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    外文翻译中国传统图案在服装设计中的应用附 录 Traditional Patterns InFashion Design Art Fashion Design Fashion design is basic and decorative fabrics and specific forms of the fundamental expression, following the style, materials and colors later an important design element. With the apparel industry, apparel design more and more respected by the designer. Existence as a nation must have its own national culture, heritage and folk culture to the development of communication is an important part. In today's world economy, cultural exchanges and integration continue to "accelerate" the rolling tide, the "popular culture without borders," the awareness has been more accepted. "National is the world's" five thousand years of Chinese traditional culture of our origin a long, more designers paying attention to the Chinese nation's traditional arts, and applied to the design work. How to mix traditional Chinese design practice in fashion design, fashion designers have become common at home and abroad in the area. Why are more and more people to pay attention to Chinese traditional culture? The first is rising to meet the aesthetic needs of consumers. Aesthetic needs of people today tend to simplify, naturalization, simple technology. The use of traditional Chinese designs to fashion design, in line with people's mentality to make the design simple and strong ethnic characteristics have to meet the consumers of traditional culture and artistic pursuits.Chinese traditional pattern for the elements of style and fashion design with the design, to the clothing into the rich cultural connotation and flavor of the times.Second, national culture, open up new design. Outstanding costume design, not only in function, shape, color and decorative elements to be unified with the same time, should be implied in the design of a values, cultural attributes, aesthetic taste and fashion sense. From the current design trends can be seen, both in the domestic market or international market, decorated with Chinese traditional style of clothing pattern design can always attract more attention, not only can produce good economic returns, but also to promote national culture, Costume Design for the international market in China, played a major role in promoting. Chinese traditional patterns behind the "meaning" people obsessed with the shape of the key. Whether ancient or modern, all the good things feel the same desire, so its auspicious meaning behind the traditional style also applies to fashion design, suitable for modern design to convey ideas. In the pattern creation, the theme of the role of performance is crucial, and chooses a good subject matter, often can make the viewer memories, never forget. Chinese traditional patterns are the essence of Chinese culture, both as a symbol of the Chinese nation and the performance of a long history, but also modern art inexhaustible source. People think the traditional pattern, turned out mostly good things, even depicting the reality of things, but also through the processing and deformation, is trying to convey the mood of a complete harmony and beauty. The performance of Chinese traditional patterns, from its appearance features to be