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    定语从句公开课教案教案 学科 英语 课题The Attributive clause 项 目 内 容 设计意图 Teaching aims: 1. Get students to review the Attributive Clause 教学目标 (restrictive) and know the usage and functions of relatives. 知识与技能2. Enable the students to learn the ability of dealing 、过程with the Attributive Clause. 与方法、情感3. Develop students skills at describing the people and 态度和价值further develop the ability in communication 观 especially when the attributive clause is used. 4. To help the students form the habit of independent learning and become willing to cooperate with the members in the group. Teaching important points: 1. Help the students reconstruct the knowledge of 重 点 grammar- the Attributive Clause (restrictive). 2. Get students to know the basic usage of relative 与 pronouns and relative adverbs. 3. Get students to know the difference thatwhich. 难 点 Teaching difficult points: 1.To know the difference between thatwhich; 2.To know how to use the relative pronouns and relative adverbs properly. 教学设想 Teaching methods: Teaching aids: computer 项 目 内 容 设计意图 教学程序 Step1. Lead-in let the students listen the song called 以欢快的节奏导引学生 Groove Coverage - She and combined with轻松自然地进入语法话 the lyrics, try to fill in the vacancies. 题 1.Mary is a girl who has long hair. 2.These are the trees which/that were planted last year. 3.The woman whom/who they wanted to visit is a teacher. 4.I know the girl whose mother is a te引导学生学生给定语从句下定义,分析定语从句Step2. Analysis acher. 5.Tom is the cleverest boy that I have的结构和引导词在从句 ever known. 中所起的作用并复习关Based on what we have known, these 系代词的用法。 two sentences are called Attributive Step3. Clause. Distinguish the Ask a question: What is the definition of difference attributive clause? 重难点突出,区分thatwhich between thatReview :the usage and functions of relative which. pronouns.(that, which, who, whom, whose) Step4. 1. “that” is used only in some special cases Consolidation 2. “which” is used only in some special cases Fill in the table according to the passage. 关系指 所作是否可省略 词 代 成分 全面归纳关系词的用法。 that 人;物 主语; 作宾语可省 宾语 which 物 主语作宾语可省 宾语 who 人 主语作宾语可省 宾语 项 目 内 容 设计意图 Exercise 1. I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music. 2. Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress _ I gave her. 3. The man _ leg broke in a 掌握关系代词 match used to be a football player. 的用法 4. My parents live in a house_ is more than 100 years old. Step5. 5. The boy with _ John spoke is Practice my brother. 6. Kevin is reading a book _ is too difficult for him. 7. Is there anything _ you want to buy in the town. 复习巩固 8.All _ we can do is to study hard. Hand out some persons pictures and ask the students to describe him or her wit h Attributive Clauses. Sample writing 小组成员合作Step6 I have a friend who likes listening to Using classical music. look at the picture. Its a 完成任务,培养the language (group picture of my friends family. They live in 学生合作学习activity) a house that is more than 100 years old. Now My friend John whose leg broke 的精神。 in a match used to be a football player. The boy with whom John is speaking is his brother Kevin. Kevin is reading a book that is too difficult for him. He likes the music that he can sing along with. The man who is running is his father. The woman who is watering flowers is his mother . 项 目 内 容 设计意图 提高学生的写作能力, 在写作中自由地运用定Step7 Write a short passage to describe a person 语从句。把语法与自己Homework within no less than 100 (at least 的生活联系起来 5 sentences in the Attributive Clause) 板书设计: The Attributive clause Relative pronouns Who, whom, which, whose, that The way to deal with 1.先行词; The Attributive clause 2.从句 3.成分 4.关系词 Using language: My partner is a boy/ girl who


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