四年级下册英语教案四年级英语第四册 Unit 1 Transportation Lesson 1 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Learn to say. AIMS: 1. FUNCTION: Introduce the transportation. 2. LANGUAGE: How do they go to school? They go to school by motorcycle/car/ How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by motorcycle/car/ 3. VOCABULARY: hurry, motorcycle. LANGUAGE FOCUS: How do they go to school? They go to school by motorcycle/car/ How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by motorcycle/car/ DIFFICULT POINT: How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by motorcycle/car/ AIDS: tape, cards. PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PUOROSES Warm up 1.Make a dialogue. 2. Sing a song Presentation Presentation learn to say. learn to say. 1 T: The new term begins. T: Welcome back to our school. Nice to see you again. S: Nice to see you too. Ss say and do the action. 2 Sing a song. 1 Show the picture on the blackboard, let the students look at the picture and listen to the tape. 2. 教师扮演陈玲,与学生进行课文对话。 3. The teacher shows the pictures and describe. T: Please practice in groups. 4. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape. 5. Listen and point 6. Listen and repeat 通过对话、歌曲使学生很快回到课堂中来。自然引入新课的教学。 呈现任务,激发学生的学习欲望,使学生明确本课的教学目的。 培养学生静听的习惯,检查学生的听力情况。 1 Look and say Presentation Ask and answer Do a survey. 1. Learn some sentences. e.g. A: How do they go to school? B: They go to school by bake/on foot. a) Listen to the tape. b) Learn to say. c) Dialog. 2. Learn some sentences. e.g. A: How does he/she go to school? B: He/she goes to school by motorcycle/car. d) Listen to the tape. e) Learn to say. f) Dialog. a) Listen to the tape. b) Learn to say. c) Dialog. e.g. S: Hi, Wang Tao. How do you come to school? W: I come to school by motorcycle. How about you? S: I come to school by car. Activity in groups. 学生在完成这个任务,体验成功的喜悦的同时,不仅提高了学生的语言实践能力,而且对于学生的英语综合素质有很大的帮助。 学生在完成这个任务,体验成功的喜悦的同时,不仅提高了学生的语言实践能力,而且对于学生的英语综合素质有很大的帮助。 Assignment 教学追记: 1. Listen to the tape and repeat. 2. Copy the words. 2 Unit 1 Transportation Lesson 2 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: Unit 1 Lesson 2 Learn to say. AIMS: 1. FUNCTION: Introduce the transportation. Study the pronunciation of “w、r” and “ow” in a word. 2. LANGUAGE: How do they go to school? They go to school by motorcycle/car/ Whos he/she? He/shes my 3. VOCABULARY: work, often, plane, aunt, student, train. LANGUAGE FOCUS: How do they go to school? They go to school by motorcycle/car/ Whos he/she? He/shes my DIFFICULT POINT: How do they go to school? They go to school by motorcycle/car/ Whos he/she? He/shes my AIDS: tape, cards. PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PUOROSES Warm up Sing a song Review Presentation Presentation learn to say. learn to say. 通过对话、唱歌等复习使学生很快回到课堂中1. Review some words. 来。自然引2. dialog: 入新课的教A: How do you go to school? 学。 B: I go to school by 1Work in a group, discuss 鼓励学生畅the question: How do you do 所欲言,给go to school? 予学生充分2. Render the result. 表达的空间3. Encourage the students to 并 say. 呈现任务,T: Do you want know how 激发学生的does Sallys father and Wang 学习欲望,Taos aunt go to work? 使学生明确4、Listen to the tape, and then 本课的教学think about how does Sallys 目的。 father and Wang Taos aunt 听音初步感go to work? 知课文内5、Listen to the tape again, 容。 and then recite the whole text. 1 Greetings. 2 Sing a song. 3 Imitate the speech and 在理解的基the intonation earnestly. 础上模仿课文录音,巩固课文内容。 学生在完成这个任务,d) Listen to the tape. 