divided: animal pattern, plant lines, symbols, patterns, characters pattern, integrated profiling and so on, which are mainly used in animal costumes patterns, patterns of plant patterns and symbols. The overall meaning is "symbolic meaning, than by the material objects to convey ideas, to give good luck." The implication has always stressed the theme, such as the pattern for good luck, form the theme of: "Lucky (chicken sheep) Ruyi", "Dragon and Phoenix", "Vientiane update", "Gold and Jade (fish) full house," "bumper harvest" "Five children Corrections", "more than auspicious (fish)", "Fu (bat) from the days", "I wish (bamboo) reported safety", "the year to come," and so on; to the theme of love and marriage patterns in the form of: "Magpie Dengmei", "mandarin ducks playing in the water," "Peacock opera Peony", "Carp in Lotus", "Search" and so on; to the family pattern of reproduction in the form of the theme: "Even the (Lotus) Takako" "Kirin Songzi", "Durian open a hundred times", "Songzi Goddess", "endless", etc.; to the town of evil spirits demon form the theme of pattern: "top five evil spirits", "Dragon," "White Tiger" "Suzaku", "basaltic" and so on; to the theme of divine saints are: "Dragon", "Phoenix", "Turtle," "Heaven" and "land", "Day", "month", "Buddha" "Eight Immortals" and so on. Throughout the works of international fashion design masters, each a winner in the subject's performance also has its unique perspective. Artistic creation, although the performance of a wide range of subjects, but the good subject matter, first of all is human nature to be "true", "good" and "emotion" sincere expression, followed by the people should be deeply concerned about, or need to know, or novel strange, surprising, or sincere, moving, or the characteristics of the times, or lead times, and so the theme works. Only then can cause the viewer's attention, and attractive, resonate. Costume design, the use of examples of Chinese traditional patterns a lot, but the designers for China's understanding and grasp of traditional design is not enough to make a lot of work left a regret, some works appeared pure imitation and similar. Design to innovation, but in itself is a traditional auspicious patterns, its content and form nearly perfect for thousands of years ago, how to change it, only to give it a new form of expression, sparking a strong visual impact of the design, but also retain and extend its meaning rich, deep Chinese culture, make the design work and integration with Chinese characteristics that reflect the culture in the world, this is the new designers and craftsmen of the difference between civil. I think the modern costume drama can best be reflected in the existence of carrier concentration from a studio set, the actors costumes, props vessel patterns on the decorative pattern can not be separated. Romance of the different historical dynasties auspicious patterns should be used and different, but the audience was concerned only with their own entertaining drama, for which the use of patterns in a form is correct, whether the different historical backgrounds, the plot needs, social life is not important. However, in design, the use of traditional Chinese designs with more stringent