学贵有恒求知好学篇:学贵有恒 小帆课堂:中考课外文言文真题大揭秘(上) 1求知好学篇:学贵有恒 2执政为民篇:张释之执法 3执政为民篇:张允济断案 4人物传记篇:包拯 5人物传记篇:欧阳修传 6事理探究篇:恶圆 7山水游记篇:钴鉧潭西小丘记 8传统美德篇:朱晖守信 课程特色 中考真题 “读、译、解”综合学习 每讲一首英文歌曲 课后作业 预告:小帆课堂:中考课外文言文真题大揭秘(下) 1求知好学篇:与诸弟书 2执政为民篇:郑板桥开仓济民拷打羊皮 3事理探究篇:食喻 4事理探究篇:义犬治国犹栽树 5人物传记篇:寇准 6人物传记篇:司马朗传 7山水游记篇:龙井题名记 8传统美德篇:祁奚请老 真题再现 学贵有恒 勤勉之道无他,在有恒而已。良马虽善走,而力疲气竭,中道即止。驽(nú)马徐行弗间(jiàn),或反先至焉。是故举一事,学一术,苟进取不已,必有成功之一日,在善用其精力耳。今人或有志于学,一旦发愤,不分昼夜,数十日后,怠心渐生,终以废学。孔子曰:“欲速则不达。”孟子曰:“其进锐者其退速。”此之谓也。 有种树者,树茂而果繁,他人莫及也。或问其术,则曰:“吾无他巧,但识物性,辨土宜,培壅有道,灌溉以时耳。凡人于初植者,恒朝夕审视,吾听其自然,若不以为意。植之既久,人已厌忘,吾则加勤焉。” 壅(yng):用土壤或肥料培在植物根部。 宋有悯其苗之不长而揠(yà)之者,芒芒然归,谓其人曰:“今日病矣,予助苗长矣。”其子趋往视之,苗则槁(go)矣。 观此二者,则知修业之道矣。立志苟坚,执事苟专,必不在一日增进,自矜功效也。百里为期,捷行九十里而止,不可谓已至。事求有济,功贵其成,修业者其念之哉。 芒芒:疲倦。 1 译文概要 勤勉之道无他,在有恒而已。 良马虽善走,而力疲气竭,中道即止。 驽马徐行弗间,或反先至焉。 是故举一事,学一术,苟进取不已, 必有成功之一日,在善用其精力耳。 今人或有志于学,一旦发愤,不分昼夜, 数十日后,怠心渐生, 终以废学。 孔子曰:“欲速则不达。”孟子曰:“其进锐者其退速。”此之谓也。 有种树者,树茂而果繁,他人莫及也。 或问其术,则曰:“吾无他巧, 但识物性,辨土宜,培壅有道,灌溉以时耳。 凡人于初植者, 恒朝夕审视, 吾听其自然,若不以为意。植之既久,人已厌忘,吾则加勤焉。” 宋有悯其苗之不长而揠之者, 芒芒然归,谓其人曰:“今日病矣, 予助苗长矣。” 其子趋往视之, 苗则槁矣。 观此二者,则知修业之道矣。 立志苟坚, 执事苟专,必不在一日增进, 自矜功效也。 百里为期,捷行九十里而止, 不可谓已至。 事求有济,功贵其成, 修业者其念之哉。 1下列句子中加点的词解释错误的一项是( ) A驽马徐行弗间(缓慢) B他人莫及也(比得上) C其子趋往视之(催促) D自矜功效也(夸耀) 2 2下列句子中加点的词意思相同的两项是( ) A而力疲气竭 思而不学则殆 B灌溉以时耳 策 之不以其道 C凡人于初植者 胡不见我于王 D苗则槁矣 此则岳阳楼之大观也 3用现代汉语写出下列句子的意思。 (1)植之既久,人已厌忘,吾则加勤焉。 (2)捷行九十里而止,不可谓已至。 4作者为什么说“观此二者,则知修业之道矣”? We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Taylor Swift I remember when we broke up the first time, Saying this is it, I've had enough Cause like we hadn't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space, what? Then you come around again and say baby I miss you and I swear i'm gonna change, trust me Remember how that lasted for a day I say I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you Oh Woo-Oh We called it off again last night But oh woo-oh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you We are never ever ever getting back together We are never ever ever getting back together You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me But we are never ever ever ever getting back together Like, ever. I'm really gonna miss you picking fights And be falling for it, screaming that I'm right And you would hide away and find your peace of mind with some indie record that's much cooler than mine Oh, oh, you called me up again tonight But oh woo-oh-oh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you We are never ever ever getting back together We are never ever ever getting back together You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me But we are never ever ever ever getting back together. 3 I used to think that we were forever ever And I used to say never say never Then he calls me up and he's like 'I still love you,' and I'm like this is exhausting, you know, we are never getting back together like ever. We are never ever ever getting back together We are never ever ever getting back together You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me But we are never ever ever ever getting back together. Oh Woo-oh oh You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me But we are never ever ever ever getting back together. 4