培训学校全职外教合同Party A: (Hereinafter referred to as “Employer”) 甲方: (以下称为“校方”) Party B: _ (Hereinafter referred to as “Employee”) 乙方:_ Passport Number/护照号码: _ Matters in relation to this Employment Contract and other rights and responsibilities for both parties in this contract shall be in accordance to the law, regulations and articles specified in the “Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China”. 与本合同相关的事宜及合同双方的其它权利和义务都必须符合法律,法规和中华人民共和国劳动合同法中所规定的条款。 This contract is subject to changes as to comply with local labor laws. If local labor laws do not address the specific terms of this contract, this contract will prevail. 本合同的制定以当地的劳动法规为前提。当地劳动法规未涉及到的条款,将依据本合同中的规定执行。 This Employment Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) is signed on the basis of equality, under the principles of willingness and agreement. 本合同在平等的基础上,以双方自愿,协商为原则签订的。 Title of Position/职位名称: The Title of the Employee is “_ESL Foreign Teacher_”_外籍教师_(中文) EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Employment Contract Period: 合同期限 The contract is for a full-time employment, commencing from _until _, including the probation period from_ until_, 本合同自 _年_月_日生效,至_年 月_日终止,其中试用期自 _年_月_日至_年_月_日。 Duties/工作职责: The duties to be performed by the Employee include/雇员应尽以下工作职责: 1. Teaching up to 5 EFL classes per day; 每天上课不超过5节; 2. Doing/participating monthly orientation and on-job training; 进行或参与每月岗前培训和在职培训; 3. Doing student level placement, supervising exams and giving end-of-level tests; 为学员做级别鉴定,进行监考并做学员的级末测试; 4. English language learning counseling; 为学员的英文学习进行咨询; 5. Participating in and organizing the schools social programs and events including Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) for the Academic Department; 参加并组织学校举办的各种社会活动,包括教学部的各项课外活动; 6. Giving demo classes to potential customers to help with student recruiting; 为潜在学员做演示课并帮助学校进行招生活动; 7. Participating in promotional and marketing activities organized by the center or the 1 Head Office; 参加中心或总部组织的各种市场活动; 8. Attending all meetings scheduled in his/her working hours, where his/her presence is required; 参加在工作时间内召开的各种会议; 9. Delivering CLT(Corp. Language Training) courses assigned by the center. 需配合中心教授团训课程。 10. Other tasks assigned upon mutual agreement either by the center or by Academic Department from the Head Office; 完成其他由中心或总部组织的各种其他任务; Employees Obligation/雇员的义务 1. Statements made in the Employees curriculum vitae, resume and references together with any other information submitted to the Employer in support of the Employees application for employment are true and not misleading in any way; 雇员交给校方的个人简历及其他个人信息都必须属实, 2. The Employee is entitled to apply for a working visa through our school; 雇员有权利通过校方申请工作签证; 3. The Employee is of sound mind and in a good physical condition; 雇员必须体格健全,身心健康; 4. The Employee will devote his full working time and attention to the duties of his employment; 雇员应该在工作时间内将全部精力投诸工作; 5. The Employee will perform the duties of his employment in a professional and diligent manner; 雇员应该对工作尽职并敬业; 6. The Employee will obey the written and/or verbal orders and directions of the companys management; 雇员应该遵守校方管理的各种书面及口头规定; 7. The Employee will at all times comply with the rules and regulations of the employer and the provisions outlined in the “Foreign Employee Handbook”; 雇员应该遵守校方的各项规章和制度及“外籍员工手册”中的条款; 8. The Employee must, at all times, comply with the laws of the P.R.C.; 雇员必须遵守中华人民共和国的各项法律法规; 9. The Employee must not harm the image of the Employer or fellow workers by his/her conduct; 雇员的行为不得损害校方或其他员工的形象; 10. On the basis of the agreement between the two parties, the Employer may appoint the Employee to work in his franchisee schools. 