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    Milky Way 与“牛奶路”试论文学翻译中文化意象的异化处理张俊锋(上海外国语大学英语学院,上海200083)摘要:文化意象作为一种特殊的民族文化符号往往具有丰富的文化内涵和联想意义,因而文学翻译中应尽可能进行异化处理,在的语文本中予以保留。试从时代要求、翻译研究潮流、翻译的本质、对等翻译以及审美格局再现原则等方面论证文化意象异化处理的必要性和合理性,并提出一些切实可行的操作方法,呼吁广大译者在处理文化意象时把尽量异化作为一个总的原则,以更好地促进思想文化交流。关键词:翻译的本质;文化传真;文化意象;归化;异化;对等翻译Abstract :As a special kind of national cultural symbol ,cultural images contain rich cultural connotationsand connotative meanings ,and thus should be retained as often and much as possible in the target languagetext by employing the foreignization strategy. This paper attempts to discuss the imperativeness and validity ofthe foreignization of cultural images in literature translation in terms of the requirement of the present age ,the prevailing advocacy of the recent translation research circle , the nature of translation , equivalence oftranslation and the principle of representation of the aesthetic patterns ,and then proposes some practical andfeasible procedures used to carry out the strategy of foreignization. Finally ,it appeals to the translators fortaking the foreignization strategy as a principle in dealing with cultural images with the purpose of enhancingintercultural communication.2004 年11 月Nov. 2004天津外国语学院学报Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University第11 卷第6 期Vol . 11 No. 6从“文间性”看文化意象的翻译余平( 湖南理工学院外语系, 湖南岳阳414006)摘要: 不同语言表达式间的“ 功能同构”现象揭示了语言底层意义的某些通约性, 而这种通约性也反映出人类思维中的共性以及不同文化或民族对客观事物或事件属性的认知的相似性。语言的“ 互文”“ 超文”式的生成和表达方式也给翻译带来启示“, 文间性”的恰当运用可提高文化意象在目标语里的可接受性。关键词: 文间性; 互文; 文化意象; 比较; 翻译;ON INTERTEXTUALITY AND THE TRANSLATION OF CULTURALLYLOADED IMAGERIESYU Ping(Dept. of Foreign Language, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang Hunan 414006)Abstr act: This paper discusses the facsimile of culturally loaded imageraries in translation on the theory of intertextuality andhypertextuality. It holds that functional isomorphs of different expressions in different language suggest that people of differentlanguages share something in cognitive aspects, which makes it possible for people of different language and culture tocommunicate and understand each other; an appropriate use of intertextuality will enhance the acceptability of culturally loadedimageries in the TL.Key words: intertextuality; intertext; culturally loaded imageries; comparison; translation第28 卷第1 期2007 年1 月云梦学刊Journal of Yunme n gVol.28, No.1Jan. 2007从关联域视角分析文化意象翻译中的文化亏损李占喜1 何自然2(1. 华南农业大学外国语学院,广东广州510642 ;2. 广东外语外贸大学,广东广州510420)摘要:本文在关联理论和关联翻译理论的基础上提出“关联域”这一概念,并以此为依据对文学翻译过程中传递文化意象时出现的文化亏损现象进行深入探讨。我们认为,文化意象在信息意图或交际意图方面出现亏损的原因在于:英汉两个民族由于各自不同的认知语境对同一文化意象的理解产生错位,以及独特的文化意象不为另一认知语境中的读者了解所致。关键词:关联域;文化意象;文化亏损;语境效果段Abstract : This paper , on the basis of Relevance Theory and Relevance2Theoretic Approach to translation , tentatively proposes a notion of“Regis2ter of Relevance”, according to which we intend to make a deeper probe into the loss of cultural image in terms of informative intention or communicativeintention in the course of translation. We hold that the different understandings with which the British and Chinese nationalities endow the same culturalimage or the particular cultural image unknown by target readers in another cognitive environment result in those losses.Key Words : Register of Relevance ; cultural image ; cultural loss ; contextual effect2006 年第2 期总第2 0 3 期外语与外语教学Foreign Languages and Their Teaching2006 , 2Serial 203读者需要想象的空间略论意象翻译赵一农( 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院, 广东广州510420)摘要: 意象是一种形象思维, 常通过语言的各种修辞手段表现出来。用语言表达出来的意象蕴涵着丰富文化内容,且特具民族特色, 这给翻译工作带来了极为棘手的难题。但随着大众传播媒介越来越普及, 跨文化交流的日益扩大, 势必影响读者的文化素质不断提高。本文认为翻译工作者不应再充当“保姆”的角色, 在翻译意象时, 应尽量保留它们的文化内涵, 留给读者一些想象空间, 具体的方法应以直译为主, 辅之以注释法和文外加注法。 