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    四级词组短语四级词组短语 1.1 be well worth doing sth值得的 far from一点都不 a couple of 两三个 get access to 获得 keep up with跟上 feel like doing sth想要 give up放弃 come across偶然遇上 reap the benefits of得到好处 tradefor用换 participate in参加 now that由于 reach out to接触 play a role in起作用 be aware of对清楚 in addition另外 reflect on考虑,深思 allow for顾及 1.2 blast forth突然响起 along with一道 turn on开 turn off关 turn up增大 turn down减小 over and over一次次 reach for伸手去抓 as well as还有 as usual与往常一样 that much那么 burst into 匆匆进入 bolt out匆匆离开 in peace and quiet平静地 make ones blood boil使生气 get rid of 消除 the knots in ones stomach不安 go too far走极端 drop out of退出 talk over商量 1.3 grow up成长 start out出发 make it及时赶到 even if即使 even though即使 subject to使遭受 in some way以某种方式 have a good time过得愉快 break 务须 come to 复苏 now and again不时 call for要求 set out出发 for a while一会儿 pay no attention to不注意 now and then 不时 with that接着,于是 on ones way to在路上 turn out证明是 1.4 make up ones mind下定决心 range fromto变化 focus on集中 drive sb crazy使受不了 at ones best最佳状态 communicate with交流 lighten up放松 takeseriously认真对待 lack of缺乏 find out 查明 actions speak louder than words in relation to有关 be acquainted with了解 pick up获得in part某种程度上 account for说明 feel at home感到无拘束 be content with感到满足 a wealth of大量的 1.5 be infected with感染疾病 in place of代替 suffer from受苦 pass out分发,晕倒 as a result结果 at risk有风险 regardless of不管 the solution to 解决的办法 threaten to do sth扬言要 distractfrom使分心 sign up(for sth)报名参加 in haste匆忙 prior to 在之前 make it成功做某事 1 start with从开始 assist (sb with) sth帮助做某事 1.6 share with分享 part of一部分 fill with充满 defineas界定 mistake for误当作 fill ones need满足需要 bring up 提起 contrary to 相反 look down upon轻视 be in for免不了遭受 hold water站得住脚 1.7 face to face (with)面对面的 pull into车停靠 as if似乎 as though好像 attach to连接到 rather than而不 have mercy on someone可怜某人 sleep on sth暂时不作决定 a gift from the gods不期而获 depend on依赖 write down写下来 be occupied with忙于做 seek for寻找 take shape成型 put into表达 at work在起作用 arrive at达成协议 search for搜索 fill sb with sth使充满感情 right away立刻 act upon依照行动 come ones way发生在某人身上 fall asleep 睡着 take advantage of利用 at once同时 set sth in motion使运转起来 back and forth来回 take up着手做 tap dancing踢踏舞 1.9 impose on强加于 work on努力做 bill for因送交某人帐单 start up开办 2 save from保留,抢救 make the rounds串门拜访 go with 相配 Who are you to say?你竟敢说 boast about吹牛 stay away from别靠近 stay at保留 get to ones feet站起来 look through浏览 be out of control失去控制 eat (away) at侵蚀 hold dear珍惜 be immune to有免疫力的 believe in信任 be capable of有能力做 hear of听说 in front of在前面 at the sight of一看见 1.8 on average平均 at risk冒险 change from由变来 under siege被包围 at an alarming rate以惊人速度 wash away洪水破坏 involve in 使卷入 1.10 middle point折中,中间路 sell out (to)背叛事业 at hand近在手边 in short supply短缺 the bottom line关键因素 demand of要求 consist of由组成 stand for代表 account for解释说明 think of想起 do fine干得很好 give credit赞扬 rely on依赖 feel good感觉好 engage in参与 in other words换言之 win the day成功 for free免费 hand over递交 do the trick达到目的 get access to 有权使用 hail as称赞为 figure out 理解,想出 get off取走 a little bit有点 be inclined to 倾向于 sort of有点 make the most of充分利用 2.1 result in导致 be worthy of值得的 adjust to 适应 be familiar to 为所熟悉的 culture shock文化冲击 in the stage在时期 be tired of 厌烦 separate from分开 prevent from阻止 deal with处理 come to达到某种状态 recover from恢复正常 go through通过 on top of在上 work on 致力于 power line电源线 coordinate ones efforts to 齐心努力clean up清理 up to 多达 for instance例如 wash away冲走 lead into通往 2.3 ups and downs盛衰 work out结果为 for a time一度 meet with遭遇 