塑胶模具常用DFM 英语.docx
塑胶模具常用DFM 英语1. 这个红色面在前模方向/后模方向/行位方向有倒扣。 This red surface is undercut at cavity side / core side / slider side. 2、这些红色面在前模方向/后模方向/行位方向有倒扣。 These red surfaces are undercut at cavity side / core side / slider side. 3、产品的这个位置太小,导致模具在前模方向/后模方向/行位方向有薄钢位。 This position is too small and it will bring the thin steel at cavity side / core side / slider side. 4、这些红色线是前后模/镶件/行位/斜顶分型线。 These red lines are the parting line of cavity and core / insert / slider / lifter. 5、此产品使用推板/推块顶出。 Use the stripper plate / ejector block to eject this part. 6、前模/后模斜内行位。 Inner angle slider at cavity / core side. 7、为了简化模具结构建议改变此处出模方向。 Suggest to change the draft direction of this position to make the mold structure simply. 8、最终的进胶位置根据模流分析。 Finally gate position according the mold flow analysis. 9、斜顶与后面的柱位空间太小,斜顶在运动时会干涉到柱子,请考虑移动这个柱子的位置。 This lifter intervene with the pole during ejection, please consider changing the position of the pole. 10、此处有薄钢位,强度不足而且不容易冷却。 The strength of this area is too weak and it is hard to cool because the thin steel. 11、此处有尖角,填充困难。 It is hard to fill for this area because the sharp feature. 12、此处料位太厚,会有缩水,建议减胶改善。 We suggest to reduce some wall thickness to avoid the sink mark for this position. 13、此处的行位夹线在外观面上,请确认是否接受? Please confirm whether it is acceptable to have a slider line on the visible surface? 14、建议加大拔模角,以便脱模顺利。 We suggest to enlarge the draft angle to help release the tool. 15、如果分型面此处,模具上会有尖角和刀口,对模具寿命有影响。 There are sharp edges if we set the parting line here, it will reduce the tool life. 16、此处料厚段差很大,成品表面会有应力痕,建议修改如图示。 The thickness is not equal and it will bring the stress lines on the surface, suggest to improve the part as picture shown. 17、此大行位上有小行位,开模时小行位需先退,大行位做延时,合模时则相反。 The small slider is inside the big slider, when the mold open, the small slider need to recede first and the big slider have to postpone. When the mold close, it is contrary. 18、此处需做强顶。 This position need to force ejection. 19、由于此处没有足够空间下热咀,所以需做一个柱子进胶。 This position need to make a pole for gating because there have no enough space for hot sprue. 20、沾模, We suggest to increase the wall thickness to avoid stickmold.