在双方协商一致的基础上,校方可以将雇员派送到校方的加盟学校工作。 Remuneration/报酬 The Employees remuneration includes the following items: 雇员的报酬包括以下部分: 1. The monthly salary of “ ” before tax will be paid together to the employee on the 10th of each month. However the employee is required to cover all relevant utility expenses. All the new employee should go through two months probation. The monthly salary during the probation is before tax. 每月税前工资为人民币_元。工资发放日期为每月10号。2个月试用期期间薪资为 元。雇员自行支付房屋使用的水电等费用。 2. There will be a payment toward airfare cost of 6000 RMB at the end of this employment contract. 雇员履行完本合同期后,校方将给予6,000元的机票补贴。 3. After fulfilling a one year contract, if the employee passes a Teaching/Working 2 Performance Evaluation and wishes to continue his/her employment with World Educational Group at their original centre or other World branches, the employee can request a reevaluation of their salary and package. 雇员完本合同期后,若通过教学评估并有意在校方或校方关联的其它中心工作,可向校方提出申请,重新评估其薪资和各项待遇。 Working Hours/工作时间 1. The total working hours is 40 hours per week, including 25 teaching hours and 15 hours of class preparation, curriculum design, orientation, on-job training, academic work and activity participation. Teaching hours beyond 110 per month will be considered as overtime hours which will be paid monthly by 100RMB/hour. If the teacher is absent from work without permission, his/her daily pay will be deducted and he/she will also receive a warning letter from the employer. The teacher will be fired if he/she receives a warning letter more than three times. During the working hours, the Employee is expected to dress in a professional manner, pants and a collared shirt for men, slacks/ a skirt and a blouse for women with proper shoes in the office/classroom. 雇员每周累计工作时间40小时,包括25个小时上课时间和15个小时的备课、培训、或是各种课外活动的组织或参与。每月上课时间超过110小时的算做额外的加班课时,加班课时费为100元/小时。如果雇员未能通过校方批准而无故缺勤,该行为属无故矿工,,除扣除当天全部工资,必须接受警告。累计3次以上校方有权开除该雇员 。雇员在工作时间应以正装出席。男士着有领衬衫和长裤;女士着裙子、衬衣、合适的鞋子。 2. The Employee will be given a daily schedule upon mutual agreement; however the Employer reserves the right to change the schedule as required. 校方每日会在双方同意的基础上提供给雇员当日工作的课程安排,但是校方保留更改的权利。 Taxes 付稅 The basic salary as referred to in section titled “remuneration” is before tax, the Employee is therefore responsible for the payment of local taxes in China and in his/her country if applicable. However, according to the laws in P.R.C., the employer deducts the income tax from the salary for the employee every month. 在“报酬”一栏所指的工资为税前工资,雇员有义务根据国家法律法规缴纳各种税务。根据中华人民共和国法律规定,校方有权每月从雇主的工资中代扣代缴个人调节税。 Other parts of the Employees remuneration may be subject to the relevant regulations of tax in P.R.C. 雇员的其它报酬税金依据中华人民共和国税务法规的相关条例执行。 Insurance/保险 The Employer shall buy the commercial insurance for the employee, which covers medical insurance and accident insurance in accordance with the local regulation. 校方根据当地政策规定应该给予雇员购买商业保险,包括医疗保险和意外伤害保险。 Visa/签证 Based on the presence of legal documents (passport, educational certificates, teaching certificates, health report, overseas people temporary residence record, photos etc.), the Human Resource Department will assist and take care of the residence permit application process along with the employee on his/her day off. No matter under what kind of circumstances, either party terminates this contract during the contract period, the Employee will be responsible for all of the cost including visa, residence permit, health check and transportation fees. The Employer will make a fee checklist for visa application. The employee needs to sign and confirm it. 3 In addition, the Employee will pay for all the cost by him/herself at first, if the Employee fulfills the contract, the Employer will reimburse the relevant cost during the contract period including Z-visa application, residence permit, and health check but not the transportation and living fees to transfer to a Z visa. 