如何区分事实与观点如何区分事实与观点 事实指客观发生的可以被证明的事情,不掺杂主观的内容。如:China has more people than any other country in the world. 观点指作者对某件事情的看法,带有明显的主观性。如:The cats are better pets than dogs. 在不同的文体中,事实和观点的区分标准又有所不同。下面我们就以广告和议论文为例,谈谈如何区分这两种文体中的事实与观点。 广告中的事实是指那些从理论上来说真实的信息,比如产品名称、产地、配置等;而观点则是广告设计者为了吸引消费者而创设的各种情境以及所使用的各种修饰词,如形容词等。 判断下面这则广告中哪些是事实,哪些是观点。 This handsome gadget (小器具) offers two of your most amazing tools a clock and a calculator in a smart design. 上面这则广告中的真实信息,即事实为:a gadget with a clock and a calculator;表达观点的部分是:handsome, amazing, smart。 议论文往往开头给出观点,接着以事实为例来证明观点。文章中的 for example, for instance可以看作引出事实的标志。作者常用I think /believe, . should来引出观点。 阅读短文,判断划线部分哪些是事实哪些是观点。 Some people say that parents should plan their childrens leisure time carefully. Take me for example. My parents were very strict with me during my childhood. My leisure time was divided into several parts: reading, writing, playing and so on. However, others think that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time. The result is that some children dont spend their free time in a planned way. They play just as they like without any plan at all. So far as I am concerned, I think the question is not whether parents should plan their childrens leisure time carefully, but whether they can do that properly. Some parents dont understand their children while some parents spoil their children too much. So it is not an easy thing for the parents to help shape their child to be a true man. But I think, with love and understanding, nothing can be hard. 句是作者引用别人的观点,带有主观性,所以它是观点。句、句是作者拿自己举例,是用事实来证明观点,所以属于事实。句是为了指出第二段开头的观点的弊端而举的反例,属于事实。句提到的内容是客观存在的,所以是事实。句是作者提出的自己的看法,带有主观性,属于观点。