体验成功的e) Learn to say. 喜悦的同f) Dialog. 时,不仅提e.g. 高了学生的A: How do they go to 语言实践能Beijing? 力,而且对B: They go to Beijing by 于学生的英语综合素质有很大的帮助。 1、 Study the pronunciation of “w、r” in a word. 通过认知和Listen and learn the Learn the pronunciation via 感悟的途径English words. listen and read. 去掌握正确2、Listen to the tape, and then 的读音,发read after it. 现其发音规3、 Study the pronunciation 律,符合学of “ow” in a word. 生的认知特Review the words: cow、点。 now、flower. Let the students think of what characteristic do these 教师的及时words have? 评价能给学4、The teacher helps the 生的学习带students to comprehend the 来极大的活pronunciation of “ow” in a 力。 word. 作业分层设1. Listen to the tape and repeat. 计,鼓励学2.Copy the words. 生与家长合作 Ask and answer Presentation Assignment 教学追记: 4 Unit 2 Days of the week Lesson 3 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: Unit 2 Lesson 1 Learn to say. AIMS: 1. FUNCTION: Introduce the days of the week. 2. LANGUAGE: How do you go to work? On Monday/ I go to work by bike/ 3. VOCABULARY: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. LANGUAGE FOCUS: How do you go to work? On Monday/ I go to work by bike/ DIFFICULT POINT: How do you go to work? On Monday/ I go to work by bike/ AIDS: tape, cards. PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PUOROSES Warm up Presentation Presentation learn to say. Presentation Sing a song 通过对话、歌曲使学生很1Greetings 快回到课堂2 Sing a song. 中来。自然引入新课的教学。 1 Show the picture on the blackboard, let the students 呈现任务,激look at the picture and listen 发学生的学to the tape. 习欲望,使学2. Learn the words. 生明确本课3. The teacher shows the 的教学目的。 word cards and describe. T: Please practice in groups. 4. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape. 培养学生静5. Listen and point 听的习惯,检6. Listen and repeat 查学生的听力情况。 1. Learn some sentences. 通过学歌曲2. Listen to the tape. 激发学生的3. learn the song. 学习热情 5 Read the dialog. Play a game. 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Learn to say. 3. Dialog. e.g. G: How do you go to work, Mr. Robot? R: On Monday I go to work on foot. On Tuesday I go to work by bike. On Wednesday I go to work by motorcycle. 1. 出示写有简称的星期卡片让学生读出全称。 e.g. T: Ss: Sunday. T: By car. Ss: On Sunday I go to the park by car. 学生在完成这个任务,体验成功的喜悦的同时,不仅提高了学生的语言实践能力,而且对于学生的英语综合素质有很大的帮助。 Assignment 教学追记: 1. Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Copy the words. 6 Unit 2 Days of the week Lesson 4 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: Unit 2 Lesson 2 Learn to say. AIMS: 1. FUNCTION: Introduce the days of the week. Study the pronunciation of “ch、tch” and “ow” in a word. 2. LANGUAGE: A: What do you have for lunch on Monday/Tuesday? B: We have dumplings, ice cream 3. VOCABULARY: menu LANGUAGE FOCUS: A: What do you have for lunch on Monday/Tuesday? B: We have dumplings, ice cream DIFFICULT POINT: A: What do you have for lunch on Monday/Tuesday? B: We have dumplings, ice cream AIDS: tape, cards. PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PUOROSES Warm up Sing a song Review 3 Greetings. 4 Sing a song: There Are 通过对话、Seven Days. 唱歌等复习使学生很快回到课堂中3. Review some words. 来。自然引4. dialog: A: How do you go to work? 入新课的教B: On Monday I go to work 学。 on foot. 1Listen to the tape. 2. Learn to say. 3. Encourage the students to say. T: Do you want know our school lunch menu? Ss: (引导学生说出他们午餐吃什么) 4、Listen to the tape again, and then recite the whole text. Imitate the speech and the intonation earnestly. 1. Listen to the tape. 2. learn two sentences: Presentation Presentation 鼓励学生畅所欲言,给予学生充分表达的空并 learn to say. 