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    外贸函电术语Lesson1 A. From English into Chinese: 1.engage in 经营 2.mould manufacturer 模具生产商 3. import and export 进出口 4.OEM order贴牌加工订单 5. establish business relations 建立业务关系 6. sell well 畅销 B. From Chinese into English: 1.满足某人的需求 meet ones demand 2.盼望 look forward to 3. 公司宗旨 companys principle 4. 注册资金 registered capital Lesson2 A. From English into Chinese 1.be in the market for 寻购 2. private company 私人公司 3. under separate cover 另函 4.ODM order 设计代工订单 5. fast sale items . 畅销产品 6. latest catalogue最新目录 B. From Chinese into English: 1 满足某人的需求 meet ones demand 2. 多种多样 a wide range of 3 商会 chamber of commerce 4. 供你们参考 for your reference/examination/information Lesson3 A. From English into Chinese 1.distributor 分销商 2. exhibitor 参展商 3.APEC 亚太经济合作组织 4. broker 中间商 5.Wholesaler 批发商 6.booth No. 摊位号 B. From Chinese into English: 1商品交易会 commodities fair 2. 单证员 documentation officer 3销售代表 sales representative 4. 货代员 forwarding agent Lesson4 A. From Chinese into English: 1.special discount 特殊折扣 2. objective information 客观资料 3.logo 商标 4. MOQ 最小订单量 5. open an account 开启交易 6. on the basis of 在基础上 B. From Chinese into English: 1.数量折扣 quantity discount 2.订购 place an order 3.查阅 refer to 4.首次订单 initial order Lesson5 A. From Chinese into English: 1. order inquiry 客户询盘 2. FOB 装运港船上交货价 3. payment terms 付款条件 4.ASAP 尽快 5. Model Number 型号 6. ETD 预计交货日期 B. From Chinese into English: 7.装运代理人 shipping agent 8.以美元报价 quote price in USD 9.尺寸范围 size range 10.交货期 time of delivery Lesson6 A. From English into Chinese: 1. status inquiry 资信调查 2. general inquiry 一般询盘 3. reference 资信证明人 4. financial standing 财务情况 5. make quotations 报价 6. CIF 成本+保险费+运费 B. From Chinese into English: 1预先 in advance 2. 规格specification 3合资企业 joint venture 4. 机密 in confidence Lesson7 A. From English into Chinese: 1.proto sample 初样 2. measurement sample尺寸样 3. exchange rate 汇率 4. confirmation sample确认样 5. material cost 材料费 6. freight prepaid 运费预付 B. From Chinese into English: 1复制样品 duplicate sample 2. 提单副本 copy B/L 3供我方参考 for our reference 4. 押金 deposit Lesson8 A. From English into Chinese: 1.Express account 快邮账户 2. heavy burden 沉重的负担 3. sales by sample 凭样品买卖 4. company policy 公司规定 5. force majeure 不可抗力 6. on the basis of 在基础上 B. From Chinese into English: 1数量折扣 quantity discount 2. 快件单号 courier number 3抽样 sampling 4. 联合包裹服务公司 UPS Lesson9 A. From English into Chinese: 1.color sample 色样 2. sample for reference参考样 3. prototypes 原型 4. arrange production安排生产 5. in duplicate 一式两份 6. confirmation sample 确认样 B. From Chinese into English: 1最初样品 initial sample 2. 一式两份 in duplicate 3产前样 pre-production sample 4. 供我方同意 for our approval Lesson10 I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese: 1.“联想”牌电脑 “Lenovo” Brand Computer 2 永久牌自行车 “Forever” Brand Bicycle 3. 每桶净重美元CFR Lagos US$.per keg CFR Lagos 4. 每打人民币10元CIF 香港 CN¥10/dozen CIF Hongkongn 5每床15英镑伦敦成本保险加运费含5佣金 Stg15 per piece CIFC5% London Lesson11 A. From English into Chinese 1. make a reduction of 降低 2. on the high / low side偏高/偏低 3. counter-offer 还盘 4.OBM order 原始品牌代工订单 5. sell well 畅销 6. be convinced of 相信 B. From Chinese into English: 1 类似产品 similar products 2. 竞争力的价格competitive price 3 试订 trial order 4. 