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    安捷伦函数信号发生器Agilent3120A的性能与使用说明安捷伦函数信号发生器Agilent 33120A的性能与使用说明 安捷伦函数信号发生器33120A是数字式函数信号发生器。其内部永久存储着正弦波、方波、三角波、噪声、锯齿波、sin(x)/x、负锯齿波、指数上升波、指数下降波、心电波,共10种函数信号。其中,正弦波、方波的频率范围为100Hz15MHz,幅值范围为100mVP-P10VP-P。函数信号发生器有一个HP-IB接口和一个RS-232接口,计算机通过接口可遥控函数信号发生器,在计算机中使用HP BASIC语言程序或C语言程序,能产生12bit 40Msa/s的任意波形,通过接口写入函数信号发生器,函数信号发生器有四个可存储16000点的任意波形存储器。其具体的性能指标和基本操作方法见本节后摘录自“Agilent 33120A Function Generator User Guide”的内容。要知道详细的内容应阅读该仪器的“用户手册”。 1 信号源显示电压与实际输出电压 理想信号源的内阻应为零。若实际信号源的内阻为零,则 信号源输出端一旦短路或负载电阻过小,信号源就会因功率过 载而损坏。实际信号源一般都在其输出端串接一个电阻Rs, 使信号源既使短路,在短时间内也不会因功率过载而损坏,由 此使信号源的保护电路有时间实现对信号源输出电路进行保护, 同时发出过载警告。 称信号源输出端串接电阻Rs为信号源内阻。 图1 信号源 安捷伦33120A的内阻为50。 输出电压示意图 由于有了信号源内阻Rs,如图1,信号源输出端的电压, 即负载电阻RL上的电压,是信号源的电源Es在信号源内阻Rs和负载电阻RL上的分压,即VoEs。信号源内设置了两个负载电阻值,开机时默认为RLD=50,通过操作可修改为RLD。 在信号源开机默认为RLD=50时,信号源内部的电压源输出的电压为Es,信号源显示屏上显示的电压是 VDisplay=RLD1Es=Es Rs+RLD2若实际负载不是50,那么负载上实际得到的电压Vo为 Vo=RL1Es¹Es Rs+RL2即信号源显示屏上显示的电压与负载上得到的实际电压不一样,VoVDisplay。 在实际使用时,当信号源的负载电阻,即电路的输入电阻RL与50可比时,信号源宜取RLD=50状态,这时VoVDisplay ,但是VDisplay 比较接近Vo。信号源的负载电阻,即电路的输入电阻RL>>50时,信号源宜取RLD状态,这时VoVDisplay ,但是VDisplay 比较接近Vo。Vo究竟为多少应使用电压表具体测量。 2 关于本信号源的具体性能指标和基本操作使用方法 以下关于本信号源的具体性能指标和基本操作使用方法摘自“Agilent 33120A Function Generator User Guide”。直接阅读原版用户手册,比阅读翻译后的用户手册更有利于了解关于本示波器的具体性能指标和基本操作使用方法。在使用本示波器前,使用者必须阅读以下156 的内容。 附录 Agilent 33120A Function Generator User Guide Specifications WAVEFORMS Standard Waveforms: Arbitrary Waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Noise, DC volts, Sine(x)/x, Negative Ramp, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Cardiac Waveform Length: Amplitude Resolution: Sample Rate: Non-Volatile Memory: FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS Sine: Square: Triangle: Ramp: Arbitrary Waveforms: Resolution: Accuracy: Temperature Coefficient: Aging: 100 Hz 15 MHz 100 Hz 15 MHz 100 Hz 100 kHz 100 Hz 100 kHz 8 to 8,192 points: 8,193 to 12,287 points: 10 Hz or 10 digits 10 ppm in 90 days, 20 ppm in 1 year, 18 28 < 2 ppm / < 10 ppm / yr 100Hz 5 MHz 100Hz 2.5 MHz 8 to 16,000 points 12 bits (including sign) 40 MSa / sec Four 16,000-point waveforms Noise (Gaussian): 10 MHz bandwidth 12,288 to 16,000 points: 100Hz 200 kHz SINEWAVE SPECTRAL PURITY(into 50) Harmonic Distortion DC to 20 kHz: 20 kHz to 100 kHz: 100 kHz to 1 MHz: 1 MHz to 15 MHz: Total Harmonic DC to 20 kHz: Distortion Spurious (non-harmonic) Phase Noise: Output (DC to 1 MHz): Output (> 1 MHz): -70 dBc -60 dBc -45 dBc -35 dBc < 0.04% < -65 dBc < -65 dBc + 6 dB/octave < -55 dBc in a 30 kHz band SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS Squarewave Rise/Fall Time: Overshoot: Asymmetry: 157 < 20 ns < 4% 1% + 5 ns Duty Cycle: Triangle, Ramp, Rise/Fall Time: Arb Linearity: Settling Time: Jitter: OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS1 Amplitude 50):2 (into 50 mVpp 10 Vpp Accuracy (at 1 kHz): < 100 kHz: 100 kHz to 1 MHz: 1 MHz to 15 MHz: 1 MHz to 15 MHz: Offset(into 50): 3 ±5 Vpk ac + dc Accuracy4 Output Impedance: Resolution: Output Units: Isolation: Protection: 50 fixed 20% to 80% (to 5 MHz) 40% to 60% (to 15 MHz) 40 ns (typical) < 0.1% of peak output < 250 ns to 0.5% of final value < 25 ns ±1% of specified output ±1% (0.1 dB) ±1.5% (0.15 dB) ±2% (0.2 dB) Ampl 3Vrms ±3.5% (0.3 dB) Ampl < 3Vrms ±2% of setting + 2 mV Flatness(sine wave relative to 1 kHz) 3 digits, Amplitude and Offset Vpp, Vrms, dBm 42 Vpk maximum to earth Short-circuit protected ±15 Vpk overdrive < 1 minute MODULATION CHARACTERISTICS AM Modulation Carrier -3 dB Freq: Modulation: Frequency: Depth: Source: FM Modulation Modulation: Frequency: Peak Deviation: Source: Burst Modulation Carrier