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    大学英语精读第四册课后翻译答案大学英语精读第四册课后翻译答案 Unit 1 1. We have been informed that the Minister of Finance will be the next day we met. (我们接到通知) 2. I find it very strange that he did not seem to remember their own health said. 3. Term papers should be in no later than next Tuesday handed, but most students have so far little progress. 4 . see the steady decline in the number of students by school principals to mind. 5. In that country in general are accepted in cash, but the cheque is generally up, and soon people will instead of cash as a way to the checkout. 6. Henry eager to know that he wants his mother in the orchard, so when she heard one to see the distance he called again. Unit 2 1. Bill is already a mature young man, no longer dependent on their parents make decisions for him . 2. This region a large number of meat supply, but the scarcity of fresh fruits and vegetables. 3. Engineers rely on the people's wisdom, has created a new production methods, to improve productivity. 4. He spent a lot of time to prepare for the math test, so when he was informed that his only at the b-am a bit disappointed. 5. We have plenty of time from Rongrong Chidun from lunch., 6. The local government had to draw grain reserves and take other emergency measures to tide over the food crisis Unit 5 1 I am convinced that this so-called wise decision, and look forward to the contrary, will have extremely serious consequences. 2 credibility, he had to deceive you, but he has admitted that its own wrong, and apologized Road. So you should not always with suspicion toward him. 3 him in this open debate on the issue before the show that the position of their own. 4 In the course of the investigation, they found the various forms of political corruption and to expose a lot of corrupt officials. 5 Mary's dilemma is: tell the truth to break faith with the boss of her colleagues, or let the boss kept in the dark to live up to his confidence. 6 First of all, is what makes you think that this plan will promote reform »Second, how do you know that these reforms will benefit the county.(首先,是什么使你) Unit 6 1 draw from the book of knowledge one of the most effective way, in the marginal space for the thoughtful notes. 2 hot days to preserve food so that it remains fresh and food safety. Naturally, many people feel that in the summer or not at the hotel for good. 3 reading at the end of the argument that the author underlined, would be of benefit to us. 4 After four days the investigation, the police finally understand this murder case and the recent escape of the incident. 5 I would like to persuade them to adopt our plan, first of all because this plan less the funds required, and secondly, will not cause environmental pollution. 6 with a rope to his father celery扎together on the river Baptist Baptist, and then get Caichang to sell. Unit 7 1 A court ruling in Mr. Smith Friends of angry, they believe he is innocent. 2. When we have the home is expensive restaurants, the father of our Fast reminders, he said that in such high-end dining places is greatly to our economic super-capacity. 3. Teachers in the evaluation of an article and points to it, may be based on overall impression and not based on careful analysis. 4. My dog will be a painting Gaohuai, I really wanted to fire it, that it can be very cute with a smile like I could not help but have it from the ground up. 5. Now people taken for granted that the tap water at home is always there, but in not long ago, almost everyone from wells or streams, home to mention water. 6. Anton stayed up all night because he is an indecisive intervene in the matter.


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