测试结果 test result Lesson12 A. From English into Chinese: 1. offer without engagement 虚盘 2. target price目标价格 3. make a reduction of 降价 4. HQ 高柜 5. repeat order 续订的订单 6. latest catalogue 最新的目录 B. From Chinese into English: 1按照要求 as requested 2. 重复订单 duplicate order 3 还盘 make a counteroffer 4. 由胜利轮装运 per S.S “Victory” Lesson13 A. From Chinese into English: 1.routine orders 日常订货 2.standing order 长期订单 3. entertain an order 接受订单 4. pending order未完成订单 5. in duplicate 一式两份 6. substantial order可观的订单 B. From Chinese into English: 1订货追踪 following up the order 2. 定制的订单 order for custom-made 3迅速 without any delay 4. 急需 in urgent/great/need of Lesson14 A. From English into Chinese: 1.barcode 条形码 2.label placement 贴法 3. entertain an order 接受订单 4. partial acceptance部分接受 5. out of stock 无货 6. on the basis of在.基础上 B. From Chinese into English: 1供某人详阅 for ones perusal 2. 急需 be in urgent need of 3由“胜利”轮卸下 ex S.S “Victory” 4. 可供现货 available from stock Lesson15 A. From Chinese into English 1. sales confirmation销售确认书 2. in triplicate 一式三份 3. put through 达成 4. GP干货柜 5. in good condition 状况良好 6. on the basis of在基础上 B. From Chinese into English: 1.弥合差距 bridge the gap 2. 会签 countersign 3设法 see ones way to 4. 订货追踪 following up the order Lesson16 A. From Chinese into English: 1.confirmed and irrevocable L/C 保兑的不可撤销的信用证 2. pay a deposit 支付押金 3. on L/C basis 在信用证基础上 4. be entitled to 有权利要求 5. the balance 余额 6. total value 总金额 B. From Chinese into English: 1 即期信用证 sight L/C 2. 电汇 T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ) 3付款方式 method of payment 4. 开立信用证 open / establish / issue an L/C Lesson17 A. From Chinese into English: 1.owing to 由于 2. 60 days L/C 60 天的远期信用证 3. entertain 考虑并接受 4. competitive offer竞争力的报盘 5. frequent fluctuation 频繁波动 6. present market当前市场 B. From Chinese into English: 1远期信用证 usance / time / term L/C 2. 汇率 exchange rate 3美国货币 the US currency 4. 托收 collection Lesson18 A. From Chinese into English: 1.make an exception 例外 2. easier payment terms 放宽支付条件 3. interest rate 利率 4. 60 days D/A 见票后60天的承兑交单 5. difficult economic climate 经济不景气 6. the shipping documents装运单据 B. From Chinese into English: 1 即期付款交单 D/P at sight 2. 占压 tie up 3鉴于 in view of 4. 互利 mutual benefit Lesson19 A. From English into Chinese: 1. import license 进口许可证 2. see to it that 注意 3. go through 办理 4. with reference to关于 5. terms and conditions 付款条件 6. in favor of 以为受益人 B. From Chinese into English: 1催证 urge establishment of L/C 2. 必要手续 the necessary formalities 3与严格一致 in exact precise accordance with 4. 信用证 L/C Application Lesson20 A. From English into Chinese: 1. in conformity with 与一致 2. freight prepaid 运费预付 3. more or less 或多或少 4. documentary L/C跟单信用证 5. timely shipment 及时装运 6. beneficiary 受益人 B. From Chinese into English: 1运费到付 freight collect 2. 不符点discrepancy 3修改信用证 amend the L/C 4. 信用证到期日 expiry date of L/C Lesson21 A. From English into Chinese: 1. extension advice 延展通知书 2. validity 有效期 3. expiration 期满 4. get the goods ready 备妥货物 5. as stipulated 按照规定 6. make great efforts做出很大的努力 B. From Chinese into English: 1.展证 extend the L/C 2. 清洁提单clean Ocean B/L 3.装运期 shipment date 4. 订舱 book shipping space Lesson25 A. From English into Chinese: 1. shipping instructions 装运指示,装运须知 2. prior to在之前 3. bank receipt 银行水单 4. FCL整箱 5. seal lock numbers 封签号码 6. STRAIGHT B/L 直达提单 7. shipping marks 唛头 8. take delivery of 提货 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 货物备妥 readiness of goods 2. 