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    大学英语听说教程第1册听力原文及答案1-W: I saw an ad on the Internet about online language studies.M: Me too. I saw an ad for, "Click Here for Language Learning."Q: What do the man and the woman have in common?M: You have to be 18 years old to enter some online language classes.W: Really? I had no idea that there was a minimum age required for some classes.Q: What did the woman NOT know about online language classes before?M: Unlike regular classes, online classes can be taken at your home.W: That's exactly why I decided to begin studying online!Q: Why did the woman decide to study online?W: I keep on making new friends as I study online.M: So do I! There are so many people online, and I want to meet them all!Q: What is one benefit of studying online?M: My online teacher asked the class for suggestions to make the class better.W: That's great! I always like it when a teacher does that.Q: What did the man's teacher want to do?M: I had no idea that online language learning could be so effective!W: It sure has helped me practice my language skills!Q: What is it about online language learning that surprised the man?M: My classmates and I help each other solve homework problems online.W: It sounds like you're using the Internet in a useful way.Q: What does the man do online?M: Online learning is ideal for anyone who doesn't have time to travel to school.W: Yes, but it also has its own challenges.Q: What does the woman have to say about online learning?M: Virtual classrooms are changing how students study!W: They sure are! And I , for one, am very excited about it.Q: According to the man, what is happening to students because of virtual classrooms?M: What advice did your professor give you?W: He said that taking an online class would help me learn.Q: What did the woman's professor suggest?Transcript: W: How's your new online class , Bill? Is it everything you had hoped for?M: It's everything and more, Susan. You should give it a try!W: Oh, really? What's the best thing about it?M: In an online class, you talk with others over the Internet. Since they are not right next to you, they don't bother you so much.W: That sounds great! I took a class with someone who would make me feel small whenever I made a mistake. He would tell me how stupid I was and intimidate me so that I never wanted to participate.M: Not a problem in the virtual classroom . How would you like to sign up? I think that you could start on the third of next month.W: I don't know, Bill. You know all those problems about having difficult people in the classroom ?M: Yeah?W: We don't really have them anymore since you left.Transcript: The first requirement for my online language class was to meet in an online forum. I entered the forum early and saw students appear on the screen one after another. Strangely enough, when it was time to begin , the teacher still hadn't shown up. However, we began sharing informationand talking about the new class. Unlike me, all of the other students were new to the online class. I told them about my experiences and my thoughts. Then I noticed something. There were 27 people in the forum. This was strange because I know there were only 26 people in the class."Hey," I wrote, "which one of you is the teacher?"The teacher made herself known at last. She said that she wanted to get our honest opinions about the online class. Also, she wanted to have a little fun with us. "Humor will be important in my class," she said.2-W: How about spending the evening chilling out with the folks?M: Come on, Mom. I'd really like to get out with my friends.Q: What does the young man want to do?W: Honestly, I don't know what to say about our son's music.M: Leave him alone about it . After all , your mother didn't like your music either.Q: What should the woman do according to the man?W: I'm surprised to see you out and about so early in the morning.M: You know my mom. She doesn't like me sleeping in, even on weekends.Q: Why is the man out and about so early in the morning?M: A little teenage rebellion is normal. Your son will get over it.W: I know. I'm just worried about him doing something that will ruin his life.Q: Why is the woman worried about her son?W: Get a piercing in my nose? No way! My parents would be angry!M: You're not giving them enough credit. I don't think they'd be upset at all.Q: Why wouldn't the woman get a piercing in her nose?W: What bugs you most about your daughter's eating habits?M: I can't stand the way she eats so quickly .Q: Why does the man have a problem with the way his daughter eats?M: What's wrong with our kids? They think they're entitled to everything we have!W: Well, I feel it's my fault for giving them too much.Q: What does the woman think about their kids' problems?W: Dad, I've got a date tonight with Mike. I'll be back late.M: Him again? I wish you wouldn't date