北京印刷学院规划教材印刷专业英语教材印刷技术概论The foundation of printing technology 印刷与包装工程学院Contents(目录)Chapter 1 The Printing Industry (印刷工业)Introduction Printing Technology Key Terms QuestionsChapter 2 Creation and Input in Digital Prepress (创作与输入数字印前)Introduction Digital Image Types (数码图像类型)File Formats (文件格式)Digital Image Input (数字图像输入)Digital Photography (数码摄影)Key Terms (关键点)Questions Chapter 3 Assembly in Digital Prepress (数码印前工序)Introduction Page Layout (版式)Digital Halftones (数字半色调)Color Color Management (颜色管理,色彩处理)Key Terms QuestionsChapter 4 Output in Digital Prepress (数字化印前输出)Introduction PostScript (页描述语言) Portable Document Format(文同文件)Imposition and Trapping (要求和方法)Output to Film (输出影像)Digital Proofing (数码样)Computer to Plate (ctp直接制版)Key Terms Questions Chapter 5 Offset(平版印刷) Presses and Printing (胶印机印刷)Introduction Offset Presses Operation Starting Up and Proofing (启动与打样)Printing Process Color on Sheet-Fed Offset Presses(单张纸胶印机的印刷过程中的色彩)Quality Control Devices (质量控制计划/ 质量控制手段)Common Press Concerns (普通印刷问题)A Troubleshooting Checklist(故障排除单)Key TermsQuestionsChapter 6 Gravure Printing(凹版印刷)Introduction The Gravure Industry (凹印行业)Basic Gravure Concepts (基本凹印概念)Cylinder(圆柱体) Construction(建筑,解释) and Preparation(滚筒的结构与制备)Gravure Presswork(凹版印刷)Key TermsQuestions Chapter 7 Flexographic, Ink-Jet, and Digital Printing(柔性版、喷墨、数码印刷)Introduction Flexographic Printing Ink-Jet Printing Digital PrintingKey TermsQuestionsChapter 8 Paper and Ink (纸张油墨)Introduction Introduction to Paper (纸张简介)Classifying Paper (纸张分类)Determining Paper Needs (确定文件需要)Sample Paper Estimating Problem(样张测试问题)Introduction to Ink (油墨简介)Properties of Ink(墨性)Ingredients in Ink (油墨的成分)Calculating Ink Usage(计算机油墨的使用)Ink Specifications and Standards(油墨的特性及标准)Lithographic Inks(平版油墨)Screen Printing Inks (网版印刷油墨)Letterpress Inks(凸版油墨)Flexographic Inks(柔性油墨)Gravure Inks(奥班油墨)Key TermsQuestionsChapter 9 Finishing Operations (精加工)Introduction Cutting (裁切)Folding (折页)Assembling (配页)Binding (装订)In-Line Finishing (在线整理)Key TermsQuestionsChapter 10 Quality Management (质量管理)Introduction Defining Quality (决定性品质)Motivation for a Customer- Defined Quality Orientation(为客户定义的质量定位)Key Terms Questions Chapter 1The Printing IndustryIntroductionPrinting has been identified as the single most significant technological development in the human history. Prior(原始的) to the invention of printing all information and communication was transmitted(传播) verbally(口头的,书面的). Ideas(观念) survived as long as someone could remember the concept. Little information was retained unchanged for more than tree generations. Folklore(民间传说) and legend(铭文,图例) formed the base for all cultures. It was not easy to communicate messages to a large number of people until the invention of printing. The oral tradition(口头流传的故事) was limited to small groups and the memory of the speaker.Printing created the ability to record ideas(观念) so they could survive across many generations. It also allowed information to be communicated exactly to any number of people. Once ideas and information were made permanent(永久的,永恒的) and everyone had access to them, true science and technological development began.The foundation, and power of print is the ability to reproduce graphic(形象生动的) symbols and messages in large quantities. Graphic messages are possible because lines can be made into shapes that have meanings to human beings.Printing TechnologyAll printing processes reproduce(复制,重现) lines and/or dots(圆点) that form an image. Printing is the process of manufacturing multiple copies of graphic images. Although most people think of printing as putting ink on paper, printing is not limited to any particular materials of inks. The embossing process(击凸压凹) uses no ink at all, and all shapes and sizes of metals, wood(木材), and plastics are common receivers(承印物)of printed messages.Major Printing ProcessesThe following five major printing processes are used to reproduce graphic images:l Relief printing(凸版印刷)l Intaglio printing(凹版印刷)l Screen printing(丝网印刷)l Lithographic printing(平板印刷)l Electrostatic printing(静电印刷)Each of these processes is suited for specific applications(具体应用), such as newspaper, book, package, or textile printing.Relief PrintingThe relief printing process includes letterpress printing(凸印), flexographic printing(柔性印刷), and all other methods of transferring an image from a raised surface (Fig. 1a). Although it was once a major process in the printing industry, letterpress printing has been replaced largely by other printing processes. Most relief printing done today is done with flexography. Flexographic printing is used extensively(广大地) in the packaging industry for printing on corrugated(有波纹面的) board, paper cartons, and plastic film(塑料胶片). Flexography is also becoming a significant process for printing newspapers, newspaper inserts, catalogs, and