all along始终 have nothing to do with 无关 on the surface表面上 at ones worst 最差的一面 learn of获悉 take care of负责,处理 come up with 想出解决方法 win over争得别人支持 from head to toe从头到脚 think of有看法 hold ones breath 屏息 proceed to do 继续做 nothing but只有 sand in the hourglass沙漏中的沙 in a rush匆忙的 under pressure在压力下 go with伴随 work at从事于 save for储存 at hand在手边 in person亲自 due to由于 2.2 concern with 关心 regardless of不管 spring up迅速出现 take measures to 采取措施 as a result of因 aim at试图做 agree to同意 set up建立 lead to 导致 cash crop经济作物 birth control节育 open field旷野 in fact事实上 put sh to bed安置某人睡觉 hit it off相处得好 2.4 at first glance第一眼 as long as只要 live through 经受住 dream of梦想 plan on 做准备 depend on 视而定 hit the target达到目的 in the event of如果发生 teke on 承担 lack of缺乏 take along 带着 to (ones) capacity满座的 leave behind留下 from then on 从那以后 in turn依次 all the longer更长 be full of满的 know about知道 bring with 带来 divide into 划分 make a fortune发财 dress sb in 给穿衣服 with a heavy heart心情沉重 3 make sure证实 after all毕竟 2.5 close at hand近在手边 pick up拿起 be grateful for感激 be dressed in 穿着 couple with 联系在一起 die from死亡 lean on依靠 direct at 针对 starve of困苦 struggle to do奋斗 pack with 塞进 make a point提出论点 take for granted理所当然 hold down 报住 attempt to do 试做 along with 一道 make fun of 嘲笑 stand up to 承受得起 give in 认输 to some degree在某种程度上 on demand一经要求 turn over a new leaf洗心革面 keep on doing 继续做 in the end最后 2.6 fill out填写 for better or worse不管结果好坏 convey to 表达 attach sth to sth使相关联 on ones trail在路上 cut down 减少数量 keep sth in mind记住 other than 除了 on the other han另一方面 suffer from 为所苦 to the contrary 相反地 burn the midnight oil熬夜 at risk 冒险 tend to do sth倾向于 rack up 积累 fear for担心 tie to 使联系 escape from逃脱 at work 在工作 devote to 献身于 come in 出现 put all ones eggs in one basket孤注一掷 2.8 if only 但愿 4 even so虽然这样 turn down 拒绝 blind date相亲 come up to 走近 press for sth 反复请求 be ill at ease困窘 free from不具的 be guilty of 有罪责 take charge of负责 stick with sth 坚go to great lengths to do 竭尽全力做 be inappropriate for不合适的 act sth out实行 speak of sth 表明 turn sb off逐走 tune out不理会 up to sth 胜任 more or less差不多 follow ones track跟着 apart from 除开 blow ones cover泄露 out of character不合个性的 turn to sb转向某人 2.7 be out of control 失去控制 blood pressure血压 blow ones top 大发雷霆 stir in ones own juice受煎熬 blow apart爆炸 according to根据 at a low处于低水平 be fond of喜爱 be proud of自豪 arrive at 达成 be meant to do应做 read of通过阅读发现 go on strike 罢工 in the long run 长远观点看 the good old days过去的美好时光 play (it) safe小心行事 whether or not不管 no wonder难怪 be happy with 愉快 civil servant 公务员 in short 简言之 持by comparison 比较起来 associate with 联系 inner city市中心 at large 整个 protect sb/sth from sth 防御 grind to a halt慢慢停止 2.9 in general主要地 on top 领先 talk of提及 throw sth out扔掉 thumbs up 伸拇指赞成 speak of提到 foot the bill付帐 in th hope that 怀着希望 keep pace with 并驾齐驱 in other words 换句话说 in the meantime 同时 hold water站得住脚 in favor of赞同 drain sh/sth of sth 耗尽 get into 被允许进入 seek to do sth 试图做 engage in sth 从事 push drugs 贩卖毒品 on account of因为 keep out 使远离 drop in顺便拜访 ahead of time 提早 on vacation度假 a couple of 几个 let in 使进入 have no intention of doing sth 没有意图做某事 on grounds of 出于的原因 get away with sth 不因某事而受罚 2.10 night after night 连夜地 no matter what 不论 drive sb/sth off赶走 be sure of sth 确信 in broad daylight光天化日之下 carry on 继续 bring under control使就范 take in 拿进来 on the air开始广播 keep sb from doing sth 阻止 watch for留意,当心 put out 扑灭 5 mark down 记下来 break off使折断 sink into 陷入 wanting in sth 不够 expect of期望 remain of 剩下 to bits成为碎片 make for向前进 take sb in 收留 be seized with 被影响 go into 开始以某种方式表现 3.1 raise a glass to 为。