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    新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读b学生用书第二版 教案.doc

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    新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读b学生用书第二版 教案.doc

    课程名称:高级英语出版社:上海外语教育出版社总主编: 戴炜栋主编:王哲 王善平 赵伟礼书名:新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读B学生用书第二版Advanced English.Teaching Course: Advanced English.Teaching Unit: Unit One.Teaching Aims: 1. Master some types of the figure of speech 2. After reading the text, grasp the general ideas of the article 3. Paraphrase some difficult paragraphs in the text .Difficult Points: get the meaning of the text thoroughly.Teaching Periods: 12 periods (2 weeks).Teaching Methods: Instructive method.Teaching demand: Students should do previewing before each period.Teaching procedure:1. Mayor types of the figure of speech . Simile It is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like. It has three parts: the tenor, indicator of resemblance, and the vehicle. E.g.;Food is to the body (the tenor) as (indicator of resemblance) fuel is to the engine (the vehicle). . Metaphor It is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality. It is also a comparison, but the comparison is implied, not expressed with the word as or like. E.g.: The green plant is a kind of food factory. The next day he had a red face. . Personification It is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities. In poetry it is very common.E.g.: A soft wind kissed the tree tops. My only worry was that January would find me hunting for a job again. . Metonymy It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another.E.g.: The mother did her best to take care of the cradle. Her purse would not allow his luxury. . Synecdoche It involves the substitution of part for the whole, or the whole for the part. E.g.: The farms were short of hands during the harvest season. It was reported that Britain beat New Zealand in a football match yesterday. . Irony It is the use of words which are clearly opposite to what it meant, in order to achieve a special effect. E.g.: What a fine weather! (In fact it is raining so heavily that you can not go outing as you planned.) . Transferred Epithet It is a figure of speech where an epithet (an adjective or descriptive phrase) is transferred from the noun it should rightly to another to which it does not really apply or belong. E.g.: The old man put a reassuring hand on may shoulder. There was a short, thoughtful silence. . Pun It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words. E.g.: Custom: Waiter, will the pancakes be long? Waiter: No, Sir. Round. Custom: Have you got chickens legs? Waiter: No, Sir. I always walk this way. Farewell to Arms. . Euphemism It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. (It is the substitution of a mild or vague expression for a harsh or unpleasant one.) E.g.: Then youll see the sign for the rest room. Old people senior citizens . Alliteration It refers to the appearance of the some initial consonant sound in two or more words (often used in poetry). E.g.: proud as a peacock blind as a bat . Overstatement/ Exaggeration E.g.: The thriller made my hair stand on end. . Onomatopoeia It is the formation or use of words to imitate what they denote. E.g.: The north wind roared and howled. 2. Background Knowledge about “Party”Party 一词在汉语中可译为“聚会”,然而英语词party绝非仅仅意味着“晚上聚会”。西方人在中午也有聚会。西方常见的聚会有如下几种:. 午餐聚会(Launch Parties)It is not popular at present time, but it Sundays Launch Party still works. The party time is about 1:00 at noon. The staple food is always roasted food. 酒会(Drinks parties)Drinks party is a kind of party from the previous cocktail party. The traditional cocktail party is rather legitimate, so its also a little stiff. But it has turned into a commonly and flexibly social occasion. Sometimes, it will supply snack, no staple. Partygoers can chat with their acquaintance, and also may meet some new friends. Everyone can talk freely of whatever topic. And it will be over two and a half hours. 晚晚会(Party parties)It is a party holding at the weekend, which usually starts at 9 p.m. or later and ends in the midnight. It will supply liquor and staple food. Guests could dance with the music. 3. Explain the article Title: Party Politics (Politics is a complicated thing which needs a lot of time to study. And also, in a party, no matter the dress or behavior and etc. should be considered.) Para 1Etiquette at an office party? Why, these people have been socializing happily every working day of their lives, give or take a few melees, rumors, and complaint petitions. All it takes to turn this into holiday merriment is a bit of greenery looped around the office - the staff will soon be looped, too.(PUN) Surely it is enough that the annual Christmas party has the magic ingredients: time off from work, free food and drink, and a spirit of fun replacing such ugly work realities as sexual harassment.Etiquette is necessary at an office party? Why it is? Although they always give or take violent argument, gossips, and petition, these people go well with each other in working. A small piece of lawn outside the office will create the same atmosphere as that of a holiday and the staff will easily enjoy themselves. The annual Christmas party has the magic factors of making everybody feel fun and relax, so people can forget the bothering form work realities. Para 2 Furthermore, partygoers figure, it offers relief from such pesky obligations as thanking anyone or being kind to wallflowers because there really arent any hosts. (HUMOR & SARCASM) Nobody has to pay (that same nobody who generously provides the telephone line for long-distance personal calls), and so nobodys feelings need be considered.Since it seems that the office party is free, the participants feel greatly relaxed. They no longer care about the annoying etiquette rules for common gatherings such as expressing gratefulness to the host or showing consideration towards others in the party. Because nobody will generously pay for money, naturally, it is unnecessary to consider anyones emotion. Para 3 This is all hospitality - there for the taking, like the office-supplied felt-tipped pens everyone has been pocketing all year. (HUMOR) Out of the natural goodness of its corporate heart and the spirit of the holiday season, the company wishes only to give its employees a roaring good time, and the employees, out of loyalty and the thrill of getting to know their bosses off-duty as equals, delight in the opportunity.Thanks to the generous hosts, everything at the office party is free and partygoers can take away anything they would like such as some office stationery they have been taking home all the time. Based on the corporate culture and the atmosphere of holiday, the company wants to give its employees great time. And for the employees, because of loyalty to the company and longing to know their boss out of work, are happy for the chance. Para 4 For those still dimly aware of the once-standard give-and-take of real social life, this no-fault approach to business entertaining seems a godsend. (SIMILE & HUMOR) In the now-rare domain of genuine society, hosts are supposed to