ideal effects be achieved.只有这样,才能理想的效果可以达到。 According to relevant information, more than RMB10 billion have had been spent on sports support in the past nearly two decades, but the final effect in not that satisfactory as expected.据有关资料,超过1060亿美元,已花费了对体育的支持,在过去近二十年间,但最后的效果不理想是意料之中的事。 So the enterprises need to remain calm when participating in the sports marketing.因此,企业要保持冷静,当参加体育活动的营销. 1.4Giving satisfying answers to the test paper of sports marketing给予满意的答复试纸的运动行销 In spite of many unsuccessful examples, more and more enterprises will set foot on the sports marketing field.尽管有很多失败的例子,更多的企业将涉足体育营销的领域。 Large enterprises boast dominant advantages in the high-end sports events (for instance, the two intervals of Ads time in CCTV for the live broadcast of German World Cup and the exclusive titling of the shooter-list were overbid by a domestic telecom tycoon with more than RMB 100 million).大型企业优势互补的优势,高端体育赛事(例如两个间隔时间广告在中央电视台的现场直播的德国世界杯和专属titling在射手名单被overbid由国内电信大亨超过人民币100万元)。 SMEs have their own suitable choices as well.中小企业有自己合适的选择. Whatever choices are made, they have to give satisfying answers to the test paper of sports marketing. 无论选择的话,一定要给予满意的答复试纸的体育营销。 The basic function of sports marketing is to establish and improve the relations between enterprises and consumers.其基本功能的体育市场,是建立健全的关系,企业和消费者的利益. During the 2002 World Cup, a washing-powder manufacturing enterprise simply adopted the marketing strategy of offering buyers football tickets.2002年世界杯期间,是洗衣粉生产企业直接采用的营销策略,提供买主足球入场券. However, its consumption group was mainly household wife oriented rather than football fan oriented; consequently, it was very hard for the enterprise to achieve the expected effects with such a strategy.但是,它的消费群体主要是家庭妻子为导向,而非足球迷对象;因此,这是相当困难的企业能够达到预期的效果,与这样的一个策略. Enterprises must employ the idea of integrating marketing so that to be engaged in sports marketing, making consumers recognize their brands by blending the sports culture into the brand culture.企业必须雇用理念整合营销等,必须从事运动行销,使消费者认识自己的品牌融合的体育文化融入品牌文化. 1.5案例:耐克32年的营销情感2008年北京奥运会的临近,引发国际国内有实力的商业机构,搭乘奥运班车,获取更高的利润。不过,樱桃好吃树难栽,检索历年参与奥运企业的账单,既有成功到达目的的赢家,也有血本无归的失败者。特别策划了此次体育用品商业机构营销秀的报道,记者在上海、北京两地深入调查,采访了有过十几年体育营销阅历的数十名业内人士,解读国际企业耐克公司和本土李宁公司在体育营销上的成败得失,为“搭车”的商业机构,提供体育营销的方法和经验。 耐克成立仅30年就打败老牌竞争对手阿迪达斯稳坐世界第一,耐克中国也因成功策划刘翔系列活动而被业界广为称道。耐克的成功之道是不卖鞋子,只营销情感。(一)极少赞助体育赛事的背后 刘翔自从在雅典奥运会上夺魁以后,便成为了无数企业竞相追捧的对象,而此时耐克公司的员工却和刘翔称兄道弟把酒言欢,因为耐克早在2002年,当刘翔还是媒体冰点的时候就与他签了约。 雅典奥运会上中国代表团32块金牌得主中有12块是耐克赞助,包括皮划艇、网球等突破性项目。为什么唯有耐克才能洞察先机?耐克以其亲身经验告诉想要借力体育产业的公司,体育营销不是一次赞助,要细水长流更要不断创新。 企业赞助赛事往往要耗费巨额资金。李宁、上海通用、通用(中国)、农夫山泉、金六福、青岛红领服饰作为奥运会的合作伙伴,每家企业须向中国奥委会支付价值1000万元人民币的现金或产品,其中现金不能少于90%。与之相对,耐克公司极少赞助体育赛事,但是它的品牌曝光度却从来不比别人少。1996年的亚特兰大奥运会上,12家付了4650万美元的公司被命名为正式赞助商,包括阿迪达斯。