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    外研社高一英语必修四Module2教案高一英语Module 2 Traffic Jam外研社 一. 教学内容: Module 2 Traffic Jam 教学目标: 本模块以北京市为背景引出了有关交通的话题,并引入了与交通有关的词汇。要求我们了解这些内容并掌握有关词汇,培养相关语言技能。 单词: trolleybus wire suburban display cab permit receipt fare air-conditioned limit destination impressive route double-decker provide convenient peda tricycle single return explore roadwork blow horn react solution mood congestion registration 短语: be connected to be/get stuck in in no time get around under construction switch off keep cool no way 重点词语: suburban display permit limit destination impressive provide convenient single return explore roadwork blow react solution mood congestion registration be connected to be/get stuck in in no timeget around under construction switch off keep cool no way 词语要点归纳: 1. This bus is connected to electric wires 这辆汽车与电线相连。 connect v. 连接,联结。如: The towns are connected by train and bus services.这些城镇之间互通火车和公共汽 The rooms on this storey connect. 这层楼的房间是相通的。 Will you connect this wire to the television ?你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗? Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe. 将煤气炉和煤气管接起来。 接通。如: We ' re waiting for the telephone to be connected. 我们等待着接通电话。 与有联系关联,等于be related to,如: The Subjects are closely connected . 这两门学科紧密相连。 That solitary old man was suspected to be connected with the crime . 那个孤独的老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。 2. Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? 你曾经陷入到交通拥挤中吗? stick n. 柴枝,小树枝;手杖,拐杖 We made a fire out of dry sticks . 我们用干柴枝来生火。 The old man walked leaning on a stick. 老人拄着拐杖走路。 v. a. 戳,刺。如: The nurse stuck the needle into my arm. 护士把针扎进我的胳膊。 Don ' t stick your finger through the bars of the cage. 不要把指头伸进笼子里。 b. 粘贴,粘住。如: He stuck a stamp on the envelope. 他把一张邮票贴到信封上。 Her wet clothes were sticking to her body. 湿衣服贴在她身上。 c. 卡住,陷入。如: The key has stuck in the lock. 钥匙卡在锁里了。 d. stick to 坚持,坚持干 He promised to help us and he stuck to his word. 他答应帮助我们,他没有失信。 Although many students had left , he stuck to staying here. 虽然许多学生都离开了,但是他仍坚持呆在这。 3. examine / check / test 辨析 examine通常指为了某种目的对某事进行详细的检查、询问、审问,多指检查运转情况。如: The doctor examined his ears carefully. 医生仔细检查了他的耳朵。 check通常用来指“检查、核对”等,多指核对正误。如: I checked my bag to see if I'd left anything. 我检查了我的提包,看看是否有东西遗漏了。 test表示“测验、测试、检验或试飞”等,特别是试验新产品的性能。如: Their beauty products are not tested on animals. 他们的美容产品没有进行动物试验。 A new kind of plane must be tested before being produced. 新型飞机在生产前必须经过试飞。 4. offer / provide / supply 辨析 offer强调“主动提供”,常见结构有: offer sth. ; offer sb. sth. offer sth. to sb. ; offer to do sth. provide常见结构有:provide sth.; provide sb. sth.; provide供应品for人或机构; provide人或机构with供应品。 supply常见结构有: supply人with供应品; supply供应品to/ for人; be supplied with sth . I have been offered amounts of money to settle, but I make up my mind to leave. 有人曾向我提供一大笔钱让我定居,但我决心离开。 The company supplied clean water to the people in the polluted area. 该公司向污染地区供净水。 5. Its a good idea to avoid public transport during the rush hour . 最明智的做法是避免在高峰期乘坐公交车和电车。 这是一个以it作形式主语的句子,真正的主语是不定式to avoid public transport during the rush hour。当以不定式、动名词或从句作主语而使句子显得头重脚轻时,为保持句子平衡,通常以it 作形式主语,而把真正的主语放到后面。it 作形式主语的句型如下: It is + adj. + to do sth . It seems / feels + adj. + to do sth . It is + n. + to do sth. It is+动词短语+to do sth . It is + adj. / n. + that clause avoid后跟动名词作宾语,类似的有:admit, appreciate, enjoy, escape, miss, practise, forgive, imagine 等。如: He often practices speaking spoken English. 他经常练习说英语口语。 6. Youll have a good view of the rapidly changing city. 这样你会一览这个飞速发展城市的亮丽风景。 viewvt. 观看,仔细看;认为;把看作是。 Several possible buyers have come to view the house.几个可能买房的人来看过房子。 How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待自己在公司中的位置? People came from all over the world to view her works.