谢海燕 教授,博导(Haiyan “Sally” Xie)Ph.D., PE, CPC, CDT, M.ASCE简介谢海燕(女)教授,博士生导师。工程管理博士,计算机与信息科学硕士,和工程硕士等学位。现任职于美国阿肯色大学(小石城)教授(终身教职)。 她的专业认证有:美国工程师及测绘师协会建筑工程师终身认证(PE), 美国营造师协会高级专业营造师终身认证(CPC), 和工程文件管理专业认证(CDT)等。她从事工程管理建模与模拟和建筑信息建模(BIM)与优化的实践与研究逾10 年,并积累了丰富的工业界的实践和研究经验。最近几年关于集成BIM 和物联网技术的研究已处于世界的前沿水平。谢海燕博士是国际知名的年轻专家学者,具有多年的美国及国际项目管理与开发以及科技创新的实践经验。她拥有广泛的学术经验,并且在美国国家资助的高等教育研究机构的工作表现卓越。谢海燕博士多次被评为优秀学者与优秀教师的称号。谢海燕博士非常重视科学研究成果在工业领域的应用, 并且与公司, 厂矿,以及其它私营机构保持着良好的互动。谢海燕博士现任职于阿肯色大学小石城分校工程与信息技术学院工程管理系。她的日常工作包括本科和研究生课程的教学与研发; 进行专业领域的研究;学生的学习研究方面的指导; 制定硕士教务计划; 参与系,学院, 和校议会委员会;为多届国际会议担任评委;以及社区服务,学生组织服务等。谢海燕博士的目前研究领域可以概括为以下几个方面:IT 工程学, 新型工程技术创新及管理,三维计算机建模及模拟,时间序列三维模拟(四维建模),多维信息一体化BIM模型,BIM 建筑图像处理,建筑管理信息提取系统用户模型,可持续发展及绿色建筑,房地产经济研究,信息技术在建筑管理方面的运用,虚拟现实,智能建筑,智能高速公路等。教育经历1992-1996年, 西安建筑科技大学, 工程管理系, 工程学士1996-1999年, 西安建筑科技大学, 工程管理系, 工学硕士1999-2000年, 西安交通大学, 管理学院, 博士研究生2001-2003年, 美国佛罗里达大学, 工程学院, 计算机硕士1999-2005年, 美国佛罗里达大学, 建筑设计,工程管理与规划学院, 工程管理博士研究工作经历1996-1999年, 西安建筑科技大学, 工程管理系, 研究生助理1999-2000年, 西安交通大学, 管理学院, 博士研究生,助研1999-2005年, 美国佛罗里达大学, 工程管理系, 研究助理2004-2008年, 美国阿肯色大学(小石城), 工程管理系, 助理教授2008-2013, 美国阿肯色大学(小石城), 工程管理系, 副教授, 终身教职2013-今, 美国阿肯色大学(小石城), 工程管理系, 教授, 终身教职科研成果A主要研究成果有:(1)在专业书籍,国际性专业期刊,国际性专业会议,以及专业讲座上发表论文28 篇。(2)从微软(Microsoft) 欧特克(Autodesk) 等企业以及教育研究机构申请各类研究与教学基金项目数十项,其中独立获得基金13 项, 基金经费合计约800 万人民币。(3)多次应邀和出席国际专业会议并担任国际会议主席团成员;多类期刊的评审委员;并协助举办国际专业研讨会。为了在工业界推广及应用这些研究成果,谢海燕博士举办了多项专业研讨学习班及培训班。(3)申请基金项目情况1. 美国建筑企业协会研究(ASC)(2012),结合RFID和IT新技术产品对建筑工程项目管理研究,独立申请(PI),约3万元人民币2. 美国国家自然基金(NSF)(2012), Using Two-way Lifecycle Method to Engage and Encourage Students in Engineering Research: Increasing Access and Improving Incentive Effectiveness(Proposal No: 1232757),总负责人(PI),工程教育类基金项目,约400万人民币3. 西安交通大学国际合作项目(2011),机电产品再制造的管理与生产运作模式研究,合作申请,约4万元人民币4. 埃佛卡钢铁公司企业基金(AFCO)(2010),约3 万元人民币,独立获得,PI-总负责,工业软件开发与培训5. 梅氏建筑企业基金(MAY),约10 万元人民币,独立获得,总负责人(PI),工业软件开发与培训6. 中国国家基金项目中国建筑业发展和成长轨迹及经济发展方式研究(70173037),约20 万人民币,参与人,协助研究7. 计算机学院(EIT)种子基金“四维计算机辅助系统数据进程的分析应用”, 约10 万元人民币,独立获得,总负责,工业软件开发与培训8. 远程教学研究与教学基金(2008 Extending Program)应用WEBCT 的建筑绘图和网络教学,约10 万元人民币,独立获得,总负责,工业软件开发与培训9. 远程教学研究与教学基金(2007 Extending Program)应用WEBCT 的工程管理教学,约10 万元人民币,独立获得,总负责,工业软件开发与培训10. 普莱梅拉公司基金 (MAY)P3 工程管理软件的研究与教学(2008),约100 万元人民币,独立获得,总负责,工业软件开发与培训 11. 普莱梅拉公司基金(MAY) Suretrak 工程调度管理软件的研究与教学,约15 万元人民币,独立获得,总负责,工业软件开发与培训 200912. 微软教学基金 项目管理软件(2003)应用,约100 万元人民币,独立获得,总负责,教学软件应用13. 微软教学基金 项目管理软件(2007)应用,约100 万人民币,独立获得,总负责,教学软件应用B研究领域谢海燕博士长期致力于创新研究以及发展新型科研技术成果在工业项目管理以及教育领域的应用。谢海燕博士的研究领域可以概括为以下几个方面: 新型工程技术创新及管理(innovation in construction engineering technology and management), 工业再制造与循环经济(manufacture reproduction and circular economy) 三维计算机建模及模拟(3dimensional (3D) modeling), 时间序列三维模拟(四维建模)(timesequenced threedimensional (4D) modeling), 工程图像处理(construction graphics), 工程管理信息提取系统用户模型(user models of construction information retrieval), 可持续发展及绿色建筑(sustainability and green building), 房地产经济研究(economics in real estate), 信息技术在建筑管理方面的运用(Information Technology in construction management), 虚拟现实(virtual reality), 智能建筑(intelligent building), 智能高速公路(intelligent highway)C发表的部分研究成果图书和章节 (Book and Chapters)1. 建筑项目管理中的用户模型构成的信息提取机制研究,谢海燕著, 2005 年,佛罗里达大学出版, 个人版权所有(H. Xie, 2005. User Model Driven Architecture for Information Retrieval in Construction Project Management, PhD Dissertation.)2. Xie, H., Shi, W., Issa, R.R.A.(2010). Integration of BIM and RFID in Steel Construction: A Framework of Building Information Modeling Using at Steel Fabrication and Erection, by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8433-6356-3.3. 决策环境:未来项目信息技术展望,谢海燕, 2004 年,奥布朗, 艾萨,申志刚合著,建筑工业管理知识丛书,美国, 共同版权 OBrien, W., R. Issa, Z. Shen, and H. Xie. (2004). “Configurable environments: a vision for future project information technologies.” In Kazi, S. (ed.) Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry: A Socio-technical Perspective, pp. 339-358.杂志和国际会议论文集(Journals and Conference Proceeding Publications)4. Xie, H., Shi, W., Issa, R.R.A., “Using RFID and Real-Time Virtual Reality Simulation for Optimization in Steel Construction”, Journal of ITcon Vol. 16, pg. 291-3085. Akhnoukh, A.K. and Xie, H. “Welded Wire Reinforcement versus Random Steel Fibers in Precast/Prestressed Ultra-High Performance Concrete I-Girders”, Journal of Construction & Building Materials, Elsevier, 20106. Shi, W., Xie, H., and Issa, R.R. “Framework for integration of BIM and RFID in steel construction”, selected for the Spring 2010 issue of Journal of Building Information Modeling (JBIM).7. 用户模型信息提取机制的结构>>,谢海燕,2009 年, 艾萨合著, 个人版权, 美国,建筑信息技术杂志接受 H. Xie and R. Issa (2009). “An Architecture for Adaptive, User-Model-Driven Information Retrieval.” Submitted to and accepted by ITcon Journal.8. 21 世纪中国建筑业管理理论与实践,谢海燕,2007 年,金维兴著,中国建筑工业出版社 ISBN:71120824129. Xie, H., Akhnoukh, A.K., Shi, W., “Implementing Sustainability Concepts in Building Information Modeling Course”, 2nd International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC-II), “Advancing and Integrating Construction Education, Research and Practice”, Cairo, Egypt. August 3-5, 201010. Xie, H., Shi, W., and Issa, R.R.A., “Implementation of BIM/RFID in Computer-AidedDesign-Manufacturing-Installation Process”, 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2010), International Convention Centre of UESTC, Chengdu, China, July 9 - 11, 201011. Xie, H., Shi, W., Carr, J., and Issa, R.R.A. “Ultrasonic sensor + 4D virtual reality simulation environment for safety training”, The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE) 2010 The XVII EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2010, Nottingham, UK, 30 June - 2 July 201012. Xie, H., Akhnoukh, A.K., Shi, W., “Post-Construction Use of Building Information Models for the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems in Medical Projects”, American Society of Civil Engineers, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC6), Cairo, Egypt, June 28-30, 201013. Xie, H., Akhnoukh, A.K., and Shi, W. “Implementing Sustainability Concepts in Building Information Modeling Course”, the Second International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC-II), August 3-5, 2010, Cairo, Egypt.14. Xie, H., Shi, W., R. Issa, and Carr, J.K. “Ultrasonic sensor + 4D virtual reality simulation environment for safety training”, The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2010 (ICCCBE 2010) and The XVII-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2010 (EG-ICE10), The University of Nottignham, June 30-July 2, 201015. Xie, H., Akhnoukh, A.K., and Shi, W. “Post-Construction Use of Building Information Models for the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems in Medical Projects”, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 28-30, 2010, Cairo, Egypt16.开发和管理复杂制造系统的技术创新,谢海燕,石卫著,第五届创新与管理技术国际研讨会,杭州,2007 (Xie, H. and Shi, W. (2007). “Innovation in the Development and Management of Complex Product System”, ISMOT'07, the Fifth International Symposium on Management of Innovation and Technology. June. 1-3, 2007, Hangzhou, China.)17. 数字视频技术优化组合对建筑项目管理决策的支持,谢海燕,石卫著,第12 届计算机技术在土木和房屋建筑工程中的应用与信息技术在建筑管理国际会议, 北京,2008 Shi, W. and Xie, H.