accuracy requirements. Designers must have knowledge of the designer's art and design skills, the designer of the natural and social science knowledge and skills, as well as designers of social responsibility. Let us keep up the trend of innovation, bring a new feel. Should be a traditional style, is a fashion, through a variety of ways in the traditional sense of the times reflected a pattern. Traditional patterns in fashion design and performance using the new direction of development will be more affected by the economic, market, culture, society, history, tradition and the designer itself, the impact of various factors, develop for the plural and diverse. Different countries, different regions or different models for the domestic market, the use of traditional development of traditional, targeted at foreign markets, the development of modern blend of traditional and modern, in development for unity, the Chinese tradition into the world total, making the traditional Chinese patterns in fashion design and performance by the use of extreme. 中国传统图案在服装设计中的应用 服饰图案是服饰艺术中设计的基础,它与面料都是具体装饰形式的根本体现,是继款式、材质和色彩后又一重要的设计元素。随着服装行业的发展,设计师越来越注重服饰图案的设计。 一个民族的存在,必须有自己的民族文化,而民俗的传承与传播正是民族文化得以发展的重要组成部分。在当今世界经济一体化、文化的交流与融合不断“提速”的滚滚潮流中,“流行文化无国界”的认识已经被更多的人们所接受。“民族的就是世界的”,我们中华民族五千年传统文化渊源流长,更多的设计师开始重视我们中华民族的传统艺术,并应用到设计作品中。如何将中国传统图案融会于服装设计的实践中,成为国内外服装设计师们共同思考的课题。 现在越来越多的人开始关注中国传统文化。究其原因,首先是满足消费者日益上升的审美需求。当今人们的审美需求趋向简单化、自然化、纯朴化。将中国传统图案运用到服装设计中,符合人们的这种心态,使设计具有古朴浓郁的民族特色,满足了消费者对传统文化和艺术的追求。以中国传统图案为元素的设计风格与服装设计结合,给服装注入了浓厚的文化内涵和时代气息。其次,弘扬民族文化,开辟新的设计风格。优秀的服装设计不仅在功能、造型、色彩和装饰等要素的配合上要统一,同时在设计中应蕴涵一种价值观、文化属性、审美品位和时尚感。从当前设计的趋势可以看到,无论在国内市场还是国际市场,具有中国传统图案装饰样式的服装设计,总能够吸引更多人的注意,不但能产生良好的经济效益,而且对弘扬民族文化,促进我国服装设计走向国际市场,起到重大的推动作用。 中国传统图案背后的“意”是人们迷恋其造型的关键。不论古人还是现代人,对美好的事物都同样的心存向往,因而其传统造型背后的吉祥意味同样适用于服装设计,适用于传达现代人的设计意念。在图案创作中,题材的表现是具有至关重要的作用的,选择一个好的题材,往往可以使观者记忆深刻、过目不忘。中国传统图案是中华民族文化的精华,它既是中华民族悠久历史的象征和表现,也是现代艺术取之不尽、用之不竭的源泉。传统图案多是人们想象幻化出来的美好事物,即便是描绘现实中的事物,也经过了加工和变形,力图表现一种圆满和谐的意境和美感。 中国传统图案的表现,从它的外观特征来分有:动物纹、植物纹、符号纹、人物纹、综合纹等,其中用于服饰的主要有动物纹、植物纹与符号纹。其总体含义是“象征寓意,借物比物,传达思想,赋予吉祥”。历来强调题材的寓意性,如以祝福吉祥为题材的图案形式有:“吉祥(鸡羊)如意”、“龙凤呈祥”、“万象更新”、“金玉(鱼)满堂”、“五谷丰登”、“五子登科”、“吉庆有余(鱼)”、“福(蝠)自天来”、“祝(竹)报平安”、“吉星高照”等;以爱情婚姻为题材的图案形式有:“喜鹊登梅”、“鸳鸯戏水”、“孔雀戏牡丹”、“鲤鱼闹莲”、“凤求凰”等;以家族繁衍为题材的图案形式有:“连(莲)生贵子”、“麒麟送子”、“榴开百子”、“送子娘娘”、“生生不息”等;以镇妖辟邪为题材的图案形式有:“五毒辟邪”、“青龙”、“白虎”、“朱雀”、“玄武”等;以神灵圣贤为题材的有:“龙”、“凤”、“龟”、“天”、“地”、“日”、“月”、“菩萨”、“八仙”等。纵观国际时装大师的设计作品,每一个成功者,在题材的表现上也均有其独特的视角。艺术创作,题材的表现虽种类繁多,但好的题材,首先应是人性中“真”、“善”、“情感”的真诚体现,其次应是人们所深切关注,或是需要了解,或是新异奇特、出人意外,或是情真意切、感人至深,或是具有时代特色,或是领先时代潮流等等的题材作品。只有这样,才有可能引起观者的注意,并引人入胜,产生共鸣。 服装设计中,中国传统图案的运用实例不少,但设计师对于中国传统图案的理解与把握不够,使得很多作品留下了遗憾,有的作品出现了纯粹的模仿与雷同。设计力求创新,但吉祥图案本身是传统的,它的内涵与形式在几千年前就已近乎完美,如何运用、改变它,既赋予它新的表现形式,激起设计中强烈的视觉冲击,又保留和延伸它丰富的寓意、深层的中国文化,使设计作品即体现中国特色又接轨于世界文化,这是新型的设计师与民间艺匠的区别。我认为现代古装剧最能把这些存在载体集中体现出来,从片场布景、演员服装、器皿道具上都离不开图案纹样的装饰。演义不同的历史朝代就要选用不同的吉祥图案,然而受众关注的只是电视剧本身的娱乐性,对于其中纹样的存在形式运用是否正确,是否符合不同的历史背景、情节需要、社会生活已不重要。但在设计中,对于中国传统图案设计运用的准确性有着更严格的要求。设计者必须拥有设计师的艺术与设计知识技能、设计师的自然与社会学科知识技能,以及设计师的社会职责。 让我们紧跟时代潮流,推陈出新,给人带来全新的感受。传统应是一种风格,是一种时尚,可以通过多种途径在传统图案中体现出时代感。中国传统图案在服装设计中运用与表现的发展新方向必定会更多的受到经济、市场、文化、社会、历史传统以及设计师本身各因素的影响,发展面向多元化、多样化。针对不同国家、不同区域或不同的模式,针对国内市场,运用传统发展传统,针对国外市场,糅合传统与现代发展现代,在发展中求统一,把中国传统的变为世界共有的,使中国传统图案在服装设计中得到极至的运用与表现。


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