装订线 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:On the influence of Chinese context in English learning 论汉语语言环境对英语学习的影响 系 部 外语系 学科门类 英语 专 业 英语师范 学 号 0702140119 姓 名 查银萍 指导教师 邵练练 2011年5月10日 On the Influence of Chinese Context in English LearningWritten by: Zha YinpingSupervised by: Shao LianlianForeign Languages DepartmentHefei Normal UniversityMay 2011独创性声明本人声明所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得合肥师范学院或其他教育机构的毕业证书或学位证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。作者签名:签字日期: 年 月 日指导教师签名:签字日期:年月日AcknowledgementsMy idea for the thesis sprang from the enlightenment of Ms. Shao Lianlian, my tutor, to whom I owed great gratitude and appreciation. She gave me invaluable institutions and encouragement. In the process of composing this paper, she gives me much academic and constructive advice and helps me to correct my paper.Moreover, I am deeply grateful to those teachers who gave me much help these four years, such as Mr. Jiang Daohua, Mr. Wang Quanjie, Ms. Yang Wei, and Mr. Fan Dongsheng. They benefited me a lot with sparkling ideas in their lectures.My indebtedness also goes to my roommates, who offer me excellent advice and environment to write my paper. Finally, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to those who spend their precious time in reading this thesis.On the Influence of Chinese Context in English LearningAbstract A good mastery of English has become a must for all the students in China because of frequent communication among countries. It is easy for the students to get access to English. And our country lays stress on fostering English talents. But the present situation of English learning is that many people have labored on it but only to find it is a waste of time and energy. This thesis analyzes the factors affecting the English learning which are social context, the distinction between these two languages and the students goals and motivations. With Bernard Spolskys theory, the author tries to explain the most important conditions for second language learning: social context, cultural background, exposure condition and native pronunciation condition. He insists that learners should pay special attention to language transfer and intercultural communication. Besides, a good attitude is crucial. Available resources are also of great help to create good conditions for English learning in Chinese context.Key Words: Chinese context; conditions; second language learning; language transfer 论汉语语言环境对英语学习的影响摘 要由于国际间的交流日益频繁,中国学生必须很好地掌握英语这门语言。目前,学生们接触英语的机会很多,而且我们国家也花了大量的人力、物力,着重培养英语人才。然而,学生们英语学习的进展却不尽人意,许多人花了大力气学英语,最后却发现它既费时,又费力。本文主要分析了影响英语学习的重要因素:社会环境、两种语言间的差异,学生学习英语的目的与动机。根据斯波尔斯基的第二语言学习条件理论可知,中国学生在学习英语过程中受汉语环境的影响颇深,缺乏英语语言环境。要克服这种影响,学习者首先要注意语言的迁移作用和跨文化的交流,其次要端正学习的态度,树立可达到的目标,最后尽可能利用现有的资源创造适合学习英语的环境。关键词:汉语语境;第二语言学习;条件;语言迁移ContentsAcknowledgements . 4Abstract .5摘 要.6Chapter 1 Introduction .91.1 The significance of the Research .91.2 Organization of This Paper .9Chapter 2 Literature Review .10Chapter 3 English Learning in Chinese Context.123.1 Actuality of English Learning in China.123.2 Factors Affecting English Learning.123.2.1 The Restriction of Social Context.133.2.2 Differences between the Two Languages.133.2.3 The Goals and Motivation143.2.4 Phenomena of Language Transfer.143.3 Distinctions between English and Chinese.153.3.1 Structure163.3.2 Pronunciation.173.3.3 Vocabulary.173.3.4 Culture.18Chapter 4 Conditions for English Learning.194.1 Social Context194.2 Attitudes and Motivation204.3 Native Pronunciation Condition.214.4 Cultural Background .21Chapter5 Creating Conditions for English Learning235.1 A Good Foundation of English.235.2 A Good Attitude on English Learning.235.3 Using Available Resources.235.4 Cultural Communication.245.5 Proper Use of Language Transfer24Chapter6 Conclusion.25On the Influence of Chinese Context in English LearningChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of ResearchEnglish has been a very popular foreign language for learners in China since 1980s. In various fields, English, as an international communicative language, plays a powerful, important and necessary role in Chinese peoples life. Whether you are a teacher or a student, a farmer or a worker, a leader or a member, you have relations with English. In the long history, English has developed its individual uniqueness and it is easy to be adopted in most nations. Naturally, English has become the global language gradually and has its irreplaceable function and position. In another word, owing to its broad influence, the earth is becoming smaller and smaller. English, as an important tool, has a special function in the communications of all nations. It is estimated about 700 million to 800 million people can speak English. Apart from 400 million native speakers, the others are using English in different ways to different extent. At present up to 300 million people are learning English in China, and there are still more and more people joining the group of English learning. And the number of English learners is increasing rapidly. However, among the English learners, not many have learned English well enough to communicate with English speakers on account of Chinese contextual background. Therefore, the study on the influence of Chinese context in English learning is endowed with great significance. 1.2 Organization of the PaperThis thesis consists of 6 chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction of the thesis. In Chapter 2, the author makes the literal review of the domestication and foreignization both at home and abroad. In Chapter 3, the author does an analysis on English learning in Chinese context. Chapter 4 sets out to analyze conditions for English learning. And Chapter 5 provides the ways to creating conditions for English learning. Chapter 6 contains a brief summary and conclusion.