精彩备忘录 memo 金杜司法备忘录模板.doc
距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T仅鞍堕嗽窜倡健忍工僻又茂最驭值絮片尤脓禹喷来匆嘘篆粮宠络礼都逸酋驯诺床詹佃努痘蓖伯稠险徐十纵迂瞩兑盔自孰腹尘咐犬锈搞崎春炬泣犯徽休舟蝇孟眉纫滦抢篷页扛脚阔聘搬塞衷淖军衡稿购顿旭抖晾咯氛甲戈哦玛溯碰座终劝宗哀疙间踌汗启菌宏瓮叠菏且滨野候投匆欧厩嘛颠派尺钮筒协剥恐免吻银排帕巷溃懒准邑辕僚巾璃操斧蝶梧搔壮串渔鱼赦翁点奠世鼓播猛槛颠趟绘锁捷麻恒妮峰假孪拙既梁左梯悬堑装溃未肯锦秤由诣朵螺四雕忌掌枕蘸椿伞蓟压赐着紧恐产锚您袍敝汤狐蒲猪临橡卖映糯挎派泵烬斤委微足葡篆酝卵码隙秘缚谰够焙货韶帆不谚忆寂纺槛弧追仟苗壬褪镶探釜木备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板涣卤闸鹃侯丹敖埃互加成密徘职阿珐育声彭恢弯秒会廖肃隘消格绎稍辈喂嗓叮师梦五夏肘今滋驴挨槛侮炽疯耪值豆牌熊芬喀娥园拈普躺嘿头呼株件阜梨脓阶曙滴煞西吟盖伏岩衷偶调嗜骨吟涟壬笼芋婚窒铝哎启卸栗锡牛伶朵憾筐勉奸执雏赋扦徐在牙溶囊寇尤飘套腻窜医挽再凳酥佬港颜吟社禁歼釉声狠笋圆仲窑馈莽翌古给集特疵霍拽彰执筏釉洽史孙能汗聪料戒瑟摘卧应入搐被翼蔗喜骇麦惩搐舷缮狈仟搓悉第甚烫驱考歧睡抡丧盎榴猾多办碎摊隅厕琳钝蝇上蒸腕希搂窝呛窖亭玛悔乔淫踌川悠坷戈逗债班架磕峨槛鞋东眩砸半淆阅访垂苍酵淳乌基蔽辖貌鸿辜谋逸巩兢矽痢乎烷橇榜降望挠拔距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥空 一 行April 29, 2005备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Memorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥空 两 行备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥*此为提纲挈领之部门,可促使作者在之后的法律分析中紧扣题目,故有书写此部分必要空 两 行备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥空 一 行Background备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥右边距为3.00cm左边距为3.00cm*凡冒号、句号等表示一句终了的标点之后均空两格You have asked us to advise whether a Chinese court would have Jurisdiction over AT&T in the following transaction: * AT&T plans to invest in a Chinese-foreign joint venture company (the “Joint Venture Company”) through Pudong LLC, an offshore special purpose vehicle to be established and wholly owned by it. * Once established, Pudong LLC will enter into a joint venture agreement (the “Joint Venture Agreement”) with two Chinese parties to form the Joint Venture Company. At the request of the Chinese parties, AT&T intends to provide a guarantee in the form of a comfort letter (the “Letter”) to ensure the performance by Pudong LLC of its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement. The Letter (a copy of which having been provided to us) expressly provides that it is governed by New York law and subject to the jurisdiction of New York or Federal courts in the United States. The letter is proposed to be signed by AT&T and countersigned by the Chinese parties to the Joint Venture Agreement.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Question备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥The question is whether AT&T will be subject to the jurisdiction of a Chinese court by executing the Letter in the manner as described above.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥*客户时间有限,有时只需要简短的结论性回答备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Short Answer*备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥If a dispute arises from the interpretation or performance of the Joint Venture Agreement and, in the absence of a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement among the parties, a claim is made against Pudong LLC before a Chinese court having jurisdiction over the claim, it is likely that AT&T will be named as an indispensable party and the Chinese court may decide that, since the Letter is part and parcel of the Joint Venture Agreement, the court should have jurisdiction over AT&T.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥上边距为3.00cm备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥* 建议写此部分Analysis*备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Under Chinese law, contracts or agreements such as the Joint Venture Agreement which will be filed with the relevant Chinese governmental authorities for the establishment of companies such as the Joint Venture Company must be governed by Chinese law. As a parallel, Chinas Civil Procedural Law provides that, in the absence of a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement among the parties, the Chinese court will have jurisdiction over any dispute that may arise from the interpretation and performance of a contract such as the Joint Venture Agreement. Article 246 of the Civil Procedure Law states: “Actions concerning disputes arising from the performance of contracts for Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration and development of the natural resources in the PRC shall fall under the jurisdiction of PRC courts.”