作者简介赵一农(1959 ) , 男, 汉族, 浙江宁波人, 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院副教授, 硕士。研究方向: 社会语言学、翻译。关键词: 意象; 文化省缺; 注释性译法; 文外加注释法Leav ing Some Room for Readers Imag inationOn Imagery Tran sla t ionZHAO Y i- nong(S chool of E ng lish Cu ltu ral, Guang d ong U niversity of Foreig n S tud ies, Guang z hou 510420, Ch ina)Abstract: Im agery is a mode of th ink ing by m ean s of im age- bu ilding. Im ages thu s fo rm ed areem bodied by f igu res of speech. Im ages exp ressed in language con tain rich cu ltu rally specif ic con ten t,characterist ic of a certain nat ion. Im ages p resen t a hard nu t fo r t ran slato rs to crack. W ith the m assm edia being increasingly popu larized, how ever, cro ss- cu ltu ral comm un icat ion w ill be equally on theincrease, w h ich w ill, in tu rn, imp rove readerscu lt ivat ion. The p resen t paper argues that t ran slato rsare no longer suppo sed to assum e the ro le of a caretaker. In t ran slat ing im ages, they ough t to retainas m uch cu ltu ral con ten t as po ssib le, leaving som e room fo r readersim aginat ion. The m ethodssuggested in the paper are literal t ran slat ion, exp lanato ry t ran slat ion and anno tat ion.Key words: im agery; cu ltu ral defau lt; exp lanato ry t ran slat ion; anno tat ional t ran slat ion2004 年第3 期(总第79 期) 语言与翻译(汉文)L anguage and T ranslat ion (Ch inese) No. 3, 2004GeneralNo. 79跨文化的意象比较刘保安(信a 阳师范学院外语系, 河南信阳464000)摘要: 20 世纪初, 中国古典诗歌漂洋过海, 对美国的意象派诗歌产生了巨大的冲击和影响。然而, 中国古典诗歌和美国的意象诗明显存在较大的差异。本文通过对比中西意象理论、汉英语言文字的句法特点及汉英诗歌, 揭示出中国古典诗歌与意象派诗歌之差异。关键词: 诗歌; 意象; 空灵境界; 差异Cross-cultura l imagery compar isonL IU Bao2an(Department of Fo reign languages,Xinyang Teachers Co llgeg,Xinyang 464000,Ch ina)Abstract: In the beginning of the 20th century, ancient Ch inese poet ry w ent acro ss ocean and exerted great in2fluence upon imagists. But, great difference exists betw een ancient Ch inese poet ry and imagist poet ry. By ana2lyzing ancient Ch inese poet ry and imagist poet ry,w estern and Ch inese imagist theo ry and English and Ch inesewo rd and sentence st ructure, th is essay intends to p resent the difference betw een ancient Ch inese poet ry andimagist poet ry.Key words: poet ry; image; emp t iness; difference信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) Journal of Xinyang Teachers Co llege第19 卷第3 期1999 年7 月(Ph ilo s. & Soc. Sci. Edit. )Vo l. 19 No. 3 Jul. 1999论翻译中文化意象的保留彭桂芝(武汉理工大学外国语学院, 湖北武汉430063)摘要: 翻译是跨语言跨文化的交际活动, 然而文化意象的处理却是翻译中一大棘手难题。为了使跨文化交际成功进行, 真正做到准确鉴赏外国文学作品, 本文将从文化意象的众多表现形式及其独特的意蕴着手, 阐述保留翻译中文化意象的必要性, 并提出保留文化意象的几种方法。关键词: 文化意象; 翻译; 保留On the Reten t ion of Cultura l Image in Tran sla t ionPEN G Gu i2zh i(Co llege of Fo reign L anguages, W uhan U niversity of Techno logy, W uhan 430063,Ch ina)Abstract: T ran slat ion is a cro ss2language and cro ss- cu ltu ral act ivity w h ile how to tack le the cu ltu ralim age is a dem anding p rob lem. In o rder to comm un icate successfu lly, and app rop riately app reciate thefo reign literary wo rk, th is paper p resen t s a num ber of cu ltu ral im age and illu st rates it s un iquem ean ing,and the necessity of keep ing them . Then it pu t s fo rw ard several su itab ly accep tab lem ethods to dealw iththem.Key words: cu ltu ral im age; t ran slat ion; reten t ion第41 卷第4 期华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2002 年7 月Vo l. 41No. 4 Journal of Cent ral Ch ina No rmalU niversity (Humanit ies and Social Sciences) Jul. 2002论翻译中文化意象的失落与歪曲曹英华,郝进仕(黄冈师范学院外国语学院,湖北黄冈438000)摘要:翻译的任务必须包括忠实地再现原作的文化意象,只有实现文化意象对接和信息连通的翻译,才是有效的翻译。译者的文化态度和双语文化知识在成功的翻译中起着决定性的作用。语言的转换只是表层,而文化意象的传递才是翻译的实质。