实操商务英语函电课后答案Unit .docx
实操商务英语函电课后答案Unit Unit 12 Complaints, Claims and Adjustments Sentences Commonly Used in Complaints, Claims and Adjustments (P200) 1.你方延迟装运给我方带来很大损失,我方因此向你方提出索赔。 2.经过检查,我们惊讶地发现货物的质量低劣。 3.尽管货物的质量达不到样品的要求,如果你方同意降价,比如10%,我们仍愿意接受该批货物。 4.我们很遗憾你方装运的货物达不到规定的要求。 5.我们认为损失是由于包装不当造成的。 6.我们保留对任何损失要求赔偿的权利。 7.关于短重问题,已向贵方提出索赔。 8.我们发现你方运来的我方第234号订单下的货物短重1000公斤。 9.由于短重,我们必须对这批货物向你方索赔2800美元。 10.我们已收到你方解决我方索赔问题的汇款。 11.我们已就你方提出的索赔进行了仔细的研究。 12.没有足够的证据,我们不能接受贵方的索赔。 13.因我方失误给贵方造成的任何不便,本公司深表歉意。 Exercises (P200-204) 1. Translate the following phrases (1) lodge a claim against / with sb. (2) accept a claim (3) reject a claim (4) claim for poor quality (5) claim for damaged goods (6) 情况完好 (7) 索赔函 (8) 理赔 (9) 损失索赔清单 (10) 由于短重而索赔 2. Choose the best answer (1) A (2) C (3) D (4) C (5) B (6) A (7) D (8) A (9) C (10) C 3. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words (1) claim (2) compensation (3) complaint (4) investigation (5) position (6) establish (7) inconvenience (8) liable 4. Fill in the blanks with proper words (1) against, for (2) into (3) without (4) regarding (5) with (6) up (7) in, with (8) to (9) In, for (10) by (11) on, to (12) to (13) in (14) against / with, in (15) under / against, with (16) to, for (17) into, without (18) to (19) Upon (20) about 5. Translate the following sentences (1) 我方保证向贵方随时提供最佳服务。 (2) 该缺货已安排立即装运。 (3) 由于我方失误而给贵方造成的不便,本公司深表歉意。 (4) 由于该订单是专门订造的,所以恕难接受退货。 (5) 得知错运货物,本公司深感抱歉。 (6) We trust that this unfortunate error will not adversely affect our future relations. (7) The goods were badly damaged upon arrival and they are unsaleable. (8) The clients are in urgent need of the goods, so we should settle the claim as soon as possible. (9) The non-execution of our order has put us in a tight corner. Therefore, we ask for a reasonable compensation. (10) Please prepare the goods immediately to meet the customers demand. 6. Write an English letter according to the following details Dear Sirs, We have received your goods covering our order of March 10. Thank you for the prompt delivery. Upon unpacking the cases, we found that the goods are not of the quality we ordered. The quality of the goods is much inferior to the sample, on which we approve the order. As an evidence, we are enclosing a copy of survey report for your attention. Our clients have complained about the goods, so we have no choice but to ask you to take the materials back and replace them with materials of the quality we ordered. We hope that you will take the matter into your careful consideration and solve it as soon as possible. Yours faithfully,