浙江理工大学电子信息工程专业(含ZSTULTU联合)培养方案一、专业名称:电子信息工程 专业代码:080603二、培养目标本专业培养综合素质高,具有电子技术和信息系统的基础知识与相应能力,能采用先进的手段从事电子设备和信息系统的研究、设计、制造、应用和开发,也能从事大型复杂电子系统的软硬件管理维护的国际化高级工程技术人才。毕业生可在上述领域的企事业单位、行政管理部门从事信息智能系统、电子设备的开发和管理工作,也可在高等院校和研究机构从事教学和研究工作。三、培养规格及基本要求1知识结构要求有一定的历史、哲学、法学和经济、管理等方面的基础知识,了解信息产业的基本方针、政策和法规。掌握高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计等数学知识和普通物理知识。掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,有一定的外文文献阅读能力,了解科技论文写作规则。系统掌握本专业领域基础理论知识、前沿技术,掌握电子系统开发和信息工程方面的通用性系统开发技能,具备纺织服装智能检测、信息处理技术、生物医学工程、通信工程、应用电子技术、光学工程及可持续性能源等某一领域具有工程背景的实际系统设计、开发、实现的理论与实践知识。2能力结构要求了解现代电子信息技术的发展趋势,具有实时跟踪电子设备和信息系统的理论、技术与应用前沿知识的意识与能力。掌握计算机网络等信息查询工具,有较强的自学能力和一定的社会交往能力。掌握电子系统硬件设计的基本理论和实验技术,掌握信息获取、处理的基本理论和应用的基础方法,具有设计、开发实际电子信息系统的能力。3素质结构要求有较高的思想道德素质、专业素质、文化素质和身心素质。思想道德素质:有一定的政治鉴别力,遵纪守法,有客观的自我认知能力。专业素质:锐意进取,求实创新,有一定的综合分析能力和创新设计能力。文化素质:有一定的文学艺术修养、历史哲学素养、现代意识、人际交往意识、人文关怀精神、当代社会文化意识等。身心素质:身体健康,积极向上,对待挫折有一定的承受力,有较强的情感力量、意志力量和人格力量。四、主干学科 电子科学与技术、信息与通信工程、计算机科学与技术五、核心课程毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论,英语4,高等数学A1,C程序设计,电路原理,模拟电子技术,数字电子技术,信号与系统,工程电磁场理论,电子测量与仪器,PIC原理及应用六、特色课程自学课程:名著阅读、英语听说研究型课程:电子系统课程设计、电子测量与仪器双语教学课程:数字视频处理、数字信号处理七、培养模式国内培养模式:学习年限:3-6年 最低毕业学分:181 授予学位:工学士 课内总学时:2475 独立实践教学:35周+158学时 联合培养模式I:2+2模式,即完成经双方认可的浙江理工大学第一、二学年规定的学分和澳大利亚Latrobe大学第三、四学年规定的学分。最低毕业学分:110学分(浙江理工大学)+ 240 Cp(澳大利亚Latrobe大学)授予双方学位:工学士(浙江理工大学)与电子工程工学士 (澳大利亚Latrobe大学)联合培养模式II:2+1+1模式,即完成经双方认可的浙江理工大学第一、二学年规定的学分和澳大利亚Latrobe大学第三学年规定的学分以及浙江理工大学第四学年规定的学分。最低毕业学分:110学分(浙江理工大学)+ 120 Cp(澳大利亚Latrobe大学)+30学分(浙江理工大学)授予双方学位:工学士(浙江理工大学)与电子技术工学士(澳大利亚Latrobe大学)八、国内培养方案的学分分配比例 类 别必修学分选修学分合计比例通 识 课 程60+4168044.2%学科基础课程31+54+34323.8%专 业 课 程25+168+55429.8%第 二 课 堂442.2%合 计14140181100%比 例77.9%22.1%实践教学 49学分比 例27.1%九、说明1. 本专业没有进入ZSTULTU联合项目的学生按附表一和附表二实施,分纺织服装智能检测、信息处理技术和应用电子技术三个方向培养,学生可以选修其中任一方向,但必须修满所选方向的最低学分。2凡进入ZSTULTU联合培养项目的学生,必须修满附表三和附表四中前四个学期的学分,共计110个学分,包括必修课102学分和选修课8学分(即通识选修课必须修满8个学分)。3. 按培养模式I进入澳大利亚Latrobe大学学习者,按附表五实施,可以在生物医学工程、通信工程、应用电子技术、光学工程、可持续能源五个方向中任选一方向进行学习,必须修完澳大利亚Latrobe大学获得Bachelor of Electronic Engineering规定的三、四年级的课程并取得240 Cp。满足双方学士学位授予要求,可获得双方学士学位(即浙江理工大学的工学学士学位及澳大利亚Latrobe大学的电子工程工学士学位)。4按培养模式II进入澳大利亚Latrobe大学学习者,第三学年按附表六实施,可以在生物医学工程、光学与通信工程、应用电子技术、可持续能源五个方向中任选一方向进行学习,必须修完澳大利亚Latrobe大学Bachelor of Electronic Technology 规定的三年级的课程并取得120 Cp ;第四学年回到浙江理工大学修读附表七、八中的课程并获得30学分。满足双方学士学位授予要求,可获得双方学士学位(即浙江理工大学的工学学士学位及澳大利亚Latrobe大学的电子技术工学士学位)。5赴澳留学学生在完成培养方案规定的学习任务,并达到双方学校有关毕业和授予学位证书的要求后,可获得浙江理工大学和拉筹伯大学的两个学校的本科毕业证书并授予学位。6赴澳留学学生要获得浙江理工大学的本科毕业文凭和学士学位,必须完成185个学分,其中在澳大利亚Latrobe大学必须修满已经过浙江理工大学认定的共计71个学分(模式I)或共计41个学分(模式II),完成不少于10000字(英文5000 words)的毕业论文,并通过毕业答辩。7本方案自2011年起执行。附:专业方向简介方向A:纺织服装智能检测在纺织工业生产中,质量控制与检测非常重要。电子信息技术已经在现代纺织、服装行业中起到了至关重要的作用,尤其是检测方面,如纱疵检测、纺织品质量检测、服装CAD等各个领域。在纺织、服装行业中,掌握电子信息技术并有一定纺织工业理论基础的电子工程师将是现代纺织行业信息化发展的紧缺人才。方向B:信息处理技术信息处理是一个古老的话题,从人类能够使用语言开始就出现了信息处理技术的雏形。在本世纪更是赋予了信息处理技术新的内涵。可以预见,信息处理技术在未来也是一个永恒的话题。现代信息处理技术已经深入到工业、医学、农业、能源等各个领域,和我们的生活息息相关,相关人才一直受到研究领域、工程实践领域的热烈欢迎。方向C:生物医学工程 提供一流的医疗保健和疾病预防是21世纪的热门行业。医学科技进步在近几年得到迅猛的发展,其中最显著的是应用先进的电子设备。生物医学工程师的需求正在迅速扩大,他们可以利用高科技提供保健服务,包括该领域的病人监护系统,电脑化医疗成像和监测,人工器官、神经修复和生命支持系统,医院的安全和设备管理,以及其他能应用到医学方面的技术。 方向D:通信工程 电脑,互联网,多媒体和通信技术的迅速发展让今天的通讯工程师面临着许多挑战。移动电话已成为普遍使用的产品,电话网目前引入了许多新的技术,如采用光纤改善长途通信,数字转换技术等。通讯系统目前是非常重要的系统,几乎涉及所有人。因此,通信是目前发展最快的行业之一。 方向E:应用电子技术 日前,新的电子产品发展的非常迅速,在各个领域中的大量出现。在越来越多的领域,微处理器技术、嵌入式系统和机器人技术中微电子产品已经影响了几乎我们生活的每个方面。现代科学和工业仪器主要依赖于电子技术、测量、存储、处理和显示等。方向F:光学工程 21世纪将是光子和光学工程的时代,在某些信号处理和遥感应用领域,光电子和光(光子)将取代电子作为主要的传播载体。使用光学工程技术,信息(例如,电话交谈,电视信号和数据通信)可通过光纤(要比一根人头发细)进行高速传输。本方向主要关注光学工程的重要组成部分光纤系统及相关的光学设备。 方向G:可持续能源全球可持续发展问题已经成为全球变暖和气候变化焦点并正威胁我们的生存。本专业方向包括太阳能、风能、水、电、波、热岩等零排放发电技术。还包括直流逆变器转换为交流电技术及相应的通讯技术等电源传输方法和管理问题等,它们与在澳大利亚迅速扩大的可再生能源产业息息相关。Zhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityDescription of Electronics & Information Engineering Program(Including Sino-Australian Joint Program with La Trobe University)I Major: Electronics & Information Engineering Major code:080603II Training Objectives This program is designed to bring up advanced engineering technicians that possess strong theoretical and practical skills in the field of electronics and information systems. Graduates of this program can work on the research, design, development, manufacture and operation of electronic equipments and information systems, as well as the maintenance of software and hardware in large complex electronic systems. There are excellent employment opportunities in a diverse range of areas including industry, administrative departments, universities and research institutes, etc. III Training Specifications and the General RequirementsBy the end of this program, Students should acquire:Knowledge:1. fundamental knowledge of history, philosophy, law, economics and management2. basic knowledge of mathematics and general physics such as advanced mathematics, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics.3. basic theoretical knowledge and advanced technology in the field of electronics and information engineering. Understanding:1. understanding of basic principles, policies and regulations of information industry.2. Understanding of the trend of modern electronic and information technology.3. understanding of general rules of writing scientific papers. Skills:1. practical ability to design, develop and implement electronic systems, general systems in information engineering and other fields with engineering background such as intelligent detection of textile and clothing, information processing technology, biomedical engineering, communication engineering, applied electronic technology, optical engineering and sustainable energy. 2. ability to track advanced theories and technology of electronic equipments and information systems. 3. ability to search literature and data, and to read foreign professional literature. 4. good self-learning ability and social communication abilityIV Main Disciplines Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology V Core Courses Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, College English Level 4, Advanced Mathematics Level A1, C Program Design, Circuit Theory, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronic Technology, Signals and Systems, Engineering Electromagnetic Field Theory, Electronic Measurement and Instruments, PIC Principles and Application VI Featured CoursesSelf-learning courses: Classical Reading, English Listening and SpeakingResearch courses: Design Course of Electronic Systems, Electronic Measurement and InstrumentsBilingual courses: Digital Video Processing, Digital Signal ProcessingVII Duration of Study:3 - 6 years Minimum Credits for Graduation: 181 Degree: Bachelor of Engineer Total in-class Credit Hours: 2475 Independent Practice Training: 35 weeks +158 hoursEducational Mode I: 2+2 Mode. Students should obtain corresponding credits required by ZSTU of the 1st and 2nd year and LTU of 3rd and 4th year. Minimum Credits for Graduation: 110 credits( in ZSTU) + 240Cps ( in LTU)Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (ZSTU) + Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (SBEE) (LTU)Educational Mode II: 2+1+1 Mode. Students should obtain corresponding credits required by ZSTU of the 1st, 2nd and 4th year and LTU of 3rd year. Duration of Study: the 1st and 2nd year ( in ZSTU)+ 3rd year ( in LTU)and 4th year ( in ZSTU)Minimum Credits for Graduation: 110 