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    安乐死英文资料EuthanasiaEuthanasia is to kill people. Life is so important for every one. People dont only live for themselves, but they also live for their families and the society. If they choose to leave the world, they are not responsible for themselves, their families and the society. Euthanasia is disparagement of life. Life is so precious. Patients should cherish their life. They should try their best to prevail incurable disease. Everyone should show basic respect for life. No matter what happens, we should face up to the facts, we should live on with great courage, we should believe in wonder. Nothing is impossible. Euthanasia stops the medicine developing. If the patients require using euthanasia, doctors wont try their best to save patients. The medicine will stop progress. If making euthanasia is made legal, patients who use euthanasia will be protected by law. The doctors right will be obvious. Doctors are given too much power, and can be wrong or unethical. Patients put their faith and trust in the opinions of their doctor. people abuse euthanasia when it is legalized, it can harm people lives. In the name of euthanasia, carry out committing suicide. Miracle cures or recoveries can occur. You can never underestimate the power of the human spirit. It demeans the value of human life. In this country, human life means something. It could open the floodgates to non-critical patient suicides and other abuses. Any loosening of the assisted-suicide laws could eventually lead to abuses of the privilege. Many religions prohibit suicide and the intentional killing of others. The most basic commandment is "You shall not kill". Insurance companies may put undue pressure on doctors to avoid heroic measures or recommend the assisted-suicide procedure. Health insurance providers are under tremendous pressure to keep premiums down. Euthanasia can become a means of health care cost containment. Physicians and other medical care people should not be involved in directly causing death. Mercy killing is morally incorrect and should be forbidden by law.It's a homicide and murdering another human cannot be rationalized under any circumstances. Human life deserves exceptional security and protection. Advanced medical technology has made it possible to enhance human life span and quality of life. Palliative care and rehabilitation centers are better alternatives to help disabled or patients approaching death live a pain-free and better life. Family members influencing the patient's decision into euthanasia for personal gains like wealth inheritance is another issue. There is no way you can be really sure if the decision towards assisted suicide is voluntary or forced by others. Mercy killing would cause decline in medical care and cause victimization of the most vulnerable society. Would mercy killing transform itself from the "right to die" to "right to kill"? How would one assess whether a disorder of mental nature qualifies mercy killing? What if the pain threshold is below optimum and the patient perceives the circumstances to be not worthy of living? How would one know whether the wish to die is the result of unbalanced thought process or a logical decision in mentally ill patients? What if the individual chooses assisted suicide as an option and the family wouldn't agree? As to face the parting, helplessness, loss of self-control, fear of death and sorrow and so the majority of patients will experience mental suffering. In this psychological requirement under the "Euthanasia", we can say that he is reasonable? "According to the study of suicide, suicide and treatable mental illness is intrinsically related, but not the fatal disease, a study found that in 44 patients with advanced cancer, only three thought about suicide, but are there is a serious depression. Another study shows that 85 suicides, only one person suffering from terminal illness, and 90-100% of the suicides were suffering from obvious mental illness. Undeniably, the modern medical practice slow death process, often cited the loss of personal characteristics of patients Mei, dignity, independence and autonomy. However, the expression of active euthanasia as acts of personal autonomy, it is wrong. Reasons: (a) Since active euthanasia need help, then it is not an individual matter, but the open or in the public thing. (B) under the public recognition to self-defense, capital punishment and justice in the form of war, murder, only to defend the life for everyone, not to the benefit of those killed. So, even if death is painful relief, can not be lightly taken away the right to life committed to personal. (C) even if the person's self-determination recognized the right to choose to die, that does not mean the right to ask others to kill themselves, does not include the right to authorize self to kill others. (D) autonomy, including the right of slavery has never been their own, in other words, the right to freedom does not mean the right not to freedom. So to maintain the autonomy, the need to protect life, to give others their right to life is not trampling the principle of maintaining independence. Therefore, individual autonomy and social need and public objectives and values to be consistent. active euthanasia may gradually lose its spontaneity, and thus out of (i) "secret euthanasia", meaning that without their own consent, to be a doctor euthanized. (Ii) "forced euthanasia", meaning patients suffering from terminal illness would be coercion to lure choose euthanasia to relieve their families in the economic and psychological pressures, and save limited resources of society, the patients chose to die, do not feel life is a burden or tired of life, but he felt the burden of someone else, and that others dislike. (Iii) "Deputy euthanasia" means to allow patients who lack capacity to self-determination by the people "proxy decision" to euthanasia. (Iv) "Discrimination against euthanasia," the crisis is the number of types of patients such as the poverty stricken or belonging to ethnic minorities, may be "clever" to force that "euthanasia" requirement, the mercy of others. Made ill patients caught in the dilemma of both the opposition between the yield, resulting in additional unnecessary fear and anxiety. The information may be heard: "Death is terrible! Your best choice of euthanasia." of the slip waves, is once the "euthanasia" is legalized, its use will inevitably extend to other types of patients but not the dying, if not cure patients, but not incurable disease, then the risk of Alzheimer's disease or brain degradation, even those born with severe disabilities Down syndrome baby. . And so on. So, if this argument, once established, will only create panic and fear that they will be forcibly sent to "euthanasia" in the ranks. Therefore, I agree Frasen say, "human life, merely the possibility of error, is enough to completely reject the" euthanasia. " "


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