人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。 The show has a viewing audience of six million.这个节目拥有六百万观众。 n.意见;观点;见解 In my view , hes a fool .在我看来,他是个傻瓜。 What are your views on free education? 你对义务教育有什么看法? n.视力;视线;视野 My view of the harbor was blocked by the new building . 新大楼挡住了我的视线,我看不见港口。 The valley was hidden from view in the mist. 山谷笼罩在雾中,看不见。 n.风景;景色 Theres no view from my bedroom window except of some factory chimneys. 从我卧室往窗外看,除了几个工厂的烟囱外什么景色也没有。 7. Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing. 如果你想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。 worth n.价值value You should cherish the worth of true friendship. 你应该珍惜真正友谊的价值。 This novel is of great / little worth . 这本小说有/无价值。 adj.用作表语,后接名词或动名词。 a. 值,相当于的价值 This house is worth 500 dollars . 这间房子值五百美元。 What is the book worth ? 这本书值多少钱? b. 值得的,有的价值的 Please point out what are worth paying attention to .请指出值得注意的东西。 This thing should be worth notice the trouble . 这件事值得注意费点儿事。 8. worth / worthy / worthwhile 辨析 worth, worthy和worthwhile 这三个词用作形容词时,都有“值得的”的意思,但各自的用法和搭配不同。 worth 只作表语,“值钱”,“值得干”,且后只跟动名词的主动式表被动,如:The book is worth reading. 这书值得一读,不可用being read 或to be read。 be worthy后多跟of being done 或to be done,皆跟的是被动式。如: The place is worthy to be visited/ being visited . 这地方值得一看。 worthwhile,写成一个词,其实,while相当于time,常用句式It is worthwhile to do sth.或doing sth . It是形式主语,to do 或doing 作真正主语,即做某事是值得花费时间的。有时也可写成It is worth time / much to do / doing sth.。如: It is worthwhile to visit the place. 参观那地方还是很值的。 语法知识: 祈使句 祈使句是英语的基本句型之一,表达说话人对对方的叮嘱、劝告、请求或命令等,往往有表示请求、命令、希望、禁止、劝告等意思。 祈使句一般没有主语,实际上是省略了主语“you”。句末用感叹号或句号,用降调朗读。肯定结构都以动词原形开头。如: Hand out the papers. 发试卷。 Go and ask the old. 去问问老年人。 Put the books where it was. 把书放到原处。 Come and have a chat. 来聊天。 表示请求、劝告的祈使句还常常在句前或句末加上please,构成句式:Please或please。从而使语气更加缓和或客气。如: Please stand up.或Stand up , please. 请起立。 Please sit down.或Sit down , please. 请坐。 祈使句的否定结构是以“Dont 动词原形”开头。如: Dont go out , please. 请别出去。 Dont come late. 不要迟到。 Dont let him cry. 不要让他哭。 Don t keep the water running. 不要听任水流。 Lets型祈使句,其否定式也可用Lets not,即not否定不带to的不定式。如: Let 's not play. 咱们别玩了。 Let ' s not stand here!我们别站这儿。 即时热身: 1. 一What do you think of the talk given by Yang Liwei? 一China ' s first spaceman with his companions in Chongqing. 一Really? Wonderful ! Its well worth _. A. listening B. to be listened to C. being listened to D. listening to 2. 一How much is the T-shirt _ ? 一65 dollars . A. worth B. cost C. worthy D. paid 3. The instructions on medicine bottles should be easy to read to _ any mistakes about the quantity to be taken. A. make B. avoid C. prevent D. guard 4. No matter what you say, I shall _ my opinion. A. carry out B. keep up C. go on D. stick to 5. The Panama Canal _ the Atlantic _ the Pacific. A. connects; with B. joins; with C. unites; with D. joins; up 6. There are eight tips in Dr. Rogers lecture on sleep, and one of them is: _ to bed early unless you think it is necessary. A. doesnt go B. not to go C. not going D. dont go 7. Theyve _ us $ 15 for the old bike. Shall we take it? A. provided B. supplied C. shown D. offered 8. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the window. A. scene B. look C. view D. picture 9. Seeing the happy _ of children playing in the park, I ' m full of joy and confidence in the future of our country. A. sight B. scene C. view D. sign 10. 一Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it? 一Oh , really ? I havent _ my mailbox yet. A. examined B. reviewed C. tested D. checked 答案:1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. D 短语识记: 1. at red traffic lights 当红色的交通灯亮时 2. in the middle of the road 路中间 3. keep cool 保持冷静 4. rush hour 交通拥挤时间 5. explore the small streets 考察小街道 6. catch the bus 赶上公交车 7. get out of 摆脱8. Its very difficult to do sth. 