credits( in ZSTU) + 120Cps ( in LTU) + 30 credits( in ZSTU)Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (ZSTU) + Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (SBEE) (LTU)VIII Proportion of Credits CourseCompulsory CreditsOptional CreditsTotal CreditsPercentageGeneral Courses60+4168044.2%Basic Courses31+54+34323.8%Specialized Courses25+168+55429.8%Extracurricular Activities442.2%Total Credits14140185100%Percentage77.9%22.1%Practical training 49creditsPercentage27.1%VIII Notes1. All students not included in the ZSTU-LTU joint program should follow the teaching schedule in Table 1. They should choose one out of three specialties - intelligent detection of textile and clothing, information processing technology and applied electronic technology, and obtain the minimum credits required for the specialty chosen.2 Students in the ZSTU-LTU joint program need get a total of 110 credits (in Table 1 and 2) in the first four semesters in ZSTU, including 102 compulsory credits and 8 optional credits(where 8 credits of general optional courses).3. For the educational mode I, students who continue their next two-year study in LTU should follow the teaching schedule in Table 3, and choose one out of five specialties - biomedical engineering, communication engineering, electronic systems engineering, optical engineering and sustainability in energy production. They should take all the courses in 3th and 4th year required by LTU (Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (SBEE))and obtain 240 Cps. Students can get Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (SBEE) (LTU) and Bachelor of Engineering (ZSTU) after they complete the learning task required in the teaching schedule, and meet the requirements of degree and certificate conferral of both ZSTU and LTU.4For the educational mode II, students who continue their next one-year study in LTU should follow the teaching schedule in Table 4, and choose one out of five specialties - biomedical engineering, optical and communication engineering, electronic systems engineering and sustainable energy production. They should take all the courses in 3th year required by LTU (Bachelor of Electronic Technology (SBET)), and obtain 120 Cps . Then in the 4th year, students should come back to ZSTU and get a total of 30 credits (in Table 5) Students can get (Bachelor of Electronic Technology (SBET) (LTU) and Bachelor of Engineering (ZSTU) after they complete the learning task required in the teaching schedule, and meet the requirements of degree and certificate conferral of both ZSTU and LTU.5. Students who go to Australia can get bachelors degree and graduation certificates from both ZSTU and LTU after they complete the learning task required in the teaching schedule, and meet the requirements of degree and certificate conferral of both ZSTU and LTU. 6. Students who go to Australia should get a total of 185 credits in order to obtain bachelors degree and graduation certificate from ZSTU, among which 71 credits in the educational mode I (or 41 credits in the educational mode II) are the ones they get in LTU and approved by ZSTU. Besides, they should complete a thesis paper with no less than 10000 Chinese characters (5000 English words), and pass the thesis defense. 