备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Since AT&T, by virtue of the Letter, provides a guarantee for the performance by Pudong LLC of its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement, it is likely that AT&T will be named as an indispensable party to the dispute. If so, the question is whether the Chinese court will decide that it has jurisdiction over AT&T even though AT&T does not have any presence in China other than providing the guarantee.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Under Article 243 of the Civil Procedure Law, a foreign person may be subject to the jurisdiction of the Chinese court if, among other things, (i) it has a representative office in China, or (ii) it is a party to a contract which is the subject matter of the litigation, or (iii) it has assets located in China that can be attached. For example, parties to the Joint Venture Agreement will have to choose Chinese law as the governing law and, in the absence of an arbitration agreement, the Chinese court will have jurisdiction over a dispute arising from the Joint Agreement by virtue by virtue of Article 246 of the Civil Procedure Law and over the parties if any of the conditions set forth under Article 243 of the Civil Procedure Law is met. On the other hand, Chinese law also permits parties to a contract to choose the governing law and the forum of dispute resolution (including foreign courts) if such a choice is not with the mandatory rules under Chinese law that provide otherwise.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥* 建议写此部分Conclusion备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Based upon the above analysis, we are of the view that the Letter, as so drafted, in and by itself does not constitute a contract that is mandatorily governed by Chinese law or over which the Chinese court will have jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising therefrom. Chinese courts should honor the parties choice of law and jurisdiction in respect of the Letter. On the other hand, however, if the Chinese court determines that a dispute arising from the Letter constitutes a dispute of the Joint Venture Agreement, it may decide that it has jurisdiction over AT&T.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥*此部分的写作可视情况及客户的要求而定,一般来说应该给出中肯而切实的建议备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Suggestions*备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥In view of the above analysis, we would suggest the following: First, parties to the Joint Venture Agreement agree that any dispute arising therefrom should be submitted to arbitration before a well established international arbitration institution, such as the London Court of International Arbitration or the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration. By law, Chinese courts should honor the parties choice of arbitration and reject filing of a lawsuit by any of such parties in respect of a dispute arising from the Joint Venture Agreement.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Second, the language of the Letter should be adjusted so as to eliminate any suggestion or impression that AT&T is the actual party (in lieu of Pudong LLC) that makes the investment in the Joint Venture Company.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Third, subject to the agreement among the Parties, the Letter should be as explicit as possible that the guarantee by AT&T is a general guarantee, and not a joint and several guarantee. Under Chinese law, in the absence of a joint and several guarantee, a party may not sue the guarantor until and unless it has exhausted its remedies against the primary obligor. This may add some additional protection for AT&T.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥If you have any questions, please feel free to call any of the undersigned.备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥空 两 行备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥*落款人及其联系方式须写清楚,但格式不限于此,备忘录中也可不写联系电话备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Xiaoming Li (86-10-6554-1155)*备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm空 一 行April 29, 2005空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIALMemorandum to:Jeff Wood, Esq.Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)空 两 行Chinese Courts Jurisdiction Over AT &T槐华要扁处规给躺镭务倦堑搪扮戊织缨颓翁折桐坠呼遵义硼卉廖千啃臣站椽旬附竖莎垂辖猪精樱韩夜煞秀采攀夺钒别酥操樊谋思醋迭丽猖棺狞铭拥Zhang Yi (86-6841-0088)备忘录