雇员向校方提供办理签证所需的各种材料,人力资源部将协助雇员办理签证的申请,但外教办证须安排在自己的本休期间。 如果雇员在合同期内以何种原因离职或在合同期内,或无论何种原因校方与雇员解除劳动关系,雇员将自行支付所有的费用。校方将列出相关办理签证各项费用的清单,雇员需签字确认。 另外,雇员的所有费用先由雇员自己支付,若雇员履行完本合同期限,校方将报销雇员在本合同期限内产生的相关费用。包括工作签证,居住证明,健康证、和居留许可办理费但不报销转工作签证的路费和住宿费。 Holidays and Vacation/假期和节日 1. The Employee will be given all statutory holidays as paid holiday. Those holidays are one(1) day for New Years Day, three(3) days for the Chinese New Year, one(1)day for Tomb-sweeping Day, one(1)day for the Chinese Labor Day, one(1)day for Dragon Boat Festival, one(1)day for Mid-autumn Day and three(3) days for the Chinese National Day. 雇员将享有所有国家法定休息日,包括:元旦1天,春节3天,清明节1天,劳动节1天,端午节1天,中秋节1天,国庆节3天。 2. In addition, the Employee will be granted a 1-day paid holiday for Christmas. 除此之外,雇员可享受1天带薪的圣诞节假期。 3. The Employee will be entitled to take an annual paid vacation which will be 5 days according to the employers regulation, after he/she fulfills a one- year contract, and it will be up to 6 days after fulfilling a second year contract. If any extra leave (no more than 15days continuously) need to be taken, the employee needs to submit a leave application form for unpaid private leave, 30 days in advance for review,if the calculated total no. After receiving permission for private leave, the request form must be sent to the HR Department for reference. The leave application must be written application and must be approved and signed by the CD. 满一年后雇员将按校方规定享有5天带薪年假,满两年后雇员将按校方规定享有6天带薪年假。如果雇员需要额外请假(不超过15天),则需要提前30天提交请假申请表,此额外假期不带薪.如果请假被允许,请假表格需要提交给人事部门备案。请假必须向中心校长提出书面申请并得到校长同意签字方可。 Sick leave/病假 1. The Employee is only allowed to take any unpaid sick leave with an official permission from the Employer and the Employer reserves the right to deduct an amount from the Employees salary for each day that the Employee is absent from work, which will be in accordance with relevant law or regulation. This amount should be deducted in proportion to the total number of teaching hours the Employee has not worked. 合同期内雇员必须经校方正式许可后可申请无薪病假。校方将有权从雇员工资中按国家相关规定扣除相应的薪资。 2. In the case of the employee being unable to work due to illness, he/she must get the verification from the doctor afterwards. If the employee fails to do so, it is regarded as private affair leave. If the employee cannot make it due to illness, he/she has to inform the HR or his/her direct manager before 12:00pm that day. The employee shall report to HR and complete the sick-leave form as soon as he/she resumes his/her work. If an employee fails to do so, he/she may be regarded as being absent without permission. 如果雇员因病请假,则事后应提供医院开具的有效病假单给人事部,反之则视为事假处4 理。如果雇员因病无法及时请假,须在当天中午12时之前电话告知人事部门或直接主 管,并在病后上班第一天到人事部补办相应请假手续,如果雇员没有做到以上所述,则被视为无故旷工。 3. Should the Employee be diagnosed as not capable of resuming work after the statutory sick leave, nor can he take up other positions arranged by the Employer, the Employer reserves the right to terminate the contract. 雇员若病假超过法定医疗期且仍不能从事原工作,也不能从事校方另行安排工作的,校方有权解除与雇员的劳动关系。) Termination/合同终止 The Employer reserves the right to terminate the Employees employment without any severance benefits in any one of the following circumstances: 有以下情况之一的下,校方保留终止与雇员合同的权利而不给予赔偿: 1. The Employee brings the school into disrepute by his/her conduct. 雇员由于个人缘故将校方卷入纠纷; 2. The Employee breaches the confidentiality clause as referred to in section “confidentiality”. 