7. This program will be carried out in 2011. Attachment: Introduction to Specialties A. Intelligent Detection of Textile and ClothingIn the textile industry, quality control and detection are of great importance. Electronic information technology has counted too much in modern textile and clothing industries, especially in such fields as yarn fault detection, textile quality detection, clothing CAD, etc. Modern textile information industry is badly short of electronic engineers mastering electronic information technology integrated with some theoretical knowledge of textile industry.B. Information Processing TechnologyInformation processing begins with the advent of language, and is endowed with new connotation in the 21st century. Besides, it is predicted that it will also be an eternal theme in future. It has been put into use in the fields of industry, medical science, agriculture, and energy and is closely related with our daily life. As a result, talents of this specialty are warmly welcome to research and practical fields.C. Biomedical EngineeringHealth care and disease prevention will be very popular in the 21st century. In recent years, medical science develops at an unprecedented speed, particularly in the application of modern electronic equipments. Therefore, biomedical engineers are of great demand, because they can supply first-class health care service by using high technology, including monitoring system for patients, medical imaging and monitoring, artificial organs, nerve repair, life support system and medical security management, etc.D. Communication EngineeringFast development of computers, internet, multi-media and communication technology has been challenging the present-day communication engineers. Mobile phones have been widely used and telephone network has currently adopted many new techniques such as fiber optics to improve the quality of long-distance communication, digital conversion technique. Communication system is a very important system reaching almost everyone. Therefore, communication industry is presently one of the fastest-developing industries.E. Applied Electronic TechnologyNowadays, electronics develops very quickly, as a result of which a variety of electronic products mushroom in all fields. Micro-processor technique, embedded system, as well as micro-electronic products applied in robot technology have exerted great influences on all aspects of our life. Meanwhile, modern science and industrial equipments mainly depend on electronic technology, surveying, storage technology, processing technology and display technology, etc. F. Optical Engineering21st century will be the era of photons and optical engineering. In some applied fields like signal processing and remote sensing, photoelectrons and photons will replace electrons as the main communication carrier. Through optical engineering technology, information (such as telephone conversation, TV signals and digital communication) can be transmitted via fiber optics (thinner than a hair) at high speed. This specialty focuses on main components of optical engineering, i.e., fiber optical system and related optical equipments.GSustainability in Energy ProductionThe topic of global sustainability has come into sharp focus as global warming and climate change threaten our existence. This specialization examines zero emissions power generation technologies such as photovoltaic, wind, hydro-electric, wave and hot rock. It also examines conversion technologies, such as inverters for DC to AC, transmission line and other communications technologies for the implementation of power management strategies and management issues as they relate to the rapidly expanding renewable energy industry in Australia.附表一(Table I)浙江理工大学电子信息工程专业教学计划表Teaching Schedule of Electronics & Information EngineeringZhejiang Sci-Tech University教育类别Education Type 课程模块Module课程号Index课程名称Course学分Credit课内学时In-class Hours建议学期及周学时分配Semesters and Weekly Hours课程性质C/ O 最低修读学分Minimum Credits Required