做某事很困难 9. use public transport 使用公共交通设施 10. The best way is to cycle into the center最好的办法是骑车进入市中心。 11. outside town 城外 12. get onto the ring road. 上环城路 13. at the moment 此时 14. leave your car in把车留在某处 15. car park 停车场 16. follow the road 沿着某条路 17. Look like a local.看上去像当地人。 18. make sure that确信某事 19. It 's no fun carrying a huge bag. 拎着个大包真是没有乐趣。 20. match them with the pictures 把它们与图画搭配起来 21. catch the 18:15 coach 赶上18:15 的长途汽车 15打开 switch on/turn on 16.与有反应 react to 17.对有反应 react with 18.保持冷静 keep/stay cool 19.做.绝不可能 there is no way+句子 20突然想到 it occurs to/strikes sb that An idea/ sth occurs to/strikes sb 21.想到,心中有-with sth in mind 22因付费 charge for. 23.更有甚者 whats more 24.负担得起 afford to doModule 3 1.指向 point at/to 2.与握手 shake hands with sb 3.在远处 in the distance 22. a second time 再一次 23. arrive at its destination 到达它的目的地 外研社高中教材必修四词组 1单元 1确信,确定 make sure /for sure 2.预言。对预测 make a prediction 、 make predictions 3.冒险的事 a risky business 4.关心,爱护 care for/ care about 5.用光 use up/run out of /give out/worn out 6.依赖。依靠 rely on/depend on 7. 城市生活 urban life 8.摆脱掉 get rid of 9.用装载 load with 10.把装在 load onto 11在出生时 at birth 12.免费 for free/free of charge 4.从远处 from a distance 5.一部分 parts of 6.与交流 communicate with 7.从到的变化 vary from to 8. 守卫。护卫。警惕on guard 9.做买卖 make a deal 10.向鞠躬 bow to 11. 两手交合 join ones hands 12.尊敬地 in respect 13对表示尊敬 show respect for/to sb 14.伸展开。展开 spread out 15.泄露 give away 16. 盯着 stare at 17.干杯 make a toast 18.抿一口 take a sip 13.向.提供某物 provide sth for sb provide sb with sth supply sth for/to sb supply sb with sth accomadate sth for sb offer sb sth/ offer sth to sb 14.轻轻一按 at the flick of 15.把.固定在,粘在. 上attach to 16.即将被淘汰的。on the way out 17.过时的 out of time /out of date 2模块 1. 与相关 connect with in relation to / relate to have relations with sb 2. 把连在connect to 3. 被困在 be/get stuck to 4. 在阻塞中 in the jam 5. 立即 in no time /at once 6. 在展示,在陈列 be on display.on 19.由于偶然 by chance/byaccident 20一片空白 go blank 21.慌张的 in a panic 22.陷入恐慌 get into the panic 23.给一个面子do sb a favour 24.到底 what on earth 4模块 1. 杰出人物 leading figure 2. 教养长大 bring up 3. 呕吐 bring up 4.在教育某人educate sb about/on sth 5. 寻找某物 search for /in search of 6.研发出一种新体系develop a new system 7.引进。带来 bring in show 1. 商业执照 business permit 四处走动。围着转 walk around/about 2. 避免做. avoid doing 3.被.打动 be impressed with/by be struck by 4.有一个好的视点,角度较好 have a good view 12编号在1-100之间 numbered from 1-100 12.在建造之中 under construction 13.对.方便 be convinent for 14.值得做 be worth doing be worhty being done be worth to be done 8. 把变成convert into/to change into 9. 出口到export to 10. 二十世纪七十年代in the 1970s 11. 发射 send up 12. 一种形式a form of 13. 种类 kind of type of sort of 14. 在方面对表示祝贺 congraduate to sb on sth 15.在方面支持某人support sb in sthM5 1. be surrounded with /by 被.包围 2. be to do 打算做 3. be crowded with 被挤满 4.narrow to 变窄到 5.at least 至少 6. make a detour 绕道而行 7. be heavy with 装满了承装 8.point at 指着 9. a distant village 一个遥远的小山村 10. at the edge of 在.边 11rip off 敲诈 14. throw light on 阐明 15. come straight to the point 开门见山 16. on the point 在现场 17. go for 挑选 18. quite something 不简单的事 19. of different colour 不同的颜色 20. a sense of 一种感 21. due to 由于,因为 12. be around 在周边 13. get the kick out of 从中得到乐趣 14. escape from 从逃出来 15.in a straight line 成直线 16.send into 发送进入. 17.attach to 粘在上 18.exploit for 开发 19. trade in 在方面贸易 20.trade for 用交换 21.on shore 在岸上 22.stick on 把粘在上 23. go in for 从事 M6 1. stick out 伸出 2. sharpe knife 锋利的刀 3. be back in the news 又成为新闻 4. claim to do 声称做某事 5. remain calm 保持冷静 6. close up 靠近 7. far away 遥远的 8. sb/sth is likely to do.有可能 9. it is likely that. 10. adopt to 适应 11. die out 灭绝 12. die away 逐渐消失 13. die down 平息下来 22. grow out of 从.发展来的


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