雇员违反保密协议,详见“保密”条款; 3. If the Employee is guilty of dereliction of duty, incompetence, insubordination, dishonesty or other breaches of the Employees obligations under this agreement or the rules and regulations of the company. 如果雇员未能遵守或是触犯了本合同的条款或是校方相关规定,或者未能履行本合同中所规定的职责; 4. The students have complained about the employees teaching quality or working attitude three times in two months. 在2个月内学员对雇员的教学质量或教学态度投诉3次; 5. The residence permit application is rejected due to other reasons except ones caused by the school. 居留许可由于非校方缘故被拒签。 During the period of the contract, the employee shall notice the employer one month in advance if he/she intends to terminate the contract. Otherwise, the employee shall pay one month salary as substitute. 在合同期内,雇员提出离职必须提前一个月以书面形式通知校方;否则,需以雇员一个月的工资替代离职通知期。 If the Employee is appointed to work in one of the Employers franchisee schools upon mutual agreement, this contract will be terminated as the Employee will sign another contract with the franchisee school when he/she begins to work with them. 如双方经协商一致,雇员将派往甲方的子学校工作,此合同则自动终止;雇员将和加盟学校重新签订劳动合同。 In the unlikely event of a disaster such as earthquake, fire, flood, civil unrest, etc. that would make the Employer unable to continue operating business, the contract will be considered nil and the Employee will be under no obligation to stay. 在不可抗力导致的自然灾害,如地震,火灾,战争等,导致校方无法继续营运公司的情况下,本合同视为无效,雇员无责任继续为校方服务。 Confidentiality/保密性 In the role as a teacher with the employer, the employee may have access to some confidential information. It is essential that such information should remain confidential and that any such material in the employees procession, electronically or on hard copy, should be stored securely. By signing the “Non-disclosure Agreement” the employee agrees not to disclose any confidential information, including the contents of the signed contract, unless authorized to do so. 5 作为校方的老师,雇员有机会接触机密信息。雇员必须对信息保密,校方所有的资料不论电 子形式或者书面形式,雇员必须安全保存。签署保密协议后,除非经校方允许,雇员不得公布这些信息,包括合同内容。 The obligation of the Employee concerning the section titled “confidentiality” will survive the termination of this agreement. 与“保密”相关的条款将在合同结束后依然有效。 Image Copyright/肖像权 The employee grants to the employer his/her image copyright on a willingly basis for the advertising activities held by the company, including but not exclusively for the following activities: printed advertisement materials, product promotion materials, promotional brochures and promotional visual clips etc. 雇员放弃向校方索取肖像权的适用费用,包括并不限于印刷品、产品宣传广告、宣传杂志、宣传VD等等) Outside Employment/兼职 The Employee acknowledges that the Employers business is highly competitive and takes the obligation to protect the Employer against unfair competition including unauthorized use or disclosure of its methodology and other sensitive information. The Employee warrants that as long as he/she is employed by the Employer, he/she will not carry on or be employed or concerned in any business, whether directly or indirectly, if that business is similar to or in competition with any part of the Employers business. 雇员应了解校方从事的业务竞争非常激烈,应帮助校方反对不正当竞争,如无授权情况下泄密、私自使用校方的教学方法或其他敏感信息。雇员必须知道只要其受雇于校方,无论直接地或者间接地,他/她都不能再从事、受雇于或参与其他与校方业务相类似的竞争性业务。 Law Terms and Regulations 法規 While in China the Employee is required to work under the relevant laws of P.R.C. In addition, it is expected that the employee tries his/her best to be a good citizen. 在中国居住工作期间,外国雇员必须遵守相关的现行中国法律法规。同时,外国雇员应努力成为文明市民: 1. The Employee shall not interfere with or participate in Chinese political or religious affairs (this does not apply to his/her own personal r