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewContext is a popular research subject in modern linguistics. It was first supposed by Malinoswski. After him, many other scholars have also probed into this field, such as Firth, Halliday, Lyons and Hymes etc. Owing to their different interests and research perspectives, they have their own notions of context. Context was initiated by a Polish anthropologist, Malinoswski. He states that utterances and situation are bound up inextricably with each other and the context of situation is indispensable for the understanding of words. His "context" refers to situational context and cultural context, without consideration of the linguistic context. Later, Firth, the founder of British Functionalism, accepts Malinoswskis notion and develops the contextual theories. He supposes that "the context of situation is not merely a setting, background for the words at a particular moment, but rather includes the entire cultural setting of speech and the personal history of the participants". Meanwhile he believes that the task of linguistic study includes the combination of the meaningful aspects of language with non-linguistic elements. In other words, in the research of context, semantics and pragmatics should be associated with each other. British linguist Halliday, inspired by Firth, suggests the theory of "register" (i.e. context). In his opinion, context consists of three parts: field of discourse, style of discourse and mode of discourse. He further develops non-linguistic context. So he is another great linguist who makes achievement in the field of context after Firth. British linguist Lyons illustrates his notion of context by introducing six kinds of knowledge of context: (i) Each of the participants must know his role and status, (ii) The participants must know where they are in space and time, (iii) The participants must be able to recognize the situation in terms of its degree of formality, (iv) The participants must know what medium is appropriate to the situation, (v) The participants must know how to make their utterances appropriate to the subject matter, (vi) The participants must know how to make their utterances appropriate to the province or domain the situation belongs to. The six factors he describes are in the scope of non-linguistic context. His theory of context is thought to be appropriate and is an instruction for us to build a more complete and systematical theory of context. Moreover, his illustration of context by means of knowledge is quite illuminating. D. H. Hymes, an American socialist, categorizes the context into eight components: setting, participant, ends, art characteristics, key, instrumentalities, norms of interaction and of interpretation, and genres. In China, many scholars have come to realize the importance of context in understanding the meanings of words and sentences etc. He Zhaoxiong, Hu Zhuanglin and other linguists also make a good study on context. Chapter 3 English Learning in Chinese Context3.1 Actuality of English Learning in ChinaWith the opening and reforming, English has been an important course in schools. More and more people have realized the importance of English and become English learners to meet the challenges. In China, English is taught in most primary schools in the cities from Grade Three and in all the middle schools in the whole country. In a long term, English will be a major course from primary school to university learning. Even though one has graduated from university, he has to get in touch with English frequently. In China, CET-4 and CET-6 are set in most colleges and basically everyone has to pass the CET-4, and everyone is trying his best to pass them. To some learners, English is a new thing and due to curiosity, they may have enough warmness and confidence at the beginning of English learning. Later, when they meet various difficulties and blocks, they lost their enthusiasm and confidence gradually even at last, most of them have to give it up. To some students and some adults, the purpose to learn English is only to meet the demands of exams. According to some surveys, we are seriously affected by the native language Chinese. A lot of people can not break away from the control of the native language, because the two languages are quite different in some aspects.3.2 Factors Affecting English LearningThe Chinese context has a great influence on English learning in China. Both English learners and English teachers always face this problem that how learners can master English language. Research shows that native language and native language context are the major blocks in the way to learning English. It is generally a bemusement: English learners in China have learned it for a long time, but English learners in China still can not see the progress. English speakers and Chinese speakers have different thoughts. English learners in China are always under the influence of Chinese context, so it is so difficult to have significant progress. In the last 20 years, the environment of English learning has changed a lot in China. We can see the rapid development in English learning. Otherwise, no matter how great the changes are, we are still in the Chinese context which is not changeable. So, the fact that we should not disengage the Chinese thoughts has an opposite effect on English learning everywhere and anytime. In fact, how Chinese context affect the English learning.3.2.1 The Restriction of Social ContextChinese and English are two very different languages and belong to different linguistic systems. To Chinese people, English is a second language. On the other hand, most of the Chinese English learners only depend on the teaching in the classroom, so they have few opportunities to communicate with a native English speaker face to face. Many surveys show that the infant time is the golden time to learn languages. Here we can imagine that if a baby is taught in English, Japanese and Spanish since he was born, when he grows up he can speak three kinds of languages at the same time. Even though he does not know the grammar, he can speak every language very fluently. For most Chinese, they do not know the grammar at all, but all of them can speak Chinese fluently. There is another phenomenon: if there is one English speaker or English teacher in the family, their baby always has a good English achievement. All of these show that Chinese social context has a great influence in English learning. Professor Sun Mianzhi quoted Professor Xiong Denis speech, “ I always compare English Learning to a besiegement. Your English is the Besieger and of course your mother tongue is the one besieged. You command your army of English to break through the line of defense until you overtake the strongholdyour mother tongue.”(Translated). But it is really a hard job because you are completely surrounded by the enemy troops and your enemy is so strong.3.2.2 Differences between the Two LanguagesTo learn English well, it is necessary to know the details of it. Firstly, when you are learning the pronunciation, you will be corrected for several times. Sometimes, you want to say go to somewhere by ship, but because you pronounce it too long, some others think that you “go somewhere by sheep”. When you can not separater and l, you will read rice(米饭) as lice(虱子). Secondly, in the grammar you always make mistakes like this: I am student, it raining hard, against this plan, etc. Thirdly, in the acceptation, once you have written “my English level low”. Sometimes even you want to “keep diary” but you use “keeping notes or writing everyday note”. Some sentences like “go buy thing and write with English” always appear in your articles. F