directories.Intaglio PrintingIntaglio printing is the reverse of(的反面) relief printing. An intaglio image is transferred from a sunken(凹的) surface (Fig. 1b). Copperplate(铜版) etching(蚀刻版画) and engraving(雕刻) are two intaglio processes. Industrial intaglio printing is called gravure(凹印). Gravure is used for extremely long press runs. Cellophane(玻璃纸) and aluminum-foil(铝箔) candy bar wrappers are two common packaging materials printed with gravure printing. Readers Digest(读者) and National Geographic are two of the many national magazines which printed with gravure.Screen Printing(丝网印刷,Artron)Screen printing transfers an image by allowing ink to pass through openings in a stencil(模板) that has been applied to a screen mesh(筛眼) (Fig. 1c). The screen printing process is sometimes called silk screen printing. Silk is rarely used to hold the stencil industrially, however, because silk is not as durable(耐用的) as industrial screen materials. Some of the industrial uses for screen printing include printing on plastic such as round plastic containers(塑料容器), printing large display signs and billboards(广告牌), and printing on textiles(纺织品印刷). Another major use for screen printing is in the manufacture of printed circuit boards (电路板)for electrical/electronic equipment.Lithography(平板印刷,Artron)Lithography as it is known today is a relatively new process, dating from around 1798. A lithographic image is transferred from a flat surface (Fig. 1d). Certain areas on the surface are chemically treated to accept ink while other areas are left untreated so that they will repel ink. When the surface is inked, the ink remains in the ink-receptive areas, but not in the untreated areas. When a material such as paper contacts the surface, ink is transferred to(转移) the paper. This process is sometimes called planography.Offset lithographic printing(平版胶印) is the most widely used printing process in the commercial(商业的) printing industry. Its major application is for printing on paper; thus it is ideal for printing newspapers, books, magazines, pamphlets, and all other forms of paper publications.Electrostatic Printing(电子印刷)Electrostatic printing was invented in 1937 by Chester Carlson. It involves creating an image by electrostatically charging areas of a special drum(鼓声) (Fig. 1e). As a result, the drum attracts a dry or liquid toner(调色液、调色剂). The toner is then transferred and fused(融合) to a sheet of paper.Even a decade ago, electrostatic printing would not have been classified as one of the major printing processes. However, today electrostatic reproduction has become a standard part of digital printing. When a “copier or printer” can deliver 6000 or more images that meet or exceed traditional ink density(密度) targets per hour, the “copier or printer” must be recognized as a printing press.Although there are several older printing processes, such as collography(书法), which prints from a fragile(脆弱的) gelatin(透明的) emulsion(乳胶), these five major printing processes account for(说明,导致,引起) nearly 99 percent of all work done in the contemporary printing industry.Fig. 1 Five main printing processes(a) Relief printing transfers an image from a raised surface(b) Intaglio printing transfers an image from a sunken surface(c) Screen printing transfers an image through a stencil(d) Lithographic printing transfers an image chemically from a flat surface(e) Electrostatic printing transfers an image electromagneticallyPrinting technology has long been a powerful tool for social change. Edward George Bulwer-Lytton wrote, “The pen is mightier(锋利的) than the sword(文笔比刀剑更锋利).” But his statement(声明) assumes that the ideas the pen recorded are distributed. Without printing, few would read the words, and the pen would be a very weak weapon.Printing Cycle(周期)Since the time of Franklin, the basic cycle of the printing industry has not changed much from the following procedures:1. Identifying a need2. Creating an image design3. Reproducing the image design4. Distributing the printed messageThe printing cycle begins with an identified need. The need might be as simple as the reproduction of a form or as sophisticated as a poster intended to change human attitudes. It could be as ordinary as a package designed to convince a consumer to buy one designed to convince a consumer to buy one brand of cereal rather than another. Whatever the need, a graphic design evolves. Special design agencies are often set up whose sole purpose is to sell ideas to clients and work closely with the printer as the design is turned into print.The function of printing management is to be responsible for creating and controlling the reproduction process. Skilled workers must be employed and an organization created that efficiently and effectively delivers printed products. Once a job is proposed, the most efficient printing process