如何用英语花样表达我要疯了 如何用英语花样表达“我要疯了” 生活中有太多事会让人郁闷。有时郁闷已经不管用,只有彻底爆发才能释放你的愤怒。用上下面的习语,让你的狂飙力MAX。 1. go bananas 发疯;发狂 I'll go bananas if you ask me that question one more time. 你要再问一遍那个问题,我就要疯了。 2. go nuts 大发雷霆 My sister will go nuts when she finds out I've wrecked her car. 要是我姐姐发现我弄坏了她的车,她会气疯的。 3. lose it 失去理智;突然大叫(或哭、笑) I'd been trying so hard to stay calm but in the end I just lost it. 我拼命想保持冷静,但最终还是没有控制住自己。 4. go mental 疯狂,气愤,行事愚蠢 Have you gone mental? Why do you keep arguing with the boss? You'll get fired. 你是不是疯了?你怎么能跟老板吵个不停?你要被炒鱿鱼了。 5. freak out 崩溃,反常,被激怒 Mum, don't freak out! I've just crashed the car. 妈,你要挺住!我刚刚把咱家车撞碎了。 6. go bonkers 发狂,失去理智 When I was told to wait for another hour, I just went absolutely bonkers. 当我被告知要再等一个钟头时,我彻底崩溃了。 7. go berserk 变得狂怒;发狂,发疯 The crowd went berserk when they were told that all the flights had been cancelled. 当被告知所有航班都取消了,人群爆发了。 8. blow one's top 发狂,发神经 I think he'll blow his top when you give him the news. 我觉得你把这个消息告诉他,他一定会疯掉的。 9. fly off the handle 大发雷霆 He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing. 他极容易发火芝麻大的小事都能让他大发雷霆。 10. hit the ceiling/ hit the roof 暴跳如雷,极其恼火 Dad'll hit the ceiling when he finds out I've left school. 爸爸要是发现我离开了学校一定会暴跳如雷的。 11. go ballistic 发怒,生气 If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic. 如果你爸爸发现你一直在逃学,他会很生气的。 12. go off the deep end 大怒,火冒三丈 I'll go off the deep end if I get fired because of someone else's mistake. 要是因为别人的失误导致我被开除,我肯定要气死了。 13. blow up 勃然大怒 My dad blew up when he saw the phone bill. 我爸看到电话账单后大发雷霆。 14. pop one's cork 发脾气,勃然大怒 I have something to tell you. Please, don't pop your cork. 我有点事儿要告诉你。你听了可千万别生气哈。 15. go ape 暴跳如雷 She went ape because I was half an hour late. 我迟到了半小时,结果她暴跳如雷。