导致 result in 3. 装运单据 shipping documents 4. 散货装运 LCL shipment Lesson26 A. From English into Chinese: 1. port of loading 装运港 2. book shipping space 订舱 3. Freight collect 海运费到付 4. Container Freight Station集装箱货运站/拼箱装运 5. congestion of shipping space 船位拥挤 6. liner or tramp班轮或不定期 B. From Chinese into English: 1滞期费 demurrage 2.多式联运提单 MT B/L 3.罚金 penalty 4. 原产地证书 CO Lesson27 A. From English into Chinese: 1. in one lot 一批 2. tough producing schedule 生产排期紧张 3. expedite the production 加速生产 4. freight collect 加速生产 5.shipper 托运人 6. telex release电放 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 充足的库存 heavy stock 2. 同时通知我们 under advice to 3. 两批等量货 in two equal lots 4. 班轮运输 liner service Lesson28 A. From English into Chinese: 1. All Risks 一切险 2. Institute Cargo Clauses 伦敦保险协会货物保险条款 3. additional risks 附加险 4. C.I.C. 中国保险条款 5. be charged to your account 由您支付 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 以CIF价格成交 transactions concluded on CIF basis 2. 向中国人民保险公司投保 effect insurance with PICC 3. 承担额外的保费 bear extra premium 4. 保费收据 premium receipt 5. 为这票货投保 insure the shipment Lesson29 A. From English into Chinese: 1. on CIF basis 基于CIF价格 2. a state-operated enterprise 一家国营企业 3. file a claim with 向提出索赔 4. warehouse to warehouse clause仓至仓条款 5. broader coverage 更广泛的险别 6. open policy 预约保单 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 简化程序 simplify procedures 2. 采取这种做法 follow this practice 3. 理赔 settle claims 4. 通知您装运的细节 advise you of the particulars of shipment Lesson30 A. From English into Chinese: 1. floating policy 统保单 2. Particular Average单独海损 3. cover insurance against ICC(A) and War Risk 投协会货物保险条款及战争险 4. dread the heavy average害怕海损 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 保单 insurance policy 2. 最低的保险费率 lowest insurance rate 3. 0.315%的海运保费 rate of marine insurance at 0.315% 4. 暴露于重大海损下 expose to the heavy average Lesson31 A. From English into Chinese: 1.the shade being much lighter 阴影部分颜色浅很多 2.match each other相互匹配 3. the customized suits 定制套装 4. compensation for all our losses赔偿我方损失 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 比样品差 inferior to the sample 2. 颜色不均uneven colors 3. 满足顾客的需求 meet our customers demand 4. 推迟订单 postpone the order 5. 退还全款 refund the full payment 6. 公证报告 notary report Lesson32 A. From English into Chinese: 1. on the basis of this guarantee 在此保证的基础之上 2. pressing you for the shipment of this order 催促你方交货 3 waive a claim 放弃索赔 4. thought fit to send the goods 觉得发货合适 5. dismiss a claim 驳回索赔 6. at an allowance 打折 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 投诉某事 lodge a claim on 2. 将它们寄售 take them on consignment 3 . 因装运延误提出索赔 lodge a claim for the delay of shipment 4. 被迫compel to Lesson33 A. From English into Chinese: 1. take the matter up 处理此事 2. rest assured 放心 3. is scheduled for afternoon delivery 计划下午出货 4. credit note 贷方票据 5. $500-worth of credit to your account 价值500美元的优惠 6. claim settlement理赔 B. From Chinese into English: 1. 货物短装 under-shipment of goods 2. 我方的疏忽 oversight on our side 3. 借款通知 debit note 4. 赔偿你的损失 compensate for the losses


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