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    如何提高小学生数学计算能力如何提高小学生数学计算能力 在小学中低年级教学中,计算占相当大的比例,学生最容易出错的也是计算,特别是随着计算机时代的到来,计算能力往往被很多人所忽视。我觉得计算能力是每个人必备的一项基本功,培养学生的计算能力也是小学生数学教学中的一项重要任务,是学生学好数学的重要基础。学会计算,终身受用,生活中处处离不开计算,计算是小学数学教学的重中之重。 In teaching in the elementary school lower grade calculation, accounts for a considerable proportion of students the most error-prone and computing, especially with the advent of the era of computer, computing capacity is often ignored by many people. I think computing capability is a basic skills essential to everyone, to cultivate the students' calculation ability is an important task in the primary school mathematics teaching, is the important foundation of students to learn mathematics. Society, life, life is inseparable from the calculation, the calculation is the key of the elementary school mathematics teaching. 一、把好口算关 著名数学家裘宗沪指出:如果你想学好数学,首先要会算,而且要算得好,心算是一种思维能力。心算好,脑子里能盘算的问题就多,随时随地都能想问题。 Famous mathematician QiuZong hu pointed out that: if you want to learn math well, first of all to calculate, and to calculate well, mental arithmetic is a kind of thinking ability. Good mental arithmetic, the brain can only problem is, anytime, anywhere can want to question. 1、培养学生的“数感”。 数感,它同音乐的“乐感”、美术的“美感”一样,学数学就得有“数感”。在教学中,让学生用数学的眼光去观察、认识周围的事物,用数学的概念与语言去反映和描述社会生产和生活中的问题,结合生活中的具体事例去教学数学知识,让学生感受到数学就在身边,生活中处处有数学,从而以积极的心态投入学习,体验“数感”。 Number sense, it with the music of the "music" and "beauty" of art, maths has "number sense". In the teaching, lets the student to observe, from the view of mathematics understanding things around, using mathematical concepts and language to reflect and describe the problem of social production and life, combined with the concrete facts of life to teaching mathematics knowledge, let students experience mathematics on the side, everywhere in the life mathematics, with positive attitude in learning, experience the "number sense". 2、强化口算。 口算是笔算、估算、简算的基础,无论整数、小数的加减法,还是乘除法,以及四则混合运算,都离不开口算。如:360÷18=360÷9÷2=40÷2=20,在这个简算的过程中,运用了三项口算。又如:计算5764+3821的和,要用到4项加法口算,任何一个环节发生错误,都可导致全盘出错。因此,要提高小学生的计算能力,就必须从强化口算能力抓起,把口算训练当作一项常规工作来抓。我的具体做法是: Oral is the basis of manual computation and estimation, Jane is, in any integer, decimal 1 addition and subtraction, or, method, and the four mixed operation, cannot leave the oral. Such as: 360 present 18 = 360 present nine members present 2 = 40 members present 2 = 20, in the process of the abridged, using three oral arithmetic. Again such as calculation of 5764 + 3821, and, need four addition oral, any a link error, can lead to errors. Therefore, to improve the elementary student's computing power, it must grab from strengthening oral ability, oral training as a routine work. My particular way is: 每天利用3-5分钟时间训练口算。在教学中,我每天在课堂上利用3-5分钟时间进行口算训练,或视算或听算,或在作业中抄一、两道脱式计算题,每天批阅并及时反馈,逐步提高学生的计算能力。 (1) using 3-5 minutes daily oral training. In the teaching, I every day in the classroom use of 3-5 minutes oral training, or ShiSuan or listen to calculate, or, in the case of a homework to copy one or two off type calculation problem, marking and feedback in time every day, gradually improve the students' ability of calculation. 记忆一些常用数据和巧算方法。像20以内的加减法、表内乘法、1-20的平方数等,都要求学生熟记,达到脱口而出的程度。同时,经常教学生一些巧算的方法,也可使其计算速度大大提高。如:一个数与“11”相乘,“两边一拉,中间一加,满十向前一位进一”;一个数与5、25、125相乘,都可以运用巧算方法: (2) memory and some commonly used data coincidence counting method. As addition and subtraction, multiplication table within 20, 1-20 square number, etc., require students to memorize and to the point of blurt out. At the same time, often teach students some clever calculate way, also can make its calculation speed is greatly increased. Such as: is multiplied by a number from "11", "on both sides of a pull, a middle, ten a into a" forward; With a number is multiplied by 5, 25, 125, can use opportunely calculate method: 24×5=24÷2×10 24 * 24 present 2 * 5 = 10 324×25=324÷4×100 25 = 324 present 4 x 324 x 324 409×125=408×125+125=408÷8×1000+125 409 * 125 = 408 * 125 + 125 = 408 present 8 x 1000 + 125 还有一些除法试商法:差数试商法、同头无除商八九法、中数试商法、折半试商法等等,这些都是学生快算所必须掌握的基本方法。 