Frequency: Count: Start Phase: Internal Rate: Gate Source: Trigger Source: FSK Modulation Frequency Range: Internal Rate: 10 MHz (typical) Any internal waveform plus Arb 10 mHz to 20 kHz (±0.05% to 2.5 kHz, then decreases linearly to ±0.4% at upper limit) 0% to 120% Internal / External Any internal waveform plus Arb 10 mHz to 10 kHz (±0.05% to 600 Hz, then decreases linearly to ±0.8% at upper limit) 10 mHz to 15 MHz Internal Only 5 MHz max. 1 to 50,000 cycles, or Infinite -360° to +360° 10 mHz to 50 kHz ±1% Internal or External Gate 5 Single, External, or Internal Rate 10 mHz to 15 MHz (±0.05% to 600 Hz, then decreases linearly to ±4% at upper limit) 10 mHz to 50 kHz 158 Source: FREQUENCY SWEEP Type: Direction: Start F / Stop F: Time: Source: Linear or Logarithmic Up or Down 10 mHz to 15 MHz Internal / External (1 MHz max.) 1 ms to 500 sec ±0.1% Single, External, or Internal REAR-PANEL INPUTS External Modulation: AM ±5 Vpk = 100% Modulation 5 k Input Resistance External Trigger/ TTL (low true) FSK Burst Gate: 5 Latency: Jitter: SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Configuration Times 6 Function Change: 7 Frequency Change: 7 Amplitude Change: Offset Change: Select User Arb: Modulation Parameter Change: Arb Download Arb Length Times over GPIB: 16,000 points 8,192 points 4,096 points 2,048 points Arb Download Times over RS-232 at 9600 Baud: 9 11.3 s 25 ns 80 ms 30 ms 30 ms 10 ms 100 ms < 350 ms ASCII Integer 81 sec 42 sec 21 sec 11 sec ASCII Integer 101 sec 52 sec 27 sec 14 sec ASCII Real 8 100 sec 51 sec 26 sec 13 sec ASCII Real 10 134 sec 69 sec 35 sec 18 sec Binary 8 sec 4 sec 2.5 sec 1.5 sec Binary 35 sec 18 sec 10 sec 6 sec Arb Length 16,000 points 8,192 points 4,096 points 2,048 points Add 1/10th of output amplitude and offset specification per for operation outside of 18 to 28 range (1-year specification). 2 100 mVpp 20 Vpp amplitude into open-circuit load. 3 Offset 2 X peak-to-peak amplitude. 4 For square wave outputs, add 2% of output amplitude additional error. 5 Trigger source ignored when External Gate is selected. 6 Time to change parameter and output the new signal. 7 Modulation or sweep off. 8 Times for 5-digit and 12-digit numbers. 9 For 4800 baud, multiply the download times by two; For 2400 baud, multiply the download times by four, etc. 10 Time for 5-digit numbers. For 12-digit numbers, multiply the 5-digit numbers by two. 159 Operating Basics The Front Panel Function/Modulation keys Menu operation keys Waveform modify keys Single/Internal Trigger key(Burst and Sweep only) Recall/Store instrument state key Enter Number key Shift/Local key Enter Number “Units” key Quick Start One of the first things you will want to do with your function generator is to become acquainted with its front panel. We have written the exercises in this chapter to prepare the function generator for use and help you get familiar with some of the front-panel operations. The front panel has two rows of keys to select various functions and operations. Most keys have a shifted function printed in blue above the key. To perform a shifted function, press Shift (the Shift annunciator will turn on). Then, press the key that has the desired label above it. For example, to select the AM (amplitude modulation) function, 160 press Shift AM (the shifted version of the key). If you accidentally press Shift , just press it again to turn off the Shift annunciator. Most keys also have a number printed in green next to the key. To enable the number mode, press Enter Number (the Num annunciator will turn on). Then, press the keys that have the desired numbers printed next to them. For