而耐克却悄悄地买下了亚特兰大城所有显著位置的广告牌,做了耐克的独家广告。据曾在耐克工作的高层介绍,在奥运会期间,耐克赞助了国家跳水队的泳装,其实耐克公司不生产泳装,但却为此临时买下一家工厂。诚然,由李宁公司赞助的领奖服也在冠军领奖台上赢得了眼球,但是众多媒体却把画面定格在运动员由空中跳入水中的美丽瞬间,无疑耐克又占了上风。 提到品牌曝光,可能人们印象更深的是刘翔。在得金牌第二天第三天,各大媒体不停重播刘翔得金牌的瞬间,而他脚上的魔鞋就是耐克精心准备的。品牌的曝光只是耐克所有工作中很小的一部分,与运动员保持长期联系则显得更为重要。(二)运动员完美策划案 耐克公司公关部经理温立元原来在耐克总部工作,据她介绍,总部的16座大楼均以世界顶级运动员名字命名。办公楼大堂陈列着著名体育明星的照片和奖杯;连接每栋大楼的长廊四壁里挂着各国耐克签约运动员的铜板雕像及生平简介“每位参观者都觉得这些体育骄子就是他们生活的一部分。你经常会看到明星在办公楼里走动,他们跟员工在同一餐厅用餐;同一健身房运动,就像一家人。没有员工请他们签名。”她笑说。 耐克体育市场部的员工成天奔波在各种训练场上,恨不得与运动员生活在一起。这也是耐克能慧眼识英才的重要原因。李彤曾是耐克的签约田径运动员,因为是刘翔的同门师兄,所以与刘翔很早之前就有联系。李彤的推荐,加上耐克的实际考察,使得刘翔进入耐克的视野。 2004年5月下旬,耐克把麦克尔·约翰逊请到中国,当时约翰逊感觉刘翔的状态很好,于是耐克就根据这个事实大胆拟定方案。整个活动从6月份开始策划,7月下旬开始进行全面推广,通过公关和网络,中国队到雅典前10天时开始推出广告。除了广告,耐克在新浪上还设计了刘翔的新闻中心,刘翔得金牌后有3000万人上去浏览刘翔的一举一动。当其他公司正在计划请刘翔代言时,耐克却已经在第一时间为全国观众提供全面了解刘翔的平台。而耐克大中华市场部总监潘建华表示,这次只是与刘翔关系的开篇。“我们长期的目标是让刘翔在2008年能够代表耐克传达一个声音。我们正在规划这4年当中什么时候让刘翔出现,他不是职业球员,职业球员可以打好几个月的联赛。耐克必须利用合适的时间点让他出现,而且每次出现都有不同的故事。” 耐克与运动员紧密联系的经典当称乔丹,从1985年签约至今已经20个年头,乔丹鞋也已经发展到“第18代”,今年耐克又把乔丹请到中国为高中联赛的冠军颁奖。乔丹代言耐克产品,向孩子们传达篮球星的理念,鼓励小孩子、加深他们对篮球的向往。其实有很多公司也在赞助乔丹,而消费者却很自然地把乔丹和耐克联想在一起。潘建华说,在耐克工作10多年有一个重要的经验,体育经营需要时间。“体育经营的特质是情感,是人们的激动兴奋悲伤和喜悦,而培养情感就像谈恋爱一样,需要积累。国内很多赞助是短期的,而这样的效果几乎为零,因为消费者是很健忘的。如果企业选定了与自己形象相关的运动,应该作为一种长期投入。”像公司现在正在做的“名人训练堂”就是每年请世界前奥运冠军来华执教,为中国运动员提供指导,不仅是技术层面,还包括大赛心理准备层面。这样就是最大化的利用公司现有资源。(三)5秒之外的内涵 一个女孩在学校食堂里买了一张饼,她做投掷铁饼的动作把盘子扔了出去,然后咬了一口手里剩下的饼。这是耐克最新制作的5秒系列广告“随时”的一个片段,这个系列广告在成都广告节上拿了全场大奖。与耐克很多大手笔不同,这个广告成本非常低,故事背景是学生日常学习和生活的地方,想要传达的概念是:运动已经融入你的生活。5秒广告意味着什么?一般的企业比较倾向于做自己的形象广告,喊出一个口号甚至重复3遍,而耐克却讲了一个故事。耐克知道,消费者对一句口号或者一个标识没有什么感觉,认为与自己根本无关。 耐克的品牌经理徐颖在公司工作了3年。在谈到品牌策略时,她一直在强调,耐克是在创造和引领一种文化。令耐克自豪的是她在中国创造了鞋文化。徐颖说,3年前中国没有鞋文化。中国是一个服装国家,人们从来都是一双鞋搭配各种各样的衣服,很少选择鞋。而耐克创造鞋文化的秘诀就是选对的人做对的事。当时有一批从国外回来的小孩喜欢做一些地下的东西。耐克就与他们联系,给他们在中国表现的机会。而耐克推动鞋文化的另一个秘诀是充分利用网络力量,新浪上有一个shoe talk(我为鞋狂)论坛,网友在上面可以讲述鞋子的故事,任何品牌的鞋子都可以谈。 消费者接受了文化,才能从根本上接受你的品牌。像美国NBA或者英国足球都已经远远超出了赛事的范畴,一项运动已经成了整个国家的狂欢活动。“NBA是很有系统的体制,把娱乐、竞赛、明星任何一个产业所包含的因素完美呈现在你的面前。”潘建华说。而耐克现在就在主推篮球文化。美国的高中联赛就是NBA的预备班,而耐克在中国举办的全国高中联赛也已经进行到了第四个年头。今年耐克推出“联盟概念”,提出要做Youth Culture(青年文化)。徐颖说:“篮球里面只有一个冠军,而在Youth Culture中可以有很多冠军。可以是扣篮最好,漫画画的最好,也可以是最眩的啦啦队,我们一开始是对平台的建设,建成之后,我们决定开始推广文化。只有有能力影响文化,才能深入人心。我们今年推出勇士联盟,想要告诉孩子们,不只需要有自己的风格,还需要有一个联盟在你后面,帮你加油助威,给你写文章、画海报。在河北石家庄有一个球员已经组织了1000多人,在网上拿到了5000张选票。只有认同一个文化,才会产生非常大的效应。” 在上海总部采访时,我正好看到公关部的Amy在读一封高中生对联赛活动的一个策划方案,虽然幼稚,但认真。耐克的员工说,他们在北京街头对孩子们进行采访时,他们都说,耐克真正懂他们。在这里,我们看到的是一个品牌在真正地影响着孩子,在他们很小的时候就深深打下品牌的烙印,以至于影响他们一生。 此外,耐克在生产上采取了一种虚拟化策略,所有产品都不由自己生产制造,而是全部外包给其它的生产厂家加工。将公司的所有人才、物力、财力等资源集中起来,集中投入到产品设计和市场营销中去,培植公司的产品设计和市场营销能力。 虚拟企业的优点是“用最大的组织来实现最大的权能”。一个企业自身资源有限,组织结构功能有限,为实现某一市场战略而组成的虚拟企业中,每个成员只充当其中某部份结构功能,通过信息网络,支持着为虚拟企业依空间分布的生产而设立的复杂的后勤保障工作,这样的企业结构和传统的组织结构相比,有较大的结构成本优势,大大提高了企业的竞争力。 