must be identified. Such variables as the type pf material to be printed, length of run, number and types of colors, time requirements, desired quality, and customers cost limitations must all be considered. An estimate must be made for each job. A profit must be made, and yet the estimate must be low enough to attract work in a very competitive market. If the customer approves the estimate, management must schedule the job, arrange to obtain all materials, ensure quality control, and keep track of all phases of production so the job is finished on schedule.Sequence of(连续) Steps in the Printing ProcessesThe printing industry has historically consisted of shops identified with particular processes, such as relief printing or lithography. Craftsmen were trained and then bound by union or guild structure to a particular process. Recently it has become common for a printing establishment to use a variety of printing processes. Regardless of the printing process used, however, there is a sequence of production steps that all printing follows. This sequence consists of the following steps:l Image designl Image generationl Image conversionl Image carrier preparationl Image transferl FinishingThe point of a printed product is to meet a need, such as to inform(通知), persuade(说服,信服), entertain(考虑), or convince(相信,确认). The design must fulfill(满足) the customers need. In the image design variables(可变化的) such as type style, visual position, type size, balance, and harmony(风格,视觉定位,类型,大小,平衡,和谐) are all considered. After the customer approves the design, the image must be generated and made into a final form. Specifications(规格) developed during the image design stage(舞台形象设计协调) are carefully followed during image generation(图像形成). Traditionally, image generation was performed by hand, perhaps using photographic techniques. Advances in computer technology, however, have moved most image generation to the computer monitor and keyboard.Traditionally, printing processes relied to a large degree(程度) on photography. Images were converted to(转变) transparent film in the image conversion step and then photographically transferred to an image carrier(载体) during the image carrier preparation step. Computers have revolutionized image generation and forever changed the way that image conversion and assembly(配页) happen. It is now a digital process happening within software. But no matter how advanced the processes have become, images and pages must still be assembled and prepared for a digital venue like the Internet.The image must be printed onto a receiver material during the image transfer step. Finishing is the last step, which combines the printed material into a final finished form that can be delivered to the customer. This may include cutting, perforating(打孔), scoring, folding, inserting, stapling, binding(结合), or packaging.Organization of Printing ServicesThere are several ways to categorize(分类) printing companies. One traditional way is by the kinds of services or produces the companies deliver(公司提供). With this view, printing organizations can be classified into eight distinct areas:l Commercial(商业的)l Trade shops(交易商店)l Special purpose(特殊目的)l Quick printing(打印店)l In-plant(厂内)l Publishing(出版社)l Packaging(包装类)l Related industries(相关产业)Commercial PrintingCommercial printing is done by a company that is willing to take on nearly any sort of printing job. Commercial printers can usually handle a large variety of printing jobs, regardless of sheet size, number of ink colors, length of run, or even binding requirements. Typical products produced in a commercial printing shop include small business cards, letterhead stationery, posters, and four-color glossy advertising sheets for mailing. If a commercial printer does not have all of the equipment or skilled staff to perform a whole job, parts of the job, such as die cutting, foil stamping, or binding, he may be subcontracted to trade shops.Trade ShopsSome companies provide services only to the printing trade. These are called trade shops. Not all commercial, special purpose, in-plant, publishing, or packaging companies can afford to own and operate all the equipment necessary to meet their total production requirements. For example, a company might decide not to buy bindery equipment because only a small percentage of its work requires folding, collating, or binding. When the company receives a contract that requires binding, it sends it to a trade shop that specializes in binding.Special Purpose PrintingSpecial purpose printing is defined(定义) by the limited type of jobs performed by a company. One printer might print only labels. The printer would purchase special equipment and accept orders for only labels. However, the printer would make labels to any size, shape, number of colors, length of run, or purpose. A