关键词:文化意象;失落;歪曲;文化意象传递On the Loss and Skewing of the Cultural Images in TranslationCAO Ying - hua , HAO Jin - shi(Foreign language Department , Huanggang Normal College , Huanggang 438000 , China)Abstract : This paper attempts at an analysis of the loss and skewing of the cultural images in English - Chinese translationand vice versa. The author illustrates with relevant theories and examples the unusual point that one task of translator is to re2produce the lively cultural images embodied in source language. It is pointed out that effective translation comes from transla2torsexertion with different cultural images linked and information unblocked. A translators cultural attitude and bilingual cul2tural knowledge are decisive in his successful translation. In translation , the change of one language into another is only the sur2face work , while the transfer of cultural images is translations nature.Key words : cultural images ; loss ; skewing ; transfer of cultural images第23 卷第4 期黄冈师范学院学报Vol. 23 No. 42003 年7 月Journal of Huanggang Normal University J ul. 2003论文化意象与跨文化交际许果(重庆邮电学院对外交流合作处,重庆400065)摘要:文化意象是一种文化符号,它们渗透在语言里,具有独特、广阔、深沉的文化内涵。了解和掌握不同文化中的文化意象在跨文化交际中有着极其深远的意义。关键词:语言; 文化; 文化意象; 跨文化交际On Cultural Images and Intercultural CommunicationXU Guo(Office of Foreign Affairs ,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications ,Chongqing 400065 ,China)Abstract :Cultural image is a kind of cultural symbol. It has unique ,wide ,deep meaning by infiltrating in the language. It hasdeep significance by understanding and mastering the cultural images in different languages in intercultural communication.Key words :language ;culture ;cultural image ;intercultural communication第4 卷第3 期重庆交通学院学报(社科版) 2004 年9 月Vol. 4 No. 3 JOURNAL OF CHONGQINGJ IAOTONG UNIVERSITY(Social Sciences Edition) Sep. 2004论英汉语中动物文化意象的错位X徐远喜(中南大学外国语学院,湖南长沙410075)摘要:客观事物在不同民族的文化中意象不尽相同。英汉语中动物文化意象存在着明显的错位现象:一是,同一动物在两种文化中具有截然不同甚至完全相反的文化意象;二是,一种文化中的某些动物意象在另一种文化中却没有。翻译中应充分注意这种现象,以免产生文化意象的流失和破坏。关键词:动物;文化意象;错位On the Misplacement of the Cultural image s of Animals in Chine se and EnglishXU Yuan2xi( College of Foreign S tudies , South Cent ral University , Changsha , Hunan 410075 , China)Abstract :Objective things to not necessarily have equivalent images in the culture of different nations. The misplacement of thecultural images of animals can be evidently found in Chinese and English. Firstly ,the same animal may have a quite different and evencompletely opposite cultural image in the two cultures. Secondly ,the images of some animals in one culture are not found in the other.Full attention should be paid to these in to avoid losing and destructing the cultural images in the process of translation.Key words :animal ;cultural image ;misplacement2002 年5 月第31 卷第3 期湖南师范大学社会科学学报Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal UniversityVol131 No13May ,2002认知语境对中诗英译中意象再现的制约覃芙蓉(广东外语外贸大学·广州·5 1 0 4 2 0 )内容提要:认知语境是语用学的一个重要概念,本文拟从认知语境的角度出发对诗歌英译中意象再现的制约进行探讨,分析了诗人、原诗读者、译者、译诗读者的认知语境及各自对诗歌意象再现的制约,着重分析译诗读者受到诗歌译者和诗人认知语境的双重制约而导致意象的再现受到制约,解释诗歌意象在译诗读者头脑中的再现问题,说明认知语境在翻译过程中的重要作用不可忽视。关键词: 认知语境;意象;制约;再现中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0962(2007)02-0036-04Abstract:Cognitive context is a key conception in the study of pragmatics. This paper is a tentative studyon the restrictions of image reproduction in C-E classical poetry translation from the prospective of cognitivecontext. It analyzes the restrictions of image reproduction by cognitive contexts of the author, the translator, thereader of the original poetry, and the target reader of the translated poetry, with emphasis on the restrictions bythe cognitive context of the poet and the translator of the poetry on the reproduction of the images in the mindof the target readers. The paper illustrates image reproduction in the mind of target readers and proposes that thesignificant role played by the cognitive context should not be neglected.Key words:cognitive context; image; restriction; reproduction第18 卷第2 期广东外语外贸大学学报JOURNAL OF GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES2007 年3月文化词语翻译的意象构建X邱文生(漳州师范学院外语系, 福建漳州363000)摘要: 作为语言中的活跃因子, 文化词语的特殊性在于其所承载的文化特质, 这种特质是文化词语意象的底蕴。