呈现任务,激发学生的学习欲望,使学生明确本课的教学目的。 在理解的基 A: What do you have for lunch 础上模仿课Ask and answer. on Monday/ Tuesday? 文录音,巩B: We have dumplings, ice 固课文内cream 容。 7 3. Listen to the tape again. Then dialog. Presentation 1、 Study the pronunciation of “ch、tch” in a word. Learn the pronunciation via listen and read. 2、Listen to the tape, and then read after it. 3、 Study the pronunciation of “ow” in a word. Listen and learn the Review the words: snow, window, yellow. English words. Let the students think of what characteristic do these words have? 4、The teacher helps the students to comprehend the pronunciation of “ow” in a word. 通过认知和感悟的途径去掌握正确的读音,发现其发音规律,符合学生的认知特点。 教师的及时评价能给学生的学习带来极大的活力。 Assignment 教学追记: 1. Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Copy the words. 作业分层设计,鼓励学生与家长合作 8 UNIT 3 LESSON 5 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: P19-22. AIMS: 1. FUNCTION: Talk about school subjects 2. LANGUAGE: Do you have class on Monday/Tuesday Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 3. VOCABULARY: English, Chinese, math, music, science, art, PE LANGUAGE FOCUS: Do you have class on Monday/Tuesday Yes, I do. / No, I dont. DIFFICULT POINT: English, Chinese, math, music, science, art, PE AIDS: tape, cards, some pictures. PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSES Warm up 1. Greeting. T-Ss. 2. Sing a song: Ss sing and do the <There are seven action. days.> Revision Presentation 充分利用歌曲,创设良好的英语氛围,激发学生的学习热情。 1. Review some T: (Show a word 通过复习一星期words. card.) What day is 七天的表示方法, today? 引入新课学习。 S1: Its (Say it one by one.) 1. Learn to say. 1. T plays the tape; 听音,整体感知课 Ss look at the 文内容。 book, listen, and point. 2. Let Ss try to say 通过自然导入,使 the meanings of 课堂气氛生动活 these sentences. 跃,学生乐于参 3. T explains these 与。 phrases: We have an English class today. Do you have an English class today? 4. Listen to the 听录音读课文,先 tape carefully once 听再读,从小养成 more, and then 良好的习惯。 read after it until Ss are proficient 9 2. Show a class schedule. Learn the new words. 3. Ask and answer. 4. Fill in the chart. Assignment in. 1. T: (Show a class schedule.) Look, this is our class schedule. On Monday we have a Chinese class, an English class, and a math class in the morning. Read after me “Chinese”. (Use the same method teach other words.) T: (Show the class schedule.) Do you have music class on Monday? S1: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (Say it one by one.) Let the students fill it by themselves. 1. Read the text in pair work. 2. Activity Book. 3. Copy the words five times. 句型操练是每节英语课不可缺少的环节。 教学追记: 10 UNIT 3 LESSON 6 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: P23-27 AIMS: 1. FUNCTION: Talk about school subjects 2. LANGUAGE: What is your favorite subject? 3. VOCABULARY: favorite, subject, yours, together, sing, swing, spring LANGUAGE FOCUS: What is your favorite subject? DIFFICULT POINT: Learn the English sounds. AIDS: tape, cards, some pictures. PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSES Warm up Revision Presentation 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song: < <There are seven days.> > 1. Review and consolidate the phrases of Lesson5. 2. Review and consolidate the sentences of Lesson5. 1. Learn to say. 11 T-Ss. Ss sing and do the 营造轻松愉快的action. 课堂气氛,激发学生的学习热情。 T: (Show the math book.) 以师生角色互换Ss: Math. 形式来复习巩固 单词,师生互动巩T: Math. 固单词,学生饶有T: (Show the math 趣味, 提高了学book.) 习效率。 T: Do you have a math today? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 1. T plays the tape; 听音,整体感知课Ss look at the 文内容。 book, listen, and point. 2. Let Ss try to say 通过自然导入,使the meanings of 课堂气氛生动活these sentences. 跃,学生乐于参3. T explains these 与。 phrases: We have an English class today. Do you have an English class today? 4. Listen to the 听录音读课文,先tape carefully once 听再读,从小养成more, and then 良好的习惯。 2. Ask and answer. 3. Listen and circle the right answer. 4. Listen and learn the English sounds. Assignment read after it until Ss are proficient in. 1. Look and read three times. 2. T: What is your favorite subject? S1: S1: What is your favorite subject? S2: (Ask answer one by one.) 2. Listen to the tape carefully, and then circle. 3. Comment and appraise. 1. Listen to the tape carefully. 2. Comprehend the meanings of the two sentences. 3. Listen to the tape once more, and then read it. 1. Do evaluate in pair work. 2. Read the text in pair work. 3. Activity Book. 4. Copy the new words five times. 听音做答,从小养成良好的听音习惯,不仅复习巩固了学习内容,也训练了听力。 教学追记: 12 Review 1 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: P28-30. AIMS: 1. FUNCTION: Learn the English sounds. 2. LANGUAGE: Review the sentences of favorite. For example: What is your favorite subject? What is your favorite food? 3. VOCABULARY: Review the words of subjects. For example: English, Chinese, math, music, science, art, PE LANGUAGE FOCUS: Learn the English sounds. DIFFICULT POINT: Learn the English sounds. AIDS: tape, cards, some pictures PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSES Warm up 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song. Revision 1. Review the words of subjects. 2. Play a game. 3. Review the sentences of favorite. Presentation 1. Listen and learn the English sounds. 13 T-Ss. 1. Listen to the tape carefully. 2. T explains these lyrics. 3. Ss read the lyrics once more. 4. Ss listen, and sing. T: (Shows the words cards.) Ss: (Read them.) S1: (Say a word.) S-others: (rise up the relevant card.) T: What is your favorite subject? S1: 1. Listen to the tape carefully. 2. Comprehend the meanings of the two sentences. 3. Listen to the tape once more, and then read it. 活跃课堂气氛,创造学习英语的轻松环境。 利用多种方式复习已学的单词、句型,承上启下,创设情景,激发求知欲。 Assignment 教学追记: 2. Read a poem. 1. Listen to the 重视听音训练,以 tape carefully. 听带读,听中理解 2. Comprehend the 句子内容。 meanings of the sentences. 3. Listen to the tape once more, and then read it. 1. Read the words three times. 2. Activity Book. 14 NSE 4B UNIT 4 Lesson7 使用教师:_ CONTENTS: AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Talking about activities after class. 2. LANGUAGE: What are they doing? They are 3. VOCABULARY: basketball, pass, catch, shot, ping-pong, football LANGUAGE FOCUS: What are they doing? They are DIFFICULT POINT: Hu ping is passing the ball. Catch, Wang Tao! Good shot! AIDS: tape, radio, cards PROCEDURCONTENTS ES 1. Greeting. Warm up music room. > METHODS T-Ss. PURPOSES 营造轻松愉快的学习环境 生动活泼地复习单词,调动学生的积极性。 2. Sing a song: <The Ss sing and do the action. Revision 1. Review the words of subjects. 2. Review the sentences of favorite. Presentation Learn to say. T: (Shows the words cards.) Ss: (Read them.) T: What is your favorite subject? S1: T: (show the picture) look at the picture, what can you see? (Show the cards learn the new words: basketball, pass, catch, shot.) T: Now we are listening to the tape, ask the Ss point to the sentences, and then I pause the tape after each sentence. Please repeat those sentences. Ss read after