example, to select the number “10”, press Enter Number 1 0 (next to the the Num annunciator. and Recall keys). If you accidentally press Enter Number , just press Shift Cancel to turn off To set the output frequency At power-on, the function generator outputs a sine wave at 1 kHz with amplitude of 100 mV peak-to-peak (into a 50 termination). The following steps show you how to change the frequency to 1.2 MHz. 1 Enable the frequency modify mode. Press Freq The displayed frequency is either the power-on value or the previous frequency selected. When you change functions, the same frequency is used if the present value is valid for the new function. 1.000,000,0 KHz 2 Enter the magnitude of the desired frequency. Press Enter Number 1 ² 0 or use the knob number. Notice that the Num annunciator turns on and “ENTER NUM” flashes on the display, indicating that the number mode is enabled. 1.2 To cancel the number mode, press Shift Cancel . 3 Set the units to the desired value. Press Shift (MHz/mVpp) The units are selected using the arrow keys on the right side of the front panel. As soon as you select the units, the function generator outputs the waveform with the displayed frequency. To turn off the flashing digit, move the cursor to the left of the display using the arrow keys. 1.200,000,0 MHz and arrow keys to change the To set the output amplitude At power-on, the function generator outputs a sine wave with amplitude of 100 mV peak-to-peak (into a 50_ termination). The following steps show you how to change the amplitude to 50 mVrms. 1 Enable the amplitude modify mode. Press Ampl 161 The displayed amplitude is either the power-on value or the previous amplitude selected. When you change functions, the same amplitude is used if the present value is valid for the new function. 100.0 mVPP 2 Enter the magnitude of the desired amplitude. Press Enter Number 5 0 or use the knob number. Notice that the Num annunciator turns on and “ENTER NUM” flashes on the display, indicating that the number mode is enabled. 50 To cancel the number mode, press Shift Cancel . 3 Set the units to the desired value. Press Shift (kHz/mVrms) The units are selected using the arrow keys on the right side of the front panel. As soon as you select the units, the function generator outputs the waveform with the displayed amplitude. To turn off the flashing digit, move the cursor to the left of the display using the arrow keys. 50. 00 mVRMS and arrow keys to change the To set a dc offset voltage At power-on, the function generator outputs a sine wave with a dc offset voltage of 0 volts (into a 50 termination). The following steps show you how to change the offset to 1.5 mVdc. 1 Enable the offset modify mode. Press Offset The displayed offset voltage is either the power-on value or the previous offset selected. When you change functions, the same offset is used if the present value is valid for the new function. +0.000 VDC 2 Enter the magnitude of the desired offset. Press Enter Number ± 1 ² 5 or use the knob and arrow keys to change the number. Notice that the Num annunciator turns on and “ENTER NUM” flashes on the display, indicating that the number mode is enabled. Notice that ± toggles the displayed value between + and . -1.5 To cancel the number mode, press Shift Cancel . 