在跨文化翻译, 尤其是文学翻译中, 意象移植一向为译者所关注。文章拟从跨文化语义的角度就文化词语的意象进行概述, 进而在不同文化关联性制约下对文化词语翻译的意象构建进行探讨, 以明确意象移植的“度”。关键词: 文化词语; 意象; 文化关联性; 意象构建; 翻译Construction of Images in the Translation of Culture - Bound Words and PhrasesQIU Wen - sheng(Foreign Language Dept . Zhangzhou Teachers College , Zhangzhou Fujian 363000 , China)Abstract : Language and culture are closely related. Culture - bound words and phrases , being the activeelement s in language , are characterized by their cultural properties , which are the essential aspect of the im2ages resulting f rom those words and phrases. Image t ransference has been a concern of t ranslators in cross -cultural t ranslation , especially in literary t ranslation. This paper , f rom the cross - cultural semantic perspec2tive , analyzes the concept of images and discusses the const ruction of images in the t ranslation of culture -bound words and phrases within the rest riction of the relationship between the source culture and the targetculture in order to identify the degree of image t ransference.Key words : culture - bound words and phrases ; image ; relationship between cultures ; const ruction ofimages ; t ranslation第20 卷第3 期Vol120 No13 廊坊师范学院学报Journal of Langfang Teachers College2004 年9 月Sep12004文化意象的互文性与文化意象翻译舒奇志(湘潭大学外国语学院,湖南湘潭411105)摘要:文化意象翻译的实质是体现文本间文化意蕴的吸收与转化。为保存源语文化意象原有的文化特质和蕴含,采用异化手段是一种必然,但这种异化必须权衡译语文化的互文接受能力,才能将源语文化意象的互文性融合至译语文化,体现出源语文化和译语文化相互作用后的一种互文关系,生产出文化意象新的表现形式。这一异化的本质是一种协调式的异化。本文着眼于文化意象的互文性,试图揭示文化意象翻译中协调式异化的原则。关键词:互文性;文化意象;源语文化;译语文化;协调式异化Abstract :The translation of cultural images is ,in nature ,the absorption and transformation of cultural meanings between texts. In this process ,thetranslator has to take into account the cultural imagesintertextual relation between the two cultures concerned. In order to reserve the cultural flavor ,it is necessary to apply the method of foreignization ,in which the intertextuality of the source cultural images has to be merged into the target culture.Such foreignization is actually a variation of the cultural images by applying intertextuality based on the cultural contexts of both the source culture andthe target culture. It reflects the intertextual relation between the two cultures after they have been mediatively foreignized. The paper attempts to exposethe principles governing the mediated foreignization of cultural images from the concept of intertextuality.Key Words :intertextuality ; cultural image ; source culture ; target culture ; mediated foreignization2007 年第8 期总第2 2 1 期外语与外语教学Foreign Languages and Their Teaching2007 , 8Serial 221文学翻译中文化“传真”的制约因素与形象转换张琼(湖南商学院外语系, 湖南长沙410205)摘要:文学翻译要求译语从文化的角度准确再现原语所要传达的意义,文化“传真”是翻译的理想的目标。由于英汉民族的思维方式和文化背景不同,同一形象所承载的语义可能就不尽相同。为了唤起译语读者脑海里的直接的意象,翻译时应尽可能地保留原语形象, 并根据译语的文化及语言习惯决定异化或归化,在再现形象、转换形象、增添形象与舍弃形象之间作出选择。关键词:文学翻译;文化传真;制约因素;形象转换On the Limit Factors and Image Change in the Cultural“Fax”in Literary TranslationZHANG Qiong(Department of Foreign Languages , Hunan Commercial College , Changsha 410205 , China)Abstract : In literary translation , the translated version should , from the perspective of culture , make exact re2expres2sion of the meaning of the source text , and cultural“fax”


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