a guy with a tattoo!Q: What does the father wish for for his daughter?W: My mother wants me to go into banking, but I like writing.M: You can't let your mother choose your career for you.Q: According to the man , what should the woman's mother NOT do?W: Dad, I'm a grown woman, and you can't make choices for me.M: Ha! If you were a grown woman, you wouldn't watch cartoons all day!Q: Why does the girl's father NOT believe that she is a grown woman?M: You should get a sense of humor, Mom.W: I'm sorry, but I just don't think that breaking shop windows is funny.M: If it isn't funny, then I don't know what is. These shop windows only show things out of date and out of fashion. They're misleading. Anyway, it's fun to break old stuff.W: And that's what I'm saying. You don't know what's funny. When I was a teenager, I enjoyed movies and going out with my friends, not causing trouble or breaking things.M: This is just the big difference between your generation and mine.W: No, it isn't! I know teenagers of your age, and they don't have your bad attitude! And they certainly never break shop windows!M: Whatever, Mom. I've got to go now.W: Huh? Where do you think you're going?M: I don't know. Maybe I'll go out and break stuff.Transcript: "Educator methods", such as not buying toys for children who act up, do not always work. I personally think that even though parents teach their children many things, they should not act like teachers all the time. After my "educator methods" failed, I spent some quality one-on-one time with my daughter with NO lecturing about her behavior. For example, we went out for ice cream. While we sat and ate, we spent a long time watching other people and talking about the things around us. Then we went to a bookstore where she looked for a book to buy. It took her a long time, but I was patient. We finally bought her a book and finished our outing together. At the end, we decided to have similar outings once a month, because it really was fun. My main goal was to let her know that I love her.3-W: In order to have a meaningful life, you must be ready to give and sacrifice.M: I agree totally. And I try to remember this every day.Q: What will be possible if you give and sacrifice according to the woman?W: Do you think we should give aid to people in need?M: I think it's the least we should do for them.Q: What should be done for people in need, according to the man?M: Believe it or not, my baseball coach taught me a lot about being kind.W: That really isn't so unusual. After all, it isn't always parents who teach us.Q: Who taught the man to be kind?W: Why do you let your little sister cling to you all the time?M: Since our parents died, she needs me more. I can't push her away.Q: Why does the little sister need the man more?W: My mother never complained about hard work in front of the family.M: Wow, that's something to learn from!Q: What did the woman's mother never complain about?W: You've got to meet my father. He's handicapped and he has a lot to share.M: I'd like to. You just tell me when.Q: Why should the man meet the woman's father?M: I saw you talking to your mother at dusk.W: Yeah, even though she's busy she always finds time to talk to me. That's why I love her so much.Q: Why does the woman love her mother?W: Hey, I heard you spend your evenings at the home for the elderly.M: Some evenings. I'd like to go more, but I don't have time.Q: How does the man feel about going to the home for the elderly?W: You are the first person to extend help when I needed it.M: Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for.Q: Why does the man tell the woman NOT to worry?W: My mother never interrupted me while I told her my problems.M: Sometimes that's the best way to help someone.Q: What did the mother do to help the woman?Transcript: W: I heard a bang on my way to class this morning.M: Some guy brought a gun to school and tried to shoot someone.W: You're kidding! Is everyone OK?M: Yeah. The teacher managed to take the gun from him.W: Our history teacher?M: That's the one.W: He never stops amazing me.M: He was definitely the right person at the right time. After he hit the student and grabbed the gun, he talked to the boy about his problems. While I was on the phone with the police and the parents, he was holding the student. If I was not mistaken, I thought the student was crying.W: Did the teacher help the boy solve his problems?M: I don't think so. The student was clearly bothered by something pretty big. I don't think problems like that can be solved so quickly. But, when the police came to take him away, our teacher told him that he would see him again.Transcript: The friendship and sympathy of a special person changed my life, and I'd like to tell you about it. Looking at me now, you might not guess that I was not very popular when I started my university studies. I was thin and didn't