162 3 Set the units to the desired value. Press Shift (kHz/mVrms) At this point, the function generator outputs the waveform with the displayed offset. Notice that the Offset annunciator turns on, indicating that the waveform is being output with an offset. The annunciator will turn on when the offset is any value other than 0 volts. To turn off the flashing digit, move the cursor to the left of the display using the arrow keys. -01.50 mVDC To set the duty cycle Applies only to square waves. At power-on, the duty cycle for square waves is 50%. You can adjust the duty cycle for a square waveform from 20% to 80%, in increments of 1% (for frequencies above 5 MHz, the range is 40% to 60%). The following steps show you how to change the duty cycle to 45%. 1 Select the square wave function. Press enabled. 2 Enable the duty cycle modify mode. Press Shift % Duty The displayed duty cycle is either the power-on value or the previous value selected. 50 % DUTY annunciator turns on, indicating that the square wave function is Notice that the This message appears on the display for approximately 10 seconds. Repeat this step as needed. 3 Enter the desired duty cycle. Press Enter Number 4 5 or use the knob number. Notice that the Num annunciator turns on and “ENTER NUM” flashes on the display, indicating that the number mode is enabled. 45 To cancel the number mode, press Shift Cancel . 4 Output the waveform with the displayed duty cycle. Press Enter 45 % DUTY and arrow keys to change the To output a stored arbitrary waveform There are five built-in arbitrary waveforms stored in non-volatile memory for your use. You can output these waveforms directly from non-volatile memory. The following steps show you how to output an “exponential rise” waveform from memory. Shift Arb List 1 Display the list of arbitrary waveforms. 163 Press Shift Arb List The list contains the five built-in arbitrary waveforms (sinc, negative ramp, exponential rise, exponential fall, and cardiac). The list may also contain up to four user-defined arbitrary waveform names. The first choice on this level is “SINC”. SINC This message appears on the display for approximately 10 seconds. Repeat this step as needed. 2 Move across to the EXP_RISE choice. Press EXP_RISE 3 Select and output the displayed arbitrary waveform. Press Enter Notice that the Arb annunciator turns on, indicating that the output is an arbitrary waveform. The waveform is output using the present settings for frequency, amplitude, and offset unless you change them. The selected waveform is now assigned to the Arb Arb key. Whenever you press this key, the selected arbitrary waveform is output. To output a dc voltage In addition to generating waveforms, you can also output a dc voltage in the range ±5 Vdc (into a 50 termination). The following steps show you how to output +155 mVdc. 1 Press the Offset key and hold it down for more than 2 seconds. To enter the dc voltage mode, press the Offset key or any key in the top row of function keys and hold it down for more than 2 seconds. The displayed voltage is either the power-on value or the previous offset voltage selected. DCV +0.000 VDC 2 Enter the magnitude of the desired voltage. Press Enter Number 1 5 5 or use the knob number. Notice that the Num annunciator turns on and “ENTER NUM” flashes on the display, indicating that the number mode is enabled. 155 To cancel the number mode, press Shift Cancel . 3 Set the units to the desired value. Press Shift (kHz/mVrms) At this point, the function generator outputs the displayed dc voltage. Notice that the Offset annunciator turns on (all other annunciators are off), indicating that a dc voltage is 164 and arrow keys to change the being output. The annunciator will turn on when the offset is any value other than 0 volts. +155.0 mVDC To store the instrument state You can store up to three different instrument states in non-volatile memory. This ena


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