干杯 turn out 打扮,装饰 buy up 全部买进 bring to life 使有活力 live out 过 bringinto court 控告 fall upon dark days 倒霉 stick by sb. 继续支持 add on 附加 sinkinto 投资 fix up 修理 makeinto 使转变为 sell sth at a loss 亏本出售 read about 借助阅读发现或查明 for one thing 首先 in the night 在夜晚 make an appointment预约 switch on 开启 come on 开动 raise the devil 非常生气 check on 核查 answer the door应声开门 point (sth ) at 对着 stare after 目不转睛地追随 3.2 lead to 导致 bounce back 恢复过来 in general 大体上 up to 至多 take in 吸入 at risk 处于危险之中 tip over the edge引起显著变化 out of breath呼吸急促 add sth to 增添 throw up 恶心 go up 上升 sum up 概括 separate into 将.分为 obstacle course 越障训练 go through 完成 in contrast 相比之下 apply to 适用于 focus on 集中于 engage(oneself ) in 从事,忙于 point to 表明,表示 3.3 see sb/sth as 认为某人或某物是 prepare sb for sth 使做好准备 spread (sth) to 传播 be willing to do 愿意做某事spend sth on sth/(in) doing sth 在.上花费时间,金钱 be scheduled to do 定于 over protest 在有异议的情况下 take responsibility for 对负责任 complete with 包括 do ones utmost 竭尽全力 work out 解决难题 focus (sth) on 集中于 kind of 有点,有几分 come to grips with 着手解决 work for 受雇于. in contrast to 对比 in some way 在某种意义上 be related to 与相关 distinguish from 与相区别 set up 产生 fall through 失败 owing to 因为 press for 反复请求 wonder at 惊叹 lag behind 落后 in a pinch 必要时 exert oneself 努力 3.4 work on sth 从事于 be in love with sb相爱 approve of sth 赞成 go ahead 继续 for sale 出售 come up with 找到 rise to fame 成名 name after sb 以某人姓名命名 save sb /sth from 拯救 go against 违背 run away from 突然逃离 be suited to 适合于 appear on 在.上出现 with an eye to 关注 be comprised of 由.组成 6 dress up 穿着盛装 go out 去参加社交聚会 be influential in 对. 影响 bother with 为 操心 make a living 谋生 show up 出现 have/keep/with ones feet (plant/set) on the ground脚踏实地 grow up 成年 date back to 始于 take off 流行 3.5 the pit of the stomach 胸口 hang around sth 围在 so that 为的是 reach for 伸出手以触到 feel for 寻找 turn toward(s) 转向 bend to 俯向 make an attempt to do sth 尝试 go about doing sth 着手处理 provide for sth 准备 pick sb up 举起 pull up 把拉过来 make oneself understood 使他人明白自己的意思 on ones owe 单独 be dependent on 依靠 treat with 以.治疗 go on 持续不变 come along 到达 on the one handon the other hand 一方面,另一方面 condemn sb to sth 使某人做不愿做的事 take its course 任其自然发展 fight off 抵抗 be responsible for 对.负有责任 in vain 无结果的 come by 努力获得 chances are (that) 可能. confront with 使面对 come down to归结为 barfrom 禁止某人做某事 3.6 watchfor 留意 come out of 离开 after all 应该记得 attach sth to sth 使某物系在 in addition (to ) 加之 survive on 靠活下来 at work 在工作的地方 so much 这么多 use up 用尽 put out 熄灭 turn off 关闭 in harmony with 与.相配 agree on 达成一致意见 take advantage of 利用 be busy with 忙于 hunger for sth 得到某事物的渴望 check in 登记 live with 接受 make a difference 有影响 be ignorant of 不知道 give back 归还 compared to /with 跟.相比 take away 拿走 in other words 换句话说 3.7 in accordance with 依照 go out of style 过时 be formed from 由构成 offer sth to sb 向某人提供 take to 开始 range from.to在一定范围内变化 in terms of 就而论 bring about 使发生 look like 看起来像 out of proportion to sth 大大超过 be left over 留下来 hold down 不增加 account for 占去 go down 下降 in theory 理论上 nothing but 只有 identical to /with 与 一模一样 chase sb/sth out 驱逐 and(so on and)so forth 等等 what if work with sb 与某人共事 是.怎么办 get a break 交好运 bring into the world 生 on sbs side 对某人有利 with sth in mind 出于目的 long for sth 渴望 get around 成功地解决,克服 the good old days 美好时光 refer to 将称为 by land 从陆路 give birth to 生 exclude sb from 拒绝进入 under the name of 用别名 for short 简称 regardless of 不顾 behind schedule 比预定计划晚 be concerned about/over 担心 in not for 要不是 comparable to /with 可与相have sth in common 有共同之处 puzzle over 努力思考 die out 消亡 wonder about 想知道 send into 使变得 drag through 缓慢的通过 at the prospect of/that 当意识到.