look very handsome with my glasses. In fact, my classmates still laughed at me, just as they did in high school.One day, when I was leaving the science building, someone ran past me and knocked the books out of my hands.I was feeling sad and lonely. But then, someone else approached me and helped me pick up my books. That day, I made my first university friend. Suddenly, life improved. I helped him with his studies. And he helped me with everything else. He taught me how to dress right, how to talk to girls, and above all, how to be social.4-W: I'd really like to make a good impression in class.M: Well, so long as you pay attention, you shouldn't have a problem.Q: How can the woman make a good impression in class?M: I've had a good rest, and am ready to make a good impression on my boss.W: That's the attitude! You're going to be great!Q: What is the man ready to do?M: You've become so mature since I last saw you.W: Nah, it just seems that way because I'm wearing nice clothes. I'm really still like a child.Q: According to the woman, why does she seem different?M: Don't look so aggressive. Calm down and look relaxed.W: OK, I'll remember to smile during my meeting with my new boss.Q: What will the woman remember to do?W: My boss never notices me. I think I lack the skills to get a better job at my company.M: No. You just need to have more confidence in yourself.Q: What does the woman lack according to the man?W: I'm sure you'd be promoted if you wore better clothes.M: You might be right. But clothes are expensive.Q: What might help the man get promoted?M: My status will never improve if I can't make others believe in me.W: Improve the tone of your voice, and others might trust you more.Q: How can the man get others to trust him more?M: How did your interview go?W: Great! I stayed positive, like you said earlier, and I think I got the job!Q:What did the man tell the woman earlier?M: I took an instant liking to you.W: No way! I was so awful to you the first time we met!Q: Why does the woman NOT believe the man?W: It'd be easier for you to persuade people if you don't look so nervous.M: I know, but I really can't change the way I feel.Q: How could the man persuade people more easily?W: Stand up straight!M: What?W: Your head should be up, and your back should be straight! Looking people in the eyes is very important!M: I appreciate your help, but I'm only going to a job interview.W: I assume you want this job. Am I right?M: Of course I do.W: Then listen to me! You'll make a good impression if you show self-confidence. But don't look too rigid. You want to seem a bit relaxed.M: Anything else?W: Yeah. You should tell them a joke.M: A joke?W: Everyone likes a joke. Do you know any?M: I know one about a fight between a Frenchman and a German.W: No! Don't joke about countries, sex, or religions. You could upset someone.M: I don't think I can remember all of this. Maybe I should just stay home.W: Honey, don't worry. You'll be great! Just stand up straight!Transcript: There are simple rules for an interview, and it seems that everyone knows them. So, as an interviewer for my company, I expect people to be clean, well dressed, and show confidence when they see me. This is basic. But there is something else you must know.To leave a good impression in an interview, you must be able to talk about the company. Before you see the interviewer, do some reading. Understand the company's special needs, so you can tell your interviewer how you can fill those needs. And then, you can explain why you should get the job.I see smart, good-looking people every day, but the ones that leave me with the most remarkable impression are those who know about the company. Do this, and you'll be in good shape!5-M: The battle against AIDS involves all of us, you know.W: Sure. I'm doing my part by teaching AIDS awareness-raising classes.Q: How is the woman doing her part in the battle against AIDS?W: Some doctors say that AIDS will be cured in ten years.M: Maybe. But even so, we shouldn't stop our battle against AIDS.Q: What do some doctors say?M: What can we do for the 8,000 people who die of AIDS every day?W: Let's write letters to the leaders in the federal government and ask them to support AIDS research.Q: What is the purpose of writing letters?W: Have you heard that our group is forming a network with other groups?M: Yes. We need more AIDS groups to join together so our efficiency will improve.Q: Why are the groups forming a network?M: Let's explore ways to fight AIDS that we haven't tried yet.W: OK. What do you think about writing a publication to educate the public?Q: What is the woman's idea for teaching people about AIDS?W: I'm confident we can stop AIDS by teaching people about it.M: Education will help. But AIDS won't be stopped until a cure is found.Q: When will AIDS be stop


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