plan and pay for the entertainment of their guests, on their own time and in their own houses. Guests have strict duties, as well- from answering invitations to cooperating with all arrangements, even to the extent of pronouncing them perfectly lovely.Some partygoers may still be aware of the reality in life, that is, if you want to take you have to give. For these people, such free office party looks like a generous gift from the god. In now-rare free entertaining society, hosts need to spend time and efforts tare care of the guests in their own house. Thus, the guests have the same obligations to answer invitations to following the hosts arrangements, and even to praise the party holding perfectly. Para 5 The people who do the planning are paid for their trouble, so those who benefit need not consider they have incurred a debt. The person who organize the office party gaining payment from it, so the people who take the free drink and food and get fun (employees) from it dont need to consider that they owe the host. Para 6Not so fast. Flinty Miss Manners doesnt recognize any holidays from etiquette (METAPHOR). (Employees, if not employers, should consider themselves lucky that she is only on the Party Committee, not the one that might take up ethical questions about those pens and calls.) Office parties differ from private ones but no freer from rules.Dont be happy first. Miss Manners doesnt take off. (First, employees, not employers, should think they are so happy that Miss Manners just work for the Party Committee rather for their company, whose job is checking the stationery and private calls.) There is difference between office parties and private ones, but on the office party, people also should follow the rules. Para 7 If it were indeed true that everyone has a better time without etiquette, Miss Manners could easily be persuaded to take the day off. But having long served on the Office Party Etiquette Cleanup Subcommittee, she is aware that things generally do not go well when there is no recognized etiquette and everyone is forced to improvise. If the truth is everybody has a better life without etiquette, Miss Manners could have a rest. After serving long in the Office Party Etiquette Cleanup Subcommittee, she knows without recognized rules and preparations things wont go well. Para 8 It might discourage hospitable bosses to see guests staring at them in horror and then slithering by a side door. (HUMOR & SARCASM) But etiquettes solution of having everyone greeted in a receiving line was rejected as too stiff. The warm-hearted hosts may feel annoyed and depressed when they see that the guests are unwilling to approach them and try to keep away from them as much as possible. But the etiquette solution of greeting everyone at receiving line is too stiff. Para 9Desperate to make the time count, the boss grabs the nearest available person and starts delivering practical words about the contribution he makes to their great enterprise. The reaction is not quite what was hoped for. Discreet questioning establishes that this is an employees guest. In great need of making time valuable, the boss will seize anyone who is the nearest person to him/her, and then began to say the words which are repeated many times before to him/her for praising him/her great contribution to the company. But the consequence is not what the boss longs for. After the carefully questioning proves that the man is not the employee of the company but one guest of an employee. Para 10 Now, the reason the invitation said “and guest” was to avoid the ticklish issue of who is still married to whom and what the spouse calls itself. (HUMOR & SARCASM)In writing an invitation, the boss tended to use “and guest” rather than “and spouse” or “and Mrs. / Mr. / Ms. so and so” in order to avoid problems or angers resulted from the ignorance of the guests identities or families. Para 11Meanwhile, what about those who are interested in promoting a bit of immorality, or just plain romance, of their own? They, too, are creating problems that will reach far into the new year. True office romances are the least of them, with their charges of favoritism and melding professional and personal time. More serious is the fact that, in spite of the liquor and high spirits, it still counts as sexual harassment when anyone with supervisory powers makes unreciprocated overtures to a lower-ranking employee. And foolhardy when a lower-ranking employee annoys a higher-ranking one.For those who want to take immorality on marriage, or just have the real love story, what will happen? They will take troubles which wont end in the next year. The true office love story is rare, but it usually accompanies the charges of favoritism and mixing professional and personal time. Whats worse, although with the excuse of wines and drinks, it also regards as sexual harassment when anyone who has higher power shows love to the lower-ranking employee without any responds. While if a lower-ranking employee does such a thing ti the higher-ranking one will be regarded as foolhardy. Para 13In one evening, they manage to cut through the entire hierarchy and procedures the boss has painstakingly established for the purpose of being spared this kind of importuning. (SARCASM & HUMOR)The employees intend to cross the ranks and gaps between them and their boss in one evening, But such differences are actually what the bosses have tried to establish through years-long efforts.Para 15Here is where the company has pulled a fast one on its employees. (SARCASM & METAPHOR) “Go ahead,” it has said, “relax, have a good time, forget about the job.” And the naïve have taken this at face value. This event is called a party - a place where one lets loose without worrying about being judged by the cold standard of professional usefulness. As a matter of fact, the company has cheated its employees. The company told its employees to relax, enjoy themselves and forget their works. The childish person will easily believe what the company told them. They think party is a place to relax without thinking of the serious standard in works. Para 17Worse are the comments on anyone whose idea of fun is a little boisterous. It may be just the behavior that makes one a delight - or a trial - to ones friends. But here, it is not being offered for the delight or tolerance of friends. It is being judged on criteria other than whether the person is a riot.The comments are worse to those people whose idea of fun is a bit noisy or crazy. It may be just the behavior which makes those people loved or hated by the other ones. But in the party, the others wont be tolerant to such behavior. They judge a person by the standards other than whether the man is an amusing person or not. Para 20What constitutes a couple is a murkier question than Miss Manners and any sensible employers ought to investigate, but employees simply can be asked to supply the name of a spouse or friend they want to invite. (An office party can be limited by confining it to employees in which case it should be held during office hours. But inviting spouses and such is better. Having to work is enough distraction


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