可能时 introduce sb to sth 使某人了解某grow out of 起因于 物 go back to 追溯 by far 显然 make sense 有道理 accuse sb/sth of 控告 in case 免得 turn out (to be ) 证实是 a matter of time 时间问题而已 on /upon reflection 再考虑后 3.8 for the sake of doing sth 为了得到 successed in doing sth 成功 view as 视为 work for 为.工作 as well (as) 也 perceive as 当作 carry out 进行 within (ones) reach 方便到达的 in the name of 借之名 come to life 活跃起来 stock with 使藏有 queue up 排长队 in the wake of 随着 stand a chance of 有可能 in the first place 首先 seek out 寻找并发现 fall into 可分成 resign oneself to sth 只得接受 provide for 为提供 pass on 传递 break apart 自行裂开 take a chance on 冒险 7 要比 dispose of 摆脱 make an enquiry into 调查 3.9 work out 发展很好 store away 收起来 insist on/upon 坚决要求 make no mistake(about sth) 毫无疑问 gain in 得到更多的 make/hit the headlines 成为头条新闻 call for 需求 be in line for 即将获得 under pressure 在压力下 draw up 写出 send out 发出 take advice 采纳某人意见 under sbs nose 就在面前 argue over/about 争吵 break out 突然开始 just about 几乎 lead to 导致 enter into sth 开始讨论 have no bearing on 与无关 end up 结束 lay bare 揭示 shed/throw/cast light on 更容易理解 serve as 担任 be related to 与.相关 dozens of 许多 by the time 到的时候 care for 照看 bring about 使发生 in particular特别地 to the point 到达的程度 go on to 转入 scrape by 勉强维持 instead of 代替 3.10 take off 起飞 search for 寻觅 without trace 无影无踪地 tell of 告诉 go so far as to 说或做到程度 turn up 发生 attribute sth to 把.归因于 go on 发生 on the contrary 相反地 to date 到目前为止 on display 展览 expand on/upon 补充 8 from time to time 不时 set off 引起 make contact with 接触 hang over 悬浮于空中 plug in 插上插头 fill with充满 pop out 出来一会儿 get going 开始运做 go up 上升 load with 装 ahead of 超前 10 turn sth over to sb 把交给处理 think of 想起 take sbs /sths place 代替 go into 开始 put together 装配 force into 迫使进入 hang on 坚持 4.1 for the most part 就大多数而言 impose ones company/oneself upon sb 硬缠着某人 for my part 就我而言 count upon /on 料想 make a fuss about 对大惊小怪 run down 使筋疲力尽 object to 反对 now and then 经常 a succession of 一系列 drink in陶醉于 yield to 屈服于 subject to使遭受 take offense 生气 consist of 由组成 look back on 回顾 if anything 如果有的话 get out of hand 失去控制 be based on 基于 come apart崩溃 in conjunction with 连同 at will任意 throw in 额外奉送 by virtue of 由于 go off 离开 in search of 寻求 better off 更幸运 take out ones anger on sb 向某人发泄自己的愤怒 result in 导致 take on 承担 in the end 最终 4.2 cut down改短 in rags衣衫褴褛的 for good永久地 trip up 绊倒 make up 捏造 come down in the world 失势 to a / some degree 有些 go along 前进 in advance 预先 find ones way into 进入 run for竞选 vote in 投票选出 from door to door 挨家挨户地 take care of 照顾 spy on / upon监视 shut out of 把排斥在外 have / get the upper hand 占优势 make up 构成 break up 解散 tear down 拆毁 in / by contrast相比之下 in earnest 认真地 be proud of 对感到自豪 lay out 摆出 feel like 想要 watch over 照顾 deliver the goods 履行诺言 4.3 face with 使面对 drum up 竭力争取 under the table私下 get / be involved in 介入 deep down在心底 make a fool of sb 愚弄某人 talk back 顶嘴 break down 坏掉 get around 四处走动 look into调查 fill out 填写 account for 解释 build up 逐步建立 go through 经历 lend oneself / sth to 适宜于某事 convict of 判决有罪 bear witness to 表明 catch up 赶上 load with 满载着 switch on 接通电流 out of tune 走调 hold up 举起 skim the surface 触及表面 4.4 be stuck with 无法摆脱 a matter of sth / doing sth 需要的问题choose between 在两者中作出选择 date from 始于 be stuck in 陷入 scratch the surface 触及表面 log on to 进入系统 at ones disposal 有某人支配 make use of 使用


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