(2008) “Synergistic Combination of Data Visualization Techniques to Assist Decision-Making in Construction Project Management”, the 12th International conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-XII), jointly with the International Conference on Information Technology in Construction 2008 (INCITE 2008), Beijing, China, October 2008.18. 应用网络技术开设建筑材料和方法课程,谢海燕,金卡尔著,第12 届计算机技术在土木和房屋建筑工程中的应用与信息技术在建筑管理国际会议,北京,2008 Xie, H. and Carr, J.K. (2008).“Implementing Online Delivery Methods for Construction Materials and Methods Classes”, the 12th International conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-XII), jointly with the International Conference on Information Technology in Construction 2008 (INCITE 2008), Beijing, China, October 2008.19. Xie, H., Shi, W., and Issa Raja R.A. (2006). “Implementing Time-Sequenced 3D Models in Virtual Reality Simulation of Structure Steel Installation”, International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2006), 13th Rinker International Conference Collaboration and Development in Construction and Real Estate, October 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA20. Xie, H. and Tudoreanu, M.E., (2006). “Development of a Virtual Reality Safety-Training System for Construction Workers”, 6th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2006). 3-4 August 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA.21. Xie, H., Carr, J., Shi, W., and Lu, M. (2006). “Encouraging Student Interaction in Online Construction Management Courses: Virtual Study Groups and Action Research Strategy”, 2006 ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 10, 2006.22. Xie, H., Tramel, J., Shi, W., and Lu, M. (2006). “Implementation of Virtual Reality Study Group and Action Research in Online Construction Management Courses”, American Society for Engineering Education, Chicago Annual Conference, June 2006, 2006-2243, 9 pages.23. 美国建筑业的发展轨迹和趋势的分析与讨论,谢海燕,石卫,金维兴著,中国建筑业成长与发展轨迹和它的经济发展方法研究专题报告Xie, H., Shi, W., and Jin, W. (2005). “Analysis and Discussion of the Development Tracks and Trends of the Construction Industry in the US”, Special Topic for the Growth and Development Track of the Construction Industry in China and Its Economical Development Methods Study (Project Number: 70173037), Funded by National Nature and Science Foundation of China24. Xie, H., R. Issa, and W. OBrien. (2005). “Extensible User Model Driven Architecture for Construction Information System.” Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE2005), Cancun, Mexico, July 12-15, 2005, 12 pages.25. Xie, H. and Shi, W. (2004). “Document Imaging in E-commerce.” Proceedings of the International Management and Technology Conference (IMT04), Orlando, FL, USA, December 8-10, 2004, 8 pages.26. H. Xie, R. Issa, W. OBrien. 2004. Structure of a Formal User Model for Construction Information Retrieval, In Proceedings of Xth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Weimar, June 02-04, 2004.27. H. Xie, 2004. Using Action Research to Encourage Discussion in Distance Learning. Accepted by AAC&U's Network for Academic Renewal Conference - Pedagogies of Engagement: New Designs for Learning In and Across the Disciplines, April 15-17, 2004.28. H. Xie, R. Issa, W. OBrien. 2003. User Model and Configurable Visitor for Construction Project Information Retrieval, In Proceedings of IT Symposium, ASCE Symposium and Workshops, Nashville 200329. H. Xie, 2003. The Cost and Functionality Analysis of Intelligent Highway in Post Construction Stage. In Proceedings of “What will move you?” Student Research Conference, June 2003, Davis,CA30. 陕西省建筑市场规范化研究,谢海燕著,西安建筑科技大学, 1999 年, H. Xie, 1999. The Study of the Standardization Administration of the Construction Market in the Shaanxi Province, Master Thesis.31. 