实施虚拟化生产,耐克公司将设计图纸交给生产厂家,让他们严格按图纸式样进行生产,尔后由耐克贴牌,并将产品通过公司的行销网络将产品销售出去。这种模式充分实现了优势互补的作用。耐克公司的这一战略,节约了大量的生产投资以及设备购置费用,将产品的生产加工外包给东南亚等地的许多发展中国家的企业,利用当地廉价的劳动力,极大的节约了人工费用,这也是耐克运动鞋之所以能以较低的价格与其他名牌产品竞争的一个重要原因。 2 Temptation of the sports marketing cakeBy He Dongxian2006 is the year of the World Cup, and 2008 is the year of Olympic Games, the first of its kind that ever holds in China. Because of these chances, sports marketing has attracted more and more concerns and favors from Chinese enterprises, becoming a big cake that large numbers of enterprises are eager to taste. Meanwhile, it is also a test paper that enterprises have to confront.2.1 Golden timeWith the popularity of TV and the improvement of the transmission technology, sports games have broken through the limits of time and space, and the impact of sports has been greatly reinforced. Smart businessmen have long realized the infinite business chances incubated in sports. The equity and fairness worshipped by physical activities will further improve manufacturers' publicity effects and brand values to a higher level. While between 2006 and 2008, China will certainly enjoy exceptional advantages in the sports marketing.According to the International Olympic Committee, a series of testing matches are required to be held before 2008 Beijing Olympic Games so as to examine the functions of gymnasiums and stadiums, determine contest organizations, adjust operational plans and integrate sports teams. Generally speaking, top-level athletes of various sports events are normally willing to take part in these testing matches in order to adapt themselves well to sports fields and environment. Consequently, this has provided wider space than ever before for the enterprises that are willing to engage in sports marketing.2.2 Temptation of the cakeBeing an alluring cake, sports marketing appears extraordinarily attractive. An experiential investigation from the United States shows that 64 percent of the respondents are relatively willing to purchase products of sports sponsors. 38 percent of the Coca Cola consumers across the world buy the product mainly because it is the designated drink by the Olympic Games. An internationally authoritative investigation company estimates that with the same investment, the returns from sports support to enterprises are three times of that from regular advertisements. At present sports support has accounted for 88 percent of the total support in the world (generally reported to be 71 percent), becoming the "absolute authority" in the support field. It is estimated that by the year 2010 over USD50 billion will be spent to sponsor sports events by enterprises all over the