2 Try some division commercial law: differential try to commercial law, with the head in addition to business method (when the Numbers on the dividend and the divisor that high phase at the same time, commonly known as the "head", dividend top is smaller than the divisor, and the divisor and dividend the number of times on the high error is less than the highest level, can be directly used eight and nine test quotient), median try commercial law, binary and commercial law, and so on, these are students quick is necessary to master the basic method. 二、理解算理,提倡算法多样化 要使学生会算,必须要使其明确算理,这就要求教师对算法和算理的教学必须正确,因为第一印象非常重要,第一次讲错以后就很难改掉。记得一位心理学家说过:首次感知新知识时,进入大脑的信息可以有受前摄抑制的干扰,能在学生的大脑皮层留下深刻的印象。但如果首次感知不准确,那么造成的不良后果在短期内是难以清除的。因此,教师必须充分备课,选择最优方案,以期达到良好的教学效果。 To make the student union, must make it clear to calculate, this requires teachers to the algorithm and the principle of teaching must be correct, because the first impression is very important, for the first time speak wrong, it is hard to remove it later. Remember a psychologist said: first perception of new knowledge, proactive inhibition of information into the brain can be affected by the interference, can leave deep impression in students' brain cortex. But if the first perception is not accurate, the adverse consequences in the short term is difficult to remove. Therefore, the teacher must fully preparation, select the optimal scheme, in order to achieve good teaching effect. 在学生明确算理的基础上,要提倡算法多样化。算法多样化不是要求每个学生都用多种方法解决同一问题,而是要鼓励学生独立思考,用适合自己的方法解决,有能力的可以运用多种方法,没有这种需求的学生只用一种即可。提倡算法多样化,也要注意方法的优化,对于学生想出的每一种正确方法都给予肯定,说服学生放弃自己的落后繁琐观点,去遵循优秀、简洁的方法,这样才能使自己的思维能力不断提高。特别要对中、高年级提出的每一种算法,可让其自己说明算理,以防止其“知其然,不知其所以然”,同时起到培养学生逻辑思维和口头表达能力的作用。 In students is clear, on the basis of to promote diversity algorithm. Diversity algorithm isn't required that every student (should) use a variety of methods to solve the same problem, but rather to encourage students to think independently and solve with suitable methods, ability can use a variety of methods, without the need of students in a can. Advocating algorithm diversity, also want to pay attention to the optimization method, for students to come up with every kind of right way to give affirmation, persuade students give up their backward trival, to follow the outstanding, simple method, so as to make their thinking ability constantly improve. Especially for middle and senior each kind of algorithm, can calculate, make its own instructions in order to prevent the "learning, don't know why", at the same time cultivate students' logical thinking and the role of oral expression ability. 三、重视估算,教给方法 3 Third, the value estimate, teach method 在日常生活和生产实际中,某些计算和测量的结果无法得到或没有必要得到精确计算结果或判断时,就要用到估算的方法。如一个房间的大小、从家到学校的距离、某楼房的高度、有经验有渔民判断某片水域里鱼的数量等。因此,重视学生估算能力的培养,不仅可以使学生的思维更加灵活,而且对学生的直觉思维能力的培养有很大的帮助。同时,加强估算,可以加深学生对数字的认识,促进数感的培养,增强应用数学的意识,提高解决实际问题的能力。在教学中,我经常性地贯穿一些估算的技巧和方法: In our daily life and production practice, some calculation and the measurement result can't get or there is no need to get the precise result or judgment, is employed to estimate method. Such as the size of a room, the distance from home to school, a building height, experienced fishermen who judge a number of fish in the water, etc. Attention to the cultivation of students' ability to estimate, therefore, not only can make students' thinking more flexible, but also for the cultivation of the students' ability of intuition thinking has a lot of help. At the same time, strengthen the estimation, can deepen students understanding of digital, promote the cultivation of number sense, enhance the consciousness of applied mathematics, improve the ability of solving practical problems. In the teaching, I regularly throughout some estimation techniques and methods: 1、近似估算法。在实际计算中,根据情况把两个数同时估大或同时估小,或一个估大一个估小,以便口算为宜。估算过程中,由于学生的生活背景、思维方式的不同,估算结果也不一定一样,因此,允许估算结果与准确值之间有一定范围的误差,正负误差均可。如: 1, the approximate estimation. In the actual calculation, according to the number two at the same time for large or for small at the same time, or a big one for small forecast, so that verbal arithmetic is advisable. Estimation process, because the student's life background, the different way of thinking, to estimate the results may not be the same, therefore, allow a certain range between estimation results with the accurate value of error of plus or minus error. Such as: 783+945800+900=1700 Material 800 783 + 945 + 900 = 1700 3927÷354000÷40=1000 3927 present 35 material present 40 4000 = 1000 2、联系实际估算法。