国有建筑企业创新机制分析,谢海燕著,西安建筑科技大学学报, 1999 年, H. Xie, W. Shi. 1997. Analysis of the State-owned Construction Companies, Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, 12(5): 299.技术白皮书(Selected Technical Reports)1. 普莱梅拉软件训练教材,谢海燕著,AFCO 钢厂专用。 Xie, H. “Primavera SureTrak Training Tutorial” submitted to AFCO Steel, Inc., 2007.2. 微软项目管理软件训练教材简化版,谢海燕著,梅氏建筑企业专用。Xie, H. “Microsoft Project 2003 Quick Reference”, submitted to May Construction Company, Inc., 2006.3. 微软项目管理软件训练教材完全版,谢海燕著,梅氏建筑企业专用。Xie, H. “Microsoft Project 2003 Complete Tutorial”, submitted to May Construction Company, Inc., 2006.专题报告(Invited Presentations)1. 建筑信息模型, 及建筑的4 维可视化与管理,“Building Information Modeling, 4D Visualization, and Project Management”, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian, China, May July 20102. 信息技术在项目管理中的应用,“Implementation of Information Technology in Project Management”, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian, China, June 26, 20103. 成功的项目管理: 条件与步骤,”Successful Project Management: Conditions and Procedures”; 项目管理中的成本管理,”Cost Management in Project Management”; 供应链管理,”Supply Chain Management”, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian, China, June 19, 20104. 使用普莱梅拉软件进行项目工期控制,“Construction Planning and Scheduling by Using Primavera SureTrak”, AFCO Steel, Inc., Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, July 20075. 开发和管理复杂制造系统的技术创新,“Innovation in the Development and Management of Complex Product System”, ISMOT'07, the Fifth International Symposium on Management of Innovation and Technology, Hangzhou, China, June 20076. 建筑管理中应用时间序列控制的3 维模拟空间技术和虚拟现实,“TimeSequenced 3Dimensional Models and Virtual Reality in Construction Management”, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian, Shaanxi, China, May 20077. 应用3 维模拟空间技术时间阶层辅助钢结构的安装,“Implementing TimeSequenced 3D Models in Virtual Reality Simulation of Structure Steel Installation”, International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2006), 13th Rinker International Conference Collaboration and Development in Construction and Real Estate, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 20068. 使用微软项目管理软件进行项目管理和进度控制,“Construction Management and Scheduling by Using Microsoft Project”, May Construction Company, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, August 20069. 虚拟现实小组学习在网络教学中的行为研究,“Implementation of Virtual Reality Study Group and Action Research in Online Construction Management Courses”, American Society for Engineering Education, Chicago Annual Conference, June 200610. 文件成像在电子商务中的讨论,“Document Imaging in Ecommerce”, International Management and Technology Conference (IMT04), Orlando, FL, USA, December 200411. 用户模型和可配置的访问结构,“User Model and Configurable Visitor for Construction Project Information Retrieval”, IT Symposium, ASCE Symposium and Workshops, Nashville, TN, USA, November 2003D.社会兼职 西安建筑科技大学访问教授, 西安建筑科技大学客座教授,研究生导师 国际会议The ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering June 17-20, 2012,The 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2009 in the context of the 3rd International MultiConference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2009, July 10th 13th, 2009 Orlando, Florida, USA,Associated Schools of Construction's Annual International Conferences 2004present,International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI 2009) ,International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2006), 13th Rinker International Conference Collaboration and Development in Construction and Real Estate, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 2006,Winter Simulation Confer