如计算人数、租车数量、铺地买砖等,都必须是整数,且得采用“进一法”;用铁皮做铁盒,铁盒必须是整数,且得使用“去尾法”。 2, contact the actual estimation. Such as computing, rent a car number, floor number to buy brick, etc., must be an integer, and must adopt "into a" Do with tin tin box, tin box must be an integer, and must use the "method" to end. 4 除了课堂上传授方法之外,最有效的方法是让学生在实际生活中锻炼,在处理具体问题中提高。 In addition to classroom teaching methods, the most effective way is to let students exercise in real life, in dealing with specific issues. 四、增强学生的实践能力 数学来源于生活,又服务于生活,而计算则是解决实际生活问题的重要手段。 Mathematics comes from life and serves life, and the calculation is the important means to solve the problem of real life. 1、呈现方式生活化。新课标中指出:要通过现实生活的情境,使学生体验、感受和理解数与运算的意义,要呈现给学生大量的现实背景,从中体会数学与生活的密切联系。如在教学36×4时,我以如下方式导入:一件上衣36元钱,买4件这样的上衣需要多少钱?这种赋计算式题予生活的方法,学生非常乐于接受。 1, the present way of life. "New standard" pointed out: through to real life situations, make students experience, feel and understand the meaning of number and operations, to be presented to students a lot of realistic background, closely related to mathematics and the life. As in teaching 36 x 4, I import in the following way: a top 36 yuan, how much do you need to buy 4 such blouse? This way of life for the calculation type questions, students are willing to accept. 2、日常生活数学化。生活中处处有数学,如上街购买衣物,大约需要带多少钱,需要估算;准备购买多少件物品,也需要统计和计算,所以,要教育学生留意身边数学。在随家长买菜时,要特别留心售货员是如何快速算出结果的。同时,也要用所学过的估算、巧算等方法帮着大人算一算,以提高自己的计算能力。 2, daily life mathematically. Everywhere in the life mathematics, such as street to buy clothes, about how much money need to take, need to estimate; Ready to buy how many pieces of goods, also need to statistics and computation, so paying conscious attention to mathematics education to students. While along with the parents to buy food, pay special attention salesman is how to quickly calculate the results. We learned at the same time, also want to use the methods of estimation, qiao is help to calculate a calculate, in order to improve their computing power. 五、养成教育不容忽视 良好的习惯,直接影响着计算的速度和准确率。在教学中,我发现学生计算题出错的原因并不是不会做,而是不用心,所以我认为要让学生养成如下良好习惯。 Good habits and directly affects the calculation speed and accuracy. In the teaching, I found that students' math error reasons not to do, but not by heart, so I think to make students form good habits as follows. 5 1、规范书写。由于书写不规范而造成计算错误的现象屡见不鲜,如由于把“5”连笔写,计算下一步时就误看成了“8”;把“7”潦草地写成了“1”,而造成计算结果错误。教师要严格要求学生的书写格式,并以身作则,当好榜样。 1, written in the specification. Calculation error caused by writing is not standard phenomenon, such as due to the "5" cursive writing, when calculating the next step is mistakenly identified as "8" Write a "7" scrawled "1", and cause calculation error. Teacher is strict with students writing format, and lead by example, being a good role model. 2、认真审题。这是快速、准确计算的关键。做每一道计算题,千万不要急于下手,首先要仔细观察,明确应该先计算哪一步,后计算哪一步,找一找哪些地方可以应用巧算的方法,做到心里有数,然后再认真计算,这就是所谓“磨刀不误砍柴工”,我给学生改成了审题不误计算功。 2, serious topic. It is the key to the rapid and accurate calculation. Do every computational problems, don't rush to laid hands on him, first have to look carefully, clear which step should be calculated, which is calculated after step, where to find a find method can be applied to calculation of, do know, and then carefully calculated, it is called "knife don't miss your job", I can't give students changed to topic calculation work by mistake. 3、勤于验算。验算既是一种习惯,也是一种能力。不论题目是否要求验算,都要求学生必须做到,逐渐养成学生良好的验算习惯。 3, diligently checking. Calculation is a kind of habit, is also a kind of ability. Check whether subject requirement, all students are required to have to do, gradually to develop students' good habits of calculating. 4、有错即改。我每次发下作业本后,便要求学生立即翻看,把错题重新审视一次,看看错在哪里,并及时订正,这样进一步加深了学生对算理、算法的理解,达到提高计算能力的目的。 4, there is a fault that is change. After every time I send the homework, students are required to immediately turn to put the wrong topic review time, and see what went wrong, and timely correction, so that further deepening the students understanding of calculate theory, algorithm, achieve the goal of improve the computing capability. 6


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